HOLA amigos,
I decided to write down the movements of the Breckinridge/Wood party, and work out if this party was the one mentioned in the Treasure Atlas or not based on geography.
ADC Wood & Lieutenant Barnwell
agreed to meet Judah P Benjamin & M. Bonfals and Colonel Leovie at Madison Florida
met Osborne Boswell near Valdosta GA
Lt Barnwell stayed with Osborne
Crossed into Florida near Madison, went to General Finnegans and met Breckinridge, Col. Wilson, Benjamin had gone off in another direction
Crossed the Suwanee River at Moody's Ferry
took old St Augustine road
got water at Diable Sinks
went out of his way to Mr Yulee's property fifteen miles
another days ride took them to William and Samuel Owens place near Orange Lake
contacted Capt Dickinson at Waldo FL for a boat, arranged to meet on the upper St John river
road led past Silver Springs
May 25 at Fort Butler on St John's river across from Volusia, met Russell and O'Toole, two men of Dickinson's command with the boat
Party now consists of Sec Breckinridge, ADC Wood, Col Wilson of Kentucky, Tom a black man servant of Breckinridge, Russell and O'Toole six men.
next day made 35 miles, passed ruins of two huts
Traveled UP river
sailed across Lake Monroe, passing ghost towns of Enterprise and Mellonville
May 29 reached Lake Harney portage to Indian River
two days to go 18 miles, using bulls to haul boat
reached Indian River near Cape Canaveral
passed four days along Indian River
passed Indian River inlet then 30 miles to Gilberts Bar or Old Inlet, where river narrows
lost an entire day in the everglades, finally found a narrow (1/2 mile)place to haul the boat across to launch into Atlantic
passed Jupiter Inlet, lighthouse had been destroyed
Some distance southward of Jupiter Inlet, spotted an enemy cruiser so went ashore - hid boat in the palmettoes
Spotted by cruiser, went and traded for food
Wind forced them to work south slowly
Came upon a settlement of Seminole Indians, traded for food
On the 7th (June) they spotted a small sail off New River Inlet, gave chase and caught them, forced the men to trade boats
later abreast of Green Turtle Key, decided to call at Fort Dallas
went ashore tried to find turtle eggs but failed, went to Fort Dallas an old fort from Seminole wars
Fort Dallas is near mouth of Miami River
after nasty encounter there, managed to buy food etc
by night they made Key Biscayne
by morning they spotted enemy ship coming after them, put to sea
Enemy schooner catching up with them, they dumped their supplies and ballast overboard
Escaping over dangerous shoals, by night reached Elliots Key
Next headed for Caesar's Canal, passage between Elliot's Key and Key Largo
by ten at night, Careysford Light was abeam
two days weather moderate
met brig Bangor, which gave them water and hardtack
came to Double Headed Shot Keys
then 30 miles S to Salt Key Bank
on 6th day out from Florida crossed Nicholas Channel
came to Cardenas, Cuba
2 days rest, then took train to Havana where they met Governor General Concha, where they separated
So when compared with a period map, it is clear they kept to the east coast entirely (1865)
which is or was Dade county and not Collier.
So unless Thomas Terry made the mistake of transcribing the escape of Breckinridge into Collier county, (possible - the Treasure Atlas has more than one such error) or unless ADC Wood lied about the route they took, the story is NOT one and the same with the escape of Breckinridge. I was in error, due in large part to not knowing the geography of Florida.
Good luck and good hunting amigos I hope you find the treasures that you seek.