Swamp Gold

OK, Mr. Stickler for details, some CONFEDRATE GUYS lost in the swamp. Is that better? You all seem hell-bent on proving that there is no CONFEDERATE gold in the swamp. This thread is about CONFEDERATE gold buried in the swamp. SAVVVYYY?????
It is amazing how fast serious discourse has degenerated since your presence on this thread.Signal and I have posted solid historical information concerning this topic.You,on the other hand scoff at,ridicule, and dismiss the information and reply with more stories within stories and name dropping anecdotes about dowsing.
With that said,I will bow out of this thread.

ECS- I am supposed to take critisism but your not? Have you not yourself scoffed,ridiculed and dismissed what I have put on here based from personal experience actually being in the swamp looking for the gold. Name dropping anecdotes? I was told the name of the site given to me by a person at the site the day I was there. Do you think I am making all this up? I am only repeating exactly what transpired. Facts only. I am sorry if you are offended. Please don't quit on my account. Bigcypresshunter--I apoligize for hurting anyones feelings.

I joined this thread after seeing the title "Swamp Gold". I read the first post on this thread by Bigcypresshunter. (I was going to put it with this post but I don't know how). It talks about some guys being chased into the swamp carrying gold. This story is very similar to the one that was told to me back in 1990 by someone reading a book in the back of my van. The details are different. In the story that was told to me they were transporting the gold across the Everglades to Miami. This story did include the detail about the camel hump rise and two creeks meeting. Is this the same story with two different versions of what happened? I am sure that it is. What are the true exact details of what really happened. No one will probably ever know.

This is what I do know. I have already given details of what happened on my journey in 1990 to try to get to the gold location. Here are some more. When we got close to the site we realized we were not really allowed on it. We made up a story that we would tell if anyone asked us what we were doing on the property. I was driving a big,long plain white Dodge maxivan. It looked kind of like a government vehicle. We drove onto the property.

Ovid kept pointing in the direction of the gold. I circled around and headed to where he was pointing. We were able to drive to within 30 feet of the spot. He sat in the passenger seat, swung his pendulum and pointed to a specific spot. There was something on the ground in this spot. (I can't tell you everything at this time). While we sat there figuring out what to do next, a guy came driving up towards us on a front-end loader. I figured he was going to run us off.

He drove right past us and went over to the spot. He took his front bucket and dragged it over the spot and moved what was there about 30 feet away. We sat there kind of dumbfounded wondering why he did that and why did he do it as we sat there. He began to head back towards the direction he came. I had to stop him and ask him why he did what he did. I got out of the van and signaled him to stop.

He shut off the machine. I asked him why he moved what was there. He said he had been asked long prior to our being there, to move it. I had to know more. I asked him what the history of the area was. He said an indian had held ceromonies on this spot. It had been named "Cloud Mountain" after him. He told me a little more. I thanked him and he drove off.

Ovid had used some wires he carried coiled in his pocket to determine the depth. He would uncoil them and then get them bouncing in front of him and somehow count the bounces. He said the gold was at 18 feet. I know all this sounds incredibly crazy but I had seen it work in the past in amazing ways. There was not much more we could do so we left.

I beleive that Ovid may have heard of this gold from the old man that taught him to dowse. His pal was referred to by the name "The Duke of Pahokee". Pahokee is not far from this site. It is on Lake Okeechobee. The Duke used a small fiberglass fishing rod to dowse with. He would attach a sample of what he was looking for on a leader that he attached to the end of the rod. When the rod was pointing towards the desired object it would dip.

I am sure by now you think I am nuts for believing any of this. The Duke used the rod to locate an ammo box full of gold in the roots of a cypress tree overhanging the bank of the Peace River in Ft Meade. Thats another story.

I did not join this thread to cast doubt on anything that anyone else has come up with. I am just sharing part of my story as to what happened during my quest for "THE SWAMP GOLD". I honestly believe the gold exists and should be considered a true "LEGEND".

Hello Bigcypresshunter. Just got done reading all 37 pages of this thread. It took me 2 days!

I decided that I should start at the begining of this thread and read all posts. When I started posting on here I had only read the very first post and then skipped to the end. It is now 2 a.m. and I am up to page 22. It is sometimes hard to follow as there seem to be a lot of deleted posts. One of the posters (SWR) seems to have deleted all his posts. From the few quotes of his on other peoples posts it is evident that he has a very negative attitude about this legend and probably others. There is usually someone like him anywhere you go.

