Re: Swamp Gold (LONG reply, extra coffee alert)
HOLA amigos,
Bigcypresshunter wrote
Since its a couple pages back, I will bump it up here. Fact or Fiction?
I will have to say FACT - and thank you for posting this. I will also refer anyone who thinks this to be Fiction to the account of John Taylor Wood who was a member of the party attempting to get to Cuba, even within his account, while there are no direct references to huge amounts of money he does mention bribing a guard with two $20 gold pieces and a purchase of food with five $10 gold pieces, plus he told the men at this particular fort that a member of his group had plenty of money (referring to General Breckinridge).
SWR wrote
The thread keeps spinning off to theories of the Confederate Treasury, which has absolutely nothing to do with this story. Odd how that happens, and that is not why you created this thread.
NOW do you see the direct connection? If you are interested and have the time, read Wood's account of the escape <> it is interesting and directly supports this story. The group traveled the length of Florida and down the Keys on their way to Cuba, so almost any point along their route could be a site worth checking out. Should we be surprised that
Captain Dickinson was involved in actions around Natural Bridge and area? We have the reports of US commanders who were chasing down the CS treasury and Davis, we have the story given by Aide Wood - so you can keep dismissing it all as "fantasy" and "all a made up story" but there is certainly enough documentation to make this one worth looking for. My only "fault" I see with Terry's (Treasure Atlas) version is that he implies the gold was buried immediately after the battle of Natural Bridge, when it was more likely several months later.
Here is a report you might find interesting, (assuming this works!) start where it says "Tallahassee"
this report from General Sam Jones dating to March 1865 is just a few months before Aide Wood, Gen. Breckinridge and party made their flight across Florida. We can compare this with the US reports, start from
Lieut. Col. Christensen
report of Brig. Gen Asboth.
I would point out Asboth mentions ..."
it is rumored that Jeff. Davis will try to make his escape from there, via St Marks, to more congenial lands."
I think we can safely say this "Swamp Gold"
is most likely directly connected to the escape of Jeff Davis and the CSA treasury.
As always, good luck and good hunting BigCy and everyone,
I really do hope you find the treasures that you seek. (I want to see you succeed.)

EDIT the page images do not work reliably, so here is the link to the report of CS Gen. Sam Jones,
here is the link to the report of US Gen Asboth