Swamp Gold

you getting your mind refreshed or thinking about getting in the attic

thanks for the link big cy but thats not the one with the photos of the buttons in it --scroll down the postings a bit and you can see them -- its under john rugheimer -south carolina seal button with photos and story --dec 29th 2007 * posting date -- can't seem to get the link set up to to workfor me for some reason --humm

ah thanks --- the link above numbered 131622.0 has em in it and yes thats a CSN button in photos #4 and #5 --the rugheimer s c state seal button is in photo #6 :wink:

Bridge End Farm said:
haven't heard from diggemmup in a long time, you all? he was onto a few unrecorded forts last I knew and pulling nice relics
I havent heard from him. I will send him a PM.

ivan salis said:
thanks for the link big cy but thats not the one with the photos of the buttons in it --scroll down the postings a bit and you can see them -- its under john rugheimer -south carolina seal button with photos and story --dec 29th 2007 * posting date -- can't seem to get the link set up to to workfor me for some reason --humm

ah thanks --- the link above numbered 131622.0 has em in it and yes thats a CSN button in photos #4 and #5 --the rugheimer s c state seal button is in photo #6 :wink:

rugheimers injury was gotten in the line of duty at sea , running the blockade --- he was hurt in a attack upon the vessel he was on when it was shelled by a union vessel as it ran the blockade --- you need to fully read the story / know the history of john rugheimer - after his injury he backed other blockade runners fiscally and bought and sold cargoescarried upon them -- he made a butt load of money doing so and was very wealthy * his money made him one of the few wealthy southers after the war **--his family built a heck of a house ( fulton lane inn - in charleston* if you care to got to the website about historic B & B's in charleston--you will see they say that it was built by the family of the famous blockade runner * john rugheimer ) AFTER the war. -- so geez oh petes here we go again --

by the way -- I say the sun is shining outside my window -- care to argue / need proof of that to?

ivan salis said:
rugheimers injury was gotten in the line of duty at sea , running the blockade --- he was injuried in a attack upon the vessel he was on when it was shelled by a union vessel --- you need to fully read the story / know the history og rugheimer - after his injury he backed other blockade runners and bought and sold cargoes carried upon them -- he made a butt load of money and was very wealthy * his money madehim one of the few wealthy southers after the war **--his family built a heck of a house ( fulton lane inn - in charleston* if you got to the website (about historic B & B's in charleston) --you will see they say that it was built by the family of the famous blockade runner * john rugheimer ) AFTER the war. --geez oh petes here we go again --

lol spent lots of money after the war :tongue3:

you know I'd open the can for you :tongue3: rofl

bigcypresshunter said:
Bridge End Farm said:
bigcypresshunter said:
Bridge End Farm said:
bigcypresshunter said:
Supposedly he collected some relics from an overgrown campsite that are Civil War era.

are you looking for this camp also as I don't think it and the well are the same location
Yes, my eyewitness places the mint 1861 Indianhead well pennies in the same general area of the last camp. But it was approx. 1958 and my witness was only 12 years old when his family drilled the well. I talk to his son all the time and he says thats all that he can remember.

how far you from Florida Bay
Florida Bay is far to the south end of the Glades. http://www.us-parks.com/everglades/maps.html
Bridge, do your notes say Florida Bay on the well?

CAN YOU BRING YOURSELF TO ADMIT THAT ONCE YOU LOOK THE SITE UP * ABOUT THE HISTORIC -- FULTON LANE INN IN CHARLESTON -- that it says "was built post war by the family of the famous blockade runner -- JOHN RUGHEIMER *"the answer is simple * no you can not admit it ---try saying it just once -- "I was wrong --you were correct"---(really it will not kill you) --- lets see --had a local road named after him -- built what is concidered by many to be one of the best homes in the area after the civil war (when most souther's were broke) was very wealthy and did many good things fiscally with his wealth -- yep I'd say he was "famous"

its not surprizing to me when you say that rugheimer made uniforms for the citadel post war ( after all his pre war trade was that of tailor / dealer of clothing items) -- the fact that the cadets from the citadel fought for the south * is widely known -- and rugheimer was a strong believer in the confederate cause * (he was badly hurt while running the blockade) -- so it wouldn't suprize me a bit if john rugheimer made their uniforms -- the citadel was concidered by many to be a educational bastion of the "old south" for many many years -- and many southern folks sent there sons there to be educated.--

by the way I've never ever seen you admit an "error" -- if someone points out or proves that your wrong ---you just go "off subject" and never admit their right --- I say if you find out that your never wrong --then you need to start working on your "god complex". because only god is right 100% of the time.