A lot of the info gets repeated over and over but this is to be expected as this thread has gone on for years. If I had started out by reading the whole thread before I posted I may not have said what I have said or needed to say some of it. I know that I can delete anything I have already posted but at this time I choose not to.

I joined this thread because I knew from the start that it was about a treasure that I am reasonably sure I may know the location of. I am pretty much putting on here where the location is. Am I stupid to do this? Even if I am I don't care. I want Bigcypresshunter or someone to find this treasure. I will show him where it is. All he has to do is get permission to try to dig it up. I beleive that if he tries in the very near future he will succeed. All he needs is the faith that he can do it.

This needs to happen ASAP. I suggest that he should talk to whoever he can ASAP. Don't tell them everything I have said. The window of opportunity is not open forever. BCH--I know you feel you need proof to convince the indians to let you be able to put together a dig. Tell them you know of someone else that says he KNOWS where it is. Even if it may not be where I think it is, this may be all you need to convince them. Even with all the reasearch that has been done, you will probably never have anything in written form that will convince them of anything.

None of us will live forever. We need to go after our dreams NOW! Others have taken me up on my offer to show a treasure location. They are now believers. I am going to go after many treasures in the near future. If you want the SWAMP GOLD to be one of them and you want to be part of it, ACT NOW. Maybe you can wait until September and it will still all work out. I am putting this into your hands.

Tomorrow I will continue to read the thread. I have already learned some information that may help me with my pirate silver dig. Thanks.

BCH--If and when you are ready to talk to the indians, let me know.

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Sorry I have been busy with personal problems.

I am going to ask permission when I go back to work and my connection returns from Maine. That way I can ask in person. I work on the reservation Sept-Jan. The Indians know me but I dont have any phone numbers. I am hoping we can sit down together and I will be truthful and tell them the story about the legends, the newspaper clippings and about Ovid.. I cannot lie to them. It will be their decision to give permission. I really dont know how the Indians feel about dowsing but I can find out from my coworker..

I understand since you know the location, further research is unnecessary.

I also understand if you want to ask on your own its OK with me. The best I can do is in Sept maybe the end of August. That is the best I can do. I have no idea where cloud mountain is and I am not even going to try.

You can delete some posts if you wish. SWR is no longer a member so his posts were automatically deleted.

Maybe someday I will go back and read it all but not any time soon. Im sorry I have been busy with personal matters.

As far as who owns the gold I am hoping that we would share at least a little but this will probably have to wait to after I try to get permission..

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Could this be your man? Perry Duke of Pahokee? swamp gold duke of pahokee.webp

I have plenty to keep me busy at the moment. At this point the only way I would procced on my own is to go to the reservation and try to talk in person to whoever is in charge of this kind of activity. I have tried to call in the past. It could take some time and maybe a few trips. It is about a 300-350 mile round trip for me. For the moment I will wait.

This Duke could very well be the "Duke of Pahokee". He was an old man when Ovid met him. Ovid was 87 in 1987 when I met him. Ovid had been dowsing for 35 years when I met him. The article calls him the exalted ruler. Ovid told me that the Duke was quite a character. That was some good research on your part BCH.

I have a story about the two of them and some gold at Ft. Meade but I don't want to go off on some tangent on your thread unless you want to hear it on here.

You could tell the story about gold found at Fort Meade. It would be interesting and it does have a connection because its probably cattle money. Were there any dates on the coins?

I appreciate your research ECS and signal and and I see no reason to quit now.

I just finished reading the whole thread. There is DEFINITLY enough information to show that it is very likely that there is gold buried in the Everglades. In fact I think there may be multiple spots. I have read the posts that I have put on TN and I know that I come across as very cocky and arrogant. I can see where I would turn a lot of people off. I am 56, it's kind of hard to change at this point in my life. I have made a lot of claims on this and other threads. I am hoping for the chance to prove them all. I do know that it's very unlikely for anyone to find treasure if they are not willing to commit to a place, and then dig. I am ready to dig.

I just finished reading the whole thread. There is DEFINITLY enough information to show that it is very likely that there is gold buried in the Everglades. In fact I think there may be multiple spots. I have read the posts that I have put on TN and I know that I come across as very cocky and arrogant. I can see where I would turn a lot of people off. I am 56, it's kind of hard to change at this point in my life. I have made a lot of claims on this and other threads. I am hoping for the chance to prove them all. I do know that it's very unlikely for anyone to find treasure if they are not willing to commit to a place, and then dig. I am ready to dig.

