Swamp Gold

One interesting story, which I can find little information about, regarding buried gold, possibly near the everglades, and indians (seminoles) is "Treasure Spot":

Exploring Florida Documents: Pageants
Good research,signal! That event seems to have happened at least 20years after the War of Northern Agression,around 1885.Could this story been woven into the SWAMP GOLD LEGEND? As Bigdogdad related,what happened 150 years ago and what has been written in treasure books can be very different from the truth.
The UNC at Chapel Hill library contains the original ledger of the Confederate Treasury-which includes payouts and currency shipment information.If a shipment of gold was made in south Florida,the information would be here,with names,amount,and dates.I have tried to access this ledger to no avail. Can you,with your contacts?

Ovid knew nothing about the pirate treasure. I did as I grew up in the area. I asked him to take out his pendulum as we were driving down the road as I knew we would be passing by the old pirate camp. As far as the gold on the Alley, he had located it while sitting in his living room using a Florida map. How is that for crazy?

What you all choose to believe about any of this has absolutely no bearing on what the "truth" will turn out to be. The only way to know "for sure" if there is gold buried is to dig it up, which I plan to do. In the mean time keep doing your research. Have fun with it. Good luck. Maybe you will find an old map with an X marks the spot on it. Then you will know where to dig.
Myself, I never said that I didnt believe you. As a matter of fact, I have agreed to work with you.

What I dont understand is your attempt to ridicule this thread and our research.

You stated earlier that a van load of people were driving to Alligator Alley with old books. Are you saying that these books were kept secret from Ovid? Are you saying on the long trip to the Everglades that treasure was never mentioned? Are you saying that Ovid never read any treasure books or seen the gold story in the newspaper or on the news in 1949? The Confederate gold legend and its Indian Reservation location was in all the treasure books in the 60s thru the 80's. I found it as a teenager and I wasnt even lkooking for it.

Are you saying that Ovid was NOT a treasure hunter and was not aware of the famous pirate camp or Beale legends? I hope you do not take offense to my questions because I dont know unless I ask. I do not have ESP.

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Im piecing it together now. I see that you stated Ovid found the location on the map most likely before the trip. . So the only question would be was Ovid a treasure hunter before he dowsed the map?

I experimented with dowsing myself and my conclusion was that the subconcious mind has influence.

If I had permission today, I would say lets go. But I cannot seek permission umtil Sept and so in the mean time I see no reason not to continue the research while I have great researchers ECS and signal online. I am also receiving help from Bramblefind who we all know is very good with ancestry research.

I realize you already know the exact location and I am not asking you to reveal it BigDogDad. As a matter of fact I dont want to know because I do not want you to think I would attempt to doublecross you.

I also understand you said arrangements may change and thats OK to. I feel our best chance is to wait til Sept but I also understand you may proceed without me.

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The KEY is contained in the Confederate Treasury Ledger.
The who,what,when and where if a CSA shipment was made through the Everglades.

One interesting story, which I can find little information about, regarding buried gold, possibly near the everglades, and indians (seminoles) is "Treasure Spot":

Exploring Florida Documents: Pageants
Interesting story but the location is all wrong. The Miami River is too far from our Indian resevation. Its all under concrete now.

About four decades ago an expedition of treasure hunters buffetted on the flooding tides of a tropical hurricane sought refuge in the fresh waters of the Miami River. This seafaring crew was returning from a successful trip to South America, where a rich booty in the form of buried gold had been found. Several miles up the river they selected a camp site and pitched their tents. Lookouts of the Seminole Indians had kept tab on the arrival of the newcomers. They summoned reenforcements. Just before sundown they attacked the mariners. This first attack was repulsed. The sailors, appreciating the seriousness of their situation picked out a sandy knoll back some distance from the shore and there buried their treasure chests. During the night the Indians re-attacked and slew all except one of the seamen. They left this man for dead. Although badly wondeful, he escaped in the darkness, swam the river and finally reached the trading post where the city of Miami stands today.

The Englewood site is a known pirate camp but if you say Ovid didnt know, I believe you. But keep in mind that if Ovid was a devoted treasure seeker he may have had knowlege of these areas beforehand and I believe the subconcious mind will influence a dowsing rod.

The UNC at Chapel Hill library contains the original ledger of the Confederate Treasury-which includes payouts and currency shipment information.If a shipment of gold was made in south Florida,the information would be here,with names,amount,and dates.I have tried to access this ledger to no avail. Can you,with your contacts?

I will look for it, if you have the actual name of the document i can likely get it.

The files on my site, files 40575586 and 40578571 both have some accounts of the final appropriation of CSA funds

I have located a Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, dated 1864, but that would be too early right? We would need 1865 or later?

