Swamp Gold

Ivan is right, the whole idea of people hiding casches was to hide their valubles. Why hide them in your home if you cannot protect them or watch them 24/7. Why right down their exact location so that say a Union soldier questioning your family/interrogating with force finds what you've done. You need to push on with this so called legend until you find the treasure or decide your chasing a legend. Naysayers like SWR are just that, if you look at just about every topic he has been on it is just more of the same, the whole idea of having forums like these are for people to reach out and communicate and get some advice and share theories/ideas. It gets pretty old when people like SWR just keep adding their negativity. I understand everyone has a right to communicate, negatively or positively here, it just makes you wonder what their agenda is when most of the time all they have is nagative comments. I have information on this subject as I have told you before BC, Like Ivan and many others, you are not obligated to show any proof to anyone at anytime, and if they have a problem with it, well tell em to go suck on an egg (or a golden yam)!

sabre15 said:
I have information on this subject as I have told you before BC,...
I didnt forget, Im ready to go search, problem is I am here and you are in Central Florida.

just want to say thanks to those people who value my thoughts and ideals and think so highly of me (big cy --bridge-- sabre) --frankly I'm honored. let me know if I can be of help.

Since its a couple pages back, I will bump it up here. Fact or Fiction?


  • terrys treasure atlas.webp
    terrys treasure atlas.webp
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  • terrys treasure atlas.webp
    terrys treasure atlas.webp
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thats from the well known "state" treasure atlas series (the one that contains florida)-- I do believe. :wink:

Re: Swamp Gold (LONG reply, extra coffee alert)

HOLA amigos,
Bigcypresshunter wrote
Since its a couple pages back, I will bump it up here. Fact or Fiction?

I will have to say FACT - and thank you for posting this. I will also refer anyone who thinks this to be Fiction to the account of John Taylor Wood who was a member of the party attempting to get to Cuba, even within his account, while there are no direct references to huge amounts of money he does mention bribing a guard with two $20 gold pieces and a purchase of food with five $10 gold pieces, plus he told the men at this particular fort that a member of his group had plenty of money (referring to General Breckinridge).

SWR wrote
The thread keeps spinning off to theories of the Confederate Treasury, which has absolutely nothing to do with this story. Odd how that happens, and that is not why you created this thread.

NOW do you see the direct connection? If you are interested and have the time, read Wood's account of the escape <http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/cgi-...u/cgi-bin/moa/moa-cgi?notisid=ABP2287-0047-19> it is interesting and directly supports this story. The group traveled the length of Florida and down the Keys on their way to Cuba, so almost any point along their route could be a site worth checking out. Should we be surprised that Captain Dickinson was involved in actions around Natural Bridge and area? We have the reports of US commanders who were chasing down the CS treasury and Davis, we have the story given by Aide Wood - so you can keep dismissing it all as "fantasy" and "all a made up story" but there is certainly enough documentation to make this one worth looking for. My only "fault" I see with Terry's (Treasure Atlas) version is that he implies the gold was buried immediately after the battle of Natural Bridge, when it was more likely several months later.

Here is a report you might find interesting, (assuming this works!) start where it says "Tallahassee"



this report from General Sam Jones dating to March 1865 is just a few months before Aide Wood, Gen. Breckinridge and party made their flight across Florida. We can compare this with the US reports, start from
Lieut. Col. Christensen


report of Brig. Gen Asboth.
I would point out Asboth mentions ..."it is rumored that Jeff. Davis will try to make his escape from there, via St Marks, to more congenial lands."

I think we can safely say this "Swamp Gold" is most likely directly connected to the escape of Jeff Davis and the CSA treasury.

As always, good luck and good hunting BigCy and everyone, I really do hope you find the treasures that you seek. (I want to see you succeed.) :thumbsup:

EDIT the page images do not work reliably, so here is the link to the report of CS Gen. Sam Jones,

here is the link to the report of US Gen Asboth

Postscript - just a bit more, that helps to prove that GOLD was being smuggled out of the country with the fleeing CSA officials. General Breckinridge was the CS Secretary of War, and one of the party of Aide Wood that successfully crossed Florida to reach Cuba. Here is a letter he sent to President Davis May 3rd, posted from west of the Savannah river bridge


Note that the GOLD was not being paid out, that the Silver was over $108,000 (though this was being paid out) and we know that Breckinridge had gold to buy foodstuffs in Florida on their way to Cuba. Breckinridge was obviously in charge of the CS treasury, obviously had some gold on his person for his escape, but where is the rest of it? In a Florida Swamp perhaps? ;D :thumbsup:


<John C. Breckinridge, last CS Secretary of War>


ALSO here is the US side of things, a report of gold that escaped capture, following Breckinridge's route

US General Wilson reports capture of $200,000 in gold, claimed by a Georgia bank & RR but likely a part of the CSA treasury
US General Schofield reports that Davis had scattered the gold and silver among his men, which we know did not dispose of the bulk of the gold but Schofield did not know this

while its true the confederates won the battle of natural bridge in florida (thus holding off the union capture of tallahassee for the remainer of the war -- all the upper level confederates knew they might have won the battle but that they had also lost the war --it was simply a matter of time ) as such the upper level confederate govt officals knew they had to safe guard themselves and escape with whatever funds they could (money to get a fresh start overseas)-- they did not know if once they were caught if they would be arrested and jailed for treason (and if so for how long) -- or if they would shot or hung on the spot or after a "so called " fair trail. --so their plan was to take what money they could muster up and leave with it .