bigcypresshunter said:
bigcypresshunter said:
Bridge End Farm said:
bigcypresshunter said:
Bridge End Farm said:
bigcypresshunter said:
Supposedly he collected some relics from an overgrown campsite that are Civil War era.

are you looking for this camp also as I don't think it and the well are the same location
Yes, my eyewitness places the mint 1861 Indianhead well pennies in the same general area of the last camp. But it was approx. 1958 and my witness was only 12 years old when his family drilled the well. I talk to his son all the time and he says thats all that he can remember.

how far you from Florida Bay
Florida Bay is far to the south end of the Glades. http://www.us-parks.com/everglades/maps.html
Bridge, do your notes say Florida Bay on the well?

no but I do know of some camps over that way in my notes

no in support of my statement that john rugheimer was / is a famous blockade runner -- i POINTED OUT the fact that the FULTON LANE INN --a well known historical B & B in charleston -- lists on its website -- that the home was built after the war by family the FAMOUS blockade runner JOHN RUGHEIMER !

you rather than say --gee ivan I see why you say that now -- you are correct . -----go geee I guess we have differant standards for "famous" -- hog wash / plain and simple -- you can not and do not admit to making a mistake or that you were in error

that my veiw is a serious flaw -- having to be "right" all the time -- the only thing that is right all the time is god , so if you think your always right --you must think your god.

I'm a mere flawed human , I can and do make errors -- I try very hard to keep them few and far between however -- and I try to assist or help folks when I can -- and for the most part people do like me. (folks do not say I'm a negative type person -- however many fo;ks can /do and have said you are a negative type person --so be it --we re at differant ends of the spectrum --- all things must have a balance -- + and - ---yin / yang -- light / dark) --I'm ok with it -- we agree to disagree , I guess

SWR wrote
Naming roads after business's and local residents was, and is common. It is still done today. You need not be famous.

Really? Got any roads, bridges or highways named after you? SWR you claim that you are trying to be helpful, well lets see a bit of information from you, that might just help our fellow T-net members to find that treasure. Thus far I have seen no information from your posts, which could in any way be construed to be "helping" to find any treasure, but perhaps you do have something to contribute. Thank you in advance,

Yeah that is what I would expect from you SWR - always trying to help your fellow treasure hunters locate lost treasures. Perhaps if you worded your assistance in a different way, it might not appear to be utterly un-helpful. But we all probably come across differently from what we would like.

I would suggest to you to read through the Official Records of the Civil War, there are numerous incidents in which "treasures" of gold and silver were lost, stolen etc if you cared to research them. Just ran across one yesterday that I had never seen in any "periodical" a theft (and murder) involving $4000 in gold stolen from a man in Columbiana, money never recovered.

As you reside in the beautiful historic state of Florida yourself, you have quite a few treasures to hunt for without having to travel across the continent. It is wise to keep a skeptical mind towards tales of treasures, but also an open mind.

A bit more for our treasure hunters;

Here is the report mentioning three CS men returning to take a bag, also orders to keep watch for the black man Jones and two bags of money

A US report states witnesses saw 100 boxes of gold and 60 kegs of silver (most probably Mexican silver pesos, as were paid for cotton sold to Mexico)

ADC Wood's account of the escape might be helpful to locate their campsites, though his descriptions are somewhat vague. The find of the Indian head pennies could be "the" campsite they chose to hide the bulk of the gold. Good luck amigos I hope you find that treasure!

