Templar Vault Chamber located in New Ross, Nova Scotia

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BUT anytime you want to ask a question about any of my sites back in the states I will answer them. So pick a site and ask a question

Great lets start with with Dents Run

1).....You had permission to dig if you could provide proof there was gold there......correct?
2)......The proof you provided that this was a civil war site was some artifacts you found dating to the Civil War......correct?
3)...... The artifacts you sent them were dated post Civil War.The earliest possible item was a bottle from 1880......correct?
4)....... PA DCNR sent these artifacts back to you because they said they were not Civil War artifacts ........correct?

How about a picture of these artifacts?

AND no I do not work for PA DCNR or one of their lawyers.All these question stem from information you have posted here.

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Do you have any evidence for any of the following you have claimed?

Solving the Beale codes..... http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/beale-codes/103366-beale-codes-solved.html
Finding a Viking Ship....... http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/shipwrecks/186412-viking-ship-found-nova-scotia-help.html
Locating the Society Hill Treasure ..... http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/p...l-treasure-letter-solved-finders-keepers.html
Finding over a ton of gold bars in Dent's Run...... http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/t...easure-site-found-pa-dents-run-lost-gold.html
Finding a Templar castle and graves in Nova Scotia

Here is a post of yours from 2008
"The Beale Codes have finally been solved and soon the public will find out the truth about this 200 yr old story. A treasure hunting company from Clearfield Pa. known as Finders Keepers has broken both codes and as soon as they get a state rep. from Va. to check it out then they will go public. You can check them out at Finders Keepers USA Thank You"......FinderKeeper Oct 30 2008

Almost 10 years and NOTHING.You didn't solve the ciphers because if you had this would get you the TV show you very much covet.
"We want a major find in New Ross that will get us our own TV series" FinderKeeper Oct 6 2016

Almost everyone of your treasure hunts follows the same basic story line.

#1) You have made an extraordinary claim
#2) You will soon be going "public" with the proof
#3) A villain enters the story( Virginia locals,PA DCNR.new landowner.....etc) and halts the hunt.
#4) Story ends with you stating that you are now working on a bigger site.
#5) No evidence what so ever gets released

How in the world do you not expect people to have their doubts about anything you post?
And I have stated I have no connection to you,any entertainment company,The Laginas,Tim the land owner or any government agency.

Plain simply I am a random internet posted with an interest in history that was sick and tired of your fairy tales and calling anyone who questioned these crazy totally unbelievable tales of your a "looser" You are so good at solving complex puzzles I would have thought you could have linked my join date to the time frame of your "looser" attacks.

It is quite ironic. You actually caused me to start posting and now you can't handle the simple questions I have to ask.One such as did you ever dig up and photograph the 5' deep man made rock lined water tunnels you spent 4 years tracking.

How to you expect to take questions from experts if one of your show and tells actually ever happen?

FK, maybe you should change your name to 'Commander Fk'....

This statement makes no sense. If you haven't yet brought a red cent to the surface, then you haven't "located" (or "found") anything yet.

Please stop posting your finds as past tense "found" or "located". You only THINK you have located or found something. Until you actually see and hold any treasure, it's not "found" yet. To simply have a secret code, or pirate map, or squiggle on rock deciphered, that leads you to a certain canyon, a certain yard, a certain meadow, etc.... does NOT mean you "found" anything. It's all speculation (no matter how sincere and convinced that you are).

Please come back on and post AFTER you have found something.

OK ,I see you know little about treasure hunting in the big scale. When we say we located something ( We LOCATED SOMETHING ) . We have the tools that show us whats down under, and we core drill all of our sites and hit what we are looking for. We would not be fighting to get our sites in Federal Court if we didn't know whats there. GET REAL
The Oak Island TV show called us and wanted us on their show on the first season and we turned them down. We were working at our site 14 miles away and had our own hunt for gold .

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OK ,I see you know little about treasure hunting in the big scale. When we say we located something ( We LOCATED SOMETHING ) . He have the tools that show us whats down under, and we core drill all of our sites and hit what we are looking for. We would not be fighting to get our sites in Federal Court if we didn't know whats there. GET REAL

So when you say that you have located a Templar vault chamber in New Ross, you cored the site an hit what you were looking for?

We would not be fighting to get our sites in Federal Court

You don't have enough money to dig anything up but have enough money to take the state of PA to federal court?
I am not very legal minded but would expect the number of appeals PA could make even if they lost would be numerous. Costing you even more money.
Regardless I don't expect you to comment on any current legal issues......SO

Scroll up I asked some questions about Dents Run per your request.

So when you say that you have located a Templar vault chamber in New Ross, you cored the site an hit what you were looking for?

Bingo. What came up in those core drillings that is most certain that indicates past tense treasure "found" ?

