Swamp Gold

SWR wrote
Reynolds was KIA @ The Battle of Cold Harbor, 1864

Are we sure that particular Major Reynolds is the correct one? I found another Major T C Reynolds this one from Texas, (if memory serves he commanded the 21st Texas Infantry Regt) but have not been able to confirm or disprove his first name being Thomas or another name that starts with "T" such as Timothy, Terry, etc. Also, may I ask for a link or source that lists Major Thomas Reynolds as being KIA at the battle of Cold Harbor, 1864? Thank you in advance,

BL from florida -- TC from texas -humm more than one reynolds.

no more than you were. --- I'm sure sure many reynolds took part in the civil war --- but how many of them were majors (that level of rank cuts the number way down in a hurry) ---at first I was thinking that BL reynolds being from florida --with the possibilty of maybe knowning / or having worked with Dickison was THE major reynolds in the story -- I was checking out that possibilty first -- I'm sure you can understand why.

from what the story said as I understand it was "major reynolds "--did not say where he was from or his "full" name --- it was me checking up on major BL reynolds toi see if he was indeed -- THE MAJOR REYNOLDS OF THE STORY-- checking to see if he "fit" --being as you say according to records BL was killed at cold harbor * it could not be Major BL Reynolds of florida --- ( unless his "death" was faked --to cover his tracks because of this mission.) ( I agree thats doubtful) but its possible --- sadly since the full name of the MAJOR REYNOLDS AND HIS UNIT WERE NOT SPELLED OUT IN THE TALE, ITS HARD TO SAY WHICH ONE IT MIGHT HAVE HAVE BEEN . -- I was just trying to check out the high % possibles .


SWR wrote
Ivan thought it was BL Reynolds...as there evidently was no such person as TC Reynolds

So now you are directly calling me a LIAR? Honestly SWR sometimes it is just the way you write your posts, they come across as intentionally insulting. Your statement is wrong, false. You need to research history a bit more thoroughly before you go making such statements, for you have assumed that I just “made up” T C Reynolds. Well FOR YOUR information, here he is listed in the Official Records of the Civil War,

Here is a report sent in 1861 mentioning Major Reynolds <among SEVERAL, which obviously are referring to several Major Reynolds>

Thomas Caute Reynolds was Confederate Governor of Missouri

I don't have the time tonight to post more just to prove to SWR that yes, there really WAS such a person in the Confederacy as Thomas C. Reynolds, and one listed as Maj. T.C. Reynolds as commanding a 21st Texas (though the Texas State Archives do not list him, he is mentioned in the Official Record) which brings me to SWR's next snide remark,

SWR wrote
Sure. Like with most tall-tales, some names are changed somewhat to try and add validity to the story.
B.L. Reynods really was a Major here in Florida. Why not use his real name if the events actually happend? Sending a Company of strangers from another state make no sense at all!

How is this story like "most tall tales" SWR? Are you saying that you are actually a recognized expert on 'Tall Tales'? I would like to see your credentials if you are saying that. There is a fair amount of documentation to support the story, perhaps not anywhere near enough to convince you personally, but certainly enough to warrant further research on the part of a diligent treasure hunter. Thank you in advance,

<EDIT, added this>
Just struck me, but this Governor Thomas Caute Reynolds is an interesting candidate, check out this statement (from the Wiki article on him)
Reynolds and a group of refugees including Kirby Smith, Sterling Price, John B. Magruder, and Joseph Shelby, with several hundred of his troops, retreated to Mexico in the summer of 1865. Reynolds took up residence in Mexico City where he served as a railroad commissioner and unofficial adviser to the Emperor Maximilian.

So this particular T.C. Reynolds did in fact flee the country and made it to Mexico. Interesting, but the officers listed as being among his group probably did not pass through Florida to get there. Anyone know the route taken by the Smith, Price, Magruder etc group out of the Confederacy? Thank you in advance,

I said I thought --MAJOR REYNOLDS might be BL Reynolds of florida -- was told by SWR that he died at cold harbor * fair nuff says I --- but then MR O (corrected*) spoke of TC Reynods of texas which he found via his research as another "possible" MAJOR REYNOLDS candidate --- swr replied theres no such person * -- SO IN EFFECT SWR CALLED WHAT HE SAID FALSE --(IE YOUR LYING) the facts are there for all to see. if you look.

Relax Oro, Ivan, he flatly called me a liar once also, even when I showed photographic evidence. It is in his "show me the evidence" site. under dowsing. also under aura post no 14.

Whats new ....Your standard answer for every photo...Art
He asked for this picture, then stated that he chose not not believe me or it ?

Tropical Tramp

Don Jose de La Mancha

Yes, but could you understand it? Link? hmm, most could read the following in the post. " It is in his "show me the evidence" site. under dowsing. also under aura post no 14.

Your quote "I choose not to believe you" is considered bad manners. In fact we went around a bit on that many saw it. It has been deleted in the original files , but I still have a copy on my disc from the orig. files. I keep records of all of my posts for a specific reason.

Don Jose de La Mancha

P.s. I f you want some interesting reading, simply go to the dowsing forums and scroll down to his sites, or mine, then read them.

HI SWR, despite this, I still consider you as a friend, and friends can disagree no? and we do often. he he . But when one says "I choose not to beilive you" how does it differ from saying "you are a liar"?

Don Jose de La Mancha

sigh, it is also my choice to believe if you are truly as dense as you appear or not. I will give you the benefit of the doubt as to which it is.

I have forgotten which page it is in the "debaters manual" that suggests when losing a debate, try throwing nonsensical requests for proof of anything to confuse the issue and your opponent. Anything to put him on the defensive, whether it is true or not is immaterial.

