Templar Vault Chamber located in New Ross, Nova Scotia

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wow......and that means because you are here in a Treasure Hunting site, that has posts all over the board about Oak Island.....That I am obsessed.....because I hold keys to the entire puzzle and you've "Read up on all the newest discoveries?"

guess that means that TN is obsessed too.....lol.....

your logic doesn't really fit into any holes in my research...sorry

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Your so intellectually on top of things I figure you might want a little hint of some literary discoveries along the way

Would you believe it, even the tales of James Bond were wrapped around the Oak Island Mystery.......and you know what Ian Fleming was involved with right?

OP JB.....look it up...you might learn something.

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Hi New Age, Did you have help posting this info . Its the same thing over and over and you never give us anything new. Again you want to change the subject when we said lets keep this on the Herm Stone. All of your info is wrong so why not make up more :hello2:. I could not do a dig if Heritage saw me doing it and on the show they would show it. Just before the TV show I had a permit for Hobson Island and again we could not dig but we did and they found out. After the TV show we had dug many times in New Ross and in Joans back yard with big backhoes, because now we have mining permits . You should know this and I think you do , no matter what we say you want to bash it , WHY. Have a nice day :tongue3:

Ok by big backhoe I will assume mean something like 580 Case or 420 Cat.And you are now on record saying you dug many times and with these machines they are capable of digging very deep.

Graves = Bones
Did you discover any bones?
Even burnt bodies leave teeth behind.Since you say bodies were burnt over and over again.How many teeth did you find?

Man made rock lined water channel 5' deep
Did you uncover this water channel you spent 4+ years tracking and take photos of it?

Ok by big backhoe I will assume mean something like 580 Case or 420 Cat.And you are now on record saying you dug many times and with these machines they are capable of digging very deep.

Graves = Bones
Did you discover any bones?
Even burnt bodies leave teeth behind.Since you say bodies were burnt over and over again.How many teeth did you find?

Man made rock lined water channel 5' deep
Did you uncover this water channel you spent 4+ years tracking and take photos of it?

Again New Age you try to change the subject when we want to keep it on the Herm Stone. Why should I answer any of your questions when all you do is BASH them all :BangHead:. You sound more like Tim the land owner so I am done answering your questions. :hello:BYE

Hi Eldo, Most of the members that bash everything said on this post are from the film Crew of Oak Island, or Tim the land owner in New Ross and his friends, or Scott Wolters . Their show time is running out and they need the New Ross site to get back on track. Nice try guys but its to late :laughing7: :occasion14::laughing7::tongue3:

Hi Eldo, Most of the members that bash everything said on this post are from the film Crew of Oak Island, or Tim the land owner in New Ross and his friends, or Scott Wolters . Their show time is running out and they need the New Ross site to get back on track. Nice try guys but its to late :laughing7: :occasion14::laughing7::tongue3:


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Hay Raparee, How was your trip to Heritage did you get your answers.

Did you ask them if the Lagina's are permitted to be extending their operations into other permitted sites?


You do know that they are somehow able to exclude information when filing their permits, and have some sort of bribery going on with the Reps in Nova Scotia.....so much that they are able to attempt to take control over other sites and do whatever they can to conglomerate the mystery into their so called efforts....

I am personally sick of reading that there is no oversight for some reason......

That either means that the Govt there is lazy......


