Swamp Gold

No need to apologize and I hope you are not insulted by my following post but I feel it needs to be said. I will ask permission, just like I said, but I will not lie to the Indians. Nothing has changed. But Jeffro's fears have some merit. All we have is Ovid's dowsing.

I was excited with Salvor6 calling and the newsclippings surfacing at the same time. It was a huge break in the case.

There are a few things bothering me. Forget dowsing for now and lets concentrate on some other issues. You say your partners had their own ELECTRONIC equipment that signalled gold at 18 feet!! You must be joking if you think anyone would believe that. Sorry Tim its just not possible. Apparently your partners were not being honest with you and that makes me sad because you are not a bad guy.. I posted the question on the tech forum just to be absolutely sure. The question is such a joke that very few people bothered to respond. http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/tech-talk/298404-gold-detector.html There is not a detector that can verify gold even at 1 foot and Im not sure why you believed them.

Now the other situation is 18 feet deep. There is no way the gold could be more than a few feet deep in my opinion unless the county has built a extra high dike, structure, or landfill "mountain" on top of it. You will hit water at several feet deep and wouldnt it be hard to dig 18 feet deep without water pumps in place? Have you thought about that? Maybe you didnt know the water level. And how would the Confederates bury something so deep with hand shovels and without pumps? Unless the location is a man made "mountain" and I understand why you cant say but this will also severely complicate the situation. I cant imagine trying to get permission to remove or dig into a flood control structure.

We can talk about dowsing and the aura of gold on film later if you wish but we have heard it all before and these are several confusing issues that I have in the meantime.

Also Im sorry I will not be posting everyday. I have more important issues at this time as I am worried about being homeless and losing my land and everything I own.. Also someone has stolen my ID, and ruined my credit. The IRS will not even send my tax return.

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Here is my picture of some Indian sign with burnt herbs that I discovered (arrow) on a manmade flood control dike in the Everglades near Shark Valley. You can see that its only a few feet down to the water level even though the spot I was standing on is possibly 10 feet above sea level. The Everglades water itself is 5- 10 feet above sea level. Digging 15 feet underwater would be hard to do but I guess its certainly possible because canals are dug but how would the Confederates have buried something 15 feet underwater? Im sure they would have chosen an island but islands are only a few feet above the surrounding swampland.

indiansign%20everglades4paint.webpindian sign bigcypress2.webp

Here is a great map showing depth of water. The best time to dig is during the dry season in January/February/March but any more than a few feet and we are digging underwater. . We are now in the wet season. http://sofia.usgs.gov/eden/stationlist.php Click on the area.

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Another question.

Do I have to believe to ask permission?

I dont think its necessary that I myself believe in dowsing to ask permission to dig.

BCH almost every metal detector manufacturer makes a model specifically tuned to find gold. Like the Fisher Gold Bug, the Tesoro Gold Hound and the Nokta Gold Sense. These machines can discriminate out magnetic metals and other alloys like a quarter or a nickel.

BCH almost every metal detector manufacturer makes a model specifically tuned to find gold. Like the Fisher Gold Bug, the Tesoro Gold Hound and the Nokta Gold Sense. These machines can discriminate out magnetic metals and other alloys like a quarter or a nickel.
I realize they can discriminate out magnetic metals but are you saying there are detectors that can discriminate brass, aluminum, copper and lead from gold?

My HH Pulse is made to punch deep on gold and I have an adjustable frequency but I cannot tell the difference between gold and lead or even brass or aluminum. Im just saying that he must be mistaken that they located gold at a depth of 18 feet with an electronic device. If they had such a device, I would think it would be marketed by now.

Do you remember Mike Browns invention called the Treasure Tracker? I have the video but I dont know how to post it. He claims it locates gold and silver at 50 feet and can prove it. He travelled all around the country selling his services because the machine was not for sale. I could tell you the end of the story but I would like to post the video first..

It doesnt really matter what I believe or what I dont believe about LRLs or what I know or what I dont know. I have decided to ask permission and hope for the best. Unless we are trying to remove a Florida Flood Control structure, I can see no harm in trying. BDG gets an A+ for effort for trying something new or unknown..

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I apologize if I offended anybody. I am not in a good mood lately.

I would like to hear about your Pulse Star used over the site. Is that possible? Is 18 feet too deep? Maybe Ovid is mistaken on the depth?

It doesnt matter either way. I will ask permission if you guys are willing to wait.

