PS - Blindbowman,
I am just ONE GUY. You don't HAVE to prove it to me.
Besides, don't you think you would like to read Real de Tayopa's replies?
Thom I sure hope I didn't say something offensive - I have plenty of enemies already and don't need to lose any friends! That clue about the Cerro de las Campanas is the one that I always had the most problems with, since there are several different ancient mines such as the Dios Padres that the owners claim are Tayopa, yet
none (except ONE - that owned by our mutual amigo Real de Tayopa) will fit with that clue. Jose' finally let me know the reason
why we have this rather peculiar problem,
it is because several different places were named Tayopa over the centuries. If not for this fact, I would have dismissed the claim of our amigo Blindbowman offhand - but
we know that the name was used for several different it
IS possible, but I want (or hoped) to see some proof that will "lock" it for me.
Arkhunter wrote:
i think he means me <snip>
I don't think so amigo, I did not see anything that sounds like a personal attack in your posts. In fact didn't you say,
wow...what a leap...a total lack of logic...very sad really
That does not sound like any kind of insult to me - if it were, why would you have said it was "sad" that he was willing to let his discoveries "rot" for "another 500 years"? Did I miss something there?
Maybe I am just
not reading the posts the way Blindbowman is taking them?
Blindbowman if you are still active, I hope that you are not just having a bad day or something - I know that sometimes I take things
'the wrong way' if my day has been in the old crapper all day long. What was said that hit you, amigo Blindbowman, as some kind of
personal attack? I am pretty sure
no attack was intended.
One last bit on personal attacks - I don't care for "flame wars" as happens on forums
all too often. I am pretty sure that if Arkhunter, myself or any other of your amigos here had intended a personal attack on you Blindbowman, there would be no doubt about it. The moderators would then likely intercede and posts would get removed, and in really bad cases a member or two would get banned temporarily or permanently.
So mi amigo Blindbowman, take it easy pal you are among friends here, friends who have been enjoying the discussion.
Good luck and good hunting to you all my friends, I hope that you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,