Swamp Gold

More good confederate gold documents talking of the transport:


please let me know if you have trouble seeing these. I won't have them their forever, so I wish there was something better I could do long term, but they will be there a few weeks.
This site is not working well for me last 2 days. I believe I saw your files popup somewhere on my computer but I had to go out and I cant find them now.

Anyway I think you are finding the flight of the Confederate treasury. There is tons of information online about this.

I believe we are looking for a completely different gold shipment. This one involves Capt Riley and its either payroll or cattle money, NOT the Confederate Treasury

Now that I know where to search Im finding that this Confederate gold story must have been written in almost every newspaper in the country on sept 22, 1949. But they all say basically the same thing. It must be the old API news on teletype..


I put my files here so it would be easier for you to get:


just click the link, go inside the director swampgold and they aren't zipped or anything they are straight PDF's. Let me know if it works for you.

Anyway I think you are finding the flight of the Confederate treasury. There is tons of information online about this.

I believe we are looking for a completely different gold shipment. This one involves Capt Riley and its either payroll or cattle money, NOT the Confederate Treasury
The Everglades Confederate gold legend is NOT part of the Confederate Treasury,but over time as the legend grew,it became intwined in it.
Example: The gold depository in Ft Knox DID NOT exist in 1865.
Cuba,besides being a trading partner of the CSA,was also the destination of fleeing members of Jefferson Davis' cabinet-CSA Sec of War,John Breckinridge did make it to Cuba,with a part of the CSA treasury. Reporting that Riley was on his way to Cuba with the gold could be a logical embellished added from other stories.Questions to consider:
What was Capt Riley's motivation to be in south Florida? Was it to make a gold payment for Cattle? Was it to run to Cuba with the gold,and who in Cuba would recieve it?
Where were the Union persuers garrisoned?Was the Florida CSA COW CAVALRY involved?
Did Capt John Riley Bless McIntosh (blockade runner who was never captured),ever return to Florida?Did his daughter?


I put my files here so it would be easier for you to get:


just click the link, go inside the director swampgold and they aren't zipped or anything they are straight PDF's. Let me know if it works for you.
OK it worked. I will study them tonight. thanks. How long will they work?

BTW the pennies were 1861, not 1863 and it was his father that was 12 not 16.. See how easy it is to get the story mixed up lol?

I looked back to page 4 on my screen and here is my story:

OK heres the story. I happen to be talking about hunting in the Everglades with my friends mechanic, and he told me an interesting discovery made by his father back in 1958. His father, stlill alive and well, was 12 years old at the time. Much of the Everglades was unexplored at the time and hunters were building hunting camps on the higher ground. His family owned a well drilling company and they wanted a deep well for the camp. They started drilling and hit something solid, not too deep (less than 10 feet). The pipe soon became clogged. They hit the pipe with hammers and was surprised to see what was being sucked up. IT WAS PENNEYS! 1861 pennies were being sucked out of the ground! They kept pumping until they filled two galvanized buckets full of these pennies. He said they were not worn and appeared to be straight from the mint. He believes they were Indian Heads and all dated 1861. Since no one lived in the Glades at the time but Indians, they assumed it was a payroll stolen by the Indians at the end of the Third Seminole War and buried on this old Indian mound.

Now I thought this very interesting. The Seminole War ended in 1858. I would have to think this was Civil War related. I need some help here. What would 1861 pennies be doing buried in the Everglades? Could this be related to my lost $200,000 Confederate payroll? Did the Confederates use Indian Head pennies? Could he have mistaken these coins as Indian Heads? Are pennies commonly carried in payrolls? Being 12 yrs old at the time his father witnessed this event, he could be mistaken about the details, but there is no doubt in my mind that the story is true. He didnt say they found any gold, but they werent looking either. They only unclogged the pipe to drill a well. He even told me the approximate location, and it fits the legend, but would not be able to find it easily. I know one thing, there is a metal galvanized pipe in the ground at the exact location, if I can locate the old camp.


