Strange Victorio Peak Info... Maybe the answer to where the gold went?


That is the same picture Jack used for the cover of the third book in "The Gold House" Trilogy (about VP). What was your father-in-law's name? Maybe someone here might have known him.


As far as I can remember, all the mummies were lying flat. They all wore masks made of various materials (jade, Turquoise, Wood, Onyx, etc). They also wore necklaces of beaten gold with pendants of different animals on each. I remember that Gordon said he took those necklaces.

I never said that the mummies were of Phoenician Origin. I don't believe that is the case. I think there was a lot of contact between this tribe (whichever tribe that was) and the Phoenicians. One of the mummies may have even a shipwrecked Phoenician that lived with the tribe, or a descendant of that person. They must have had some high rank based on all the stuff that was buried with them.


thanks mike , i dunno who they were either . and my memory is not what it use to be . right now im having a hard time with vectors and geometry , those are words i have not used in a long time , so maybe a good night for tonight is it order

Bob, the picture raises more speculation than it solves, were they working In Victorio Peak?? 1930 ???

Back to thr coffee pot, :coffee2::coffee2: I absolutely love the picture. Anything else ???

My research indicates that there is more there than what was previously found.

that theory is not worthy of comment !


It seems quite plausible,,, and probably true. To boot,, quite a bit of the gold bullion and bars sold now are FAKE,,, yes fake.

There have been authenticated reports of tungsten bars with a 1/8th inch of gold covering them being passed to many countries in payment for "loans".

Personally,,, I bet those vaults are nearly empty.

From other information I have garnered over the years the 9/11 attacks were another ploy to move gold from those vaults to England or wherever the elite has plans for.
Same reports of midnight trucks moving in at the wee hours of the night,, heavily escorted.

Think about it people,,,
"Traditional" banking IS a CARTEL,,, with our own government randomly printing worthless paper with no value. No backing and no worth.

Gather your gold and other metals,,,especially lead,, keep it safe and tell no one.

Just my .01


From other information I have garnered over the years the 9/11 attacks were another ploy to move gold from those vaults to England or wherever the elite has plans for. Same reports of midnight trucks moving in at the wee hours of the night,, heavily escorted.

It's curious why Building 7 was brought down and what was allegedly in its basement vaults.

It's curious why Building 7 was brought down and what was allegedly in its basement vaults.
I distinctly remember watching a BBC broadcast of the event and the commentators had just stated that building 7 had just collapsed,,, and the dang thing was still standing in the background. A few minutes later though it DID come down.

This is NOT the correct forum to discuss this event and I will refrain from presenting other data I have concerning this.

But the gold that WAS there,,, in those buildings,,, was moved PRIOR to their destruction.


OMG rog i just freaked myself out . lol
you are brilliant , i need to work on this some more .
i need a map and a compass and square.
all i can say right now is wow!

Oh, you're just getting started with geometry, pushpins and GE, kanabite. Once you get over being freaked out, then you are ready to blow your mind. "The spider's web: she finds an innocuous corner in which to spin her web. The longer the web takes, the more fabulous its construction."

Hi Rog, the remark ---> Running out of time with the folks you are after ?

#################\\I rather spec that he is referring to people that have unposted data may get bored and leave before sharing their information. :coffee2::coffee2: Life is too short to go without coffee.

Coffee !!,,, you said the magic word my friend.
Just having a cup of my favorite,,with Hazlenut,,, not the fake syrup you put in,,, real Hazlenut with coffee.

Care to give it a try?



That is the same picture Jack used for the cover of the third book in "The Gold House" Trilogy (about VP). What was your father-in-law's name? Maybe someone here might have known him.


As far as I can remember, all the mummies were lying flat. They all wore masks made of various materials (jade, Turquoise, Wood, Onyx, etc). They also wore necklaces of beaten gold with pendants of different animals on each. I remember that Gordon said he took those necklaces.

