Quoting " The Nobody " here
quote : My pursuits are very simple to understand, Rog. We are running out of time with the folks I'm after before generations that follow us are rightly and truly screwed. Ain't no time for beating around the bush with this stuff. Or giving up, as you suggest. While you may want to run around issuing pseudo-cryptic musings with posts like those and chasing rainbows and unicorns, I have a pretty severe fire stoked up under my arse, and there ain't no cooling it down.
Running out of time with the folks you are after ?
That is an Odd statement , that can be taken in so many ways .
I'll ask :
are you stalking them with intent to in some way interfere with their lives perhaps ?
You state : Folks you are after
is it a supposed Group ?
is this Group , something you feel to be a Threat to the next generations as you say ?
if you please
define for me what that threat might be ?
As well , can you give example as to what these people have done , that raises a red flag for you ?
I have noted that your post are directed mostly as replies to my post , and most are
from a position of refutation .
Given that , Do you believe me to be a member of this group of people you claim to be after ?
For example
I post in another Treasure related forum , where members only can read and reply .
It was brought to my attention by the Operator of that forum ,
that you have contacted them seeking membership .
Add to that , the fact you as well entered my Forum Kritterbox , where you began to post
nasty replies directed at me ,
You had no idea that the entire membership of that Forum , are very close friends of mine for many years .
Now directly , I have indeed concern that you have a problem with me , and as your statement : People You are after
can be construed as a Threatening implication ,,, and your post here reflect that position on your part.
I have given thought , that you may require under going diagnosis for a personality disorder .
Seriously , just what is implied by your statement : The people I am after "
for in one post on this forum you stated to a member here ( Springfield ) That he should consider that " I " may be
one of " THEM "
By one of " Them " are you implying that you consider me to be one of the people that you say
you are after ?
Fact is , that clear it is to all that read your statements directed toward me , that you exude an
unfounded hostility toward me .
In the other forums you made statements that were copy pasted to an archive we have .
We had to turn in a poster for making threats directed at the President
he did 4 years in prison and is out on parole , he has threatened all of us again , after his release .
So , understand my position , I have to be circumspect when confronted with
your implied " People I am After " statement .
Do you believe me to be one of the people you say you are after ?
I'll take my answer off the Air , and thanks in advance fopr any reply you may bless
me with >