The Coconut Fibers are the Key to this hunt

The dimensions of this (3'10" wide and 6'4" high) circular tunnel corresponds with dimensions used by 18th Century Cornish Tin Miner's tunnels.

It definitely brings more clarity to this drawing in the area showing the circular tunnel around the drains in the right side of the drawing.

View attachment 1090276

Literally every tunnel shown in lines above was made on the Island.....they blew up two channels but the water flowed around their imploded areas.....through the complex shown at the left.....

the final drain will come from the swamp.....shape on the left has the stones in a line, set in the swamp in the same direction, and really set the hook on this being the tunnel mapping system......

They put dye down the Borehole 10X.......

What going to happen to the works of Shakespeare after it gets soaked with Green Dye.......LOL

the next episode after the guy comes in with the corn solve they are out dumping chems in the groundwater to see if seeps through the aquifers or the tunnels around the island.

bet all the canadians loved seeing them call out Le Supercopter for the reminded me of the time I read an article about a police copter that was patrolling for weed and landed on a farm, to find it was an Ocra crop......
well they are both Green.

If I present a letter from myself to De Beers discussing the large amounts of diamonds that I've dug up in downtown Bremerton, would you accept it as fact? I can type it up on a typewriter and scan it if you wish, but it would be far easier for everyone if I just saved it as a .txt and posted it here.

Why would anyone care? Now if you asked them to invest in your diamond operation, then proof would be needed, but until then, it would just be an interesting story, true or false.

Hay Uzzard, I just checked out the link you posted Dennis King's article on the "Finger Drains"

and thats the kind of info we need on this site. Yes the so called drains could of been used for making salt and it all fits for the area and the times. BUT another question comes up :icon_scratch: the fibers date back to the 1300's way before the time in the link at 1700's. Any way the fibers could of been used to make salt and when needed they could make rope from them. We may never know. But the tunnel story is dead until we see proof of them. I am sure when the fibers and stones were found the tunnel story was the best idea at the time and it fit but now many test have been done in the last 50 years and still no tunnels found. Good Job :notworthy:

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Gawly Geez your hung on this rope theory huh?......LOL....

I'd say we know whoever was here made rope, and salt, and fresh water, and prolly hunted and fished too.

They may even have brought their own plants and seeds.

But ultimately I think that we all have a small or a few pieces of it, and the whole story fits as well.......with multiple guests and visitors, after the originals and the builders of the pit. I think we can easily fight eachother off with facts, but they always seem to be countered someway by another. Thats because numerous points are correct in this equasion spanning a good 650 years.

This doesnt have to be a right or wrong theory argument, its just which parts to accept along the period of the 1300s to the pres.......thats a ton of activity, and even more doubt thrown on top as the days go by by folk who get torn up over their theories......

bet all the canadians loved seeing them call out Le Supercopter for the reminded me of the time I read an article about a police copter that was patrolling for weed and landed on a farm, to find it was an Ocra crop......
well they are both Green.

"Hey Julian, there goes another one of them hela-****suckers"

The okra crop was a decoy. Trust me on this one.

templars shmemplars!
the real treasure from oak island is how they had any tools or technical knowledge in the 1600's to bore shafts going from 13 feet underwater offshore at a downward angle, meeting at a central hole, lined them and without the least maintenance for 500 years they still work.

Prove how that was done and I'll buy all the other nonexistant finds as a package deal

Prove how the pyramids were built and I'll give you a kiss.

not falling for that one again!

Not Tunnels what you saw was cracks in the bedrock out there. When Dan B. did tried the dye back then it came out from 3 areas of the island, he said there must be more tunnels :BangHead: come on now, how many tunnels does it take to flood the Money Pit. Just one cover up after another. Thats what wrong with this hunt. Lets start to put a end to some of the ideas and move on.:notworthy:
templars shmemplars!
the real treasure from oak island is how they had any tools or technical knowledge in the 1600's to bore shafts going from 13 feet underwater offshore at a downward angle, meeting at a central hole, lined them and without the least maintenance for 500 years they still work.

