The Big Rebel Mine

Attached is the patent application and mineral survey for the Big Rebel. Thomas Glover indicated that he has covered the Big Rebel and General Grant claims in Walnut Grove District in his part 2 book that will be released soon. Early leader in the area was AW Callen (Old Grizzly). There is a great write up on Placeritas on the web. Callen did find free gold at Placeritas. No free gold at the Big Rebel.

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For all you mining researchers: as Jeep Nomad has done here, when you download a Mineral Survey plat from the BLM GLO site, always get the field notes too. There is often a wealth of information in the surveyor's notes.

Attached is the patent application and mineral survey for the Big Rebel. Thomas Glover indicated that he has covered the Big Rebel and General Grant claims in Walnut Grove District in his part 2 book that will be released soon. Early leader in the area was AW Callen (Old Grizzly). There is a great write up on Placeritas on the web. Callen did find free gold at Placeritas. No free gold at the Big Rebel.

View attachment 1736933

Then in 1902 a person named JH Hise came in and bought up a bunch of mines in the Walnut Grove District, including the Big Rebel.


Then in 1902 a person named JH Hise came in and bought up a bunch of mines in the Walnut Grove District, including the Big Rebel.

is all that area private land now?

is all that area private land now?

I am not sure. I still haven't gotten over to the "other" Big Rebel yet. I am spending a lot of time around the old McCabe Mine near Humboldt. Tons of pretty pyrite, peacock, and copper ore there. Still haven't gotten a nice gold specimen from there yet. I have some rocks that aren't hot, but they set off the Gold Bug II in all metal and iron discriminate. Something nice inside!


Then in 1902 a person named JH Hise came in and bought up a bunch of mines in the Walnut Grove District, including the Big Rebel.

mike...your pm box is full...clear some old ones

Attached is Old Grizzly's letter in 1896. He lists several claims in La Coolavajo Gulch. Has anyone seen this name in the Walnut Grove/French Gulch/Yarnell area?
Old Grizzly 1896.webp

callen watch.webp

The picture shows a watch gifted to the Smithsonian by a member of the Callen family. Callen spent 23 years prospecting near Placeritas with the biggest find recorded as a 10 oz nugget.

This gold pocket watch and fob are not a set as one might think, but they do share a common history. Anson Williber Callen ordered and gifted both of these these precious items to his son and daughter to mark their birthdays. Mr. Callen, of
Junction City, Kansas, made his fortune as a guide for expeditions going to Colorado, Arizona, and Nevada in search of gold. In exchange for his services, he negotiated an interest in each mine and its production. The gold nuggets that cover the surface of this watch and chain are believed to have come from one of the mines that he helped discover.
Callen gave his daughter, Ella, this 18 karat watch made by Hampden and set with four rubies and a .50 karat European cut diamond. Its inscription reads "A W Callen to his daughter E E Callen on the 16th anniversary of her birth April 19th 1886.” For his son, Jacob Benton, Callen chose a sizeable pocket watch made by the Elgin National Watch Company (not shown here) and this chain. He had the fob engraved to say ‘to J.B. Callen on the 27th Anniversary of his birth with love from his father "Old Grizzly" Junction City, Kansas September 22, 1885." Jacob’s birth was important to more than just the Callen family as he was reported to be the first Caucasian child born in Junction City, which was not yet a formal western frontier settlement.
Men like Anson Williber Callen embodied the American pioneer spirit. He travelled westward with his family in search of fortune and found it. Artifacts like these remind us of these people who settled the ‘Wild West’ in the nineteenth century.

I am not sure. I still haven't gotten over to the "other" Big Rebel yet. I am spending a lot of time around the old McCabe Mine near Humboldt. Tons of pretty pyrite, peacock, and copper ore there. Still haven't gotten a nice gold specimen from there yet. I have some rocks that aren't hot, but they set off the Gold Bug II in all metal and iron discriminate. Something nice inside!



Please pay attention to where you are. We have several claims in that area.

Edit: Alot of the area around McCabe is also patented.

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Please pay attention to where you are. We have several claims in that area.

Edit: Alot of the area around McCabe is also patented.

Hmm sounds like the area may have some "toe poppers" in the ground waiting for the wayward claimjumper to step on 'em! :laughing7:


Please pay attention to where you are. We have several claims in that area.

Edit: Alot of the area around McCabe is also patented.

Why should I "pay attention" to where I am? Are you trying to tell me I can't walk across a claim? If so, you need to check mining regs. I also understand Patented Claims (which are akin to Private Property). I know exactly what is claimed and what is not wherever I go. I live not too far from McCabe. I know most of the folks that prospect and mine from Meyer to Prescott. I'll go almost anywhere I please. I don't cross fences that are posted "Private Property" and I don't dig on active claims. Other than that I am a grown man that WILL NOT be ordered around. If you have a problem, then hike up your skirt and say something to me face to face. You don't know me, but you'll find I am one of the easiest going people you'll ever know. Insult or try and order me around, you'll find that I can be the biggest ahole you have ever met. Why don't we refrain from going there? Its up to you.


I am not sure. I still haven't gotten over to the "other" Big Rebel yet. I am spending a lot of time around the old McCabe Mine near Humboldt. Tons of pretty pyrite, peacock, and copper ore there. Still haven't gotten a nice gold specimen from there yet. I have some rocks that aren't hot, but they set off the Gold Bug II in all metal and iron discriminate. Something nice inside!