I never said that the mummies were of Phoenician Origin. I don't believe that is the case. I think there was a lot of contact between this tribe (whichever tribe that was) and the Phoenicians. One of the mummies may have even a shipwrecked Phoenician that lived with the tribe, or a descendant of that person. They must have had some high rank based on all the stuff that was buried with them.


That's some interesting information, Mike. Thanks.

oh heck i'm fine , i just had an ah ha moment , first thing i have to do it is get this line on the money , im still + or _ a mile or so and that's not gonna work .
i can kinda see why folks who have went down this rabbit hole before , have come up with a more modern explanation for these "Treasure site things".
these are big lines , and "my world " and "yours and the Rog's" worlds may have just collided.
of course there are still a lot of unknowns and i'm thinking this is just the tip of some iceberg kind of deal .
i would like to get this right and not just see what i want to , cause what I saw last night was crazy , and i don't even know where to begin trying to explain it .

this is still not quite right BTW and i need to get it right first.

hi mdog , ya i have that book . thanks man .
View attachment 1113925

remember I told that these use the Golden Mean ?

Fibonacci sequence


Knights Templar Code Take first letter of word , add to last letter of word

for Ophir it turns into : O-R followed by PHI

Or = Gold


gold by phi

caches vaults where the gold is stored is laid out to the Ley Lines of Phi .

recall all that back in the day ?

it's NUTZ
but it works out ,

the name of the Town is : Farmington New Mexico , near there is Hart Canyon
and that is where the young guy found the Gold Mask and Sandal in the deep cavern .

the federal boys chased him all the way to Fla .

the other town where the Tanit Temple was found near
was Las Vegas and or Santa Rosa New mexico .

Tanit Temple in the Organ Mnt.'s

lots of evidence has come out .


kanabite , all those threads at ALT are gone now ,
I think Springfield and Softy copied them though .

so contact them and read through my old post on ALT about using the Golden Ratio

Dang it , like I said , my data base is not here in Portland , nuther thing too
I'm thinking of moving South to Florida for a while ,,, and the data is in Calif .

anyway ,

they are still there rog , at least a good portion of them , back when yuku took the old site down , during Whytes migration to his new platform . i got upset and sent the yuku folks a message , telling them that a good number of the posts were the "small groups" , yours and mine included. they put it back up and he copied it to an AHRF members only section. i thought it was all lost for a long time myself , but whatever did not catch the usual moving around and edit stuff is visible if a guy asks for membership to it . its a hard pill to swallow to have to ask for access/ permission to view the old stuff we all wrote but it is still there . i guess its his house he can do whatever he wants. .

what i really missed that i wish i still had were the ones from the old EZ board before the "HACK" there was some one of a kinds in that one , seems like softy found a back door to it after , but i cant remember now how he did it .

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Good old whyte eagle
he told people i was sending threats through PM's


That's when I posted my password to my account there

and WA LA
there in my PM's
were threatening emails that Dave Zander ( Nightwing ) was sending

why was Zander Mad ?
he was good friends with JC and Oren of ONFP

and what's that got to do with him getting mad ?

The Trilogy Books were being compiled as an income source for sale

so what has that to do with it ?

ONFP had swindled my material and was promoting it as Doc Noss stuff

So , I began posting facts from my material , before Jack could publish the books .

so the material was on line in open forum for free

before Jack Clarence and the Ova Noss Boogies could make a dime off the books .

Zander went NUTZ
from him I got an email stating : " Your putting all our material up on line , if I ever see you again ,
I'll kick the<<<<

get it ?

Zander , Oren , Jerry Cheatum and the rest who are behind the Books , were using my material
as well as other peoples material and life stories

to SELL in a book and videos

Kanabite , remember when you tip me off that the Movie : " National Treasure " had a lot of what
I wrote in Whytes Forum in the movie ?

MONEY , that my friend , is why I was receiving so much harassment .
Agendas ?