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Here is an interesting link on a dowsing device manufactured in Britain. The Military Dowsing Rod | Freaky Phenomena Iraq has spent approximately $85 million on them.

The ADE 651 detects a number of different substances, from truffles to bombs, currency and contraband ivory. In order to tune your ADE 651 for detection, you insert a card into the handgrip. Each card is set to the "frequency" of the item in question.


It goes on to say what I always suspected:
The truth is that dowsing rods do work, but not in the literal sense. They "work" because they require only the slightest tilt of the hand to create a "hit." And we are far more perceptive creatures than we give ourselves credit for. ...An experienced dowser has had decades of practice and feedback, and has learned to "read" the terrain for signs of underground water. If only at a subconscious level."

The dowsing rod is only as good as the operator. The same can be said for a Ouija Board. It works by means of our subconsciuos mind.

Our subconscious mind directs the rod or pendulum ever so slightly. The same can be said for the Ouija Board planchette that moves from some kind of subsconscious signals down to the fingertips. Here is Marcs amazing story. For those that dont know Marc is the original owner of TN.

ouija board.webp http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/marc/16073-few-words-about-marc.html

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BCH--I hope you can get your personal problems in order. It sounds like a terrible situation to be in. Solve one problem at a time. Priority first. Things will usually work out as long as you don't give up. Maybe you could get a place to live and work on the reservation. You have said that you have worked there in the past. Give it a try. Who knows, maybe that's what is supposed to happen.

The gold was not originally buried at 18 feet and it didn't get that deep by sinking. That's all I will say. Ovid is the one that said it was that deep. All I will say is that I have seen him tell the depth on multiple occasions and the object was at the exact depth he said. I am not going to go into a long explanation on this or anything more about dowsing. I have seen what I've seen and know what I know. Ovid did not use rods. He used pendulums. I could go into a long list of his accomplishments, but I don't care to.

As I have said the electronic equipment that was used is not on the market anywhere. It was one of a kind. I am not in a position to discuss it and don't really care what anyone on TN wants to believe.

As far as water tables go in Florida, I have dug in places where you hit water at one foot. This is very common. We have been in a drought and the water table is as low as I have ever seen it. That's about to change. Yes, we would probably have to deal with water on this dig. That is to be expected. It won't be as bad as you think. You have to dig with equipment, and dig fast. Sometimes it requires shoring on the sides of the hole. Nobody said it would be easy although it is no Oak Island ordeal.

As I have said, the indians have there own GPR. If a written contract can be drawn up prior to my showing the location, I would want to use any and all electronic equipment available to help pinpont/locate what is hopefully there. I make no guarantees. I would not be wanting to do this if I was not pretty confident that we will find something. I have dug in Englewood for the pirate chests and made a lot of mistakes. I am older and wiser now. At least older anyway.

Where is Marc's story?

I just read Marc's story. Kind of makes believing in dowsing a little easier doesn't it. I am trying to tell you there is WAY more to my story than I will ever put on TN. That is partly why I have just started my own website. I beleive that I am part of Marc's story now. That's how I ended up on TN. I don't care about all the treasures. They are a means to an end. The Indians are a part of this. I think I know what the future may bring. I want to help control what could happen. Some things are inevitable and some things can be stopped.

In reality... YOU SHOULD ALL WAKE UP! Even if it does exist there are four large landholders who tie up the land and prevent access. 1) the Federal Govt.; 2) the State 3) the tribe 4) the Collier Group. If you are not a member of the tribe or work for Collier then you are S-O-L. BTW- the biggest productive source of historical-archeological- and yes. remnants of Mendez's gold siezed by the Calusa tribe have been found on an island in SW Florida--entirely offlimits and Federally owned. The other land site-inland- with remnant of Mendez's gold - fashioned into beads and hammered jewelry; also contained early 1800's hammered coins; glass beads (portuguese-dating back to 1400's; Spanish trade beads and Seminole glass beads -- is a site not too far from Immokali. During the early 70's I saw over 40 12X16 riker cases of shiny materials taken therefrom back in the early 60's by a private Th'er, back when knowone was minding the store... I forget now if it is Fed or State land now. However, since then, tresspassers have been caught and arrested there more than once. Seminole War records of a patrol describe one of these places-as a large hill in the middle of a glade. Reason I bring this up is because some of these same Sem War soldiers-or Florida Confed. Cattle Guard would have guided a party through this area, already being familiar of it from the Seminole conflict in previous years. I'm almost certain of that. For example, when I found Ft. Jupiter in SE Fla., in the middle of the site I found a Civil War camp. Now, I never revealed this to anyone before but have it written up for future publishing. Other than melted lead, we found Confed. and Union issue 69 cal. minnie balls-no buttons to i.d. the camp. I'm certain this had to be the camp where Dickenson and his men, in civilian clothing, hid out west of the Jupiter lighthouse while awaiting a schooner to take them to Havana and on to South America (1865). How did they know to camp their. I have a connection-one of Dickenson's men was a soldier at this fort in 1838 under Gen. Jesup. Thel local societies and the State never provided me the grant to publish all this info-although I was promised I would get one (wish I got that one in writing...); And, since the grants did not become available, I decided to table the publishing of all site work at Jupiter until the dishonest culprits who are still living and working there are entirely out of the picture. If I publish it now-they will be paid to investigate these places by the State. Therefore, I refuse to feed them such data. That is how strongly I feel about what they did and what has occured there since then. If you go into the everglades chasing Confed $$$, which actually was recovered and taken to So. America by the remaining Confed. Govt., Goodl Luck and have a good lawyer...

