Strange Victorio Peak Info... Maybe the answer to where the gold went?

But Nobody, rog DID describe me almost perfectly ?????? Ya gotta give him credit for that.

  • Truth: honest, reality, beauty, pure, clean and unadulterated completeness
  • Goodness: rightness, desirability, uprightness, benevolence, honesty
  • Beauty: rightness, form, aliveness, simplicity, richness, wholeness, perfection, completion,
  • Wholeness: unity, integration, tendency to oneness, interconnectedness, simplicity, organization, structure, order, not dissociated, synergy
  • Dichotomy-transcendence: acceptance, resolution, integration, polarities, opposites, contradictions
  • Aliveness: process, not-deadness, spontaneity, self-regulation, full-functioning
  • Unique: idiosyncrasy, individuality, non comparability, novelty
  • Perfection: nothing superfluous, nothing lacking, everything in its right place, just-rightness, suitability, justice
  • Necessity: inevitability: it must be just that way, not changed in any slightest way
  • Completion: ending, justice, fulfillment
  • Justice: fairness, suitability, disinterestedness, non partiality,
  • Order: lawfulness, rightness, perfectly arranged
  • Simplicity: nakedness, abstract, essential skeletal, bluntness
  • Richness: differentiation, complexity, intricacy, totality
  • Effortlessness: ease; lack of strain, striving, or difficulty
  • Playfulness: fun, joy, amusement
  • Self-sufficiency: autonomy, independence, self-determining

hi Nobody , 'so NO first crusade you say . 'then who was this guy?

Godfrey of Bouillon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

na thats before the templars and sorry about the wiki link im to tired to search, and your right about one thing there were no "AZTECS" they were Mexica the last tof the tribes to migrate , but there is more than just one history , and it's not all western civilization that wrote them.

kinda curious just what you think in the BoM is based on fact or whatever , cause i cant make such a claim and i even live in Utah.
take care

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Tis Fun this argument of the unknown

for none of us were there 3000 years ago .

Time travel is certainly alive and well today as it always has been and shall be .

If you've never tried it
I suggest you give it a go round

and " Nobody "

believe in that which feels the most comfortable for you .

Here is one belief I am very much into

The belief : That nothing matters ,,,,
but ,,, it doesn't matter "

Understand ?

a simple way for me to explain that is

I see the connectedness of all

and ignore my place in it all

in that stance , I can dismiss passion and obsession for it all , and be happy enough
to enjoy life as I live it free of attachments .

Understand ?

like this : I am not at fault for the construct of the World , therefore , I shall hold
no passion for it's conditions
I shall not attempt to change the construct
nor shall I give license to it's construction ..

I have no country
I have no planet
I have no team to root for
I am not from any state , nor do I claim
to be a resident of any state

I am a living being .

and I do not answer to any other living being

I was not born to live up to others expectations

and they likewise to mine

I am not :
1. Your countryman
2. your fellow traveler
3. your fellow earthling
4. your Savior nor your ward

I am alive
until I die

anything that transpires in between
I will obviously live through
but do not require of myself to make a fuss over it .

other more simple terms : " I could not care less , and still be breathing "

make sense ?

and between the lines

it is all B.S.
Packaged Goods for sale

no matter the truth
it is still all B.S.

so why bother yourself with B.S.

Live life like it's the only one you've got
and everything else will take care of itself without you having to bother about it .

believe in that NOBODY

it works very well

All I can say after reading this thread,,, and many of the other threads on this subject... is

WOW !!!!

The amount of information,,,and DIS-INFORMATION is mind blowing to say the least. And it is quite obvious who has done their research and homework.

I'm actually reeling at the the thought of even trying to begin to sift through the huge amount of time. Not to mention the clues that were left by those who actually did have their hands on this treasure.

I am truly impressed all,,,and it takes a lot to impress me.

Please continue,,, I am devouring this thread,,, not that I have ANY interest in finding this or any other physical "treasure". The treasure here to me,,, are the volumes of information graciously provided by you all,, the telling of the story,,, the truth and lies,,and the ultimate theft by the government.

THANK YOU ALL,,, for taking the time to share this.


Treasminder2 again we have rules on language, please follow them..

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

Don't mind if I do,,,And I thank ye.

Muddy n sweet please,,hehheh

Tramp,, I am really interested in this kind of story,,Years following real clues,,real and altered trails,,and hopefully finding an un-dug hole,,,with the goodies.
Cool stuff,,here on the East we have "treasure tales" but nothing as old or really mysterious like the desert has to offer.
Now I have a trip to the desert,,in the Jeep ,, on the "bucket list"
It would be cool,,,to me anyway,,to see in real life, The marks, drill holes, turtles and hearts,,all carved into rock. Pointing the way to ,,,,,,,,,, ??

Thanks again

Shall I post as Dr. Knowitall ?

" Nobody " you have to understand first , that this is little more than banter to me

Guru's are like that , being highly enlightened allows for such muse .

To offset the amount of serious attitudes , some amount of Satire is relied upon
for a relief .

I will give a view from my experience and what I learned from a bad one .

I took the experience too seriously at first , depressing my happy button was
a need for me because of that condition the experience caused .