1).....You had permission to dig if you could provide proof there was gold there......correct? NO for 7 years we could drill inside the cave with a 3/4" bit to place 8' copper rods to shoot electric for our GPL to locate objects back in the cave walls. Never got the OK to dig.
2)......The proof you provided that this was a civil war site was some artifacts you found dating to the Civil War......correct? We found 16 artifacts that we had experts look at and all said 1860's but when DCNR took everything to Harrisburg they must of travel by light speed because the Museum said everything was from the world war 1 period.
3)...... The artifacts you sent them were dated post Civil War.The earliest possible item was a bottle from 1880......correct? NO, We located many bullets and shells from the period. WE have found Indian bones and artifacts inside to. Their is a lot we just did not go public on because we did not want other diggers on site.
,4)....... PA DCNR sent these artifacts back to you because they said they were not Civil War artifacts ........correct? They said they were not the age but the Museum sent them to DCNR in Emporium and they have everything to this day, under lock and key in a office until this is over. I can go in and look at the objects any time but can not remove anything. They also have our tools, trail cams, and a lot more we want back but again they said this is on hold for a court day . IF you read all of the post you should know we did drill down with a 3/4" drill bit and hit gold and we had DCNR on site to look at the bit. DCNR said they wanted to see a bigger amount so they OK us to Core Drill a 3" hole. We shut down for 7 days to get the core bit made up and DCNR was at the site digging with out us. This is when we filed all the charges against them. WHY would we file charges against DCNR the government if we did not have gold and why were the digging when we were gone :BangHead:.

How about a picture of these artifacts? There are a lot of them on the post Dents Run. I will find the link and post it.

AND no I do not work for PA DCNR or one of their lawyers.All these question stem from information you have posted here.[/QUOTE] That's OK all of this has been said in court papers so no harm. We had offers from other DCNR agents that wanted a % of the find but we thought it was a trap to get us to break the law so we turned them all down. Mc Core was the Treasure of Pa. and he wanted us to give him 6 bars of gold and we could dig it all up. 6 bars of gold was worth $6million back then. Ya I would like DCNR to read this post and file a paper against me for what I been posting for years :hello2: that would get me in Federal Court and we could finish this hunt. The gold is still there and so are many hidden cams.



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So when you say that you have located a Templar vault chamber in New Ross, you cored the site an hit what you were looking for?
DONE posting new info on New Ross , we are talking about my other sites.

Bingo. What came up in those core drillings that is most certain that indicates past tense treasure "found" ?
OK , For those that do not know how its done ,we core drill a hole from 3/4" up to 3" to get a dirt sample or to drop a snake cam down and video tape everything. We do not need to dig.

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Originally Posted by NewAge You don't have enough money to dig anything (Were did you get this info we don't have the money to dig) up but have enough money to take the state of PA to federal court? When it comes to $60 million we have the money. We never got the OK to dig, but DCNR 's lawyers did say if we sign a paper giving everything found at the site to the Pa. Museum Commisoners , remove the charges we filed with the FBI, State Police, and do not talk about any of this in BOOK, MOVIE,TV SHOW then we can dig but we get nothing
and we must fill in the dig and replant the site or the bond held . WE can not file charges against a DCNR agent, they are above the law. The lawyers said they were following orders from above. Its hard to get this in court but DCNR can make it happen fast.

I am not very legal minded but would expect the number of appeals PA could make even if they lost would be numerous. Costing you even more money.
Regardless I don't expect you to comment on any current legal issues......SO Hay its OK , our lawyer said when we are done with New Ross then we will put a end to Dents Run and get this site going.

Scroll up I asked some questions about Dents Run per your

What about the Society Hill treasure, that was a easy one to explain.

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OK for you that do not know how its done we core drill a hole from 3/4" up to 3" to get a sample or to drop a snake cam down and video tape everything. We do not need to dig.

Ok. And let me guess: Your snake camera showed fabulous treasure. Right ?

So, Finderkeeper, when you wrote: "BUT anytime you want to ask a question about any of my sites back in the states I will answer them. So pick a site and ask a question"-= you actually meant: "What about the Society Hill treasure, that was a easy one to explain" ?
Really, best not to keep giving Fortune all these hostages.

Ok. And let me guess: Your snake camera showed fabulous treasure. Right ?

Again I must say I am done posting new info for New Ross and for all of Nova Scotia for now. I never said their was any treasure located in Nova Scotia.

So, Finderkeeper, when you wrote: "BUT anytime you want to ask a question about any of my sites back in the states I will answer them. So pick a site and ask a question"-= you actually meant: "What about the Society Hill treasure, that was a easy one to explain" ?
Really, best not to keep giving Fortune all these hostages.