McCabe, Gladstone, Rebel, Little Jessie, Idaho, SilverBelt, and all in between are Patent Private land..and most of the rest of the land is under claim. So beware of whos land or area you are poking around in..A lot of the private land owners are in an out of there all the time, and dont expect it to be clearly marked...also check LR2000 and county recorder. It took me a good while to find open land out there and currently have 2 private claims..pretty much all of the land directly east and west of there is claimed up tight..Roadrunner and GPAA have a couple decent claims however.

Hmm sounds like the area may have some "toe poppers" in the ground waiting for the wayward claimjumper to step on 'em! :laughing7:

If I am visiting an active or patented mining claim, I don't carry any digging equipment or rock picks. Only a camera. If I catch a toe popper that's not on a Patented Claim or Private Property, I'll find out who planted it and spread some furniture around. You can't legally plant a booby trap. What if I was a parent (scary thought) taking my little kid to see one of Jacob Waltz' Mines, and my young child catches a booby trap somewhere we have a legal right to be:


The public may use the surface of a mining claim for any purpose allowed on other public lands other than mining. The public may not interfere with valid mining activities.


Why should I "pay attention" to where I am? Are you trying to tell me I can't walk across a claim? If so, you need to check mining regs. I also understand Patented Claims (which are akin to Private Property). I know exactly what is claimed and what is not wherever I go. I live not too far from McCabe. I know most of the folks that prospect and mine from Meyer to Prescott. I'll go almost anywhere I please. I don't cross fences that are posted "Private Property" and I don't dig on active claims. Other than that I am a grown man that WILL NOT be ordered around. If you have a problem, then hike up your skirt and say something to me face to face. You don't know me, but you'll find I am one of the easiest going people you'll ever know. Insult or try and order me around, you'll find that I can be the biggest ahole you have ever met. Why don't we refrain from going there? Its up to you.


I asked you nicely as a heads up. I'm not the one being an a$$ here.

If I am visiting someplace that isn't patented, I don't carry any digging equipment or rock picks. Only a camera. If I catch a toe popper that's not on a Patented Claim or Private Property, I'll find out who planted it and spread some furniture around. You can't legally or morally plant a booby trap. What if I was a parent (scary thought) taking my little kid to see one of Jacob Waltz' Mines, and my young child catches a booby trap somewhere we have a legal right to be:



Yeah Mike I know the BLM and Forest Service regs. That won't stop people from doing illegal **** and planting booby traps, punji stakes, even toe poppers and wires stretched across trails to 'unhorse' the unwary ATV rider or worse decapitate them. Just watch your step, you should know this from CA and the guys growing weed on Forest Service lands.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

If I am visiting an active or patented mining claim, I don't carry any digging equipment or rock picks. Only a camera. If I catch a toe popper that's not on a Patented Claim or Private Property, I'll find out who planted it and spread some furniture around. You can't legally plant a booby trap. What if I was a parent (scary thought) taking my little kid to see one of Jacob Waltz' Mines, and my young child catches a booby trap somewhere we have a legal right to be:



What you were posting about was prospecting, not hiking..Im just saying not everyone is aware of where claims lie and there is not a lot around mccabe thats not claimed or private In that particular area, like the rebel patent, its not fenced, or marked, yet is still private. I know the owner of a few of them out there...

McCabe, Gladstone, Rebel, Little Jessie, Idaho, SilverBelt, and all in between are Patent Private land..and most of the rest of the land is under claim. So beware of whos land or area you are poking around in..A lot of the private land owners are in an out of there all the time, and dont expect it to be clearly marked...also check LR2000 and county recorder. It took me a good while to find open land out there and currently have 2 private claims..pretty much all of the land directly east and west of there is claimed up tight..Roadrunner and GPAA have a couple decent claims however.

Yes, I know all about Soldier Boy and Double J, and the Roadrunner Claim just upstream. Some guys from Big Bug Mining Dist have a few claims out there as well. If you know the area, then you knew Kevin Leonard and his Union Mine? I've been doing this for more than a minute.


Yes, i know where all of Kevins claims were/are. I never got a chance to meet him to pick his brain a bit before he passed away. My distant cousin owns a patent right next to Jessie.. also looking at getting some more private land in the area. Dewey is prob my close second favorite place to mine. Union mine at one point was patented then let go with a land swap and was part of lil Jessie.

I see a lot of people posting up pics and videos inside patents..not saying you are doing this. But to me thats like someone exploring your back yard, or garage...

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Yeah Mike I know the BLM and Forest Service regs. That won't stop people from doing illegal **** and planting booby traps, punji stakes, even toe poppers and wires stretched across trails to 'unhorse' the unwary ATV rider or worse decapitate them. Just watch your step, you should know this from CA and the guys growing weed on Forest Service lands.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Funny story about that (not in Cali). When my ex girlfriend and I went to the Big Island (Hawaii), we spent a week at the Waipio Treehouse. Waipio is the most sacred valley in all the islands. There is a little river that runs down the middle of it to the ocean. You can only go to Waipio on foot, horseback, or 4x4 (you have to cross two little rivers to get to the treehouse). We were starting to explore around the valley, then Linda (the owner) came up and said "It's okay to go anywhere you want, but when you get to where the barbed wire crosses the river, don't go past it. That's where they grow the weed, and they'll shoot you!" I think Linda was about 70 at the time. One of the most beautiful places I've ever been. I think Linda died and they closed the treehouse to guests now. I would love to go back. She told us stories about hearing the "Night Marchers" pass the house. She didn't dare look outside. Unfortunately I didn't get to experience the Night Marchers while there........just the weed growers. Nice guys. LOL


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