so in effect they got what monies they could get hold of and were fleeing for their lives looking to get a fresh start elsewhere.

so its fairly simple story line and not all that hard to understand in my veiw,---- this is about the history of their escapes and attempted escapes and of the monies they had with them at the time.(and what became of the money (where did it go?---many folks have various ideals of what may have become of the money --or at least some parts of it * )

I had kin in the civil war -- that fought on the southern side -- and the confederate leaders while brave and fighting to the last -- also were smart enough to know the end of the war was coming and that they had lost --- the union troops were coming and did they not want to be imprisoned or die at union hands nor did they want the confederate money to fall into union hands either ---so they sought to remove both themselves and the money from being under "union control" which they knew was coming as the war was winding down. --govenor milton of florida shot himself rather than surrender * as he knew the end was drawing near.

SWR: I favor Ivan's Confederacy running and hiidng. Normal human psychology dictates this since they did not know how they may be treated. History proved them correct . Only in recent years has the US proven to be magnanimous to the losers.

Don Jose de La Mancha

thank you real --- I try hard to think logicially on such matters --- what would I do in such a case ?-- after all people in history were just "people" after all is said and done -- if I was a high ranking confederate person --I for sure would not simply sit around waiting to be arrested and charged with treason by union troops ( heck , I might be shot on sight by an enraged union trooper!!)---( if not then what? -- hung or sent to prison for a long term after a "kangaroo court" trail? ) no siree --knowing the war was lost --I'd gather up what funds I could (to bribe and pay my way along and keep them out of union hands ) and haul butt to a safe place (ie --overseas) as a "normal human being" thats just what I'd do.

I have one question still bothering me about this story, where did the proof of the treasure being buried between SR 41 and Alligator Alley come from? I believe these guys hugged the Gulf Coast primarily during their Florida trip. I just would like to know why pepole think it's between these 2 roads. Any help on this idea would be appreciated.

sabre15 said:
I have one question still bothering me about this story, where did the proof of the treasure being buried between SR 41 and Alligator Alley come from? I believe these guys hugged the Gulf Coast primarily during their Florida trip. I just would like to know why pepole think it's between these 2 roads. Any help on this idea would be appreciated.
The 1940's Game Officer believed he discovered their last encampment (before they were captured) in this area.

the campsite that was suspected to be the confederates last campsite before being caught by union troops was found by a game warden in the 1940's who stumbled arcoss it in that general area. -- yep --- Ivan

HOLA amigos,

Mrs Jefferson Davis wrote a book on his presidency, and included a description of what happened to the monies. Davis' version, according to his wife

Note that our 'hero' of the escape tale posted earlier, ADC Wood, was given $1500, (pp 875) and we know of only $40 he spent. What happened to the rest of his gold? He didn't seem to have it on arrival in Cuba.

How much gold was left for Breckinridge and Reagan to have to hide?

"My last payment in Washington Ga was of eighty six thousand dollars $86,000 in gold coin and gold bullion to a trusted officer of the navy taking his receipt for its transmission out of the Confederacy to be held for the Treasury Department"
<Jefferson Davis, Ex-president of the Confederate States of America Ex-president of the Confederate States of America By Varina Davis>

This would weigh about 409.5 pounds, and according to US sources, ten men escaped when Davis was captured.

Report of just $5000 captured at Washington GA (where Davis was captured)

We also have Union officers reports mentioning that three CS men slipped back to the place where they had been captured and took a carpet bag, then escaped. I have seen mention of orders to keep a watch out for a black man named Jones and a carpet bag also.

SWR wrote
No. I do not see a direct connection with this story ($200,000 in gold buried in the swamps) and the Confederate Treasury, as we know it, at the end of the war.

If you cannot see it at this point, nothing is going to help.

Good luck and good hunting, I hope you find that treasure! :thumbsup:

sabre15 said:
I have one question still bothering me about this story, where did the proof of the treasure being buried between SR 41 and Alligator Alley come from? I believe these guys hugged the Gulf Coast primarily during their Florida trip. I just would like to know why pepole think it's between these 2 roads. Any help on this idea would be appreciated.
sabre15 said:
I have one question still bothering me about this story, where did the proof of the treasure being buried between SR 41 and Alligator Alley come from? I believe these guys hugged the Gulf Coast primarily during their Florida trip. I just would like to know why pepole think it's between these 2 roads. Any help on this idea would be appreciated.

I don't think they hugged the Gulf Coast

my hint to you is

William Bartram

Back in the 40's the Everglades area was extremely remote and almost inaccessable. That is why the Seminole Indians hid there and never surrendered, even though the US Military spent huge amounts of money trying to erradicate them during three Seminole Wars. This area was very remote.

No GPS in those days and Alligator Alley was not built yet. I will have to check my notes for the Game Officers clue to the location. His directions are from the Miami courthouse and are very vague. Supposedly he collected some relics from an overgrown campsite that are Civil War era.

more Florida "legends" http://www.treasurelore.com/florida/florida_treasure.htm

the road referance as to general location was translated and input into the "treasure atlas" for more modern treasure hunting folks at a later time frame using the game wardens general directions / notes from earlier (1940's) -- :wink:

I found about 10 Civil War eagle Union buttons and one beautiful CSN Navy button myself back in the late 70's early 80's, but I dont think there is a connection, because the location doesnt match.

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