Strange Victorio Peak Info... Maybe the answer to where the gold went?

This Link to a Sat Map
should set you just above the Tanit Complex in the Organ Mountains
at the base of Soledad Peak

welcome to the Tanit site where they Worship and left Tithes for her

Tanit , among her other attributes , was also the Guardian Goddess of Treasure .
and a stone Iconograph of her was erected near all mining camps of the Ancients .

Welcome to the Material from my books
No Pimping of books from me .

LINK to Tanit site!3m1!1s0x86de1ac745069869:0x636dd01df13f32bd

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the link works and is perfectly above the Tanit site
note the shadows of the standing stones
it will give you an idea of their shapes

then look at the photo of the Tanit Temple in Byblos
and note the shape of the stones .


hi Rog , ya i remember the those claims.
those "
( though false claims have been made )

i remember the flack you took back then too .

it seems those who have preconceived ideas about what should be , get their panties in a knot , when somebody points out they could be wrong ...
im not saying that is happening here at this forum , but i have seen it happen before elsewhere.

there are a few folks on here who like to follow evidence . when something shows up that does not fit the stereotypical Spanish / Jesuit / kenworthy explanation of stuff , you and a few other folks over the years have been awesome .
just thought id say thanks rog...

and while we are looking at some of the stuff you posted i thought i would share this for any interested
Table of the Phoenician Alphabet

and on another note maybe one of these days we can pick up on that mother culture conversation we started a long time ago that got highjacked and moved all over the place , still so much stuff i don't know .

added this for Nobody although it interesting i usually start to fade when the article's start quoting Icke but who knows?

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Hi tr, Roger: Not intending to be too pickish, but I do have a few questions on that Gold nugget.(60 - 80 # ? ) How about a comparative thingie, say a ruler in the picture ?

First what was it originally mounted to :? It has a soldered mounting pin on the back, typical jewelers' trick, .

As for letters etc, on the gold piece, I must have a fertile imagination, but I can see a dosen others besides the ones you wish to indicate ??????

As you, and others, have stated, all information or pictures should be established as true, or we again run off on a tangent to the possible truth.

I will read your book on line.

Have one of no-bodies cups of coffee, my guest.

dece t  size coffee.webp

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Its so odd how some people place more validity on their outlandish theories than anything else, which they have very little (if any) evidence to support, and then claim people are out of line in some way for questioning those outlandish theories. I am HAPPY to accept whatever people can prove to me. That isn't accomplished by posting text on a web site, unless that leads to a source, and verifiable information to consider. How much more simple could it be? Sure, its fun playing "what if" and all, but at some point you either have the evidence to prove your claims, or you don't....

It seems to me a big problem in the treasure hunting world are those individuals who seek elevation in status over the claims they make. They ask the reader to believe they "know" things that are important, and in that "knowing" they themselves become important, and have their status elevated. Its the kind of game I played with school friends on the school bus when I was six years old, but some never move past that way of thinking. It poisons our craft with information that is misleading.

The same can be said of those who write treasure hunting tales to sell for money that have zero basis in reality. It makes them money, but misleads those without the capacity and intellect to properly analyze and be critical of such tales.

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It seems to me a big problem in the treasure hunting world are those individuals who seek elevation in status over the claims they make. They ask the reader to believe they "know" things that are important, and in that "knowing" they themselves become important, and have their status elevated. Its the kind of game I played with school friends on the school bus when I was six years old, but some never move past that way of thinking. It poisons our craft with information that is misleading.

The same can be said of those who write treasure hunting tales to sell for money that have zero basis in reality. It makes them money, but misleads those without the capacity and intellect to properly analyze and be critical of such tales.

about 15 years ago i started reading roger snows posts , at the time i thought who is this "crazy Hippie" saying these "crazy things " about this treasure stuff . then one day i was asked by some folks to find out what something was. it had been found quite a few years ago in a "Fremont Indian cave" in southern Utah , in pretty close proximity to a certain national park . it was this small token that i have posted before in several forums . the closest guess anyone on the forums could come up with was it was a french merchant token minted between 1400 and could be a lot of things i guess and i guess there are even some theories that it could have been placed in said cave more recently . how ever their was one person whose ideas stood above the rest. and that was roger snow . BTW it is pretty hard to actually get pictures of any kind of treasure , and ill be honest this experience freaked me out at the time , but if you apply that ocams razor thing to this situation , i would be of the opinion that Mr snow knows his stuff . believe what you will . and even he will tell you nobody knows it all . there are thousands of answers to this treasure stuff because the puzzle is huge IMO> View attachment 1112551View attachment 1112552

As I am trying to point out here it isn't about "belief" at all for me, but about evidence and what you can prove with it. I personally enjoy Roger's posts when he is not being condescending, and pretending that anyone who questions him is beneath him. But I wasn't referring to him specifically, the world of treasure hunters is full of such individuals. If you make extraordinary claims, extraordinary proofs are required. People can choose to believe whatever they want, but that has no impact whatsoever on researchers who are in search of evidence, and not just baseless claims. Because something sounds good, or even makes sense, is in no way a proof of its validity or being based on reality.

