tayopa, legend or reality ...?

Real de Tayopa, thank you for the links to Mexico Horse... I went back to read some of these pages and enjoyed that one.
Oro, can you give me the link for the Pearl ship on this forum? Sorry I just can't use the find feature without becoming a charter member?
LOL... thank you in advance

It may be nothing but do you notice that the letter A is noticeably differnt on the word Santa Fe than on any of the other words with the letter A in them. Again it is probably nothing but in all the other words with the letterA the cross in the center of the A is perfectly straight. In the word Santa Fe the cross bar in the center of the A is very slanted. If the same person were writing all the words it seems that the A's would have been all the same. As much work as it would be to chisel those words into that stone I would think they would have been very precise about the consistancy of the letters.
Just a thought.


Actually, there are a number of times where the crossbar in the A slants down from right to left. It looks like the artist just started getting a little sloppy to me. You could follow that line out and see if it intersects anything else on the map, but I saw nothing that stood out.

Take care,


Gossamer said:
Hello all... morning here in AZ :sunny:

I have tried for an hour to get satelitte pics of Superstition... why isn't there any it goes all blurry, in Apache Junc... I can see into someone's pool.. then ya' scan over to the Sup's and blurrrrr... :icon_shaking2:
Any help, comments...
I'm trying to plan a outing to the Apache Junc. Library, is there anything I can look into for someone or take a pic of? :thumbsup:
Thank you,
This will work for you........... http://www.flashearth.com/ Ask.com (aerial) will probably work best

T.Parker thank you, this is interesting. I appreciate it.

cactusjumper said:

Actually, there are a number of times where the crossbar in the A slants down from right to left. It looks like the artist just started getting a little sloppy to me. You could follow that line out and see if it intersects anything else on the map, but I saw nothing that stood out.

Take care,


maybe it was done for another reason all togather ... , i didnt see anything that this artist did with out knowing it was done at the time .i even noted he went back and corrected some things after he was done ...


"maybe it was done for another reason all togather"

A number of books have been filled with "maybe(s)" on the Stone Maps. They pale in comparison to the speculation that has taken place in person and on the Internet.

The truly brilliant aspect of the Stone Maps, is that they fit many locations in the Superstitions.......somewhat. Nothing I have ever seen approaches the accuracy of my own map. None of them are perfect, including mine.

There are only a few people who could have created those maps. They either spent years in those mountains, or had the help of someone who had that kind of experience.

The person ,I believe, who was a big part of that project, thanked me for the compliment when I voiced my opinion to him. The rest passed on some time ago. By all means, enjoy the search.

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper said:

"maybe it was done for another reason all togather"

A number of books have been filled with "maybe(s)" on the Stone Maps. They pale in comparison to the speculation that has taken place in person and on the Internet.

The truly brilliant aspect of the Stone Maps, is that they fit many locations in the Superstitions.......somewhat. Nothing I have ever seen approaches the accuracy of my own map. None of them are perfect, including mine.

There are only a few people who could have created those maps. They either spent years in those mountains, or had the help of someone who had that kind of experience.

The person ,I believe, who was a big part of that project, thanked me for the compliment when I voiced my opinion to him. The rest passed on some time ago. By all means, enjoy the search.

Joe Ribaudo

i under stood most of that before i started back in the early 80's ...i fully agree the stone maps can be very exceptable to many locations but one location is the real location and dose fully fit the stone tablets .. IMHO i dont even flipper could have made the maps they are to well plane out and not because of someone knowing the aera .this goes beyond just knowing the area .. your talking speaical skills and training ,, this wasnt so easy even a caveman could do it ....lol this is way beyond that level he knew the area , he knew the indain tribes and the legend of montezuma as well as chicomoztoc and the the histroy of site 4 and site 1 as well as most of the data of the other legends , but he did make a few misteaks along the way ...remeber when i showed you all the elevation azmuth.. that was taken right out of the early dates of navigation few people would have thaught of that when makeing the stone tablets if they were even great fakes .. that says they are most likely made by some one that learn navigation between 1284-1310... i am sorry thats no something that could be faked ,,the other thing that stands out is the declinenation , the reason i say this is because the preson did not use a bearing heading means he had lemited insight to use a compass ...fact .. even a goo navigator is only as good as the skills he holds and the tools he brings with him ...

