RDT said
"There never was a church "
the list says " between the church "
that sounds like a church to me ...?
i got to add if there was no church why have a curcifix the same size as the one missing from the wall i found ...
"The cut stone box - incorrect interpretation "
" a single large roomed Mission. with an adjoining room called a Cato. "
thats funny the church is not adjoining the stone and mud room at site 4 ... that room is side the covent " as the list stated it should be ...
maybe where your site is incorrect for a reason ...at this piont i can only say it is where the list says it is ...and the details match my site 4 ...
so the treasure trove list dose not match your site is that what you are saying ...

because it dose match site 4 ... word for word ..
your right RDT .. this could be very enteresting ...
sorry my autisum sucks , i will put it back so you can copy it for your data ...
"[ MASC Homepage ] [ Contents ]
[ Fulfilling a Legacy ]
[ The Nature of the Regla Papers and Their Value for Scholars ] [ Arrangement of the Papers and Use of the Guide ] [ Gaines Sequence ] [ Gastine-Fieler Sequence ]
[ Jesuit Haciendas Sequence ] [ Charts, Maps, Proclamations, Genealogies ]
[ Microfilm Sequence ] [ Index ]
Gaines Sequence
1. Escritura de venta que hizo Diego García Altamirano. 1546-1549. 15 l.
Bill of sale, power of attorney, and other records of Diego García Altamirano, regarding the sale to Francisco de Santa Cruz of houses in the city of Tenochtitlan; these houses were later acquired by the Conde de Santiago.
2. Escritura hecha en México de la venta de las casas que posee el señor Conde de Santiago. 1549. 15 l.
Bill of sale of houses by Diego García Altamirano, for María de Ribera, to Francisco de Santa Cruz, later property of the Conde de Santiago.
3. Traslado simple de una merced de unas caleras hecha a Juan de Villerías. 1565. 10 l.
Grant of lime pits near Tlaxcala to Juan de Villerías, along with documents regarding Indian property concessions and the toma de posesión.
4. Escritura de cambio y trueque. 1570. 3 l.
Agreement of exchange of properties belonging to Bernardino de Albornoz at Xoxocotla for others at a place called Gueyatlitacatotopetec, these having been granted by Indian representatives at Texcoco.
5. Carta de venta. 1575. 2 l.
Document concerning the sale by Bernardino de Albornoz of a site and canal for a mill in Gueyatlicatototepec to Francisco Hernández.
6. Poder del señor Alcalde y Tesorero Bernardino de Albornoz. 1576. 2 l.
A power of attorney from Bernardino de Albornoz to Francisco Hernández de la Puente to present a title and grant for a site and canal in Texcoco.
7. Escritura de venta. 1576. 2 l.
Confirmation of the sale by Bernardino de Albornoz of a site and canal in Gueyatlicatototepec to Francisco Hernández.
8. Carta de substitución. 1580. 3 l.
Documents concerning a lawsuit by Juan de la Vega over the possession of an estancia in Caracheo with pasture land and acreage near the town of Yurirapundaro.
9. Escritura de arrendamiento. 1589. 4 l.
Contract for lease of land in Metepecmolcaxhuacan, belonging to Francisca de la Cruz and her son Gaspar de la Cruz, and leased to Juan de Pomar. Addenda in Nahuatl.
10. Carta de venta. 1590-1594. 14 l.
Bill of sale of a plot of land from Marcos de la Puente and Mariana de Baguren, to Hernando de Mata, along with documents such as a writ of donación and toma de posesión regarding the prior ownership of the land by Juan de Pomar.
The Regla Papers
11. Carta de obligación a favor de María de Ibarburen. 1606. 6 l.
Claim by Bartolomé de Entranbasaguas against Andrés de Montalvo for money pledged for the purchase of Hacienda Jalpa from María de Ibarburen.
12. Concesión a doña Leonor de Dueñas. 1610. 6 l.
Documents concerned with a petition by Leonor de Dueñas for a grant of water from the Cozcacuaco River to irrigate her hacienda in Chiautla, and the ruling by the Viceroy adjudicating the matter.