Thoughts on the origin of Confederate gold

In 1861,the CSA took over the US BRANCH MINTS at Charlotte,NC,Dahlonega,Ga,and New Orleans.Only the New Orleans mint was used by the Confederacy to produce coins.From Jan 29,1861 to May 30,1861 the CSA mint produced $1,356,136.00 in gold and silver coins -then ran out of bullion.
CSA Treasury Sec. Christopher G Memminger ordered asst treasurer (New Orleans) Anthony Guirot to ship remaining assets (unrefined gold and silver ?)to Lewis Quillan,assayer, at the reopened CONFEDERATE ASSAY OFFICE at Dahlonega in Feb,1862.
Recieved in June,1862,Quillan assayed and casted 900oz gold and 17,000oz silver into bars and bullion.
It was crated and loaded onto wagons,Oct 1,1862,to be shipped to Atlanta,then to be loaded onto a train for Augusta for deposit in Thomas Metcalf's CONFEDERATE DEPOSITARY BANK.
The bars and bullion NEVER ARRIVED,and has never been accounted for.
Note,the 1862 price for gold was $20oz,and silver $1.21oz,which would make that shipment worth $38,570.00.
Also,the CSA used whatever hard money that was available,US,Mexican silver dollars,British pounds,ect.
So,the question,where would the gold in the Everglades have originated? Is the half ton in the legend accurate?

The spot where I think 1000 pounds of gold is buried is around 1000 feet from I-75. When I say spot, I mean EXACT spot. I can point to the ground where to dig. Unfortunately it is now buried very deep. It is on Indian property and the location is very high and dry. I do not know or care how it got there or who buried it. I was shown this location in 1990 and two other people who are still alive were with me. They went back without me and were ordered off the property. Thats all I am going to say.

The spot where I think 1000 pounds of gold is buried is around 1000 feet from I-75. When I say spot, I mean EXACT spot. I can point to the ground where to dig. Unfortunately it is now buried very deep. It is on Indian property and the location is very high and dry. I do not know or care how it got there or who buried it. I was shown this location in 1990 and two other people who are still alive were with me. They went back without me and were ordered off the property. Thats all I am going to say.
You say you dont care about the history but you should use the history if you are going to write about it or make a movie. We are doing all the research and you are welcome to use it as long as we are working together.

BigDogDad, I dont know if you missed this quote from 2009. Does it mean anything to you? Did you say you were there in 1987 with Ovid? Would Ovid have been 78 in 1984? Alligator Alley and I-75 are now one and the same but they were not in 1984. Alligator Alley first opened in 1969 and was widened to four lanes between 1986 and 1992.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alligator_Alley alligator Alley signs.webp

"Now the other gold shipment or payroll is on Federal Land. One of the locations is less than 1000 feet from alligator alley. Federal Land, fenced, posted, swamp, snakes and alligators. But it is there. Actually seen the map of the locations back in 1984. Long, long story of were the map came from. A treasure hunter friend of mine was contacted by an attorney to contract salvage rights for his client who's father left him the map. The client was 78 in 1984. My friend lived on the west coast and contacted me to determine the feasibility. Not knowing the location I needed something to determine the effort required. So the old fellow snapped some pictures of the map. It was about 3' x 4' and an original. Then took close ups of a few locations and cut them out so there was no reference to the rest of the map and sent them to me. He sent me a picture of the map he took at a distance so as not to reveal anything. I had it blown up at a photography studio and bam there it all was. I was also able to identify the locations after comparing the cut outs to the same copy of the map I got from the historical society.

I said I would do it and then he says, "OK, now let's contact the government so I can legally claim it" I told my friend to tell him if he does that he loses it all. And that is were we parted ways. I doubt seriously he ever did anything with the map and the area is so treacherous for someone that age, who by now is 103 or dead. So the stuff is probably still there. Great Story eh? I had the gold bug bite me and I was fanatic over it for 10 years. I even gave away my detectors and quit altogether. I still like to research and read the forums."


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Can somebody send me a test PM to see if my email is working yet? The administrator is working on it.

The spot where I think 1000 pounds of gold is buried is around 1000 feet from I-75. When I say spot, I mean EXACT spot. I can point to the ground where to dig. Unfortunately it is now buried very deep. It is on Indian property and the location is very high and dry. I do not know or care how it got there or who buried it. I was shown this location in 1990 and two other people who are still alive were with me. They went back without me and were ordered off the property. Thats all I am going to say.
I have a story of someone arrested there a few years back but I havent searched for it yet.