New Age put Society Hill on the list and that we can answer fast and then move on to other sites, so this is it. I saw the 300 yr old letter on line and the Pa, Museum needed help to solve the letter. I did it 5 years ago and called them back to see if I could get paid for the info or keep any of the find and the answer was no. So we put this site on hold like the rest we have. This info is on the Pa. Historical web site and is dated. Then last year they said it was 300 yrs ago the letter was made and they wanted to do some big news on it, so they called me and asked if I would give up the info :BangHead: . I did , that was a FREE BEE . Their was no way to make money from this find so I gave in. Did I ever go to the site NO WHY , for me to get my people to take time off work and make the trip, then try to get permits to dig in a historical area , then get all the land owners to sign a paper ( over 30 of them) then if we do find something the Museum takes it all and we get nothing. SO WHY GO TO THE SITE, well we told them if they would just pay all of our cost and get the permits done we would show up for the event and do some hunting for the event. again the answer was NO. This was on the front page of the Philly Voice news paper May 04, 2016. I was on CNN News and on the radio stations. So when New Age puts this site on the list what is he saying:dontknow: I made all of this up. ITS ON PAPER read it, I got credit for solving this 300yr old pirate letter .


http://frontierhistory.blogspot.com/2008/06/buried-treasure-in-society-hill.html this link shows the date I contacted them.

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We found 16 artifacts that we had experts look at and all said 1860's but when DCNR took everything to Harrisburg they must of travel by light speed because the Museum said everything was from the world war 1 period.

First off thanks for answering some questions.But a couple of these answers lead to more if you don't mind.

In a previous thread you have said you had a local expert look at these items.

Can you list the name of this expert?
At the very least their qualifications for making a proper identification of Civil War artifacts.

I have seen the pictures in your threads of a bullet and part of a shell casing. I would like to see the pictures of the artifacts that point to it being a Civil War camp site.
That bullet is very similar to a maxi-ball I used as a young man when flintlock hunting so you can expect some serious questions about that item without something confirmed by a real expert in that field.

Also you say you drilled into a cave?
I thought the whole wagon was buried 12' deep to hide the gold?

First off thanks for answering some questions.But a couple of these answers lead to more if you don't mind.

In a previous thread you have said you had a local expert look at these items.

Can you list the name of this expert?
At the very least their qualifications for making a proper identification of Civil War artifacts.

I have seen the pictures in your threads of a bullet and part of a shell casing. I would like to see the pictures of the artifacts that point to it being a Civil War camp site.
That bullet is very similar to a maxi-ball I used as a young man when flintlock hunting so you can expect some serious questions about that item without something confirmed by a real expert in that field.

Also you say you drilled into a cave?
I thought the whole wagon was buried 12' deep to hide the gold?

Lock Haven University, Penn State University, and Grice Gun shop here in Clearfield, Pa. the biggest gun shop in the East Cost. all looked at the artifacts.
They picked out 16 of them and the rest we put away. When the report came back everyone was pissed. Why did you think we posted the report on our web site ??? if it made us look bad :icon_scratch: it was to show what the state can do to us and get away with it. We worked with DCNR for 7 years and had no problem. It started when we drilled and hit the gold and they came in and dug. For years they said the story was not true and their was no gold, but they did come in and dig up our site when they knew we were gone for 7 days:BangHead: .
You said something about a wagon, I think it was found up on top of Dents Run when this happen. No way for them to come down the hill with 2 wagons full of gold. Everything was put in a cave, then in 1960 a bull dozer came in and turned the path into a road above the cave and the dozer fell into the cave and the hole was filled in. Their is no way to get to this find unless a back hoe is used now.
I have attached a letter from DCNR that says to remove all equipment but we didn't, not for 1 yr after the dead line. WE had hope they would start legal action and that would get us in court fast. DID NOT HAPPENDCNR Letter 002.webp

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It started when we drilled and hit the gold and they came in and dug. For years they said the story was not true and their was no gold, but they did come in and dig up our site when they knew we were gone for 7 days.

It seems to me that you 'found' gold in PA in the same sense as you 'found' a Templar vault in New Ross.... meaning: you found nothing.

Lock Haven University, Penn State University, and Grice Gun shop here in Clearfield, Pa. the biggest gun shop in the East Cost. all looked at the artifacts.

Who at Grice Gun Shop?......Tom Grice himself or one of the employees working the counter.
I used to see and talk to Tom Grice often at .30 caliber silhouette matches.
I never knew Tom Grice was a Civil War expert.

To what person or dept of PSU did you deliver these artifacts?

It seems to me that you 'found' gold in PA in the same sense as you 'found' a Templar vault in New Ross.... meaning: you found nothing.
What is it with you and the New Ross site, can't you get it :tongue3: we are on to my other sites yet you still bring New Ross in this , you need something and you will not get it. You post is a mess, what do you mean by nothing found in Pa. I posted we drilled into the gold and had DCNR on site just like they wanted. WE hit gold in Pa. What we did in New Ross is non of your business :censored:

Who at Grice Gun Shop?......Tom Grice himself or one of the employees working the counter.
I used to see and talk to Tom Grice often at .30 caliber silhouette matches.
I never knew Tom Grice was a Civil War expert.

To what person or dept of PSU did you deliver these artifacts?
Also Hublers Gun shop but its closed up now. Look I am not giving you names so you can call these people up when they work. I don't care if you believe anything I posted . I answered your questions and if you think the same way then this is a waste of our time , BYE :headbang:.

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