I asked you nicely as a heads up. I'm not the one being an a$$ here.
The problem with the internet is that there is no tone or inflection. Your post seemed like a warning to me to stay off claims in the area. If that was the case, I was going to tell you to pound sand.
If you intended it strictly as a caution, then I apologize. Like I said, my back gets up quick when people attempt to order me around (unless they have the authority to do so).
There is no active mining claim at McCabe. The property is owned by Broken Hill Properties and is used for wildlife habitat and cattle grazing. There are no plans to reopen either McCabe or McCabe-Gladstone Mines. Rockhounding is allowed.
I know of several places open to claim in the area. BLM has gotten very ahole-ish about yanking claims in the last ten or so years. I'll give you a hint about one. Near Rose Creek is a set of old claims a good buddy of mine has been friends with the owner for fifty years. The area looked to me to be very interesting. My buddy and I got in an argument about the claims' status. He called his friend that said he had to give up the claims several years ago. They were no longer active. Think about it. Unclaimed area with about six tributaries into Rose Creek! Not private land and open to claims. The previous owner of the Mayer Gravel Pit told me that the little valley behind the pit held untold millions in gold. They used to process all the dirt and gravel from that pit and they got LOADS of gold. They had some kid that used to come in and sell it to Pat at A&B.
Kevin was a very interesting guy. Everything coming out of the Union had to be crushed very fine to get the super fine gold. My buddy and I were the ones that talked him into getting the Goldwell Vortex Sluice.
I am not a miner. I am a treasure hunter. I know about mining and prospecting because I wanted to know what the Spanish were looking for when they came through Arizona and California. I hunt lost/hidden mines (mostly Superstitions). There are a few old Spanish Mines that have active claims currently. There are even a few legitimate lost mines in the area:
I don't join the GPAA because 99% of their claims are crap. Same with LDMA, and I don't get excited about spending the day digging dirt for gas money. Roadrunners have some decent claims and Big Bug is always getting replenished. I know people from every mining group around.