I am wide awake. I think this spot is owned by the tribe. My understanding is that they can do just about anything they want to. All it takes is talking in the right way to the right people. We are talking about digging one hole in one place. We would not get arrested if we were there with permission. I actually think the Indians are capable of digging the hole themselves if they feel like it.

You come on here with a lot of great facts. I am sure you probably know what your talking about. I am sure you have done tons of research. I am sure that you must have paranormal powers. That's how you know that all the gold was recovered and taken to South America.

Sorry, Southern Digger, I disagree with you. I say some of it is still in the ground in the Everglades. I don't care how much you have read, who you know, where you have been, or anything else. For you to state that the Confederate gold, and I am assuming you mean all of it, is gone, shows that you may not know what your talking about.

Now before you get all bent out of shape, just consider you may be wrong. Thanks for the advice. Good luck with whatever course of action you take in your quest to.....well I quess you will let us know what that is after it happens.

In case you did not read where I talked about getting the gold for myself, I will repeat it. I don't expect to get any of the gold for myself. So if it were to be found and I did not get any of it, so what. Did you ever hear the saying "you can't take it with you when your gone"? I want to be a part of digging it up for the "adventure". The people who climb Mt Everest, what do they get for it when their done? Bragging rights? Self satisfaction? What difference does it make to anyone else.

Hello Ken. (Southern Digger) I am waiting to speak in person with a respected tribal member. Im not fooling with anything Calusa or anything on government land. As you know that is all protected and strictly off limits. I will not even talk about it online. The Feds monitor this forum. Hope to see you in Copeland. Be careful my friend.

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On the morning of April 2,1865,CSA Gen Robert E Lee sent a telegram to CSA Sec of War,Gen John C Breckinridge-"I advise that all prepartion be made for leaving Richmond tonight".Thus began the grat Richmond "bugout"-by nightfall,CSA Pres Jefferson Davis,members of his cabinet,the archives,and the remaining treasury of the Confederacy were on their way to Danville,Virginia.From Dannville they traveled to Charlotte,NC,Chester,SC,onto the Marshall family plantation at Abbeville,Sc,where the various parties with portions of the treasury,separated.(Note that Marshall also had a plantation on the Oklawaha River in Marion county ,Florida.)From Abbeville,one of the parties went to the Chennault plantation in Washington,Ga.The events there,and the the flight of the treasury gave rise to the lost Confederate gold legends that every former CSA states and border states have- $500,000 in gold here,a !/2 ton there,etc.
The Confederacy had more silver,than gold in its treasury-most of the gold was spent ,purchasing warships and munititions from Europe,and they could not afford the loss of gold.(Read the correspondence between CSA treasury sen Christopher G Memminger to CSA assayer,Lewis Quillian about the lost $38,500 in gold bars from Dahlonega,Ga,Nov,1862.)
When Jefferson Davis was captured,May,1865,only $85,000 of gold was in his possession.Notice the amounts are much smaller than the amounts of mentioned in legends.
Fort Jupiter was a Seminole War fort,located on the south side of the Jupiter River,three mi from its mouth.It could have been an overnight camp for Gen John C Breckinridge,who obtained a lifeboat from the US Columbine,provided by CSA Capt J J Dickinson,of Marion county.Breckinridge did make it to Cuba,and had enough funds to sail to England.I do not believe that he would have left any gold or silver behind,being a wanted man from the US government.
On a simple search of "CLOUD MOUNTAIN",one discovers that it is NOT a location,but a phrase describing cloud formations in the Everglades,and like the end of a rainbow,a pot of gold can be found beneath the cloud mountain.