13. Títulos de concesión de agua. 1588-1610. 14 l.
Grants of water rights for property belonging to the Hacienda del Batán de Abajo, along with an explanation of the later transfer to the mayorazgo of Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.
14. Título de concesión de agua. 1610-1612. 4 l.
Cozcacuaco River water grants and toma de posesión.
15. Provisión del Virrey, y carta de poder. 1616-1634. 4 l.
Two viceregal provisions issued by Diego Fernández de Córdoba, one concerning legalization of the land held by the widow of Pedro de Dueñas, the other regarding water rights of Juan de Ayala; power of attorney given by Juan de Ayala for the sale of water rights.
16. Títulos del Molino y Hacienda de Ximilpa. 1597-1640. 12 l.
Titles and documents related to the early owners of the mill and hacienda de Ximilpa, also called Coscacoaco, in the Jurisdiction of Texcoco, belonging to Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.
17. Escritura de venta que otorgaron doña Melchora de Dueñas y sus hermanas. 1639-1640. 4 l.
Power of attorney and bill of sale of land by the daughters and heirs of Pedro de Dueñas.
18. Carta de obligación de Sebastián de Andia. 1641. 2 l.
Carta de obligación and cancellation of a debt of 2,140 pesos owed by Sebastián de Andia to Alvaro de Lorenzana.
19. Real Cédula de Iniciación en la Orden de Santiago. 1668-1669. 4 l.
Initiation of Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés into the Order of Santiago.
20. Testimonio de certificado de bautismo. 1647. 1 l.
Certificate of baptism of Juan, son of Juan de Sámano and Teresa de Acevedo.
21. Carta de poder y carta de arrendamiento de las haciendas de Ximilpa y del Batán. 1678-1680. 10 l.
Rental agreements and powers of attorney concerning the cancellation of a lease of the mill and Hacienda de Ximilpa and the Hacienda del Batán, the rent having been paid in full by Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés, Conde de Santiago.
22. Carta de donación. 1681. 6 l.
A documented gift of 7,000 pesos by Ana Urrutia de Vergara to María Agustína Urrutia de Vergara.
23. Adición de joyas a un mayorazgo. 1683. 4 l.
Gaines Sequence
Ana Urrutia de Vergara adds certain jewels to a mayorazgo by an instrument of aggregation executed May 7.
24. Testamento. 1682. 12 l.
Copy of the will of Ana Urrutia de Vergara.
25. Recibo por 150 pesos. 1692. 1 l.
Receipt for 150 pesos to Fr. Jerónimo de Argüello from Manuel Cantero, attorney for Manuel Alejandro Barba.
26. Carta de venta. 1681-1693. 6 l.
Pedro Albarrán Carrillo sells mulatto slave Tomás de Urrea to Juan Lorenzo Calvo. Included is a letter, dated 1693, concerning the sale.
27. Arrendamiento de haciendas y un molino. 1698. 4 l.
Copy of a lease for the Hacienda de Xiquilpa, Hacienda de Batán, and a mill in the Jurisdiction of Texcoco to Manuel Urrutia de Vergara Flores de Valdés.
28. Carta de poder. 1702. 1 l.
Power of attorney from Sargento Mayor Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés, testamentary executor for his deceased aunt, Juana Urrutia de Vergara, Condesa del Valle de Orizaba, to José de Espinosa, to receive real estate information from the Mayor of Pachuca.
29. Notificación. 1702. 2 l.
Document concerned with payment of rent for the Rancho de Toltecatlaco, Jurisdiction of Tulancingo.
30. Petición. 1707. 1 l.
Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés petitions for the original registration of the brand for cattle of the Haciendas de Supitlan and San Antonio.
31. Carta de poder. 1706. 2 l.
Power of attorney to Diego Alfonso Flores de Valdés, son of Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés, in transactions involving two haciendas, Batán in Texcoco and San Miguel in Tlaixpan.
32. Testamento del señor Sargento Mayor don Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés, Caballero de Santiago. 1706-1707. 12 l.
Last will and testament, and inventory of the property of Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.
33. Inventario de los bienes del Sargento Mayor Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés, Caballero de Santiago. 1706-1707. 8 l.
Inventories of property belonging to the deceased Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés, and documents concerning possession of the property by his widow.
