tayopa, legend or reality ...?

logically you would be right but this is not the only cave there are 5 more i know of that have art work in them just as unbeleiveable as this cave .. would you exspect less from the real chicomoztoc if it was found ....?

Oroblanco said:
Are you certain this is NOT a natural effect? What they call a "geofact" in some circles? To my eye it has a very natural look, which is why you can make out so many different things in it - in fact if you turn the photo you can see different images, including a deer, a camel, a hogs head etc. What do you think? Thank you in advance,

you could be right .............

i could be wrong .....

but !

i know something you dont ...


Out of all those caves with artwork, and the thousands of pictures that you took, is there one (1) that is not a blurry mess?

Is it because when you took the pictures you were flying like a bird, or flopping like a fish out of water? I think I am beginning to understand. :tard:

"even the the gold bars in cave 3 have no value next to this art ."

Are we going to see a blurry picture of the gold bars.....in cave 3??? :wav:

Thanks in advance,

Joe Ribaudo

Oroblanco said:
Are you certain this is NOT a natural effect? What they call a "geofact" in some circles? To my eye it has a very natural look, which is why you can make out so many different things in it - in fact if you turn the photo you can see different images, including a deer, a camel, a hogs head etc. What do you think? Thank you in advance,


Personally I only see one thing in that photo that looks like it might be un-natural and that's the eye/circle on the far left (part of what BB sees as the same figure from the Aztec "Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca") - I see only a vague similarity, but I accept the fact that this piece could be man made.

Other than that, the rest of it looks to me like natural phenomena. I wanted to check again this morning on the parts that BB had highlighted to see if I could discern them myself, but as has become far too commonplace here, that post was deleted.

I've seen rock photos on other forums and threads where it's clear that something has been carved/chipped into the rocks, but I've seen WAY MORE photos where it seems like it's just an over-active imagination, or a desire to see what you want to see to back up your theories. I recall one thread where over and over a certain person who claimed to be an expert at identifying "treasure symbols" in rocks, must have found over 200 "signs" in several photos that he swore were death traps, "dig here" signs, look over there signs, etc... - it turned out the person who was taking the photos had taken them at a local arboretum/park where workers had simply brought in tons of rock and piled them up with the help of a landscaper to make them look "natural" in their environment. The photographer was trying to "test" whether someone can pick out treasure signs from photos or whether it was mostly a matter of imagination.

I know what I tend to believe.

Cubfan64 said:
Personally I only see one thing in that photo that looks like it might be un-natural and that's the eye/circle on the far left (part of what BB sees as the same figure from the Aztec "Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca") - I see only a vague similarity, but I accept the fact that this piece could be man made.

Other than that, the rest of it looks to me like natural phenomena. I wanted to check again this morning on the parts that BB had highlighted to see if I could discern them myself, but as has become far too commonplace here, that post was deleted.

I've seen rock photos on other forums and threads where it's clear that something has been carved/chipped into the rocks, but I've seen WAY MORE photos where it seems like it's just an over-active imagination, or a desire to see what you want to see to back up your theories. I recall one thread where over and over a certain person who claimed to be an expert at identifying "treasure symbols" in rocks, must have found over 200 "signs" in several photos that he swore were death traps, "dig here" signs, look over there signs, etc... - it turned out the person who was taking the photos had taken them at a local arboretum/park where workers had simply brought in tons of rock and piled them up with the help of a landscaper to make them look "natural" in their environment. The photographer was trying to "test" whether someone can pick out treasure signs from photos or whether it was mostly a matter of imagination.

I know what I tend to believe.

cj's reply is nothing but an insault ,i dont need to post or reply to anything at this site ... good luck

Blindbowman, I can't say that stone is absolutely natural, any more than I could say positively it is man-made; certainly not working from a photo and if I found such a thing I would sure make it a point to go check it in person on my next visit there. It is a pretty strange formation. I do know that us treasure hunters do have a tendency to sometimes see what we wish to see rather than what is actually there, but the only way to know for sure is to examine it 'up close and personal'.

