Jeffro-- I am working on it. If you have read this entire thread, there HAS been TONS of reasearch done on it. From reading everything I have found about BCH, he has already been on some "godawful" hunting trips because of his own and others reasearch. He has heard this story all his life. How many times has he dug? Isn't digging for the gold what this is all about? I have had people that I know tell me, "your afraid to dig, because if it isn't there,you lose your dream". Of course most of them have no idea what I have actually done.
I want you to tell me your idea of the ideal scenario for what kind of "facts" anyone on here expects to find that will show them where this gold is. So much has changed over the years that old clues may have long ago been destroyed or covered up. Do you really think your going to find something in "writing" that is going to tell you where to dig. That was what I meant by thinking outside the box. You have to use every means available in the search.
If you think I am telling "everything" I know on TN for all the world to see, you are mistaken. As far as dowsing goes, either you believe in it or you don't. Seeing is believing, and I have "seen".
The TN group seems to contain a lot of people with very negative attitudes. I try to avoid those types of people. I think I may be about done sharing anything that I have learned thru my own "research".
I have never met BCH, but he sounds like a nice guy. I am willing to share with him everything that I know about this story and if the treasure is dug up, I want him standing there watching/helping it happen. I have driven by this spot probably a hundred times over the years. BCH can sit in air-conditioned comfort throughout the "godawful" ordeal I want to put him thru.
Jeffro-Do you have a better plan?