Prove how that was done and I'll buy all the other nonexistant finds as a package deal

I remember reading about Blankenship finding the structure close to Smith's it was from this site or another I can not remember.But it was from a source I thought was credible.
I have not watched all the TV episodes but am a bit surprised if it has not been mentioned.

I have done a lot of reading about these drains the last few days and only a few pages have found their way into my bookmarks.
Some were not based on facts enough to suit me ...........Some bordered on insanity........Every once in a while you find a well written fact based article followed by a good solid theory.

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Eldo this theory of the box drains being used to filter salt from sea water sounds highly implausible to me. Even if the coir fibres managed to grab ahold of all the tiny dissolved salt particles, surely they would become clogged with salt, which would require maintenance i.e. digging up the beach over and over again.

Channelled Salt Terrace Method
in the article it claims the Oak Island method is very similar to the Channelled Salt Terrace Method used for 100's of years in Japan.

* I will be honest here and say I have not looked into the differences between the 2 or even how the operation works other then the basic goal they were trying to accomplish.

BUT check it out for yourself .......research it and if you find huge differences or problems I am sure others here would also like to know.

Dave, you must realize that you are not the only detractor, and my statement is that not all of the material found is coconut fibre. In other words, there is not as much of this material as some believe.

Then you must straighten out some of the folks in your camp on that. Also, I'm not your detractor. I have nothing against you. I'm merely here to discuss facts and things that are not facts.

As for the Scottish connections, I will hold my sources for several reasons, first, It is important to know that the templars did go somewhere, if a person hasn't come to that conclusion discussing Scotland would be a waste of time.

Are you saying that if someone has evidence that the Templars went somewhere from Scotland but won't present that evidence to someone that doesn't believe this simply because they don't believe it based on a lack of evidence, because it would be a waste of time? Did I misunderstand this?

and third, I am in the process of getting a book published on all of this and some of that may let the cat out of the bag, so to speak.

Ah. This explains much.
Puddle clay can be described as (blue clay) which was found in abundance within the Money Pit Shaft and these Tunnels.
Blue clay is not indigenous to Oak Island and no previous explanation as to its purpose for being there has been explained.

As it was found in abundance, there must be plenty of it around. Where is it?

just curios, correct me if im wrong... has anyone even proven how somone in the 1300s or even 1600s build those booby trap drain tunnels that feed the money pit. how could someone build something like that back then and be successful without dying. once you dig from land to the sea, it will cave in and drown you. has anyone ever dug in the sand real deep on any beach. once you get down a certain level it fills up with water. this is an island surrounded. so the underlying material at certain depths have to absorb the surrounding sea. just makes sense that when you dig down that deep it will fill with water. maybe the coconut fibers were placed to slow down the absobsion. im far from a treasure hunter, but i do love reading the mysteries. anyways, id love to see some evidence how they could even build them box drain tunnels that deep, that long and come out at sea and live.

the only scenerio i can think of, is if the ark of the covenent is in their, the great almighty could set the seas back and hold it til everything was done, like the departure of the red sea i believe it was.

As far as I can tell, no one has dug up the beach, and the drain is not a fact. Coconut fibers have been recovered, but not in any great amounts.
i am in on this. why not dig a deep cross trench to see if there is in fact flood tunnels. then collapse them away from the pit. that should stop the flooding unless its water absorbed from it being surrounded bt water.

You guys are so funny.......they blew the crap outta the place with dynamite after the original guys documented the dig of the tunnels....

no wonder there are no tubes left.........they blew them up........

some of you are asking for photographic evidence of something that couldn't be photographed, cause the first prints weren't developed 'till 1829, and weren't in use til bout 1860's in would there be any other 'Proof' besides the drawings and other written statements

Everyone here is hooked on the thought that it was Templars.......that is more of a 'Rumor' than the speculation about the tunnels

someone started a rumor the tunnels don't exist.......and we spent pages proving they do exist, at least partially, and we have other witness statements that say they do exist as well in document form.

