Templar Vault Chamber located in New Ross, Nova Scotia

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Not doubting you, but do you know more about the Zena papers besides what was portrayed on the show? Has anyone professionally evaluated their authenticity? They did not give much of a backstory at all when they were presented to the Laginas. Forgive me if this has already been hashed out elsewhere.

Thank You Montclaire that is a good question.
I will go on record and say the La formula code paper is 100% real. From what we know their is no way for anyone to come up with those numbers and have them in that order for it to be fake. I can't tell you anything about the maps but when I saw the TV show I thought everything was FAKE :BangHead: until I saw the code numbers , they are 100% real.

Yes we know what the numbers go to. When I saw the show I went nutz when they said them in that order. All of this will come out as soon as we do our dig.

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Open this and you will see the same shape as Joan's drawings...... entombing the body


And well......:icon_scratch:

If Le Formule says at the bottom of the page..... L Vasseur......

Then its authentic alright.......

Its a code made by La Buse..........the famous French Pirate

Its not related to Oak Island as they say it is, if it relates to this area in Madagascar..

...where Scott Wolters was just looking around making a fool of himself over a lead bar he called Silver......lol

cbplanofpits_LI (2).webp
Just a bit confused:icon_scratch:

Hi Finderkeeper, is this the same stone you are saying has a sword across it's length? Is there a picture of this. Also what are the "Z & N stones", were they found nearby?

Your Bud Aurum

Hi Bud That's a good question, The Z on the stone in the grave site, could be a N . all carvings on both the Z stone and Herm stone are from the 1700's long after this was a grave burn site. The Z stone and the Herm look to be the same stone once. Joan dug these stones up in her yard.

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Here's how authentic their research is.....

La Formule Enema OVEN.webp

And try not to laugh when the codebreaker's possible answers are read out loud......

Anyways the signature is clearly L Vasseur's

In 1970's Joan Hope and Ron Harris sent the small bones and charcoal to Halifax Museum and never got any kind of reply back. Ron told me the bones were small like finger or toe bones. In 2013 I wanted to dig more up for the TV show and the answer from Heritage was NO WAY do not dig. They let us drill 3 holes for the show and that was it. I only needed to dig down 1' yet no way, Later I find out Glen , who was the land owner of the site took a dozer down through the yard and dug it all up. So what was there is now long gone.

So you have spent 4+ years on this site and never once attempted to dig up something that was only 1' deep?

What exactly did you do up there?
Walk around with dowsing rods and make guesses about what was there when you got a hit?

No wonder you lost access to this site with a new landowner.He probably wants to actually dig something up.Not just run to a forum and make claims of extraordinary finds without even starting to look for them.

You can post a sketch of a Templar grave but that proves absolutely nothing.I could post the same sketch and say there was a Templar grave in my yard and have exactly the same amount of proof as you do.

The real big question is what exactly did you include in your CD full of evidence if you never excavated anything?

Thank You Keith That's a good question :notworthy: First let me say a lot of people came together to figure out this mess, this is not just my work but I did put it all together with their help.
(1)OK, This grave site is not deep enough to be a grave site. Its long enough for a Templar grave, its pointed in the right direction, its in the shape that the Templars use, and its on the Tree of Life Cross at the right spot , and it looks like it was fast made.
(2) Someone removed part of this grave site (the Herm stone ) to the other part of the cross right on the same spot as the other site is (same distance ). And pointed it in the same direction ,east. Then set up what looks like another grave site. WHY, Not a grave but looks like one built fast again.
(3) Their was ash , small bones, and charcoal found at both sites WHY.

We believe these sites were to burn the bodies of the dead from the Bubonic Plague period. At first one grave was OK but as more deaths came they had to start another grave site to burn 2 bodies at a time. The bones were removed and put into a 15' trench . I believe we located the trench but we will not give out the location because we need to have Heritage on site when its time. This is what we think happen because it all fits, and because there is a Castle in the shape of The Tree of Life we think its Templars. Ya some of this could be wrong but this is what we think happen :icon_thumright:. You can bash this all you want to but in a few weeks we will do our dig and know for sure :occasion14:

Hum ... lot of snow there and lot more to come. In a few weeks seems optimist ...

So you have spent 4+ years on this site and never once attempted to dig up something that was only 1' deep?

What exactly did you do up there?
Walk around with dowsing rods and make guesses about what was there when you got a hit?

No wonder you lost access to this site with a new landowner.He probably wants to actually dig something up.Not just run to a forum and make claims of extraordinary finds without even starting to look for them.

You can post a sketch of a Templar grave but that proves absolutely nothing.I could post the same sketch and say there was a Templar grave in my yard and have exactly the same amount of proof as you do.

The real big question is what exactly did you include in your CD full of evidence if you never excavated anything?

