Father Charles Polzer SJ was a Jesuit Priest whose main lot in life was to ensure that Father Eusebio Kino SJ was Canonized. He was a very good man that NEVER saw ANYTHING relating to Jesuit Wealth that was authentic (in his opinion). Maybe a little conflict of interest?
Also in 1986, Polzer heard that Tayopa had been found. He and a friend flew to Mexico and attempted to claim it for the Church (after years of saying the Jesuits owned no mines and they were a poor Order). He was so obnoxious about it, the Mexicans forced him off the site. His luggage was lost on the trip home.
Father Polzer would not have been able to tell a hand carved stone map from a machine carved stone map. He did not have either the experience nor education for it. I have more experience than Father Polzer in examining stone monuments, symbols, and artifacts. I was allowed to examine the Stone Maps with a digital microscope in 2010. I had them all in a dark room, and used several types of lighting along with a digital microscope. I found no traces of metal in the grooves, and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that would tell me they were in any way modern. Here are a couple of pics in case you don't believe me:
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Just a couple of over 4 gigabytes of hi-resolution pictures. Here is one of the digital scope pics of the "B" in CABOLLO on the Horse/Priest Stone:
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The people I know that worked at the AZ Mining and Minerals Museum told me that nobody knew for certain. That there were many stories floating around about them.
Anybody is free to believe anything and anybody they choose. When I speak, its mostly not from what I have been told by someone, I mostly speak from personal knowledge of a subject.