Yes, true. But don't worry about it too much. I for one would personally like to see a treasure, any treasure, dug out of the ground from dowsing. I personally require tons of research to put me on good sites and have done quite well from the time I put in. Don't take BCH on some godawful hunt to nothing without actual facts to back you up.

He's a pretty good guy from what I know of him over the years. :thumbsup:

Jeffro-- I am working on it. If you have read this entire thread, there HAS been TONS of reasearch done on it. From reading everything I have found about BCH, he has already been on some "godawful" hunting trips because of his own and others reasearch. He has heard this story all his life. How many times has he dug? Isn't digging for the gold what this is all about? I have had people that I know tell me, "your afraid to dig, because if it isn't there,you lose your dream". Of course most of them have no idea what I have actually done.

I want you to tell me your idea of the ideal scenario for what kind of "facts" anyone on here expects to find that will show them where this gold is. So much has changed over the years that old clues may have long ago been destroyed or covered up. Do you really think your going to find something in "writing" that is going to tell you where to dig. That was what I meant by thinking outside the box. You have to use every means available in the search.

If you think I am telling "everything" I know on TN for all the world to see, you are mistaken. As far as dowsing goes, either you believe in it or you don't. Seeing is believing, and I have "seen".

The TN group seems to contain a lot of people with very negative attitudes. I try to avoid those types of people. I think I may be about done sharing anything that I have learned thru my own "research".

I have never met BCH, but he sounds like a nice guy. I am willing to share with him everything that I know about this story and if the treasure is dug up, I want him standing there watching/helping it happen. I have driven by this spot probably a hundred times over the years. BCH can sit in air-conditioned comfort throughout the "godawful" ordeal I want to put him thru.

Jeffro-Do you have a better plan?

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I am hoping you have more to go on than dowsing alone on your spot. That's all.

Yes it has been an interesting thread with lots of different stories. Maybe one or more has merit? I wish you both the best of luck in this endeavor. :)

Hey Jeffro do you remember that story, when we first joined TN, of the man who went out and bought a metal detecter and found a signal in his backyard? He was convinced gold was buried. He proceded to dig a hole all the way to China. He kept digging every day for months and every day he put the detector in the hole and got a signal. He dug a hole so deep his home almost collapsed and the city made him shut down the operation. He was convinced it was only a few more feet. Amazing pictures.

I wish I could find it. Does anybody remember?

BCH-I would like to believe that the above story has nothing to do with how you feel about me or my story. Let me know on that. I would like to hear from you what would be the best case scenario for one of your researchers to come up with. What would be "proof" that the gold exists or where it might now be? Please put that on your thread. If you don't now believe that it's VERY possible that it exists, maybe even multiple "swamp golds", you need to reread this whole thread that you started. Read all 737 posts with attachments. If you do that and then still question the merit of this legend, I suggest that you move on. I am done wasting my time putting my hard earned story on here.

Hey Jeffro do you remember that story, when we first joined TN, of the man who went out and bought a metal detecter and found a signal in his backyard? He was convinced gold was buried. He proceded to dig a hole all the way to China. He kept digging every day for months and every day he put the detector in the hole and got a signal. He dug a hole so deep his home almost collapsed and the city made him shut down the operation. He was convinced it was only a few more feet. Amazing pictures.

I wish I could find it. Does anybody remember?

Yes I remember the story, but can't put my finger on a title unfortunately. I think there was one here recently (within the last 6 months or so) also.

BCH-I would like to believe that the above story has nothing to do with how you feel about me or my story. Let me know on that. I would like to hear from you what would be the best case scenario for one of your researchers to come up with. What would be "proof" that the gold exists or where it might now be? Please put that on your thread. If you don't now believe that it's VERY possible that it exists, maybe even multiple "swamp golds", you need to reread this whole thread that you started. Read all 737 posts with attachments. If you do that and then still question the merit of this legend, I suggest that you move on. I am done wasting my time putting my hard earned story on here.

Relax BDD, I wasn't questioning your reputation or demeanor or anything else about you personally.

We've seen all types come and go on this forum over many years. Some good, some bad, and some outright wack-jobs LOL!