Roger ????? You do evade questions, have a cuppa coffee with me and relax.

you posted ---> it is larger than a football it was dipped into galena to disguise it for travel


Are you kidding ???

I once found a Ag/Pb - nugget that was approx the same in size and weight, I carried it for two days balanced on top of my saddle. A museum in northern Calif now has it in my name, along with Orchid seeds...

Chronologically, where has your family lived

Who, that is normal, keeps trade tokens, that are soon useless or valueless, for hundreds of years without losing them ????

Did Atlantis ever exist? If so where was/is it?

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I find it interesting that DNA analysis shows American Native Americans have connections with DNA to be found in the Middle East. That is the most concrete evidence I have ever seen that shows somehow people from that area migrated to the Americas in ancient times. But I resist the urge to "fill in the blanks"with anything more specific than that simply because I don't see the evidence to try to do so. Maybe that will change in the future.

I agree, and I'm walking away from this thread as well.


I don't know how much of Rog's theory is real. Like you, I don't like the I know everything and am infallible attitude. I do know for a fact that Phoenician Gold Staters were found in a mountain on the North Rim or the Grand Canyon back in the 1980s. I also know that when the Mexicans were building the airport in Merida (Yucatan), they found several fired clay discs with Phoenician writing on them. Historians called them fakes, and I don't know what happened to the discs. Lots of evidence for Phoenicians exploring the Western Hemisphere.



if it helps
I take back whatever I said that hurt the feelers .

My goodness .

Quoting " The Nobody " here

quote : My pursuits are very simple to understand, Rog. We are running out of time with the folks I'm after before generations that follow us are rightly and truly screwed. Ain't no time for beating around the bush with this stuff. Or giving up, as you suggest. While you may want to run around issuing pseudo-cryptic musings with posts like those and chasing rainbows and unicorns, I have a pretty severe fire stoked up under my arse, and there ain't no cooling it down.

Running out of time with the folks you are after ?

That is an Odd statement , that can be taken in so many ways .

I'll ask :

are you stalking them with intent to in some way interfere with their lives perhaps ?

You state : Folks you are after

is it a supposed Group ?

is this Group , something you feel to be a Threat to the next generations as you say ?

if you please
define for me what that threat might be ?

As well , can you give example as to what these people have done , that raises a red flag for you ?

I have noted that your post are directed mostly as replies to my post , and most are
from a position of refutation .

Given that , Do you believe me to be a member of this group of people you claim to be after ?

For example
I post in another Treasure related forum , where members only can read and reply .

It was brought to my attention by the Operator of that forum ,
that you have contacted them seeking membership .

Add to that , the fact you as well entered my Forum Kritterbox , where you began to post
nasty replies directed at me ,

You had no idea that the entire membership of that Forum , are very close friends of mine for many years .

Now directly , I have indeed concern that you have a problem with me , and as your statement : People You are after
can be construed as a Threatening implication ,,, and your post here reflect that position on your part.

I have given thought , that you may require under going diagnosis for a personality disorder .

Seriously , just what is implied by your statement : The people I am after "

for in one post on this forum you stated to a member here ( Springfield ) That he should consider that " I " may be
one of " THEM "

By one of " Them " are you implying that you consider me to be one of the people that you say
you are after ?

Fact is , that clear it is to all that read your statements directed toward me , that you exude an
unfounded hostility toward me .

In the other forums you made statements that were copy pasted to an archive we have .

We had to turn in a poster for making threats directed at the President

he did 4 years in prison and is out on parole , he has threatened all of us again , after his release .

So , understand my position , I have to be circumspect when confronted with
your implied " People I am After " statement .

Do you believe me to be one of the people you say you are after ?

I'll take my answer off the Air , and thanks in advance fopr any reply you may bless
me with >

rog . i cant get page 8 to load on my computer( here we go again) i did manage to read it on my other phone so i am posting blind here . i considered granting him access , and as far as i know he has not stopped by , i can see how it looked like he asked to gain entrance , but it was not the case , i invited him in a gesture of kindness , to try and sort this conflict out . im so sorry about causing confusion on this but that mistake is on me .

your email was worded a bit off .

there is no mess really
just that " Nobody's " crosshairs need adjusting .

I think it was a few Years bac
when I told nobody in answer to his email

that I : " have no care about the subject '

Odd , how many people follow my postings and contact me over them .

some with an Idea about me , that resembles Guru Status .


I have enjoyed reading the vicky,caballo threads , thanks to the original thread starters and all the posters in those threads.its been a good read to me. I enjoy reading treasminder2 posts, i like reading the ancient stuff, i like his post on the turtle with the cache below and how they cached the stuff.i often think that on some of these monuments, that there are goods right there cached. So it was good to me to here that. I also believe the Templars where here,where i hunt at in the mountains,sure wish i knew more of there markings. i thought in these photos, that this is some of there work, 2 riders on one horse, and if you go up and over on the other side of the two riders one horse,i find what i think might be a hooked X. Some great reading stuff,thanks for putting it out there.View attachment 1112819View attachment 1112820

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