Cactusjumper I have never heard the legend of the Twin Kings and the only thing I could find on the internet was a book listing in a library - I hope that (if no one finds it to post) you will share it with us? I do have one question on it that you could answer without giving too much away - is it similar to the Hero Twins legend of the Mayans and other tribes? Thank you in advance,

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,


"cj's reply is nothing but an insault ,i dont need to post or reply to anything at this site ... good luck"

Sorry you found my truthful posts insulting. In reality, I believe it is you who are insulting everyone here. The only possible reason for your posting so many crappy pictures, is because you have nothing better to show.

If you leave :wink:, it will be for the same reason. You have nothing....... but a wild, fictional story. In all of your claims of things you have seen.....and found, and they are myriad, you have yet to post a single (clear) picture. Maybe it's just my cheap monitor. :D

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo


The Mayan and Apache stories are quite different. Both are fairly long, and anyone interested should probably make the effort to find them.
Two readily available books for the Mayan legend, are: "A Forest Of Kings", by Linda Schele and David Freidel. One of my favorite authors on these subjects, Michael Coe, mentions the Hero Twins in many of his works. "Breaking The Maya Code" is just one of them. The Hero Twins are depicted on many, many Mayan vases and plates and I have no doubt, the story can be found on the Internet.

There were actually two sets of twins, with the first set being the uncles of the second. Great story, but not told in a few words. The story originally came from the "Popol Vuh" (Book of Counsel) It can be found in the translated version.

The bear in the legend of the Twin Kings, does not raise his paw to either of the twins, but rather to their father, Black Spear. After saving Black Spear from a pack of wolves, "the lumbering giant turned to face Black Spear, rising to its full height of eight feet. Unexpectedly, the creature held up a bloodied right paw and waited. Awed by the bizarre event, Black Spear mechanically raised his own arm and opened his hand. Leisurely, the beast lowered itself then turned about and disappeared into the woods, leaving Black Spear completely puzzled".

At this point the Great Spirit speaks to Black Spear, telling him what has become of his two sons.

This story can be found in: "Apache Legends: Songs of the Wind Dancer" by, Lou Cuevas. I don't believe anyone will find the story on the Internet.

Take care,


Thank you for sharing that Joe, it is quite different from the Hero Twins story.

cactusjumper said:

"cj's reply is nothing but an insault ,i dont need to post or reply to anything at this site ... good luck"

Sorry you found my truthful posts insulting. In reality, I believe it is you who are insulting everyone here. The only possible reason for your posting so many crappy pictures, is because you have nothing better to show.

If you leave :wink:, it will be for the same reason. You have nothing....... but a wild, fictional story. In all of your claims of things you have seen.....and found, and they are myriad, you have yet to post a single (clear) picture. Maybe it's just my cheap monitor. :D

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

i think your just jealous.....lol

i am selling that camera because of eye sight ,you maybe right i can not take photos the way i did before i was blinded ... ,i wont be posting any more pictures ,, in fact i am thinking of not getting a premit for site 4 ... you know how those things vanish when you turn your back ..there is a lot of cash flow in the black markets these days and i can sell what no one says is out there .lol

latter CJ

the blindbowman said:
cactusjumper said:

"cj's reply is nothing but an insault ,i dont need to post or reply to anything at this site ... good luck"

Sorry you found my truthful posts insulting. In reality, I believe it is you who are insulting everyone here. The only possible reason for your posting so many crappy pictures, is because you have nothing better to show.

If you leave :wink:, it will be for the same reason. You have nothing....... but a wild, fictional story. In all of your claims of things you have seen.....and found, and they are myriad, you have yet to post a single (clear) picture. Maybe it's just my cheap monitor. :D

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

i think your just jealous.....lol

i am selling that camera because of eye sight ,you maybe right i can not take photos the way i did before i was blinded ... ,i wont be posting any more pictures ,, in fact i am thinking of not getting a premit for site 4 ... you know how those things vanish when you turn your back ..there is a lot of cash flow in the black markets these days and i can sell what no one says is out there .lol

latter CJ

Blindbowman wrote:
there is a lot of cash flow in the black markets these days and i can sell what no one says is out there .lol

You're kidding right amigo? Sometimes I can't tell when you are kidding! :o ::) ;D :D

Oroblanco said:
Blindbowman wrote:
there is a lot of cash flow in the black markets these days and i can sell what no one says is out there .lol

You're kidding right amigo? Sometimes I can't tell when you are kidding! :o ::) ;D :D

Who knows Oro - my guess at this point is that he hasn't gotten enough attention lately and it's a way to "shock" us into reacting.