34. Sucesión al mayorazgo instituído por don Antonio Urrutia de Vergaray doña María Bonilla Bastida. 1667. 3 l.
Document defining the succession to and possession of a mayorazgo founded by Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.
35. Carta de obligación de Antonio Ponce de León. 1687-1707. 4 l.
List of debts of Antonio Ponce de León, escribano of Acapulco, chiefly those owed Antonio and Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés, along with agreements concerning their settlement.
The Regla Papers
36. Certificado de bautismo. 1701-1708. 2 l.
Certificate of baptism of Diego Nicolás, son of Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés and Mariana Mejía Altamirano.
37. Aumento de alhajas al mayorazgo. 1709. 4 l.
A special clause in the will of María Bonilla y Bastida revising certain inheritance provisions.
38. Carta de pago. 1709. 3 l.
A petition by Mariana Mejía Altamirano for a copy of a carta de pago. Also included is a copy of this document, concerning the restitution of a dowry.
39. Provisión del Virrey en nombre de Felipe V, Rey de España. 1710. 4 l.
Statement by the Viceroy concerning claims to ownership by Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés of certain lands in San Bartolomé Tesoquipan.
40. Declaración de entrega del Rancho de Toltecatlaxco. 1707. 2 l.
In March, Diego Tomás turned over the Rancho de Toltecatlaxco to José de Espinosa, administrator of the haciendas of Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.
41. Certificado de bautismo de Ana María Josefa Bernarda Francisca Petronila Jerónima. 1714. 2 l.
Certificate of baptism of Ana María Josefa Bernarda Francisca Petronila Jerónima, the daughter of Diego Jerónimo Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés and Francisca Catarina López de Peralta Luyando y Bermeo.
42. Testimonio de inventario de los bienes del Sargento Mayor Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés, Caballero de Santiago. 1706-1718. 33 l.
Inventory of the property left by the deceased Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.
43. Inventario de Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés. n.d. 1 l.
Inventory of jewels, furnishings, goods, and slaves received by Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés from his mother, Mariana Mejía Altamirano.
44. Poder que otorgó don Antonio Urrutia de Vergara al Alférez Jerónimo Astorga. 1721. 5 l.
Power of attorney for the collection of rental money owed to the deceased Nicolás de Velasco Altamirano Legaspi y Castilla from properties in La Sabana Grande, Los Tres Palos, el Veladero and La Brea.
45. Provisión de Felipe V, Rey de España. 1724. 4 l.
Royal decree of Felipe V ordering that all honors and privileges conceded to the office of Alguacíl Mayor of the Tribunal de Cuentas be observed in the interest of resolving disputes.
46. Testimonio pedido en favor de don Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés. 1728. 2 l.
Inventory of jewels and other articles belonging to the mayorazgo to which Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés succeeded at the death of his brother, Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.
47. Información dada por don José Francisco de Landa, Procurador del Número de esta Real Audiencia. 1728. 5 l.
Gaines Sequence
Petition, orders, and notification regarding the succession of Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés to a mayorazgo.
48. Testimonio de memoria. 1728. 4 l.
Inventory of jewels, furnishings, goods, and slaves, received by Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés from his mother, Mariana Mejía Altamirano.
49. Toma de posesión de mayorazgo. 1728-1729. 9 l.
Documents pertaining to the rebuilding of a house by Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés, possessor of mayorazgo founded by Antonio Urrutia de Vergara. Also includes orders, petitions, toma de posesión and a decree regarding permission for the sale of jewels belonging to a mayorazgo.
50. Valuación de gemas. 1729. 5 l.
Petition and notification concerning the appraisal of jewels belonging to the estate and mayorazgo founded by Antonio Urrutia de Vergara.
51. Recibo por 100 pesos. 1731. 1 l.
Receipt for 100 pesos received by Manuel García de Pereda, owner of a store in Santiago Capuloaque, from the Conde de Santiago as partial payment for the bill of Sebastián de la Torre.
52. Carta para Diego Flores de Manuel García. 1731. 2 l.
Letter to Diego Flores from Manuel García y Pereda. Diego Flores urging the Conde de Santiago to pay a bill for supplies for the Hacienda de Atengo.