Hi New Age, Did you have help posting this info . Its the same thing over and over and you never give us anything new. Again you want to change the subject when we said lets keep this on the Herm Stone. All of your info is wrong so why not make up more :hello2:. I could not do a dig if Heritage saw me doing it and on the show they would show it. Just before the TV show I had a permit for Hobson Island and again we could not dig but we did and they found out. After the TV show we had dug many times in New Ross and in Joans back yard with big backhoes, because now we have mining permits . You should know this and I think you do , no matter what we say you want to bash it , WHY. Have a nice day :tongue3:

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Hi FK.
The burden of proof is on you. It's up to you to prove what it is, not up to me to prove what it isn't. You have essentially just stated your belief and have offered nothing to support it.
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Quote FK
Raparee you post me about the burden of proof for my post then you post this below :icon_scratch:

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alec Isn't that the exact thing you've been railing against all along? Somebody puts it on the internet and it can't be real because there is no real proof of where it came from or someone from the show said it but you can't believe them because they are affiliated with the show?
What happened to the proof you require for everyone else
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" I'd comment on the testing results but I can't because of someone else's NDA. I'm very very disappointed in the discrepancy between what I was told about the object last month - ie. testing high for manganese, making it modern steel- and what I'm hearing they said last night. Very disappointed.


"Ok. So she dated it [the spike] by eyeball yet the metallurgy says something totally different. They obviously chose to go with her eyeball and not the science."


"And mass spectrometry clearly showed that it was modern steel with high levels of maganese. That's obviously why the producers chose to go with the appraiser and not the scientist."

It seems like this person, who is close to the show, has some issues with the dating of the spike.

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If you and Finderkeeper don't want your work scrutinized, don't post on a public forum. And then don't complain if the errors are pointed out.

Hi FK.
The burden of proof is on you. It's up to you to prove what it is, not up to me to prove what it isn't. You have essentially just stated your belief and have offered nothing to support it.
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Quote FK
Raparee you post me about the burden of proof for my post then you post this below :icon_scratch:

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alec Isn't that the exact thing you've been railing against all along? Somebody puts it on the internet and it can't be real because there is no real proof of where it came from or someone from the show said it but you can't believe them because they are affiliated with the show?
What happened to the proof you require for everyone else
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" I'd comment on the testing results but I can't because of someone else's NDA. I'm very very disappointed in the discrepancy between what I was told about the object last month - ie. testing high for manganese, making it modern steel- and what I'm hearing they said last night. Very disappointed.


"Ok. So she dated it [the spike] by eyeball yet the metallurgy says something totally different. They obviously chose to go with her eyeball and not the science."


"And mass spectrometry clearly showed that it was modern steel with high levels of maganese. That's obviously why the producers chose to go with the appraiser and not the scientist."

It seems like this person, who is close to the show, has some issues with the dating of the spike.

As I explained to Alec, I was reiterating what I had heard elsewhere. It's not my claim, so the burden is not on me. I have asked the individual for further information, and he as advised me that I would have to submit an Access to Information request to the Ministry of Communities, Culture and Heritage in order to see the report. That's what I'm doing today. While I'm at it, maybe I'll see what information they have on your project in New Ross.

Okay, I am still confused. I am guessing that is because I graduated from a public high school and only have an Associate's Degree.

(1)OK, This grave site is not deep enough to be a grave site.

How does this work? That's like saying this car isn't big enough to be a car. Either it is a grave site or it is not.

Its long enough for a Templar grave, its pointed in the right direction, its in the shape that the Templars use, and its on the Tree of Life Cross at the right spot , and it looks like it was fast made.

Are Templar graves a different size than non-Templar graves? Do they orient them in a direction that is not used by other cultures or groups as well? The same goes for the shape. Are all Templar graves located on Tree of Life Crosses? Or are the only graves that have been found on Tree Of Life Crosses been determined to be Templar? As for being fast made, how does that imply Templar? Is being speedy diggers one of their traits?

The rest of this stuff didn't make any sense to me about why this would be a Templar grave.
(2) Someone removed part of this grave site (the Herm stone ) to the other part of the cross right on the same spot as the other site is (same distance ). And pointed it in the same direction ,east. Then set up what looks like another grave site. WHY, Not a grave but looks like one built fast again.
(3) Their was ash , small bones, and charcoal found at both sites WHY.

We believe these sites were to burn the bodies of the dead from the Bubonic Plague period. At first one grave was OK but as more deaths came they had to start another grave site to burn 2 bodies at a time. The bones were removed and put into a 15' trench . I believe we located the trench but we will not give out the location because we need to have Heritage on site when its time. This is what we think happen because it all fits, and because there is a Castle in the shape of The Tree of Life we think its Templars. Ya some of this could be wrong but this is what we think happen :icon_thumright:. You can bash this all you want to but in a few weeks we will do our dig and know for sure :occasion14:

Okay, I am still confused. I am guessing that is because I graduated from a public high school and only have an Associate's Degree.

How does this work? That's like saying this car isn't big enough to be a car. Either it is a grave site or it is not.

