Swamp Gold


So many of the old stories have changed over the years to the extent that you don't know what to believe. The bottom line is was there gold/silver buried and how do you now find the location when so much has changed in 150 years? ...

I was led to this possible gold site by a 90 year old dowser/remote sensor back in 1990...

I found out about something that had happened in the past on the EXACT spot on the ground that the dowser said the gold was buried. He led me to this spot from over 10 miles away... I will reveal the EXACT spot when there is a signed agreement and the equipment is on site...

I beleive the gold is now at such a great depth that it will take a backhoe to get to... I will tell you this much. This old man led me to many places. Once I find treasure at this current pirate silver dig EVERYONE will want to know of the other locations.

I may attempt to put together a REALITY show based on these treasure stories... I am interested in finding someone that can help make this happen.
CLOUD MOUNTAIN??? :icon_scratch: ???
...and something had happened in the past on the EXACT spot! Yes? Pleases continue.

Wanna have some fun?

Go back and reread this thread from the start.... LOL! Remember Capt'n Bil? He was such a hoot...
What happened to Cappy Z (pointed hat) Remember his thinking hat? And where is SWR?

ECS--Ok, so you gathered together a bunch of different things I have said on different posts. Was there a purpose? I will stand behind ANYTHING that I have said on ANY thread. I have put a lot of time and effort to get to the point I am now at. If anybody wants to write me off as a fool, go for it. If anybody wants to make fun of me, have at it. If anybody wants to help me recover the treasures, get in line.

There are only a few people on TN that I am going to invite to participate in the next dig that comes up. Most people do not want to have to do the hard work or leg work it takes to make something big happen.

As far as the "SWAMP GOLD" goes if Bigcypresshunter knows someone on the reservation that will help get permission to do a serious survey of the site, he is in. Before I would dig we would use all electronic equipment available to pinpoint the depth and location. Although I feel I may already know this, past experience has shown that the more time you put into this the better. Technology is constantly changing. There is equipment that I cannot afford at this time. The gold in the Everglades is probably not going anywhere soon.

ECS--Ask me a specific question and I may answer it.

ECS--Ok, so you gathered together a bunch of different things I have said on different posts. Was there a purpose? I will stand behind ANYTHING that I have said on ANY thread.

ECS--Ask me a specific question and I may answer it.
The quotes all came from only one post you made on this thread,I only edited the salient points you made.
Still would like to know about the incident that happened on this EXACT SPOT. You do seem to know many EXACT SPOTS concerning treasure legends.I applaud your acumen.

"Cloud Mountain" was named after a local indian. I beleive he knew where the gold was. He may have sensed it or was able to see the "aura" from it. He held ceromonies over the exact spot.

I have pictures from other sites of mine taken with a Polaroid SX70 Land camera showing the aura from gold and diamonds. This particular camera captures it best early in the morning or late in the evening. It is hard to get film but they now have software and lenses that will work with a digital camera and computer to duplicate what the Polaroid camera could do. Sometimes you have to think outside the box.

If you are unable or unwilling to figure out where the "EXACT SPOT" to dig is, you will probably NEVER dig.

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"Cloud Mountain" was named after a local indian. I beleive he knew where the gold was. He may have sensed it or was able to see the "aura" from it. He held ceromonies over the exact spot.

Sometimes you have to think outside the box.

If you are unable or unwilling to figure out where the "EXACT SPOT" to dig is, you will probably NEVER dig.
Is that the incident? As signal mentioned,another "story within a story".
Sometimes you have to think within the box-that is known as solid research,not depending on tales and lore.
If there is an "EXACT SPOT" to be found, it will be found through the research of the legends and lore,not by tales alone.
By the way,Bdd,if it is Confederate gold on SOVEREIGN SEMINOLE land,who does it belong to?
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?(CSA assetes were forfeit to after the war)
THE STATE OF FLORIDA? (You know the laws here)
THE SEMINOLE SOVEREIGN NATION? (A separate country by technical law-no treaty with the USA)
Talk about a treasure being tied up in the courts.

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BDD, you mention Cloud Mountain was a well known spot. But by who? i am born/raised here, and never heard of it. Not a *single* document exists online, in stories, news articles, or anything I could find about Cloud Mountain. Perhaps it should be downgraded from "well known" to "barely known"?