Ova Noss , and each woman who knew Noss , along with offshoot kids
along with people like Jerry Cheatum ,, who was supposedly related to a person who was
an inlaw to ,,,,

all those people were focused on making money off a false Doc Noss claim , just as Ova did for years
all of them seeking coin for lies .

How much do you think they paid Terry Delonas for that " Unsolved Mysteries " program ?

see why I get so much flak ?

I know the truth of the Con's

Jack Clarence tried to get me to send him a copy of a Presidential executive order so he could
put it in his books

I thought about it this way

These Cons have made enough money selling other peoples material .

Like I have made very clear

all that material that ONFP claimed was Doc's

is NOT Doc's

it all belongs to people such as myself .

and they got mad when I exposed the truth .

Why would Oren Swearingen post all over the net , that my Dad lied about the 1300 steps cavern ?

real simple
Oren sought that cave from my Dad , Oren wanted to put his claim to it and say My Dad's friend showed
Oren the real site .

Claude did not know the locale and would never betray Dad for Oren ,

so as above in that Photo
I tested Gollum on the flame stone
seems he is promoting himself and Oren

he failed the test
and Oren did as well

That photo with the flame stone is not even in the San Andreas , it is in the Organ Mnt's 75 miles
south of the 1300 steps cavern .

There you have it folks

the truth of the claim jumpers is easy to expose ,,, is it not ?

Now go to the stone cabin near Rincon , THAT is where the Kid found the Map and Sextant , NOT Willie
and what that kids name was escapes me , his name may have been Jack Reynolds ,

Not an Adobe cabin near Ft. Seldon as Gollum claimed .

understand ?

Be honest ,

or perhaps your words will catch you .

Roger A. Snow

Kanabite ,,,and the best part about that 1300 steps cavern ?

One of your lines ran right over the exact entrance I bet .

well rog this might be the last time for a while i post this online , cause like you i have been followed and messed with before in he past .the first time I was followed by heavy equipment on a national monument , after they denied me a cultural use permit or a mining claim. another one was i got to watch something i found come up in a kenworthy presentation in provo last year . whatever ya know ?
i'll show you what that line that i still am not 100%is right ran straight across last night , and it is something i looked for about 20 years before i found it . and that was following a 500 year old set of directions and standing on the shoulders of some pretty big name explorers from the past . including you amigo

i mean right over the top of it man.View attachment 1113986


Your dad had no idea of the location of the cave of 1300 steps. Claude did show Oren and not your dad. I have the pictures and maps. Your dad was the one lying about that. I think its time you acknowledged the truth.



Your dad had no idea of the location of the cave of 1300 steps. Claude did show Oren and not your dad. I have the pictures and maps. Your dad was the one lying about that. I think its time you acknowledged the truth.


Interesting. You will be posting that material ... right?


and so have I walked right over things , missing them the first and second and fortieth time .

Something interesting to ponder about myself , I sit hundreds of miles away from a site I was on .

Not even pondering it .
out of the blue a thought of it comes to forefront ,,,
I'll think for a bit ,,,

drop it for a while ,,,
then almost as an Epiphany ,,,,
The light comes on ,,,
it was there the whole time , I missed it ,
then I go back into the Mnt's

and Bingo , right there it is .

ease up tiger

You have the right to believe Oren knew where the cavern is , he did not to my knowledge
know anything about that Cavern .

as I said , he had his agenda and I laid that out for you , he lost a friend that was looking for that cave
the friend crashed his Ultra Lite Plane looking .

Oren was not a Treasure Hunter
He was not a Treasure Scholar

He simply went to people like my dad and Claude3 , who were the actual hunters ,
and pried for information from them .

and both Dad and Claude had to play Oren out of their hair , TRUE STORY THAT .

Of course , if you can prove that Oren knew the location , I'd like to see you there in person .
I'll be down there soon enough

right after I come back from Florida , I'll be back in New Mexico .
come on down there and show me 1300 steps buddy .

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