HOLA amigos,
SWR wrote
Cool...now the story changes gears to a Major J.G. Reynolds in the Union.
That certainly proves ole SWR wrong that a Major Thomas Reynolds was enlisted in Florida, CSA
I see that you are wanting someone to do the research for you, to show you a set of official records that "fits" the story with precision,
which is not the case with any legend. Perhaps you have not researched enough 'legends' of lost treasures to have learned that they are usually based on factual events, with garbled and/or exaggerated details. My question is along the lines of
trying to find the ROOT of this story, and where error(s) may lie. You are sure free to continue to insist that someone else go and hunt down an incident which "fits" the story exactly in every detail, but please don't expect that anyone is going to do this for you just to "prove" it to you - especially considering your past reactions when facts are found that lend credence to what you term "fables".
*Side note here*
If my use of BOLD type for the purpose of
bringing attention to certain statements is bothering you that much SWR, you do have the option of complaining to the moderators about me. I think you will not find any such bold type used for insults.
SWR wrote
See, this is where a thread goes to crap. Instead of posting about the topic and exchanging information and ideas (good or bad)....the proponents of this fabel and my stalkers would rather post about me.
What now, you are being persecuted if someone disagrees with your complaints?
I have no bone to pick with you SWR, in fact if you have any particular treasure that you are hunting for, that you would like some assistance in researching -
I would be happy to provide what help I can, which may or may not be useful to your search. Just start a thread and let me know - perhaps you may get a little help in finding a treasure.
Back to our topic here, even if we have the full roster lists of ALL the men of Florida who served in the Confederate armed forces (
remember we don't know if this Major was Army, Navy etc) it would not
prove that no Major Thomas Reynolds was in Florida, as the man of the story very well could be a native of another state, or even another country. The story simply does not specify the nativity of Maj. Reynolds.
I think the Federal raid on Fernandina (Florida) is a
possible tie in to this story, as it is during 1862, (March 4th) the Federals did "win" the battle and captured the town along with a train, (supposedly just missing capture of Senator Yulee, who they believed escaped on a train that left as the assault took place) some US troops did pursue inland and also followed the RR tracks besides capturing a small boat with a CS surgeon and a number of CS govt mules. The story states that the "paymaster" (in the Confederate forces it seems they were not actually called that but '
Quartermaster') was running after the Federals had just won a victory. In this particular battle we do have a Major Reynolds involved but on the US side. So far I have only read the Union reports of the action, haven't located the relevant CS reports.
Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.