Strange Victorio Peak Info... Maybe the answer to where the gold went?

for you nobody

I am cynicalabsurdance as you already know

this is a thread link
I posted it years ago

it covers the Orchestrated Theatrics of Intel Agents in Faux Abduction scenarios

read it , it's revealing as to what I have lived through .
the information is spot on .

People who swear they were abducted , were actually abducted , just not all
of the abductions were done by occupants of UFO's

In this link , you will read where I expose the Theatrics

yes I've known for many years about the problem .
as I said
I Lived through the problem .

Abduction by Orchrastrated Theatrics, page 1


The one thing I know for a 100% fact about my previous post is that Phoenician Gold Staters were found in a cave on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in about 1986. The person that found them doesn't talk to anybody anymore about the subject as he has been the victim of much harassment and even spent some time in jail in relation to the find (a long story). How Phoenician Gold Staters found their way into an Ice Cave in a mountain in Northern Arizona, I can't comment. The coins were identified by Bob Marx sometime around 1990 or so.

As far as the plates at the airport in Merida, the story was in a book I read a loooong time ago. I have contacted the airport, and a couple of the construction companies that built it. I found a couple of people that remembered the incident, but after Academicians declared the plates fakes they lost interest.


alright , I am going to be asked questions about abductions

such as why they do it
They do it because they can

and they can get away with it , because none of us
will ourselves to control the system .

so please
do not take above post , and ask about it
it derails the threads focuse

and I am busy attempting to relate notes on treasure clues
distraction interferes with that process for me

This is Treasure

for UFO info
I post under Cynicalabsurdance in the Conspiracy forums "
Please , not here .


The one thing I know for a 100% fact about my previous post is that Phoenician Gold Staters were found in a cave on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in about 1986. The person that found them doesn't talk to anybody anymore about the subject as he has been the victim of much harassment and even spent some time in jail in relation to the find (a long story). How Phoenician Gold Staters found their way into an Ice Cave in a mountain in Northern Arizona, I can't comment. The coins were identified by Bob Marx sometime around 1990 or so.

As far as the plates at the airport in Merida, the story was in a book I read a loooong time ago. I have contacted the airport, and a couple of the construction companies that built it. I found a couple of people that remembered the incident, but after Academicians declared the plates fakes they lost interest.


Mike ,
now i am not doubting what you were told by who ever Bob Marxs is , seems like i goggled him the last time we talked about this, and he had credentials etc.. how ever if i remember right and its been thirty odd years since i first read the report on Gorden's cave somewhere on the az strip , the bodies were seated upright . is that right ? the reason i ask is something like that usually does not fade out of a cultural, usually JMO. not the last time i ever heard about that particular burial positioning , but that's another story . the thing is you would think that a Phoenician burial
would perhaps mimic something like was described wouldn't ya ? the thing is i cant find anything like that in their burial practices . go to about page 440 ish and read maybe 100 or so pages and prove me wrong(only if your interested) , cause that would lend credence to a Phoenician type burial found on the az strip . don't get me wrong i believe Smith found a treasure cave , just not sure who he found , but unlike NObody i think it was very very very old
. red hair , 26 or so mummies , emeralds as big as your fist , etc...,d.cGU

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I'm pretty new hear and haven't slogged through ALL the info on Victorio peak yet... But I live in the area....

Anyways, my little ladies Dad was an engineer at white sands for almost 45 years. He died a few years ago before I was able to get
the whole story, I only got a 30 second over view...

I took this pic the other day, its on the wall in his study. I thought it might be interesting.


Hi Rog, the remark ---> Running out of time with the folks you are after ?

#################\\I rather spec that he is referring to people that have unposted data may get bored and leave before sharing their information. :coffee2::coffee2: Life is too short to go without coffee.

Bob, the picture raises more speculation than it solves, were they working In Victorio Peak?? 1930 ???

Back to thr coffee pot, :coffee2::coffee2: I absolutely love the picture. Anything else ???

Bob, the picture raises more speculation than it solves, were they working In Victorio Peak?? 1930 ???

Back to thr coffee pot, :coffee2::coffee2: I absolutely love the picture. Anything else ???

With the glare its tough to see, 1999.

Not much else, I know they didn't find anything and as a joke one of the guys cast a bunch of lead bars, painted them gold and handed them out
to everybody... I was more interested in playing with the lead bar than anything else at the time. I don't know if it was something to do with his
job, (electrical engineer) or if it was an extra curricular work project, or if it was just a bunch of White Sands employees that could access Victorio Peak.