So back to the subject Confederate gold. -- " Swamp Gold"

Don Jose de La Mancha

I can say I choose not to believe that the sun comes up in the east / sets in the west * but will it change things a bit . nope it will not -- however it will make me look very foolish and make it appear that I just like to be "contrary" to others.

Swr, sorry, but I won't rise to the bait, you were flatly talkling to "me", as the subsequent posts clearly indicated. Those that were following that thread can easily remember this. However, I suggest that we stay on subject and show a bit of manners to Ivan and the others. they could care less about our individual opinions of each other. Frankly, are you worth following around? Or me for that matter.

Incidentally, Judy simply cleaned your clock , as they say, in your debates with Her in those sites,. You are out of your class. You simply cannot "rise" to Her level of intelligence, so stick to your simple, consistently negative posts and "canned" data.

NO, I do not wish for you to stop posting, just do it in an intelligent,, courteous manner. Remember no post can be free of mistakes or possibly implied true facts, so it takes no genius to pick them apart, but true intelligence would try to follow up the thread in a progressive manner. This does not imply an automatic "Yes" for all posts, especially mine.

Apologies to the room, sorry Jeff, sniff.

Don Jose de La Mancha

in wartime ---esp the civil war -- various state troops moved about a lot---- to and from place to place (lots of florida troops fought outside of florida many times --- exsample* the battle of cold harbor , va that SWR listed as where Major BL reynolds of florida is recorded as having died is just one )-- loyalist rebels were loyalist rebels where ever they were from --in wartime (esp the south late in the war) you used whatever troops or supplies you got left -- those men and equiptment might not be your first choice of action --but you used what forces and resources you got left to do the best you could do.

however judy---- try thinking more along these lines --you are attempting to escape from georgia via the "gap" at waldo florida (very possibly with col JJ dickison help-- he helped breckenridge get away *) the ideal being to get into southern florida and to link up with a blockade runner --thus getting the confederate "gold" money out of the country --- federal troops are all over the place --trying to track the funds and rebel leaders down --during the attempt to link up with the blockade runner around the tampa area ---they spot you chasing after you --you flee into the swamps to try and shake them but know they will be waiting for you and your small band to come out --sooner or later you gotta come out --would you as a "loyal" southerner -- come out of the swamp and give over the gold you were entrusted to the "yankees" --or would you bury it --in hopes that it might "later on" be recovered to get back to the cause somehow?(and by lighting your load make better your chances of getting away and if not at least you would not help the "yankees" any by letting them get the gold-----(please remember those entrusted with theses funds were "die hard" southerners --real yankee haters )--this is the basis of the stories in general.

working on it -- trying to find out about any of the various confederate MAJOR REYNOLDS in florida during that time frame* no matter what state they originally came from -- since the tale states "major reynolds " but not what group or state he was from --(that would make things so much easier) of course as you know SWR --- I looked at the "local" florida Major BL Reynolds --due to him being both local and a small units raider type tactics guy--- till his "death" at cold harbor was brought up by you ( thanks keeps me from tracking a "dead " lead (unless it was "faked" due to the mission he was to go on--highly doubtful but a remote possiblity)-- I sure there are other Major Reynolds--it could have been - I just got to dig up more old info from the "salt mines"is all --

I agree % wize he was the strongest bet ,I could think of thats why I was looking him up .-- I often use the best % bet or whats most likely in my veiw point method to aid me in steering my research .

once one can figger out what is not the truth --then in what is left --lies the truth -- no matter how odd or immprobile it seems.

a twist on the sherlock homles theory of logical deduction--- ( A. C. Doyle)

lots of stories of buried loot form civil war era times abound here in the south --some are only bogus stories fun to hear but totally bogus and useless --while others are true and have basis in fact *

much like pirate treasure stories --most are bogus as all get out *** with no hope of being real

however there are others that have facts you can check into and thus have a factual basis --like say luis aury's $60,000 in 1817 amelia island , florida ***for the 95 slaves bought by william bowen of georgia--- in oct of 1817 --the slaves were taken by us forces from ga in western florida as "illegally" imported slaves from africa (an 1803 law made it illegal t import any more slaves from afiica into american lands)--- a law suit was filed to regain them -- the buying of them and the bill of sale was offered as "proof" of ownership --by bown --- ps the us govt caputred aury 2 months later in dec of 1817 --the money was not found on him , he was released later on broke and was told to never return under pain of death . --so wheres the "money" now those are real tales worth checking up on.

Good evening: The posts are very interesting, there is much that hinges upon other intangible data to be wholly admissible in itself, but certainly can be, even so. Judy is presenting an interesting line of thought, as usual.

I must confess that I have done absolutely no research on the subject, other than to analyze the posts in here. It has stimulated my interest, so I may now do so , providing that I find the time. Unfortunately the book and Tayopa keep me well occupied.

In the meantime I rely upon you to post the data, and to find the Confederate Gold.

Don Jose de La Mancha


the best way to "prove" it is to actually find the money ---but then if we did --who amoung us would be a big enough fool to say so and show it publcly ? ---or even privately for that matter. --since any leak about it being found would have the various govt folks and tax folks and archies on you like white on rice. --to open your mouth would be really asking for the "full treatment" and brother I'd bet you'ld get it too.

ivan salis said:
the best way to "prove" it is to actually find the money ---but then if we did --who amoung us would be a big enough fool to say so and show it publcly ? ---or even privately for that matter. --since any leak about it being found would have the various govt folks and tax folks and archies on you like white on rice. --to open your mouth would be really asking for the "full treatment" and brother I'd bet you'ld get it too.

only a fool would say ::) if they ever did find any of these myths or legends.

even online in personal mail etc as it is stored somewhere on a server

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