I should not have said I did not care about the details of how the gold got there. Its just that I don't have the time or interest to do a lot of the research that is already being done by others. Treasures could be found and have no trace of who put them there. I have a very interesting first hand story concerning this treasure that I am just not ready to share. Ovid was 84 in 1984. I did see the post about the 1000 feet from alligator alley. The truth is if my old buddy Ovid could locate the gold so can others. It is right out in the open and very deep. No one is going to dig it up without permission. The indians could if they want to. They may already know where it is. I have stood over the top of it.

The story that I was told at the time was that this was a gold shipment being sent to England as an up front payment for arnament. The confederates had no factories to produce cannons and had to buy them from the British who wanted to be payed up front. As the soldiers tried to cross the Everglades they got to a point and decided they could go no further. They buried the gold and turned around and headed back west. The gold was not recovered. Thats all I know and need to know. The most important thing to me is the EXACT spot it is now and how to get permission to dig it up.

The story that I was told at the time was that this was a gold shipment being sent to England as an up front payment for arnament. The confederates had no factories to produce cannons and had to buy them from the British who wanted to be payed up front. As the soldiers tried to cross the Everglades they got to a point and decided they could go no further. They buried the gold and turned around and headed back west. The gold was not recovered. Thats all I know and need to know. The most important thing to me is the EXACT spot it is now and how to get permission to dig it up.
Thanks for sharing the story. Do you know the source? Who told you? Ovid?

I think Ovid knew some of the story. The two guys that were with us had a lot of old books. They were riding in the van and had brought some books along. They were convinced the trip would be a waste of time because of the "Sea of Grass". These two guys were involved in the prior testing of Ovid's dowsing abilities. After he passed their tests they wanted to go along to see where some of the treasures were. They went back to this spot with their own equipment without me knowing. I just found out about this recently. The one that I talked to said that their electronic equipment confirmed the gold was there. They were ordered off the property but I don't think they got in trouble.

I think Ovid knew some of the story. The two guys that were with us had a lot of old books. They were riding in the van and had brought some books along. They were convinced the trip would be a waste of time because of the "Sea of Grass". These two guys were involved in the prior testing of Ovid's dowsing abilities. After he passed their tests they wanted to go along to see where some of the treasures were. They went back to this spot with their own equipment without me knowing. I just found out about this recently. The one that I talked to said that their electronic equipment confirmed the gold was there. They were ordered off the property but I don't think they got in trouble.
Old treasure books?

I think you mean that the electronic equipment confirmed metal or non-ferrous metal underground. I dont think there is any type of electronic metal detecting equipment that can confirm gold underground. Correct me if Im wrong.

These guys had their own equipment that they created. They claimed it could differentiate gold from silver. I do not want to go into any of this. Let's just say they were convinced it was there. I am not going to have any more to say on this whole treasure site subject. It does not matter what anyone thinks as far as how it affects the truth. If you can get permission to dig, your in. If not, I will eventually get it myself. At this point i am not in a hurry. Anything can change.

These guys had their own equipment that they created. They claimed it could differentiate gold from silver. I do not want to go into any of this. Let's just say they were convinced it was there. I am not going to have any more to say on this whole treasure site subject. It does not matter what anyone thinks as far as how it affects the truth. If you can get permission to dig, your in. If not, I will eventually get it myself. At this point i am not in a hurry. Anything can change.
I dont know if Salvor6 relayed the message to you but my contact is out of town. I will not be able to seek permission until September. Keep in mind that I will have to convince her and the Indians so the more I know the better. You can email me anytime with any questions or if you dont want to talk online. I do NOT want to know the location at this time.

In the meantime you are welcome on my thread or you could start your own thread as you mentioned earlier. I am only asking questions to gather information. If you do no longer want to discuss it, its your option. Thanks for what you have shared so far.

I am not aware of an "electronic" device than can differentiate between gold and silver underground but I am always willing to learn. It sounds as if they were not exactly truthful but that doesnt mean the treasure doesnt exist. I hope anything I said hasnt offended you.

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I think they have electronic testers now used by pawn shops. I am not familiar with them and Im not sure at what distance they work. This could use more discussion for sure.

Is this something that can be incorporated in a metal detector? http://goldentouchtester.com/

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