53. Memorándum de posesión. 1735. 2 l.
Inventory which Mariana Mejía Altamirano gave to Diego Osorio de Soto, escribano, specifying goods he is to receive following the death of her husband Agustín Urrutia de Vergara.
54. Escritura de capitulaciones y recibo. 1732-1736. 56 l.
The dowry of Ana María Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.
55. Recibo por 350 pesos. 1738. 2 l.
Receipt from Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés for 350 pesos exchanged for jewels and furnishings received by Manuel Urrutia de Vergara y Estrada.
56. Declaración de posesión de la Hacienda de San Miguel. 1739. 2 l.
Esteban de la Puente declares Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés possessor of the Hacienda de San Miguel Tlaixpán.
57. Copia de recibo. 1739. 4 l.
Receipt for jewels, gold, and silver by Juan Javier Joaquín de Velasco Legaspi Albornoz Altamirano y Castilla, from Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.
58. Despacho. 1741. 2 l.
Dispatch from Felipe V of Spain to Manuel Rodríguez de Pedroso suspending for six months his obligation to navigate the royal galleys.
59. Decreto del Virrey Conde de Fuenclara. 1744. 2 l.
Permission granted by Viceroy Pedro Cebrián, Conde de Fuenclara, to Diego Urrutia de Vergara y Flores to use a brand for his livestock.
60. Comunicado del Rey. 1752. 2 l.
The Regla Papers
Fernando VI of Spain grants Pedro Romero de Terreros the title of Caballero de la Orden de Calatrava.
61. Regalo de joyas. 1756. 2 l.
Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés donates jewelry to the Convento de Santa Clara.
62. Nombramiento de Teniente a Antonio Rodríguez de Soria Villarroel. 1760. 2 l.
Viceroy Francisco Cacigal de la Vega appoints Antonio Rodríguez de Soria Villarroel, Lieutenant in the Company of Grenadiers of México.
63. Elección de Antonio Rodríguez para Alcalde. 1764. 1 l.
Certificate of Antonio Rodríguez de Soria's election as Alcalde Ordinario más Antiguo.
64. Provisión del Virrey. 1764. 2 l.
Antonio Rodríguez de Soria is discharged by the Viceroy from his commission as lieutenant in one of the companies of Grenadiers of Mexico City. He is to pursue duties as Alcalde.
65. Real Cédula. 1769. 2 l.
Cédula granted to Pedro Romero de Terreros exempting him from paying lanzas (payments in lieu of military service) for himself and his children.
66. Escritura de obligación. 1746-1759. 4 l.
Documents concerning a loan to the Royal Treasury by Manuel Rodríguez de Pedroso in 1746, repaid in 1747. Also petition and decree concerning the copying of records of the loan.
67. Certificado de confirmación. 1767. 2 l.
Certificate of confirmation of María Josefa Rodríguez de la Cotera.
68. Título de nombramiento. 1772. 12 l.
Documents appointing Fernando Antonio Villar Villamil as Deputy and Captain General for the coasts and ports of the Mar del Sur (Pacific) and the Jurisdiction of Michoacan. Appointment made in anticipation of military actions by the British.
69. Confirmación de presentación de informes financieros. 1772. 1 l.
Confirmation by José Luis de Aragón that financial reports were sent in by Marcos Morales, administrator for the Mayorazgo de los Flores in Texcoco, and that they were presented to the Real Audiencia.
70. Certificados de bautismo. 1773. 6 l.
Several certificates of baptism: Antonio Evaristo Juan de Dios, Francisco Esteban, Catalina de Monuera, Miguel Rodríguez, Bárbara Marcelina, Juan Antonio, and Bernardina Josefa, all members of various branches of the Velasco family.
71. Cuenta de arrendamiento. 1773. 10 l.
Financial report for a house and store in Mexico City, reported by José Luis de Aragón, depositary of the estate of the Mayorazgo de los Flores, to the Conde de Santiago.
72. Certificado de bautismo. 1765. 2 l.
Gaines Sequence
Certificate of baptism of María Josefa Ignacia Teresa Antonia Rafaela, daughter of Antonio Rodríguez de Soria Villamil and Gertrudis Ignacia de la Cotera y Rivas Cacho.
