Stone Tablets-Most likely planted fakes.

Hello hunters,
I’ve followed this site for more than a year. Didn’t make the effort to join until today. As I have little to add to the wonderful base of knowledge here, I didn’t see it necessary. No disrespect meant, I just didn’t have anything of value to share. I do appreciate all that has been shared for me to read.
As my user name reflects I’m far too old to consider hiking the Superstitions. Would, that I could. I’m no threat to anyone’s stake in the hunt.
I have enjoyed the Legends show and look forward to further episodes. Putting faces and voices with the names is definitely a plus. The personalities are just as I suspected and add much to the entertainment value.
As to the drama, its television entertainment. I take it or leave it for what it is. Its entertainment not a history class. Nuggets of history mixed in, but sorting them out is what makes it interesting.
The scenery is spectacular. I have, in years past, traveled the Southwest. It’s a magical place. Nothing like it anywhere else. Until you have seen it with your own eyes you never really understand or appreciate the words of the song……purple mountain’s majesty……. It’s breathtaking.
There are a couple things I would like to comment on. Thus, my reason for logging in.
As to the horse of the Santa Fe. As has been noted, not only can one find documentation of the horse head imposed on a topo map, you can actually see it for yourself. Not only the head, but the entire outline of the horse can be traced, quite easily, in available on-line satellite aerials. The horse depicted on the stone maps, with it nuisances, ear set, stance, etc. is quite visible with little effort. Also viewable (be it a little more difficult) is the counter interpretation of the elephant. I make no correlation of being able to outline the drawing and its authenticity as a treasure map. That’s up to one’s own research and beliefs. All I’m saying is……….its there.
What I do find very compelling (at least in my mind) is that its in the right area. Based on the clues that “I” consider factual, Waltz area of interest was the south-southeast flank of the Superstitions. Its relationship and distance to Florence Junction places it in the right part of the territory. Still no small area to hunt but narrows the field, at least for my interest.

Welcome to the Forum.

It's a good place to learn about History.

I read the article yes, but IMHO it is not really worth buying as Azmula doesn't reveal the source behind his theory that the Stones were originally found at the Nuestra Señora de la Asunción in Arizpe. Until he does, or I find independent confirmation, I will continue to consider that theory a speculation.

Deducer, Azmula told me the same.

But the Gematria of the Stone Horse & Priest Map give a Longitude and latitude down south of Naco, Mexico.
I believe I posted it once on the Desert USA Forum.

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I have a Map that shows the area the Stones were found is next to a small mountain just to the west of that bridge. I looked in that area around the bridge but did not find the Cactus with the carved thumb pointing to the Maps. Only Cactus like that was where the Map said it was at a campsite next to the that small mountain. I'm looking for the Map in my Archives. Haven't found it yet I'll post when I do.

I believe the Priest and Horse Map is the Final Map and the other map's long range symbolism is coded in Solar Time.
Of course I never make my Beliefs based on pure speculation, it's from actual experience.

I'm not old to look but you know my hiking stick may let her down!

I'll be damned I can't find it I just saw it the other day and must have hidden it too good!!

I need a Map to Find a Map to find ...

Anyway I have a few others I'll just throw up here to make up for it. Been a while and my Archives are in disarray. Look at the Similarities between this map and the ones about the Superstitions!

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This ones for you Frank from a Petroglyph.

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Wow Bob, those first two maps are crazy.

Wow Bob, those first two maps are crazy.

Hey Randy, Bill here not Bob. You know me too. It's been a long time. Hope life's treating you and your family well.

I hope I didn't post someone else's Map. I accidentally posted Chuck's Map on the other thread.

Take care Randy

I don't know if "fake" is the correct word to use to describe the stones. Modern may be more accurate. I have shown this before but it seems appropriate to repost. It's just one solution but I think a good one.

Opps! I posted about mormons in another thread. I thought I was here.

Hal mentioned mormons in the other thread. Check the dates on the stones with mormon history. Mormons carved tablets. The horses head traced from a 1900 map could make sense if mormons carved the stones.

I'll let you all figure it out or just ignore.

Hey Randy, Bill here not Bob. You know me too. It's been a long time. Hope life's treating you and your family well.

I hope I didn't post someone else's Map. I accidentally posted Chuck's Map on the other thread.

Take care Randy

Life is crazy right now. I hope you are good as well. Those maps are amazing, very similar to LDM maps.

Hey again Randy,

My life has been hell for a few years.