All I know is that on the day I was standing on top of the possible gold site, a person very familiar with the location said that it was called Cloud Mountain. He said it was named after an indian. Maybe it had something to do with gold. A story within a story. There is more to this that I will not put on here.

Seminole War records of a patrol describe one of these places-as a large hill in the middle of a glade. Reason I bring this up is because some of these same Sem War soldiers-or Florida Confed. Cattle Guard would have guided a party through this area, already being familiar of it from the Seminole conflict in previous years. I'm almost certain of that. For example, when I found Ft. Jupiter in SE Fla., in the middle of the site I found a Civil War camp. Now, I never revealed this to anyone before but have it written up for future publishing. Other than melted lead, we found Confed. and Union issue 69 cal. minnie balls-no buttons to i.d. the camp. I'm certain this had to be the camp where Dickenson and his men, in civilian clothing, hid out west of the Jupiter lighthouse while awaiting a schooner to take them to Havana and on to South America (1865). How did they know to camp their. I have a connection-one of Dickenson's men was a soldier at this fort in 1838 under Gen. Jesup.
The subject keeps going back to the Confederate Treasury gold but I have no reason to believe that the 1940's legend is treasury gold but I understand its best to check all leads. The legend west of Lake Okeechobee is no where near Jupiter. Thanks Southern Digger for the tips but so far we cannot prove the gold exists either. If its true, Im leaning toward cattle gold.

Its too bad we cannot find any proof that this legend has any basis of fact. Its no reason to give up researching but it is quite frustrating.

I will tell the Indians everything I know and it will be solely an Indian decision, of course. I wish I had more to go on besides dowsing, rumors and treasure books. The best I have to show the Indians is the 1949 newspaper clippings but even that story of gold from Fort Knox doesnt check out and the moonshiners Ghost Village wasnt proven to be a Confederate encampment..

It doesnt look too good but who knows? I dont know until I ask.

Thanks all, keep searching. I think the key is to find the Davie Historical Society where the legend allegedly came from..

Southern Digger do you know anything about a Broward Historical Society in 1949?

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BCH--Take the time to reread your whole thread. A lot of pepole have done some serious researching. Ivan Salis came up with some good stuff. So did many others. There are plenty of stories that backup this legend. What more do you need to believe in it? I don't think anybody is going ro come up with a map that has an X showing exactly where the gold was buried. If the exact location was recorded the information would possibly have been used to dig it up a long time ago.

As you know the Everglades is huge. Finding the gold would be like finding a needle in a haystack. It can be done. Sometimes the best way to find the needle is to jump in. If the gold is out there you have to dig to get to it. Don't underestimate dowsing. Marc's story is crazier than using a pendulum to locate metal in the ground. Do you believe Marc's story? I don't know him, but he believes it. He has obviously seen enough to prove it to himself.

That's how it is was with Ovid. I saw plenty to make me a believer. You don't have to believe him, just give me a chance to prove it. Talk to the indians when you can. If it is meant to be, it will happen.

Living in Davie and working in downtown Ft. Lauderdale I would be willing to do some research in Town if I can come along with my MD...for the glory. I know all the politicals that would be needed to get the right access. The history of my home is that of the 7 Isle of Sam Jones (Abiaka (a.k.a. Sam Jones) Was a powerful spiritual leader who used his "medicine" to stir Seminole warriors into a frenzy.). My wife and I own one of the last privately owned properties on the Oak Hammock.

If'n ya want to do the research yourself Ive got an extra bed and am a mean cook (as long as I am in Town...I travel often on weekends).

BCH--Take the time to reread your whole thread. A lot of pepole have done some serious researching. Ivan Salis came up with some good stuff. So did many others. There are plenty of stories that backup this legend. What more do you need to believe in it? I don't think anybody is going ro come up with a map that has an X showing exactly where the gold was buried. If the exact location was recorded the information would possibly have been used to dig it up a long time ago.

I read it, its my thread. Ivan is just guessing. I need more than "stories" to believe. Most people do not believe in "stories". The Indians told you themselves that they dont believe. There must be some historical records that we havent found yet.

There has to be record somewhere and I want to find it.

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