SWR you have mis-interpreted the original question. I was asking you to post a bit of information that could help someone to find this lost treasure, NOT a rhetorical question. Do you have any info you could add, that might help? Locating the campsites seems to be the first step, and you are FAR more familiar with the geography of Florida than I, perhaps you have a couple of places you could suggest? Thank you in advance,

While we are on the topic of Florida, Oroblanco, Ivan, do you guys know anything about Andrew Jackson in 1818 hanging 2 traders?
This is an area I am searching along with the Confederate gold story as well. You guys seem to be able to decipher some of the old stories better than others.

HOLA amigo Sabre15 - seems there should be info and records on that incident. Andrew Jackson did hang several people - may I suggest we start a new thread for this subject? Any other clues that would help locate records amigo? (Date it happened, or a name, etc?) Also you do mean "traders" and not "traitors" correct? Thank you in advance,

PS Sabre15 - could this be referring to the very incident you mentioned?

"400 War with the Seminoles Florida still in the hands of Spain caused both the United States and the mother country much trouble There were in this territory a great many runaway slaves pirates and robbers These joining the Seminole Indians kept up a constant warfare against the whites of Georgia and Alabama At length Andrew Jackson in command of the forces of the South was sent 1817 by our government to put a stop to these outrages He promptly entered Florida drove the Seminoles from place to place and captured the Spanish forts St Marks and Pensacola which gave them shelter Jackson's task was not an easy one The Indians and negroes sought refuge in the swamps and thickets of Florida but the hardy Indian fighter used vigorous measures even hanging two British traders who had incited the savages to hostilities Spain protested against Jackson s course of action which was also violently criticized in Congress and by the Cabinet Calhoun proposed that Jackson be court martialed but matters were finally adjusted by the purchase of Florida "

< History of the United States for Catholic Schools By Franciscan Sisters of the Perpetual Adoration (La Crosse, Wis.)>

That is it my friend, and yes I have another thread regarding this story. I feel they may intertwine though, as I study the 1818 trails of Jackson and the seminoles throughout Florida, I wonder if those same trails were used by the confederates. So when I do go into the swamps I cannot help but wonder where the original forts/trading post and trails were and if they were used from the late 1700's through the civil war and if they are still around today. The confederate gold is a little easier to research than the 2 british traders, Arbuthnot and Ambrister, so that is why I ask. Could the confederates known the older 1818 era trade routes if there were any. Both stories seem to take place along the gulf coastline primarily until the one goes into the everglades.

I will go check out your other thread, and will see what I can find to help amigo. I have to think that it would be likely that the Confederates would have known at least some of the older trails through the swamp lands used by Jackson etc.

sabre15 said:
That is it my friend, and yes I have another thread regarding this story. I feel they may intertwine though, as I study the 1818 trails of Jackson and the seminoles throughout Florida, I wonder if those same trails were used by the confederates. So when I do go into the swamps I cannot help but wonder where the original forts/trading post and trails were and if they were used from the late 1700's through the civil war and if they are still around today. The confederate gold is a little easier to research than the 2 british traders, Arbuthnot and Ambrister, so that is why I ask. Could the confederates known the older 1818 era trade routes if there were any. Both stories seem to take place along the gulf coastline primarily until the one goes into the everglades.
Yes, the Confederates probably used the old Seminole War trails and maybe forts as well. The problem is that most of the old forts from the last 2 Seminole Wars are lost and grown over. They built so many of them. That would make another thread of its own. Fort Henry and Fort Shackleford have only recently been discovered. There are many more waiting to be found. The swamps have swallowed them up.

The Everglades: River of Grass. By Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Michael Grunwald




big gnat.gif

I havent been to the library yet. I am not agreeing with everything SWR says but hes right that we need to find at least one verifyable record of this particular buried payroll, paymaster or capture. That is the sole reason I started this thread. Even though there are many clues, we need to find documentation. Unlike SWR, I believe it is out there somewhere. It supposed to be "well documented". I dont believe this story came out of thin air and I dont believe a Florida Game Officer would have been searching a fantasy. Ive been trying to work backwards from his discovery and now I think I need to go back and start from the beginning.


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