I never got to dig into his brain on that one, he only brought it up once, and it was before I even knew what Victorio Peak was. Then he was gone.

gullum i could be wrong about that seated thing, 30 years is a long time to remember details . after checking whats left about the cave it says 26 bodies stacked against one wall. this might be like that telephone game from elementary school , but still i dont think it aztec , nor mayan , nor Phoenician, but something else . pretty sure we aren't gonna ever get the finder to disclose more than has been. if i had to guess there were probably non dis closer clauses , attached to his release . poor guy , the whole story stinks of cover up IMO

its almost like he wants to talk but who knows?

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The photo that Bob posted is the Promotion Poster for : The Ova Noss Family Project "

The photo was taken inside Doc Noss' little shaft , how sweet .


Gordons Panel , situated along the same longitude as the cave in Hart Canyon ( near Aztec ? NM , I forget the name of
the town where it actually is )
and the site further East in NM where the Tanit Temple was found .

Interesting longitude to be sure .

The photo that Bob posted is the Promotion Poster for : The Ova Noss Family Project "

The photo was taken inside Doc Noss' little shaft , how sweet .


Gordons Panel , situated along the same longitude as the cave in Hart Canyon ( near Aztec ? NM , I forget the name of
the town where it actually is )
and the site further East in NM where the Tanit Temple was found .

Interesting longitude to be sure .

this one rog? pretty similar , just an image search not a link to whyte's forum BTW
i saw it the other day and a light bulb went off. lol
ancient lost treasure - Bing Images

nope that one says panther cave Seminole canyon don't even know where that is lol

i better put this one here in case the other posts gets pulled
this forum has rules and i dont mean to flirt with them , its just hard to discuse some things with out getting into grey areas . sorry about that ..longitude is like 101 blah blah a litlle off from 112 . they are still pretty awesome panels though . hard to type , hard to date etc..who were thes folks ? hmmmmmmmm

rog it might be a funky ley line though ill have to look into it with a couple more sites , but that is gonna take more time than i have today . thanks.///bob

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sniff, Bob. I still owe you a cuppa coffee. :coffee2::coffee2: Shows that you have to question every picture or story Att Rog.

Broken down.webp


  • Victorio Peak project..webp
    Victorio Peak project..webp
    16.3 KB · Views: 145
Fun with Google earth .
Rog your gonna love this
so i starting putting push pins in on Google earth . one at the coordinates from Gorden's panel from that link {it is pretty dang close to the panel) in tuck up canyon , the other from the fourth GPS location in the link from Seminole canyon( that one you can see" tailings" from the cave, and i hope its the right cave ) its like 816.5 miles. so if its a ley line it missed Victorio peak by 4.5 miles to the north east . interesting is it not? it runs right across someplace google earth called treasure mountain , among lots of interesting stuff i saw in Arizona , i don't know too much about NM so maybe somebody else wants to give it a try, Vicky peak was pretty close to the half way point , but i'm dealing with an 800 mile long thing. the best half way point i could get was a hair to the west of that hardscrabble place you have talked about . here is the screen shot of preliminary data .View attachment 1113735 i personally have not had much luck with GE , but it is handy for measuring distance and plotting stuff now this probably needs some adjusting, and the last time i tried something like this i was flying it from a know gold producer , across a certain" holy spot" and ended up in a field by Florence az , but that's another story . ill bet some folks think this is crazy , oh well:thumbsup:

coincidence ? maybe , but i don't really believe in those as much as I use too.....

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keep going kanab

it gets curiouser


mant trolls on the net

i single them out on my forum


That is the same picture Jack used for the cover of the third book in "The Gold House" Trilogy (about VP). What was your father-in-law's name? Maybe someone here might have known him.


As far as I can remember, all the mummies were lying flat. They all wore masks made of various materials (jade, Turquoise, Wood, Onyx, etc). They also wore necklaces of beaten gold with pendants of different animals on each. I remember that Gordon said he took those necklaces.

I never said that the mummies were of Phoenician Origin. I don't believe that is the case. I think there was a lot of contact between this tribe (whichever tribe that was) and the Phoenicians. One of the mummies may have even a shipwrecked Phoenician that lived with the tribe, or a descendant of that person. They must have had some high rank based on all the stuff that was buried with them.


OMG rog i just freaked myself out . lol
you are brilliant , i need to work on this some more .
i need a map and a compass and square.
all i can say right now is wow!

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