Gold Member
Anyone know what "Sno ta hay" means, or what language it's from? If Apache, which band?
Joe Ribaudo
Joe Ribaudo
the blindbowman said:tonight after watching those post vanish i set in a chair thinking about what i have risk and what i have found , what a total confusion of legends mix into a total mess ..
then i said to my self all you need to do is lay it out and see what you have that is suported by evidence and facts .
i beleive the site 4 is the seven caves of chicomoztoc ,the catcoms , dated back into the 1300Bc when the flood took place and the tribes vanision into the earth ,into the catcoms ,,,i have found 3 enterences , two are mine shafts ,one is some kind of old Kiva ladders or Wooden Indian log ladders i know it goes downward into something below ...i have define 6 out of 7 caves , and a ball cort ,the remains of a old church ....
after i set back and looked at the evidence and facts thing remains clear
i have defined a site where all of these things can be found call this site anything you want . so many have called it diffrent things threw the years .. seven caves . catcoms , chicomoztoc, tayopa, sombrero mine the LDM ...
but one thing is clear .. i have define site #4
there are over 35 pionts of interest at site #4
i have bit almost everything i own that i could find what started the legends and i am sure i have ...
Real de Tayopa said:HI JEFF: Cool it heheheheheh relax. I personally am enjoying the different topics,
Don Jose de La Mancha
jeff of pa said:Real de Tayopa said:HI JEFF: Cool it heheheheheh relax. I personally am enjoying the different topics,
Don Jose de La Mancha
And that is why there are different places for different topics
If anyone wants to Discuss everthing in one thread
Become a Charter member & Start your own
Springfield said:Nino Cochise claimed 'Sno-Ta-Hae', the Apache gold mine, was located 2 km from Pa-Gotzin-Kay, or 'Juh's Stronghold' - the Apache sanctuary deep in the Sierra Madre. I don't believe the scholars have ever agreed on the exact location of the stronghold, but it was somewhere in the mountains west of the Bavispe - Baserac area, presumably. As mentioned above, the very name attributed to this mine and the appearance of Ammon Tenney and John Brewer in the Nino account confounds Lost Adams Diggings researchers because of the obvious common elements between the Apache mine located in northern Sonora and the LAD, purportedly located in Arizona/New Mexico. The proximity of Nino's Sno-Ta-Hae to Tayopa is an open question so far as I know.
Real de Tayopa said:HMMM? In the Tayopa Barranca there is a cave, that under a bias relief effect of the rising sun on a certain day, looks exactly like a skull.
The Apache in the1800's used to go down the rio Mayo to the junction of the Barbarocos, then go up it to the cave. It is perhaps 600 ft below the rim of the mesa.
They told me that they used the cave to hide out in since there was plenty of water, wood etc. and it's location gave them plenty to time to escape if any enemy ever entered the Barranca.
They told me that they had stored many weapons and dried food in the cave, but, in the back there were many cowhide bags with metal.
Hmmm do you suppose? You have my curiosity aroused. SNO TA HAE?
Incidentally, only my wife and I know of it's location. The Indians that live in the area do not know of it.
Don Jose de La Mancha
cactusjumper said:... The Apache have said that Nino Cochise is a fraud......start to finish. One wonders why people keep quoting him.
Take care,
Highmountain said:Jose and Springfield: I'm going to start a new thread concerning the whole issue of Sno ta hay as it pertains to the Adams and as it might pertain to Toyopa. Seems to me it's worthy of discussion in a thread all its own. On the other hand, if it's not the price of threads dying without any response is no higher than those with a few thousands of comments.
Just FYI in case you care to add your thoughts.
Springfield said:Highmountain said:Jose and Springfield: I'm going to start a new thread concerning the whole issue of Sno ta hay as it pertains to the Adams and as it might pertain to Toyopa. Seems to me it's worthy of discussion in a thread all its own. On the other hand, if it's not the price of threads dying without any response is no higher than those with a few thousands of comments.
Just FYI in case you care to add your thoughts.
Done deal.
Splendid idea.
I have already asked what language includes the name "Sno Ta Hae", without response. I know the reason that no one replied, but will let it ride a little longer.