73. Cuentas por trigo. 1774. 1 l.
List of amounts owed by Diego Retana for loads of wheat; letter addressed from Molino de Flores.
74. Cuenta de gastos del Conde de Santiago. 1774. 6 l.
Expense account for a house belonging to the mayorazgo of the Conde de Santiago.
75. Cartas de Marcos Morales. 1775. 25 l.
Letters from Marcos Morales to Mariano Velasco from April 18 to December 19 reporting on the seasonal care and progress of crops, legal disputes, financial matters, and other matters of estate management.
76. Carta de Diego Retana para Mariano Velasco. 1775. 1 l.
Letter from Diego Retana to Mariano Velasco concerning wheat prices.
77. Carta de Marcos Morales para el Conde de Santiago. 1775. 1 l.
Letter regarding loads of straw sent to the house of the Conde; letter from Marcos Morales to the Conde de Santiago.
78. Cartas de Marcos Morales para Mariano Velasco. 1776. 24 l.
Letters from Marcos Morales to Mariano Velasco concerning the seasonal care and progress of crops. Also discussed are the sale of flour and lawsuits involving the cutting of wood by Indians.
79. Carta de Marcos Morales para Manuel Antonio Salinas. 1776. 1 l.
Letter from Marcos Morales to Manuel Antonio Salinas noting the scarcity of straw.
80. Carta de Antonio Piñeyro para Marcos Morales. 1776. 2 l.
Letter from Antonio Piñeyro of the Colegio de San Andrés of Mexico City requesting the attendance of Marcos Morales at the delivery of the Hacienda de Chapingo to Pedro Nicolás Caderecha.
81. Cartas de Marcos Morales para Mariano Velasco. 1777. 20 l.
Letters from Marcos Morales to Mariano Velasco regarding the seasonal care and progess of the crops of the Hacienda Molino de Flores; letters also note the effect of weather and continuing disputes over water rights.
82. Petición de informes de pulquerías por el Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala. 1777. 2 l.
Petition by the Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala for a certified report on the number of loads of pulque delivered the preceding year to his pulquerías in Mexico, as well as amount of duty paid. Also reports and certifications.
83. Carta para Marcos Morales de José Romero. 1772. 2 l.
Letter from José Romero to Marcos Morales about water rights.
84. Carta para Marcos Morales de Tomás Galicia. 1777. 3 l.
Letter from Tomás Galicia to Marcos Morales regarding the prices and sale of wheat and flour.
The Regla Papers
85. Carta de Marcos Morales para el Conde de Santiago. 1778. 2 l.
Letter from Marcos Morales to the Conde de Santiago reporting amount of barley sent to the latter.
86. Carta para Mariano de Velasco de Marcos Morales. 1778. 11 l.
Letter from Marcos Morales to Mariano de Velasco regarding the seasonal care and progress of crops at the Molino de Flores. Letters also note sale of wheat and difficulty in procuring lime.
87. Carta para Marcos Morales de Mariano Velasco. 1778. 2 l.
Letter to Marcos Morales from Mariano Velasco thanking him for the sombrero and the meat he sent for the holiday season. Included is a request that straw be sent to the house of the Conde de Santiago.
88. Cartas de Marcos Morales para Mariano Velasco. 1779. 9 l.
Letters from Marcos Morales to Mariano Velasco reporting on the seasonal care and progress of crops from the Molino de Flores, also citing harvest results and the effect of weather and crop diseases on profits. Mentions epidemic of smallpox.
89. Cartas para Mariano de Velasco de Marcos Morales. 1780. 23 l.
Letters to Mariano de Velasco, Procurador for the Conde de Santiago, with details of the seasonal care and progress of crops. Also mentioned are harvest results, price fluctuations, taxes, and the effect of heavy frost.
90. Carta para el Capitán José Mariano de Velasco de Antonio García. 1780. 1 l.
Letter to José Mariano de Velasco from Antonio García asking that he defend his honor in a business transaction concerning the delivery of an order of bricks.
91. Carta para Mariano Velasco de Juan José de la Torre. 1780. 1 l.
Letter to Mariano Velasco from Juan José de la Torre concerning the collection of the Iguala tax by José Peñarroja, administrator of the alcabalas.