How I broke out of the dark cloud .

I rationalized that , for all the trouble the Intel agents went through , the millions of dollars spen
the man hours
the think tank concerted efforts to out think a simple minded Hippie such as myself .

To naught it all came for their waste .

I felt pretty good after that .

a situation of Kidnapping and Torture can leave a person not well .

understand ?

So , I knew if I took it seriously , no more happy Hippie would I be .

it was a matter of either crack , or heal .

Takes talent , that's for sure .

now the key to the intent to write

Much of what you read in my post , is Satire , or a true event , flavored with muse .

what i am saying to you
is please,, take nothing I write , as though I am serious .

not even this missive .

quote with giggles : " My pursuits are very simple to understand, Rog. We are running out of time with the folks I'm after before generations that follow us are rightly and truly screwed. "

~~~End ~~

The folks you are after ?

Odd statement ,
Am I to understand that you have an agenda against these people ?

Am I to allow that you are engaged in Stalking these people ?

perhaps you've misstated your intentinons concerning a supposed group , or person ,

Either way
that is an Odd Statement

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Hi T. H. 2, Rog": you posted ____> take nothing I write , as though I am serious .


Self evident.


you also posted -->you have to understand first , that this is little more than banter to me


Also self evident, since it lacks cohesiveness or logic in it's entirety.

However this is not the place for that, These people are seriously interested in knowing more about V.P. & Caballo mt information. So far I have seen only efforts by your father and wanderings over the area by you posted . none successful.

You have knowledge of the areas, but since you seem to have found nothing of monetary or historical value, share whatever information that you have instead of trying to be cute, which is apparently a wasted effort

One of the followers in this forum just might come up with the answer, say the missing key, to the puzzle, heck even 'Treasure hunter' might.

(I hope, I would love to see him hit it )

So Rog there is an old saying about empty words ------Are you ?

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sorry man
I seldom read your post all the way through

so , you have questions ?

geesh .

"it was a Strike mark used by La Rue , a simple representation of a Cup .

The top of the strike mark looks like the Omega sign turned upside down
a stem proceeds downward from the center of the transverse curve , and that stem is terminated with a crossbar .

The exact same symbol is carved in several sites throughout the Organ Mountains .

something like this ?......

View attachment 1109454
and next
a Gold Nugget with the same strike Mark carved on it

View attachment 1112220View attachment 1112220View attachment 1112220View attachment 1112220View attachment 1112220

and now
the reverse side of the Nugget

front side has the Solomon Strike Mark

Back side has the symbols from 7 ancient languages
which were used as markers for each treasure site

I guess I never found treasure ,, right ?

View attachment 1112233

Found by Roger Snow in a Treasure Cavern on the Ridge separating North Canyon and Dorsey Canyon
in the Organ Mountains of New Mexico .

( though false claims have been made )

" In the Seven Tongues , of Seven Civilizations
These seven Cities of Cibola shall be found "

Each of these symbols are of those Alphabets of those Seven Ancient Civilizations

You may note Egyptian
Greek , and Roman Alphanumeric symbols

One interesting symbol is Phoenician
The first Symbol I translated .

questions were what ?

View attachment 1112238

Recovered from Byblos
an ancient Phoenician Port

see any symbols that match those
on the Nugget ?

I guess Kink Solomon and King Hiram did not exist ,,

Right ?

is that what " NOBODY ' is saying ?

View attachment 1112241

Using MS paint
I outline the strike mark at the center

This exact design was used by My Paternal Family
at their Pine Springs Dairy Farm in Arcadia Fla .

where my father was raised .

Carried over from France by our Anscestors and Utilized as our Cattle Brand here in the states .

The Nugget was found in a Knights Templar Cache in the Organ Mountains
of New Mexico , where I as well found other KT artifacts in situ and photographed them .

The nugget weighed some where in the 60 to 80lb range

on the back side is a symbol , that same symbol is carved 30 ft long
and visible from the floor of Soledad Canyon

from that carving
you round out above the formation it is carved into .

and 230 yards west by northwest , was the entrance to the cavern at the base of a Huge Boulder set
out in the center of a grotto type formation .

This is definitely the Same strike mark used by King Solomon on his ships
to Ophir .

So called scholars digging for facts can make claims
all they wish

I'll believe my Families Legacy , and these in situ artifracts I held in hand while
in the Vault .

Every item in our documents handed down for generations fit exactly
this discovery of this KT Vault .

On every tool my father brought out to New Mexico from the homestead in Arcadia Fla ,
including the Oak Tool Chest of My Great Grandfathers , had this symbol engraved or burned
into the Tool .

Registered as the Cattle Brand of above mentioned dairy Farm of my family
at the De Soto County Court House in Arcadia Fla .

Coincidence ?
I think NOT

in fact , it's not a THOUGHT , it's a KNOWLEDGE

what question did the NOBODY wish for me to answer ?

Have you noticed in all my post across the web , all of them that you stalked ,,,

I NEVER ask a single question ?

I write , answers , but never ask a question .

Interest fact about me , is it not ?

as I've told you in all the other forums that you have stalked me to

You have no need to know .

The Knowitall retains the knowledge , out of the reach of those who have no need to know .

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