Im going to put on my tin-foil hat so I can feel the aura. (wink)

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I have located a Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, dated 1864, but that would be too early right? We would need 1865 or later?
If possible,March 1,1865 to April 2,1865 to see how much gold was still in the CSA treasury.
The legend states "near the end of the war"
When Jefferson Davis was captured in May 1865, he had $85,000 in gold,the rest in silver and CSA bills,claiming it was the REMAINING FUNDS OF THE CSA.
So the question is:Was there an additional $240,000 (the 1/2 ton) that could be transported to south Florida?
We now know the FT KNOX was a 1940's embellishment to the legend.

If possible,March 1,1865 to April 2,1865 to see how much gold was still in the CSA treasury.
The legend states "near the end of the war"
When Jefferson Davis was captured in May 1865, he had $85,000 in gold,the rest in silver and CSA bills,claiming it was the REMAINING FUNDS OF THE CSA.
So the question is:Was there an additional $240,000 (the 1/2 ton) that could be transported to south Florida?
We now know the FT KNOX was a 1940's embellishment to the legend.
We dont know the date. It could be 1864. I think the treasure books said 1864, 1865, and "toward the end of the war." The pennies supposedly found were 1861.

I will try to respond to your question or points, one at a time.

ECS--While standing at the location over the top of where i think the gold is, a "local" informed me that it was called "Cloud Mountain". It was so-named after an Indian that held ceremonies at this EXACT SPOT.

As far as who would own the gold if it were dug up is beyond my knowing or caring. As I have stated, I don't expect to get my hands on any of it. I want the rights to the video. This treasure/legend is taking up a whole lot more of your time and efforts than mine. The events I have described happened in 1990.

Signal--If I said Cloud mountain was "well known" I don't remember it. Refresh my memory and send me one of those quotes you all are all so fond of. If it is "barely known" then this is a perfect example of how you need to get away from your computer to gather some facts from the field. I like to go on the computer but it has a way of limiting your ability to find out things that others don't know.

Bigcypresshunter--Check out aura photography. There is at least one book on it. You don't need a tin foil hat to have a more open mind.

ECS--I think that you forget that our country was experiencing a civil war, hence the name "Civil War". The country was in chaos. There was tons upon tons of gold spread all over the south. As the Union advanced south, people fled either carrying their gold or stashing it. Do you think that because you read somewhere that there was only X amount of this or that means it can all be taken as "FACT". Because Jefferson Davis "claimed" anything that it is "fact".

Here ar some facts for you.

1. The old man that led me to this spot also led one of Fisher's crew to Atocha gold.
2. Myself and experts tested him in such a way as to prove his abilities, which he passed.
3. He led me to an EXACT spot that turned out to be where a local indian held ceremonies and had the place named after him.
4. Proffesionals using state-of-the-art electronic equipment said that there was gold (for the sake of the arguement,non-ferrous) metal buried at this spot.
5. According to your own research others have said there is gold in the same area.
6.If you were coming from the west it is mainly solid ground until you reach a point to where in front of you is a sea of grass. This would make you stop and you might bury the gold you are carrying. This is the area of Cloud Mountain.
7.Cloud Mountain is the highest area within miles.
8. I'm convinced it is there. A fact whether it is or not.

Now you all can keeping plugging away on your computers gathering information all you want to. Keep up the good work. You do it your way and I will do it my way.

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We used to use the Polaroid Land Camera to take pictures of deer at the hunter check station and hang them on the board. But as you stated, the film became more expensive as the years went by. The last batch of film we bought was so old every picture turned yellow. We were forced to abandon the process due to the high cost of film.

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"Cloud Mountain" was named after a local indian

I removed my tinfoil hat but Im still confused. Was the location Cloud Mountain named after a local Indian? Was his name Cloud or Mountain? or was it named simply because of its height above sea level?

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It was named after a local indian. I do not know where the Cloud part comes from. Although it is certainly no mountain, as I have said it just happens to be the highest point around. He held ceromonies over the spot where Ovid said the gold was. This was long before we came along. Something happened while we were there that led to me finding out this info. I am not going to reveal everything. I have already said way more than I should have. Don't expect to find out anything about all this on a computer. Well, I am wrong about that. I have now made it available on anyone's computer. Ain't modern technology great!

As I have said, there is info available about using camera's to capture the aura from buried gold/silver/ diamonds. I was given a book about it. I found one of my old pictures of the Englewood pirate chest site that had an aura on it. I purposely took photos of a buried diamond site and captured the aura on it. This was on a Polaroid camera years ago. We were going to get eveything to do it with modern technology but haven't got around to it yet.

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I will try to respond to your question or points, one at a time.