I've never done it before, but I've finally succumbed to putting my first person ever on TNet on ignore. It honestly makes no difference to me whether BB finds his "treasure" in the Superstitions, or within his own mind - it will have no affect on my life one way or another, and the inability to have a cohesive conversation with him about anything - whether due to edits, deletions or just cut/paste internet information has finally worn too thin for me to spend any valuable time on.

On the plus side, I'm finding alot of what you, CJ, Real and even HM are discussing interesting! Have you given any thought to possibly taking a vacation to Arizona around the time of the next Rendevouz this fall?

HOLA mi amigo Cubfan!

I think your contributions to the discussions are welcomed by everyone amigo, sometimes a new view point sheds a lot of light. Funny you should mention the idea of heading south this fall, Beth and I were discussing that idea today as a matter of fact. As much as I would love to, I don't dare make any promises (yet) and do have to get a cabin up. I tried the argument of "gee hun, if we don't get the cabin done by fall, we could just head south" but she just didn't go for that idea. Oh well - I am hoping to draw an elk tag so probably wouldn't want to go south before Dec, and not sure if my boss will want to take his vacation over Xmas so... if things go well we might be able to get away during the worst part of the winter here. I am keeping fingers crossed anyway! (Not that SD winters are nasty mind you - heck only the deep snow drifts haven't melted! :o ::) ;D :D :wink:)
Your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

if i wanted attention, i would have used my real evidence and everyone here would have been keying up to ask questions about it ....no thanks ....i will just walk away lol.... that reply was dirrected to CJ....and yes i was jokeing .. ebay is a small time market for true valueable goods ...he rich want those pots and jars and blows and they are willing to write a few blank checks ....thanks for asking ....lol

my cards have not been layed down yet ..and you should no never bit on what you cant see .....dont worry my friends i have evidence that what i have found is chicomoztoc ....something none of you under stand as of yet ...

so latter stay out of the sun and you old guys dont over do it ....lol

Oroblanco said:
(Not that SD winters are nasty mind you - heck only the deep snow drifts haven't melted! :o ::) ;D :D :wink:)
Your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Hello Oro
How bad was the blizzard there? Still tons of snow north of you,
around Buffalo and Crow Buttes area, as of Sunday the 4th when I came through.
They had a freezing rain that you can't believe before the snow hit.
Highline wires were said to be 4-5 inches in diameter before the poles came down,
and thousands of poles came down, many small towns and anyplace rural
out of power still. I don't hear anyone crying that FEMA isn't there to help, or get
in the way. Got to love how people around here take care of each other.
Wish I would have remembered to throw in my camera.

the blindbowman said:
if i wanted attention, i would have used my real evidence and everyone here would have been keying up to ask questions about it ....no thanks ....i will just walk away lol.... that reply was dirrected to CJ....and yes i was jokeing .. ebay is a small time market for true valueable goods ...he rich want those pots and jars and blows and they are willing to write a few blank checks ....thanks for asking ....lol

my cards have not been layed down yet ..and you should no never bit on what you cant see .....dont worry my friends i have evidence that what i have found is chicomoztoc ....something none of you under stand as of yet ...

so latter stay out of the sun and you old guys dont over do it ....lol

I usually just read here but have to spout off once in a while. BB I like reading your posts, you crack me up, but I have to ask,.....you post on a public forum so as not to draw attention?

Your cards have not been layed down yet because everytime someone calls your bluff,
or raises the stakes, you fold and move to another table. Come on friend, show your
cards just once, please. To run a good bluff you need to set it up with a winning hand
or two.

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