Jeep Nomad,
Here is what I mean by the confusion with the old Mining Claim recordings.
Waltz's Gross Lode claim was originally recorded Sept 21, 1863 by JV Wheelhouse the Yavapai County Recorder. It was recorded in the first Recorders book of Yavapai County.
Later on, the Walker Mining District was split and part of the District became the Turkey Creek District.
Waltz's Gross Lode claim was transferred from the Walker to the Turkey Creek District and recorded in yet another book of Records.
Here is that transfer Recording:
Transfer Recording of the Gross Lode Turkey Creek District
Is hereby given that the following (Gents) Viz) Wm. Gross, Fisher, Jacob Waltz, JR Black and G Brooks Claims five claims by preemption and one by Discovery on the "Gross Lode" two of which are situated in a northeast direction from their notice placed in a pile of rocks. Three claims in a southwest direction from said Notice, also one hundred feet on each side of the lode with all it's dips, spins and angles together with all Minerals contained therein.
Transfered Sept 10th, 1864
Turkey Creek District
10 AM, A.D. 1864
Charles Taylor Recorder
Recorded in Walkers District
Sept. 21st, 1863
by JV Wheelhouse Recorder
It is not an easy task to track those early records.