tayopa, legend or reality ...?

Cubfan64 said:
BB - Are the 4 photos above (not the blurry ones) the actual jars you located? If indeed those are actual jars you found, you appear to certainly be on to something.

The blurry ones are just too difficult to tell what if anything they are at this point.

the blury pictures are that way because i blew them up to show them here at the site the other 4 pictures are from the dead sea scolls them selfs . the last picture of the 4 ,show the same type of jars at site 4 ...

beleive what you want .. i am going to set here and eat my hot pastrami and cheese melt on a onion pita bread and see who is smarter then i am ...


For as blurry as the pictures are they might as well be photos of each end of a culvert pipe coming out from under a road or a trail for erosion controll.

We still only have your sayso.....
If this is what you are using as research material,
It is no wonder you seem to be so conflicted in the information you gather.


Ahhh, I was hoping those 4 clear photos were actual jars you had located. It's just too difficult to tell what's in those other couple photos - and no perspective to make any kind of interpretation.

I would be very surprised if it turned out they were intact pottery jars if they are exposed to the elements as they appear to be in the photos. I assume you had to photograph these from quite a distance away and you didn't have the opportunity to actually inspect them up close?

Are you still planning on heading back out to your site again this year?

sorry to waste your time .

i will not post a picture that could give the NFS or the goverment the right to search my home .. so i guess there is nothing less to say ...

beleive what you want ...who cares if it was " fingers of God "

you could not figer it out if i told you what it means ...

stay safe stay free

Hello, Bowman.. where can I find info on your Templar theory? I would very much like to read it.
going back to go forward

Gossamer said:
Hello, Bowman.. where can I find info on your Templar theory? I would very much like to read it.
going back to go forward

some times i forget there are still real people out there ..then i fade away ....yet you ask .

just before the years 1307 the templar knew the church was going to betray them after all they had done for the faith , they shiped hidden weath far away so the church could not find it . the only sad part of this plan was they went as far as they could away only to be massacred by the Aztec , their weath was give to the thunder gods and they vanished and no one ever knew where they had gone ...latter the spainish try to find them and they run into the Aztec ..

till my thoery no one ever found any evidence where they had gone ... yet dose one mans theories make it fact no ...

will i ever prove the thoery ... if there is enough evidence anywhere on earth its at site 4 hidden away in a old church vault . IMHO i prove the site has been there from the time of the great flood and i do beleive the templar reach this site in the years between 1286-1312

i guess we will have to wait till the vault is opened to see if any evidence of the templars is there ...i think montezuma was the law giver of a vast area and the templar came there at the wrong time and payed the price ....

there are many good people at this site most do not share my sense , you should stay away from me ...

i am just the crazy bowman ...

a shaman of the old ways that still thinks like passing thunder ...

sha na kia na ca ta toa

( in the winds of your dreams , shell you ride free )

Good Afternoon: BB I simply cannot understand how you can come up with so many poorly focused pictures with no depth to them of what could be important data. Even a simple throw away, drugstore camera, which is set at a universal focus, does a better job. The depth of field in such good camera lenses as you have described having, should cover this unless you are manually using them wide open?? Even so , some should be clear enough to see some detail.

Get someone to preset your lens at a normal daylight aperture, of say f-11 with asa 100 film at 250 th of sec. set from 6 ft to infinity.and snap away. The pictures will definitely be be recognizable since the depth of field of the lens and the latitude of modern film will give recognizeable results, unlesss--..

I am curious. It almost seems as if you are deliberately posting them out of focus, yet???.

As for the Tayopa deposit, it is no where near the church / capilla, or any convent. However, for the moment, I will say no more as to where it's location is, other than it is in "sight "of the Church / capilla.

Repost your pictures clearly, until you do, no logical opinion can possibly be made.

I have a picture that I made from perhaps 800 meters. I was looking through a pair of inexpensive binoculars and saw 7 Bars of Gold in a "V" formation below me in an almost inaccessible location.. All that I could do was to try to position my camera, a non reflex one, behind the eyepiece and try to get an alignment sufficiently good to make a recognizeable picture.

I made three exposures, one turned out to a point. It shows 7 golden blurs. 3 on each side of the little arroyo with the 7th at the apex. I would never dare post that in here since I know exactly what the reception would rightly be.

Incidentally it was at the start of the rainy season and it would have been suicidal to attempt to get to them without proper gear. They were on a ledge, perhaps 10 ft wide, down below at the edge of the cliff. When I returned later, I could never find them, either they had been eroded away and fallen down into the deep canyon below where they would quickly be covered up with the first rain, or some sharp eyed Indian had gotten them somehow.. sigh

Don Jose de La Mancha


  • The 7 gold bars ©@.webp
    The 7 gold bars ©@.webp
    7.2 KB · Views: 673
i am so happy for you , why do i care ...? i beleive i have any reason to post a clear photo .lol

i am not sure if i want to go back .. site 4 is doing find right where it is ...well it mean anything if site 4 is Sombrero mine .. not to me it wont ...