You don't seem to be a bad egg in my eyes and have a lot more spunk than most. Please realize that while you firmly believe in dowsing as some form of proof, there are a lot of people who don't necessarily believe it to be. Hey, to each his own is what I say.

I like the fact that you are willing to act when you believe you've nailed a spot down. One of these days you are sure to hit a good one if you can maintain that attitude from dry hole to dry hole. It can get discouraging, believe me I've traced one or two in my day ;)

Keep after it and once again I sincerely have my fingers crossed for you and BCH if you ever team up down there. Wish i was closer- I might even have been tempted to come spend a week or two with you guys.

BCH-I would like to believe that the above story has nothing to do with how you feel about me or my story. Let me know on that. I would like to hear from you what would be the best case scenario for one of your researchers to come up with. What would be "proof" that the gold exists or where it might now be? Please put that on your thread. If you don't now believe that it's VERY possible that it exists, maybe even multiple "swamp golds", you need to reread this whole thread that you started. Read all 737 posts with attachments. If you do that and then still question the merit of this legend, I suggest that you move on. I am done wasting my time putting my hard earned story on here.
Nothing has changed. Im going to ask the Indians just as I said I would.

It was just a very interesting news story with amazing pictures and I would like to search and find it so we can all read it. The guy dug several hundred feet down as if he was possessed. He had an elaborate set of ladders. It was an amazing story of how far someone is willing to go to find gold.

It has nothing to do with your story. In this case, I think the man was misreading his electronic equipment (metal detector). Every time he put the detector in the hole, the needle pointed to gold and most of us know that no detector can signal gold. Also I believe he was getting feedback or something. Many times I put my coil in a hole and get a signal. I keep digging deeper when all along the target is on the side of the hole.

Its all a learning experience and we have probably seen it all here at TN over the years. The point is we learn from others mistakes.

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would like to hear from you what would be the best case scenario for one of your researchers to come up with. What would be "proof" that the gold exists or where it might now be? Please put that on your thread.

What we are looking for is anything older than 1949. We are searching for military records. Anything thats not in a modern "Treasure Book." Anything. So far we cannot find it. Where did the story come from?

Normally a treasure hunter will work from original historic records. Since we have none, I have no choice but to work backwards and the farthest back I got was 1949.

Example Mel Fisher hired Gene Lyons to search original historic records in Seville. Mel Fisher knew it was not just a legend. He tried dowsing when all else failed but he always knew the treasure was real he just didnt know the location.

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Sorry, I am getting a little grumpy in my old age. It seems to bother a lot of people on TN when a story has dowsing mixed in with it. Remote sensing/dowsing is used by our government. It is taught by the military. Oil companies use dowsers. Divining is mentioned in the Bible. Almost all plumbers know of someone who uses it or does it themselves. I know of a city worker who use rods all the time to locate pipes. I have rods in my truck and I will bet you I can locate wires/pipes on anyones's property. The anti-dowsers on TN need to get over it. The problem is too many dowsers make huge claims and are usually never able to back it up. Making huge claims and not backing them up applies to lots of people. I am a novice at dowsing. There are experts. I met one.

I know this is not a dowsing forum. It is also not a metal detecting forum. It is also not a aura photography forum. It is not a map reading forum. It is a cache forum. There are cache's of gold/silver/diamonds all over Florida. I am willing to bet the county where I live has thousands of locations where someone has buried one or more of these items in the ground and not retrieved them. They may be small amounts, but they are there.

If you are only willing to use a metal detector you will have dig up an awful lot of junk in the process of finding something valuable unless you just get lucky. I have a Garrett GTI 2500 with the Eagle dual coil attachment. This metal detector is smarter than me and I have no patience with it. As I have stated, you need to use all means that exist to try to come up with a likely spot to dig. I have a very open mind and am willing to listen to anything that may work.

I just can't stand negativity in any form. I know you need to be realistic and use common sense. If you think something won't work for you, I can almost guarantee it won't. That goes for almost anything. I have learned how to do a lot of different things. It is mostly all about attitude and wanting to succeed.

I am convinced there is something very valuable at the bottom of Cloud Mountain. It may not have a thing to do with the Civil War. It is on the reservation and cannot be dug without the indians cooperation. BCH, I will wait for you to get permission. Let's dig up some SWAMP GOLD!!!

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