92. Cartas para el Capitán Mariano de Velasco de Marcos Morales. 1781. 23 l.
Letters from Marcos Morales to Capitán Mariano de Velasco, Procurador for the Conde de Santiago, reporting on the seasonal care and progress of crops. Also mentioned is a request by the government that a canal be built through the hacienda to conduct water to the saltpeter works in Texcoco.
93. Cartas para el Capitán Mariano Velasco del director Salvador de Dampier. 1781. 7 l.
Letter from Salvador de Dampier to Captain Mariano Velasco urging that he cooperate in the project of building a canal through the Hacienda de Molino de Flores which would conduct water to the saltpeter works in Texcoco, thus benefiting the Real Hacienda.
94. Testimonio del testamento de Pedro Romero de Terreros Ochoa y Castillo, Caballero de Calatrava, Conde de Regla. 1781. 20 l.
Copy of the will of Pedro Romero de Terreros Ochoa y Castillo, Caballero de Calatrava, (1st) Conde de Regla, originally written in 1775.
95. Cartas para el Capitán Mariano de Velasco Núñez de Villavicencio de Marcos Morales. 1782. 18 l.
Letters from Marcos Morales to Mariano de Velasco, Procurador, reporting on the seasonal care and progress of the crops; notes locust damage.
Gaines Sequence
96. Cartas para Marcos Morales de Mariano Velasco. 1782. 1 l.
Letter from Mariano Velasco to Marcos Morales warning that Morales should not rent the Hacienda and Molino de Olivos until the ownership dispute is cleared.
97.Cartas para el Capitán Mariano de Velasco de Marcos Morales. 1783. 34 l.
Letters to Mariano de Velasco, Procurador for the Conde de Santiago, reporting details of the seasonal care and progress of crops. Includes discussion of family and social matters, and water rights disputes.
98.Carta para Pedro Nicolás Caderecha de Mariano de Velasco Núñez de Villavicencio. 1783. 1 l.
Disputes over water rights of the Molino de Flores and Hacienda del Batán.
99. Carta para Mariano Velasco de Pedro Nicolás Caderecha. 1783. 1 l.
Letter from Pedro Nicolás Caderecha to Mariano Velasco concerning water rights; a meeting is planned at the home of José Lebrón.
100. Cartas para Mariano de Velasco de Marcos Morales. 1784. 6 l.
Routine statement of loads of straw and barley sent to the Conde de Santiago.
101. Cartas para el Capitán Mariano de Velasco de Juan José de la Torre. 1784. 14 l.
Reports of the seasonal care and progress of crops, and the death of Marcos Morales.
102. Carta para el Capitán Mariano de Velasco del Conde de Santiago. 1784. 1 l.
Letter signed by the Conde de Santiago requesting the return of certain papers through Julián, a servant.
103. Carta para Juan José de la Torre de Mariano de Velasco. 1784. 1 l.
Letter assuring Antonio Francisco de Olazarán that he would be repaid money lent to Marcos Morales.
104. Carta para Juan Lorenzo de Velasco de Juan José de la Torre. 1784. 1 l.
Letter from Juan José de la Torre to Juan Lorenzo de Velasco about a lawsuit over pasture lands.
105. Cartas para el Capitán Mariano de Velasco Núñez de Villavicencio de Juan José de la Torre. 1785. 27 l.
The seasonal care and progress of crops reported by Juan José de la Torre to Capitán Mariano de Velasco. Notes the effects of hurricanes and weather, wages for employees, and the ruinous state of the property.
106. Cuenta de pago. 1785. 2 l.
Record of payments to capellanes listed by name, along with the amounts in the endowments.
107. Informe financiero de la Hacienda de Tulancalco. 1784. 2 l.
Financial report regarding the Hacienda de Tulancalco.
108. Fundación del primer Mayorazgo del señor Conde de Regla. 1785. 62 l.
Copy of the foundation of the first Mayorazgo de Regla, established by the first Conde de Regla, with three Reales Cédulas of Carlos III.
109. Informe financiero de la Hacienda de Batán y los Molinos de Flores. 1788. 23 l.