Busted ribs lacerating my liver in two places, Knee surgery, broken legs, of course that time we attempted to hike the sups I was having problems with my knee swelling.

Found out it was the cartilage ripped away from my right knee cap so after forty years of swelling and pain that's fixed. Ripped my right foot almost totally off in an accident January of 2014.

Wife ran over me with a Golf Cart, no we weren't fighting or drunk like the Hospital kept asking! It was just an accident I swear!

I'm back in the swing now though got a good surgeon. 13 Screws and a titanium strap all removed a few months ago.

Ankle and foot are normal now. Stitches holding my foot on now healed.

Hiked into the Supers lately?



Yes, of course I have. No as much as I'd like, but I'm still out there.

The tablets are for real and show exactly where the mines are, I CRACKED THE CODE !
I have cracked the code of the stone tablets verified by the mines as shown with other maps, I will not name, and know exactly where the mines are !
I am going to put together an expedition to go after the gold and need 5 serious people to finance the trip and for protection. I ask for nothing other then the expenses for 6 of us to go get the gold before summer hits. Im not about to tell you how I did or where the mines are but if your interested then message me and while the History channel is running around making entertainment we will be recovery large amounts of gold !

Is that something you found on the net or some place you have seen this in the mnts ? Do you realize what it represents ! I know what it means, I cracked the code of the tablets.

The quote below is from a late 1800's history book that can be read at:

In a sense the title is plausible
enough on its face; but it is somewhat remarkable
that the annals of the province, as recorded, contain no
allusion to Peralta, to the caballero de los Colorados,
or to the Caudal de Hidalgo.

Of mining operations in Arizona, during any portion
of the Spanish or Mexican period, nothing is practi-
cally or definitely known. The records are barely
sufficient to show that a few mines were worked, and
that the country was believed to be rich in silver and
gold. In several districts have been found traces of
these early workings; and these, with traditions aris-
ing from the Planchas de Plata find at Arizona proper
just south of the line, are for the most part the only
foundation for the many 'lost mines' of which much
has been vaguely written, and more said.
I have al-
ready remarked that modern writers have greatly
exaggerated the country's former prosperity in mining
and other industries, and it may be added that they
have as a rule given the wrong date to such prosperity

Pino, in 1812, also notes the
existence of rich deposits of copper, gold, and silver,
of which no use is made; but Pike, in 1807, states
that a copper mine west of the river, in latitude 34°,
yields 20,000 mule-loads of metal annually, while ves-
sels of wrought copper were among the country's ex-
ports. Bartlett tells us that the Santa Rita mine —
really just below 33° — was worked from 1804; and
Prince gives more details, to the effect that the mine
was discovered in 1800 by Lieutenant-colonel Carrisco,
who sold it in 1804 to Francisco Manuel Elguea of
Chihuahua, by whom work was at once begun, 100
mules being constantly employed to transport the
metal to Mexico for use in the mint. 40 I think there
is room for some doubt as to the early working of this
mine, though a beginning was probably made before
1822. Pino says that old silver mines were found
closed up, with the tools inside, and doubtless the
prospect-holes made by the Spaniards before 1680
were thus found occasionally;

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Yes, of course I have. No as much as I'd like, but I'm still out there.

Hey Randy check this out. I have a photo I took from the site the stone maps were found by the bridge. Just random photo's of the Superstition mountain range from that site.

It shows a Horse pointing downward with it legs crossed complete with a saddle and two distinct Arrows pointing up the canyon. The nose of the horse isn't quite there but the abstract is clear a horse with it front legs crossed. I know from Pima Canyon in the Catalina range down here you always follow the tail of the Horse. I've also found these in the Dragoon Range near Cochise Stronghold another range with gold and silver mines. If anyone wants to know how to use the Maps for the first step on the Horse side from the location they were found at in Queen Creek, here you go.

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After Thought: Huge Heart to the left of the Horses arse.

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I don't mean to be a horses arse but the crack is in the rocks that you've both never walked on. Try moving around a bit, a hike in the summer, you won't need your pipe.

Here's the translation being one thing or another the time of day angle of view all come into play. As you head for the simple abstract at the right time of year and solar day riding a horse the full image displays or morphs into a clearer image or another image altogether. It's called metamorphosis a living breathing language based in time, not crack time but real solar time.

The Horses ass. The horses ass is a pointer the horse is upside down stop looking for writing on a piece of paper think of it as a floating language based off the terrain not school taught ways of thinking someone will communicate by our own way of reading books, computers and so on.

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