The rumor is dead, and due to the tilling and repetitive digging, we expect to see proof.....impossible....the place has been churned up three times at least.

The bigger issue is the builder of the pit, and what the whole area was used for.....

For the record I do not believe there ever was a tunnel

I do believe there was some sort of drain system leaving smith cove but that these did not come close in connecting with the money pit to make a booby trap
Since that area was completely excavated I would be surprised if anything could be found today that could help prove they were there.

my thoughts on exactly what the money pit was has changed often since I started researching oak island ......if you had to pin me down on my opinion at the moment I would be hard pressed about weather it was just a natural sink hole or it had something to do with those drains.

I have taken part of excavating 2 sink holes to plug them at the throat and it was very easy to tell it was a sink hole because you would find material from the surface way deeper then you should(top soil,tree roots...etc) and also a lot of the rocks were rounded like those you find in a creek bed.
Now these sinkholes were not formed by cracks in the bedrock at 140' so they may have looked much different when excavating then those at oak island.

I would think they would have figured it out if they were digging a sink hole..........only reason I am not leaning harder on the sink hole theory

I do not think the money pit is treasure related.

For the record I do not believe there ever was a tunnel

......if you had to pin me down on my opinion at the moment I would be hard pressed about weather it was just a natural sink hole or it had something to do with those drains.

I do not think the money pit is treasure related.

thats cool neither do i now......I have always thought the pit was a distraction, but markers were left on the island to a place some leagues away...

I have this location, its no mystery they havent found something,

nor is it any mystery that there are a series of clues to be followed and they do not stop at the pit.

The pit is along a series of charted and mapped clues to the areas from the European Coast.....I also have this map.

The map shows a Cerro Punto, leading to the point of landing in the area to the troves......if you know what to look for on the map, you can go there immediately, if you are wandering through the area, there are guided markers that make an entire overlay, that show these points, in a sequence, from one island and marking, with carved stones and mapped coastlines and islands......

You have to find the map, and find the heart......thats how the "Romantics" hid their the arts.....Davinci, Bacon, Poussin, and others as well.

Gotta have the map, and the map is VERY HARD TO READ....

without this, you will not see the signs charted and recognize their navigational markings.....they are ALL symbols to navigate by.

Then you must straighten out some of the folks in your camp on that. Also, I'm not your detractor. I have nothing against you. I'm merely here to discuss facts and things that are not facts.

Are you saying that if someone has evidence that the Templars went somewhere from Scotland but won't present that evidence to someone that doesn't believe this simply because they don't believe it based on a lack of evidence, because it would be a waste of time? Did I misunderstand this?

Ah. This explains much.

As it was found in abundance, there must be plenty of it around. Where is it?

There are very few here in my camp. I have always said that Oak Island was simply a landing place, a port to access a Templar fortress up the Gold River. And even that was vacated in the middle of the 16th century when the artifacts were move to the area of Annapolis Basin.
Another point is that, no matter how much coconut fibre was actually on Oak Island, it was there and that is proven.

What I am saying about Scotland is that to prove Templars sailed there in 1307, you must first prove they sailed somewhere. At that point you can then show that was indeed the logical choice, as for one thing the Scottish authorities never arrested any of them although there were known to be 100's of Templar property's in Scotland, and that is only one minor point. There is also physical evidence of Templars escaping there from France. Certainly all Templars did not go to Scotland, many went to Portugal, Spain and other areas. Some simply blended back into the Cistercian Order. It is also a fact that not all Templars knew about the artifacts and where they were going, as with all secret orders there was a select inner circle which included the new Grand Master. Of all of those who escaped France he was the most wanted and yet was never seen or heard from again.

BTW, how come when I post your requested sources you don't acknowledge them?...Loki

I asked you if you could post some info about the move to Annapolis Basin, but still waiting.....

We are pretty much are in agreement about the shuffle

But to say it was moved to New Ross, then to Annapolis....??

Thats a leap.......

Can you expand that point with some references?

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