Just uploaded to my FTP site "The Confederate States of America, 1861-1865: A Financial and Industrial History of theSouth During the Civil War" which may give insight to appropriations as well

I do not have much time at the moment to answer each question. I am not wanting to ridicule this thread or your research. If you enjoy doing it, keep it up. I was making fun of the buried 1000 foot deep comment.

It was not a "vanload" of people going to the Everglades. It was myself, Ovid and two guys. They had brought books along for their own reading and enjoyment. Nothing was kept secret from Ovid other than the fact that he was "tested" by us in the past.

Of course treasure was mentioned on the trip. That was the purpose of the trip. Ovid said he could locate the gold on Alligator Alley. We drove down Highway 27 and as soon as we turned west on I-75 he sensed the gold. For the next 10 miles he kept us updated as we got closer and finally pointed off to the side to where the gold was. We were able to get to where we were standing over it.

I am sure that Ovid read treasure books. I could not tell you if he saw it on the news in 1949. How big of a news story do you really think it was? As far as "famous pirate camp" I am not sure which one you are talking about. I am involved in two diffrent pirate treasure stories. One is in Englewood and is the supposed camp of the pirate Brewster Baker and the other is in Manatee county and is called Rocky Bluff. When I said Ovid knew nothing about the pirate camp I was talking about Rocky Bluff.

As far as the Beale treasure, yes Ovid knew all about it and we drove together on a trip to look for it. I posted a little about it on one of the many Beale threads.

Who on this thread that will respond actually thinks there is gold in the swamp? I do.

As far as the research you all are doing, what do you expect to find? A map with an X on it? A receipt for the gold shipment? I don't think you are going to find anything one way or another that is going to convince any of you to change your mind about your belief or disbelief in the gold's existence. I also don't think you will find anything that will tell you where the gold is, if it exists. I am not making fun of you. I have done my research in the "field". I have found information that you will not find written in some library or googling. But good luck anyway.


I think what we hope to find, is just something more than stories leading to stories. The stories we have are based on apparently something known prior, and we could track that down, it would give us a basis for their being a treasure in the first place. It doesn't pay to even try to look for the spot unless you have a map with an X so to speak like you said, or you have a realistic basis that their is a missing treasure to be found. Once you have that, you can zero in on where.

"How big of a news story do you really think it was?"

My old fashioned research has discovered that the Associated Press teletype story was possibly in every newspaper on the east coast. I used to work in a radio station as a kid and I remember this teletype machine where all the news came into the studio.

It was also a very big story in every treasure book. Chances are Ovid read the story before he dowsed the map.

That doesnt mean Ovid is wrong it just puts it in a different perspective.

Compliments of Bramblefind. http://news.google.com/newspapers?n...J8yAAAAIBAJ&sjid=5ekFAAAAIBAJ&pg=4246,2546471

Note: a Miami newsman by the name of Sanders took the photos.

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I think what we hope to find, is just something more than stories leading to stories. The stories we have are based on apparently something known prior, and we could track that down, it would give us a basis for their being a treasure in the first place. It doesn't pay to even try to look for the spot unless you have a map with an X so to speak like you said, or you have a realistic basis that their is a missing treasure to be found. Once you have that, you can zero in on where.
The who,what,why,where,and when,Bigdogdad.Without that,its as signal stated-"stories leading to stories".
The Confederate Treasury records are the key,if and when a gold shipment to south Florida would be contained therein,and would take the story from being only a legend. Good work ,signal.
By the way,are you going to share the "indian name" for THE EXACT SPOT?

ECS and Signal---Answer my question as to whether you believe there may be gold buried in the Everglades. If you both answer it truthfully I will give up the name of the site where I think the gold is buried. You too Bigcypresshunter. After all the research so far, do you think the gold is somewhere to be found?

ECS and Signal---Answer my question as to whether you believe there may be gold buried in the Everglades. If you both answer it truthfully I will give up the name of the site where I think the gold is buried. You too Bigcypresshunter. After all the research so far, do you think the gold is somewhere to be found?
I think there is some truth to the legend but like you say it gets different over the years. I am trying to seperate fact from fiction.

I was very excited to find the 1949 newsclippings only a week ago. I will be much happier when I find the military records.

The story is feasable and it supposedly was given to JP Harvey from the historical society. He lived in Davie Florida which is in Broward County. We are working on this now but research takes time.

So the answer is yes but I am a dreamer and lover of the Everglades and I want to believe. I want to believe so much that it may be clouding my brain. If I thought the answer was no, I would have not have started this thread.

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