ECS--I think that you forget that our country was experiencing a civil war, hence the name "Civil War". The country was in chaos. There was tons upon tons of gold spread all over the south. As the Union advanced south, people fled either carrying their gold or stashing it. Do you think that because you read somewhere that there was only X amount of this or that means it can all be taken as "FACT". Because Jefferson Davis "claimed" anything that it is "fact".

Now you all can keeping plugging away on your computers gathering information all you want to. Keep up the good work. You do it your way and I will do it my way.

It is much speculation if there is in fact unaccounted for Confederate gold. The books of the Confederates have been audited numerous times, and have found just about all of it if not all is accounted for, this doesn't leave much for error, and possibly not "tons". Of course, there may have been all kinds of trades and whatnot that were not recorded.

As for the use of computers, it just makes sense. We have information on computers, we can talk on computers, and it is a tool that was not available to those trying to hunt decades ago. I would not say I limit myself to computers however. I love going to libraries. I also would love to speak to Indians or others that have folklore about such issues, I just don't know any of them. In short, I would use anything out there to help me.

To me there is no speculation as to whether there is unaccounted for gold. After having spent 4 years in the army I know how things work. Believe me, everything is not always accounted for or reported. Not being able to find a record of something certainly does not mean it does not exist. This is true now and it was most certainly true 150 years ago.

Take your hands and hold them about a foot apart. Picture a square one foot by one foot. If that were solid gold it would weigh over 1200 pounds. I think that everyone has made such a big deal about "treasure" that they forget it is just some shiny metal. Being as heavy as it is and valuable, you just can't go carrying it around. I think there is WAY more to found than just about anyone thinks.

It is possible that some guys were carrying some of this shiny metal from point A to point B and got stuck, lost, scared, tired, snakebit, ate up by mosquitoes, scared by giant alligators, killed by indians or who knows what. They had to hide it. It is possible it is still where they hid it. Who they were and what they were supposed to be doing is not as important to me as where this shiny metal is now and what it is going to take to get to it.

It is much speculation if there is in fact unaccounted for Confederate gold. The books of the Confederates have been audited numerous times, and have found just about all of it if not all is accounted for, this doesn't leave much for error, and possibly not "tons". Of course, there may have been all kinds of trades and whatnot that were not recorded.

As for the use of computers, it just makes sense. We have information on computers, we can talk on computers, and it is a tool that was not available to those trying to hunt decades ago. I would not say I limit myself to computers however. I love going to libraries. I also would love to speak to Indians or others that have folklore about such issues, I just don't know any of them. In short, I would use anything out there to help me.
That is correct,signal,most of the TREASURY of the CONFEDERATE STATES of AMERICA is accounted for.
It is still possible that if there is gold in the Everglades,it may have come from a blockade runner's payment for cattle.
If there was a pursuit,it had to be from the UNION garrisoned at FORT MEYERS,who often made interior raids,and burnt FORT MEADE,which served as a depot for the cracker cattle trade to the CSA.
If it was a cattle payment,it would be far less than a half ton ($240,000).
Another interesting fact,there were many pro-Union residents in the Peace River area.

To me there is no speculation as to whether there is unaccounted for gold. After having spent 4 years in the army I know how things work. Believe me, everything is not always accounted for or reported. Not being able to find a record of something certainly does not mean it does not exist. This is true now and it was most certainly true 150 years ago.

Take your hands and hold them about a foot apart. Picture a square one foot by one foot. If that were solid gold it would weigh over 1200 pounds. I think that everyone has made such a big deal about "treasure" that they forget it is just some shiny metal. Being as heavy as it is and valuable, you just can't go carrying it around. I think there is WAY more to found than just about anyone thinks.

It is possible that some guys were carrying some of this shiny metal from point A to point B and got stuck, lost, scared, tired, snakebit, ate up by mosquitoes, scared by giant alligators, killed by indians or who knows what. They had to hide it. It is possible it is still where they hid it. Who they were and what they were supposed to be doing is not as important to me as where this shiny metal is now and what it is going to take to get to it.
The research was directed to the theme of this thread-The legend of CONFEDERATE gold in the Everglades-not some guys lost in the swamp with gold. SAVVY?

OK, Mr. Stickler for details, some CONFEDRATE GUYS lost in the swamp. Is that better? You all seem hell-bent on proving that there is no CONFEDERATE gold in the swamp. This thread is about CONFEDERATE gold buried in the swamp. SAVVVYYY?????

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