Hi Eldo , Now its our time to BASH. I was told by Heritage just a few weeks ago and many times in the past that if we think their is dead bodies at a location we are not to drill or dig :BangHead: Yet they were drilling and digging in the Money Pit to grab and pull up bones :dontknow: and they found some and that alone should of stop all drilling but it didn't :icon_scratch: and what happen to the bone :dontknow:. If we found a bone at our site what do you think would happen:tongue3:. Heritage does not want me to dig up anything that could prove the Templars were here and a stone castle was here. If I think I know of a major find I am to tell them and they will handle it when they get time. O YA 50 yrs later

O Ya , Marty's Treasure permit is only good for Oak Island not in New Ross, but they can film in New Ross and Tim can do small digs in his yard by hand :laughing7:. That's what happens with Greedy People :thumbsup:
O Ya , Didn't some people die down in a tunnel in the Money Pit area , and the bones are still there , Yet they can still dig up the site, Or did I miss something :icon_scratch:

You do know that they are somehow able to exclude information when filing their permits, and have some sort of bribery going on with the Reps in Nova Scotia.....so much that they are able to attempt to take control over other sites and do whatever they can to conglomerate the mystery into their so called efforts....

I am personally sick of reading that there is no oversight for some reason......

That either means that the Govt there is lazy......


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I like this BASHING its fun :occasion14: OK the Oak Island permit is good for Oak Island and not in the waters around the Island . So what are they doing in Smith Cove digging. Digging off the Island is another treasure permit and I was told NO MORE TREASURE PERMITS WOULD BE GIVEN OUT. I will have to talk to Sean at Heritage about this. I have a spot off of Oak Island I want to check out to :hello2:.

Hi Eldo , Now its our time to BASH. I was told by Heritage just a few weeks ago and many times in the past that if we think their is dead bodies at a location we are not to drill or dig :BangHead: Yet they were drilling and digging in the Money Pit to grab and pull up bones :dontknow: and they found some and that alone should of stop all drilling but it didn't :icon_scratch: and what happen to the bone :dontknow:. If we found a bone at our site what do you think would happen:tongue3:. Heritage does not want me to dig up anything that could prove the Templars were here and a stone castle was here. If I think I know of a major find I am to tell them and they will handle it when they get time. O YA 50 yrs later

O Ya , Marty's Treasure permit is only good for Oak Island not in New Ross, but they can film in New Ross and Tim can do small digs in his yard by hand :laughing7:. That's what happens with Greedy People :thumbsup:
O Ya , Didn't some people die down in a tunnel in the Money Pit area , and the bones are still there , Yet they can still dig up the site, Or did I miss something :icon_scratch:

Well good sir,

We both know there has to be some interest in it for someone to allow all of these people to skirt around the letter of the law.....

I certainly hope their infringement on your site is not something they are able to continue under a carte blanch permit to roam all over the Canadian Province calling this their discovery.

That is the biggest lie they are telling, erasing the actual Heritage that is buried there.

I'm working on the Piri Reis Map, finding that it too was designed to lead right to the Nova Scotia coastline.....you will be amazed at my book.

Again New Age you try to change the subject when we want to keep it on the Herm Stone. Why should I answer any of your questions when all you do is BASH them all :BangHead:. You sound more like Tim the land owner so I am done answering your questions. :hello:BYE

Do you have any evidence for any of the following you have claimed?

Solving the Beale codes..... http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/beale-codes/103366-beale-codes-solved.html
Finding a Viking Ship....... http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/shipwrecks/186412-viking-ship-found-nova-scotia-help.html
Locating the Society Hill Treasure ..... http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/p...l-treasure-letter-solved-finders-keepers.html
Finding over a ton of gold bars in Dent's Run...... http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/t...easure-site-found-pa-dents-run-lost-gold.html
Finding a Templar castle and graves in Nova Scotia

Here is a post of yours from 2008
"The Beale Codes have finally been solved and soon the public will find out the truth about this 200 yr old story. A treasure hunting company from Clearfield Pa. known as Finders Keepers has broken both codes and as soon as they get a state rep. from Va. to check it out then they will go public. You can check them out at Finders Keepers USA Thank You"......FinderKeeper Oct 30 2008

Almost 10 years and NOTHING.You didn't solve the ciphers because if you had this would get you the TV show you very much covet.
"We want a major find in New Ross that will get us our own TV series" FinderKeeper Oct 6 2016

Almost everyone of your treasure hunts follows the same basic story line.

