All three of Jacob Waltz Mining Claims:
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Gross Lode Mining Claim
Notice is hereby given that the following gents, viz “Wm Gross, Antone Fisher, Jacob Waltz, J.B.Black, G Brooke claim five claims by preemption, one by Discovery on the Gross Lode, two of which are situated in a north easterly direction from the Notice placed in a pile of rocks, three claims in a south westerly direction and a discovery claim also in a south westerly direction from said Notice also one hundred feet on each side of said Lode with all minerals contained within.
Sept 21st 1863 JV Wheelhouse Recorder
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Big Rebel Lode
Notice Sep. 14, 1864 We the undersigned claim three claims of one hundred yards each on this the Big Rebel lode with all dis, spins and angles and fifty yards each side of the lode with all minerals contained therein running one hundred and fifty yards each way from this Notice in a north easterly and south westerly direction.
Joseph Smith, Peter Backens, Jacob Wals
File for record January c. 1865 William Dennison Recorder
By Fred Henry Deputy
View attachment 1484450
General Grant Lode
Notice Dec 27, 1865 I the undersigned claim one hundred yards on this the General Grant Lode commencing at the northeast boundary of J.A. Lane claim and running easterly one hundred yards with all dips, spins and angles also fifty yards each side of the Lode with all mineral contained therein being claim No.2 from discovery.
Jacob Waltz