LOL... Bowman, I'm not worried about your being 'crazy,' I like the nonlinear thinking. For the last 10 yrs I've been part of the blog/discussion called 'priory-of-sion' its a discussion group about the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail, and I'm pretty sure that Dan Brown is/was a member.
As for the Templar connection to AZ, I agree. The legends that abound in this state are fascinating, but I do think that many have been combined and each thread has to be traced down and that takes research.
I like your theories, and so does everyone that is responding. They wouldn't be here otherwise.
Isn't it interesting that the Sups are on the 33 degree.. or am I wrong.
Have you read about the ancient Hebrew items found near Tucson?

Good aftenoon BB, you posted -->

i will not post a picture that could give the NFS or the goverment the right to search my home .. so i guess there is nothing less to say ...

Are you serious? they have enough now if they actually wish to.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. You also posted ---> i am so happy for you , why do i care ...?

Sigh, no smooching then? Broken hearted and disillusioned .

maybe you need this book


Mysterious and often inexplicable remnants of civilization's history fascinate scientists and archaeologists. People travel worldwide to visit such sites, yet some of the most enigmatic artifacts and structures have been found right here in North America. Unfortunately, because these records do not fit within accepted academic models of human history, they remain unexplained mysteries, and most people never hear of them.

• Long before any humans were supposed to be on this continent, unknown hands removed millions of pounds of copper from mines near Lake Superior.

• Giant people as tall as 12 feet were buried in Arizona, Nevada and the Midwest.

• A three-foot-high adult mummy was discovered in Wyoming.

• Sandaled feet made footprints in rock at least 300 million years old in Utah.

• A human-like tooth,three times normal size, was found in coal from a Montana mine.

According to modern wisdom, humans evolved on Earth no earlier than two million years ago. Yet many of these artifacts were made long before then. How can this be? Could any of these anomalies have been the result of an advanced civilization once present on our planet?

This book presents the evidence that there have been intelligent beings on earth long before humans are thought to have evolved here. Explore these intriguing possibilities and more in this exciting and informative investigation into the mysteries and anomalous artifacts of North America.

Tedd St. Rain, author, lecturer, and videographer, he has traveled the world extensively investigating the world’s ancient mysteries and enigmas, actively researching the mysterious, the metaphysical and the mythical. Born in Long Beach, California, Tedd is the owner of Lost Arts Media that publishes, markets and distributes fascinating and educational books, videos and multimedia products to help inform, enlighten and inspire humanity.

are you talking about the Moshakia...?

it was spoken
ma sha kia .....not .....mo sha kia , or is that sha na kia ,, look up at what i posted"( ,sha na kia na ca ta toa )" ... two words as one , words of the same. two spoken ..i knew before you ask ...

it is the ma of coo ,of the coo a caw , the mother of coo (mo ) mother of sha ma coo kia

or moo sha kia

I think these ooparts (out of place artifacts) are great, but I want to actually see them, any of them.
The legends of GC caverns are amazing, but someone show me something. Well thats what I'm working on. I have ideas, I've traced things down, but they need concrete info.


If you are interested in a serious and scholarly treatise on the subject, I would recommend "Templars In America: From the crusades to the New World" by, Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins.

The book is well researched and written. Many facts are presented to support their theory. The discussion here is woefully short of anything except what can be easily found with a good search engine. The author's conclusions are not well accepted, but it's a very good read.

The Tucson artifacts you are referring to were accepted as an elaborate hoax many years ago. If you are interested in that story, I would recommend that you pick up a copy of "Calalus" by Cyclone Covey. On the inside of the dust jacket you will find this beginning passage:

"Calalus-an unknown land across the Atlantic. It would later be called America, when its European discoverers had to give it a name. It was a land people ran away to, a land of escape and a land of hope."

There are people who are trying to revive this hoax today. If you would like to get in touch with them, I will be happy to provide you with an email address. The person has, on occasion posted here.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

you are

i am just a shadow walker shape shifter and a old school shaman skinwalker i dont know much that could help my self let alone others .... i walk between the realies of many worlds yet i know little focus beyond that witch you know now ..

i am a witch, a wysard ,a war lock ,with out the taste of a bloody war to give me a reason beyond this page of delite ... i will watch and i wil see . will i wonder to be ...?

my laptop has a sqare screen like that and its hard on the eyes .. the wide screen 22 inches on my desk top is nice for long term research .. if tryed to use that screen you do my eyes would fall out of my head in a few hours lol ... i guess if you must .. make do with what you like ,, its up to you ....

i cross chop my research between the laptop and desk top all the time ,, doing my back ups on the laptop . this lets me focus on path ,on the desk top ,and side bars with the laptop chaseing side notes ...or comparing vs one to the other ...to formal for my eyes . i guess you got to be almost blind to not see it ...lol


The 19" screen works just fine for me, and I like having the built in TV tuner. Lets me watch the news while pulling your tail. Besides, I don't have the money for all that fine equipment like you do. Go with the Cannon Rebel XT and other middle of the road toys.

Joe Ribaudo

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