#1) You have made an extraordinary claim
#2) You will soon be going "public" with the proof
#3) A villain enters the story( Virginia locals,PA DCNR.new landowner.....etc) and halts the hunt.
#4) Story ends with you stating that you are now working on a bigger site.
#5) No evidence what so ever gets released

How in the world do you not expect people to have their doubts about anything you post?
And I have stated I have no connection to you,any entertainment company,The Laginas,Tim the land owner or any government agency.

Plain simply I am a random internet posted with an interest in history that was sick and tired of your fairy tales and calling anyone who questioned these crazy totally unbelievable tales of your a "looser" You are so good at solving complex puzzles I would have thought you could have linked my join date to the time frame of your "looser" attacks.

It is quite ironic. You actually caused me to start posting and now you can't handle the simple questions I have to ask.One such as did you ever dig up and photograph the 5' deep man made rock lined water tunnels you spent 4 years tracking.

How to you expect to take questions from experts if one of your show and tells actually ever happen?

I hope you didn't spent a lot of time doing this , because you only got 1/2 of the info, there is a lot more. I do not hide from my finds like some do . Soon I will be digging and making history in Nova Scotia then return to the states to finish the sites you speak of. What about you , will any thing be in the papers about you:laughing7:. Will you ever be on TV for anything:laughing7: and have your own TV show:tongue3:. Will anyone know your name when you are gone. The more you post about me the better. I thought this site would die out when the Oak Island TV show ended.

I post a lot of finds because I can, Why because they are real and when we get in Federal Court we will get these sites dug up and we will get paid. Hay we have sites in Florida/ we work with the Edgar Casey Foundation. WE have many sites in Nova Scotia and will be there for a long time.

I am done giving out new info on New Ross BUT anytime you want to ask a question about any of my sites back in the states I will answer them. So pick a site and ask a question. How about Society Hill, I solved the 300yr old letter and gave the info to the museum . What did I do wrong here and again lets not jump around lets stay on one site at a time.

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One usually doesn't find this level of stalking and obsession outside of middle school.
Hi NostraDanis, NO its OK , I have nothing to hide and soon all of this will be news nation wide anyway. I hunt the bigger treasures out there and I have other partners ( some of the best in the business ) and we are good. Our team is one of the biggest and the best in the states. We have located many treasure sites but can't dig them up because we get no money, so until we get in Federal Court we are on hold. I think we are the only treasure hunting company that has gone on record against DCNR and got them on tape doing many things that will help us in court. O YA the sec. treasure of Pa. is in jail now because he was greedy and our site in Dents Run $60million in civil war gold was one of his greedy offers. Ya I can talk about these sites now because soon it will all come out.

WE are the good guys and we go by the laws, most of us are in law enforcement now so we have nothing to hide. So the more you ask New AGE the better for me. Some say we are doing this for the sale of books , movie and TV money. NO WAY . My partners would get pissed they are in this for a % of the find. We would like a TV series and the news media to help us get our sites dug up and in court .

I know this site is about Oak Island and New Ross and I think we are done with the Herm Stone so if anyone wants to hear more about Finders Keepers and what we plan to do in the next few months/ weeks/ days check this site our. New Age is going to try to BASH us and this should get good :occasion18:.

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..... We have located many treasure sites but can't dig them up because we get no money, so until we get in Federal Court we are on hold. ....

This statement makes no sense. If you haven't yet brought a red cent to the surface, then you haven't "located" (or "found") anything yet.

Please stop posting your finds as past tense "found" or "located". You only THINK you have located or found something. Until you actually see and hold any treasure, it's not "found" yet. To simply have a secret code, or pirate map, or squiggle on rock deciphered, that leads you to a certain canyon, a certain yard, a certain meadow, etc.... does NOT mean you "found" anything. It's all speculation (no matter how sincere and convinced that you are).

Please come back on and post AFTER you have found something.

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