Are Templar graves a different size than non-Templar graves? Do they orient them in a direction that is not used by other cultures or groups as well? The same goes for the shape. Are all Templar graves located on Tree of Life Crosses? Or are the only graves that have been found on Tree Of Life Crosses been determined to be Templar? As for being fast made, how does that imply Templar? Is being speedy diggers one of their traits?

The rest of this stuff didn't make any sense to me about why this would be a Templar grave.

OK Lets try this again. It looks like its a Templar grave site but they place a dead person on this site then burned it , removed the skeleton and placed another person on it, over and over again. So its a place they burned the dead. The best way for me to describe it was to call it a grave site but its not a grave. I am sure their is a name for this kind of thing. Both stones are pointed the same direction as the arms on the cross are pointed. A lot of Templar graves are on Ley Lines and these are to. We think we located a trench full of skeletons and two graves up by the church and both are on Ley Lines to. Hay we could be wrong but then how would anyone explain the Herm Stone and the Z Stone and the ash, bones, etc. Its been over 50yrs and no one else came up with something. :dontknow:

As for being fast made, how does that imply Templar? Is being speedy diggers one of their traits?

No but it looks like they did not have the time to cut and carve the Herm Stone with more carvings on it. It just looks like this was done fast with smaller stones around it. I am sure if it was for the Templars and they had the time it would be made of solid stone and carvings on it. If there is a trench full of 50 or more skeletons on site then our story works.

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Christians did not burn their dead in the middle ages, not even in times of plague- in fact particularly in times of plague since they believed the disease was spread though the air. They buried plague victims in quicklime in pits to prevent the plague spreading.

.....make claims of extraordinary finds without even starting to look for them.....

Have you noticed this trend to ? The people who believe this stuff, will always phrase the treasure finds in the past tense. Eg.: they "found" (past tense) a treasure ! But when you look closer , it always turns out that they just found a clue. Like an old map, or funny symbols or squiggles on rocks, or some such evidence. So now they have the location pinned down to *just* a certain canyon. Or *just* a certain meadow, or whatever.

But in their mind's eyes, they've "found the treasure". It's merely a matter of digging it up, getting permits, raising $$ from investors, or whatever. When you try to point out to them they haven't FOUND anything yet, it falls on deaf ears. They are convinced that riches await them, and is most certainly there. The fact that not a single cent has been raised to the surface or seen, doesn't dissuade them from phrasing it in the past tense of "found".

Christians did not burn their dead in the middle ages, not even in times of plague- in fact particularly in times of plague since they believed the disease was spread though the air. They buried plague victims in quicklime in pits to prevent the plague spreading.
Hay good statement, :hello2: I never thought of a skeleton still being under this site . Good thought, Hay Tim dig down and look under the Z stone their could be a skeleton there and the trench full of skeletons still work. Then that would answer what this grave site was. This is the kind of input we need. A Grave Plate would be on top of the skeleton and if this Z stone was part of a Plate then YES. Thank You

If you and Finderkeeper don't want your work scrutinized, don't post on a public forum. And then don't complain if the errors are pointed out.

We're not here for scrutiny......

You're the only ones here for scrutiny when you make comments aimed at insulting the intelligence of others.......

..........and you are getting a kick out of being negative because that's your ultimate goal and that's your truest belief.......from what the show has done to your senses.....

And because nobody can find anything....that means we're all lost because the show on Oak Island can't find anything?

So that means we are the same guys?......LOL

Your conglomeration is growing......I promise you that half of you would never have the guts to say any of this to my face.

If you tried this game in public you would be seen as someone who is a psychopath fixating on other people's work....like the freaks that stalk actors and stars on shows......

But because you hide here behind the rules of the site, and an Anonymous front, not one of you is held accountable for your words.....

And that's the problem as you dump your trash on anything you don't like......

Just remember every time you thrill yourselves by expressing your "thoughts" about what you "feel" deep inside your own Money Pit, that you are seen here on TN by far more people here than those who comment.......and we post for the whole site to see, regardless of the comments, especially the useless ones.

So again what were you trying to achieve by coming around forming an opinion about preliminary results from a site that is now showing its value?

The same people that are tooling around our posts are known to everyone to have OI on the Brain, so we don't mind having to explain the facts, but we do mind having to teach rude members manners :occasion18:

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Eldo, I have never even seen this TV program you are so obsessed with. I am too busy reading books.

wow......and that means because you are here in a Treasure Hunting site, that has posts all over the board about Oak Island.....That I am obsessed.....because I hold keys to the entire puzzle and you've "Read up on all the newest discoveries?"

guess that means that TN is obsessed too.....lol.....

your logic doesn't really fit into any holes in my research...sorry


Your so intellectually on top of things I figure you might want a little hint of some literary discoveries along the way

Would you believe it, even the tales of James Bond were wrapped around the Oak Island Mystery

OP JB....a great book you would be obsessed with.....


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