HOLA amigos,

Gossamer wrote:
Oro, can you give me the link for the Pearl ship on this forum?
Janiece here is the thread on the Pearl Ship, the one with the wild-hare theories anyway:
or if you prefer to jump ahead to the end,

Here is a site with links to a number of articles on the mystery of the Ship in the Desert:

I hope you have fun on your visit to the Superstitions, but beware - those mountains can cast a "spell" over you that seems to have a pull on you for the rest of your life! It can be felt from over a thousand miles away. I hope you will return to tell us of your adventures there too, who knows you might find something you didn't realize you were looking for. :thumbsup:

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

if i was to date the stones by the navigational skills needed to make them ,, i would have to say they were made around the 1600's or older .. and no older then the say around the early 1300's say somewhere in the years of 1284-1310

this would be my best judgement of the stones from a navigational speaicalist piont of veiw..some of the skills used are as old as the early 1300, in the days when navigation was in its ealry days and few study these things and would know what they are let alone how the work and were used fristhand...IMHO

even more then that the preson uses a time peice and has a background in map makeing and addvanced mathamatics for the era in question ...add the wisedom of the mts .. these in no are facts of any kind ... you could make the stones and and create a good se of fakes but as you well know a lemited few even come close to translating the stones ...

IMHO this is by design ...its not something we would do today ... if you beleive they are fakes i feel sorry for you .. think about the over all layout of the stones as we know it now .. found in 1949 near a road but they look to have been thme time ....not found in a location related to the supers dirrectly. they were more found dirrectly to the road not the mts ...

say they layed there 30-40 years the date 1912 when freddy crystall can up with maps that match the stone tablet ,IMHO because they were made from those stone tablets because freddy stold the tablets him self and he even tells us where he got the maps anyet when we relate other data that looks to relate to the stone tablets we find the treasure trove list . then a discription that matches the same site as the stone tablets ... list was at the santa church in 1912 , fake o not .. but when we relate the list discription to the true site it dose in fact match 100% . i note that the stones often match some areas by around 40-70 % given the translation and skills or lack of skills by the treasure hunter . sorry i dont see my self as a treasure hunter .. navigator frist ...

and yes i do agree the stone tablets do look to fit many location by no less the 50% often ...i noted the placement of the stone and the order in wich they are translated changes the translation ...

so there is a set order for the stones to be layed out ... i pionted this out a few times ... if you change any positition of the stones it changes the out come ...

Ahh... the voice of kindness and reason, Oro you are that on this thread. Thank you for the links.
I've put off my trip to AJ till next week. I grew up here and spent a lot of my childhood in the shadow of her ladyship the Superstition.
My mother was fascinated by the colors she cast and painted her beautifully. In our front yard was a magnificent saguaro, and my mom caught me charging a nickel for anyone to get their picture taken in front of it. It was the tallest one around.
Sometime I will get a pic scanned of my being held by 'a Dutchman' and I don't know anything about him, just the pic.
My aunt lives in Superior and I go there often, so Sup and I get to talk regularly.
I've lived all over the country and when I mention where I lived as a child the first question out of most people is "have you ever been the to Superstitions?" and after correcting them that its the Superstition, I tell them about her.


If the gentleman had a white beard and hair, and was dressed for the part of the Dutchman, it was probably Bob Wright. He and his wife, Ann are very nice folks. Bob played the part of Jacob Waltz for a number of years.

Joe Ribaudo

Ok... had to take pics of these pics. Tell me Oro if this is the guy you knew.


  • iDUTCHMAN1ndex.webp
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  • iDUTCHMAN2ndex.webp
    15.8 KB · Views: 452

I took the liberty of making the face a little easier to see. If you are offended I will remove this post. You were one very cute little girl.

Bob and his wife were over for dinner last week but to be honest, I don't know what he looked like....back then.
They will be at our home again next month, so I will show him the picture.

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo


  • Dutchman.webp
    16.3 KB · Views: 425
LOL thank you for cleaning it up! My sister that day wouldn't let him near her. But I wanted my pic with him, unfortunately they wouldn't let me on the donkey/mule, and I'm told that made me very unhappy. I'm sure the donkey/mule was ok with it. I probably would have taken off with it. I was known for things like that.
Again, thanks

HOLA mi amigos,

Gossamer wrote:
<snip>...Oro you are that on this thread

:icon_biggrin: :-[ ;D (Blush!) Thank you for the kind words Janiece, now I hope I can live up to them! ;D :o Actually if you think about it, if I am that voice in this group - holy cow we must be quite a bunch! :o ::) ;D :D :wink: I am quite jealous of you now too, and miss AZ more each day.

Gossamer also wrote:
Joe... do you know this guy?

I can't say that I know the gentleman either but he sure makes a great Dutchman! I have to "ditto" Joe's remarks about you too! :thumbsup:

Blindbowman wrote:
if you change any positition of the stones it changes the out come ...

What if you found out that there is yet another stone, which is missing?

Real de Tayopa wrote:
HI peeps: bk from a trip to the mines

I look forward to hearing the latest report, and hope that all went well. By chance did you have some rather heavy items to pack home from the mines? (hee hee!) ;D :D

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope that you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

Did anyone notice the Sups behind... look to the left past those great old cars. LOL

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