Stone Tablets-Most likely planted fakes.

I'll just leave this here:

Apophenia: "The experience of perceiving patterns or connections in random or meaningless data."

Apophenia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/

Well, you could leave it there, with Wikipedia or, give him the chance to post images that show the earth was tooled. If that were found, then he has something historically important. I don't agree with him, with what he believes he sees, but it's a possibility. A small one. Proof in the form of tool marks. That's what it would take to convince me. Joe Schmo.

If those are not found then you were unfortunately correct.
Which sucks.

I'll just leave this here:

Apophenia: "The experience of perceiving patterns or connections in random or meaningless data."

Apophenia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hummmm.... If someone perceived that a sworn affidavit that included third party hear say statements made by people long before the person swearing the statements to be truthful was born and believes the sworn affidavit proves anything would that be Apophenia?

When ever anyone suggests a rock formation was created by man, I ask to see the pile of rock chips around it that show it was carved, as well as the tool marks on the formation itself. Never had any takers...

When ever anyone suggests a rock formation was created by man, I ask to see the pile of rock chips around it that show it was carved, as well as the tool marks on the formation itself. Never had any takers...

Rock formations are not made by man, just the carvings :D

When ever anyone suggests a rock formation was created by man, I ask to see the pile of rock chips around it that show it was carved, as well as the tool marks on the formation itself. Never had any takers...

And that's the problem with the theory. Large scale, it's just not practical. I doubt that you will ever find takers.
In a more controlled environment, on a smaller scale perhaps.

Mother Nature works in mysterious ways, and humans have often co-opted the results of her labors to serve their purposes. That in no way means that natural rock formations that appear to look like things humans recognize were "sculpted" and created by man. Not unless you can show me tool marks on the objects in question, piles of rock chips around such objects, and broken tools as well. You would also need to show me how large groups of men working on such labors were able to have food and water in remote locations that are devoid of both, and what their motivations were to expend such energy on crafting such objects.

Well i do my share of hiking so i can only ASSUme you arent directing that statement towards me. But i want to make it clear that anyone that thinks the stone maps pertain to only the supes is a poor lost misguided soul.
As for your shadows i think its an interesting concept. I immediately ran into my bedroom with a flashlight and made outlines of horses hearts witches and eagles.
When ya find the heart with the horn on the right side then i will say you are on to something. Until then thanks for sharing your nice pics of the landscape.


It's good you Hike a lot I like to Hike and discover as much info as possible I don't blame anyone of you for seeing the humor in all this I do. I reacted the very same way when the Researcher told me about it and I didn't believe it for years. But you're right to believe the Stone Maps pertain to other ranges and they have much more to do with just the supers so we have area's of Agreement.

I was incorrect though in my assessment of the photo. I thought it was from the site of the Stone Map location but after looking again at my photo's I discovered the Horse and pointers were from the Road to Peralta Trailhead not Queen Creek Bridge. I found the photo I snapped just five frames before the one I put on here. It shows the shadow in Metamorphosis from that point until five shots later.

If I would have taken a fifth shot it may have shown the Nose of the Horse better and looked more realistic and not a half shadow.

Sorry Randy and everyone else I was wrong about the location it's the road to Peralta trailhead and that is the Supers! But hey Wayne, Frank there's another heart for ya!
View attachment 1125849

Mother Nature works in mysterious ways, and humans have often co-opted the results of her labors to serve their purposes. That in no way means that natural rock formations that appear to look like things humans recognize were "sculpted" and created by man. Not unless you can show me tool marks on the objects in question, piles of rock chips around such objects, and broken tools as well. You would also need to show me how large groups of men working on such labors were able to have food and water in remote locations that are devoid of both, and what their motivations were to expend such energy on crafting such objects.

You're absolutely correct. We can all agree, for example, that some particular rock looks like a bird, and maybe we can even use it as a landmark of sorts. However, that does not mean that someone carved the bird - it's simply a rock that looks like a bird. A carved rock will display evidence that it was altered.

You're absolutely correct. We can all agree, for example, that some particular rock looks like a bird, and maybe we can even use it as a landmark of sorts. However, that does not mean that someone carved the bird - it's simply a rock that looks like a bird. A carved rock will display evidence that it was altered.


I'll be gone tomorrow digging some gold so I'll see this thread later.

Those unexplained shapes are called Similacra's God Created Similar.


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You're absolutely correct. We can all agree, for example, that some particular rock looks like a bird, and maybe we can even use it as a landmark of sorts. However, that does not mean that someone carved the bird - it's simply a rock that looks like a bird. A carved rock will display evidence that it was altered.

Matt and SDCFIA,

There are absolutely man made monuments.

Here is an eight foot tall bird monument that was made from four different rocks (none from that outcropping):


Here is a 25 foot boulder at the beginning of this canyon's monument trail (notice the arrow pointing at the top half of a heart):


Those are two monuments in one particular canyon that led to a sealed mineshaft in SoCal. I know it was Spanish because of a rotten leather sack of gold and silver coins I found inside.


Mike, I agree your arrow shows human involvement, and the different kinds of rock stacked to form the bird also appear to show the same. With regard to the bird though, I cannot help wonder what the Spanish would have had to do to create it. How many men would it take to move such rocks into position, and what methods were used to do so? Was a scaffolding employed? Or a crude crane of some kind? And where would the wood have come from large enough to create such engineering tools? What would have motivated the Spanish to create such a monument? What is the scale of that bird, and how many tons do you think the upper two rocks weigh? I respect your opinion on such matters, but these questions still linger in my mind.

Added later: I missed the part of your post where you said the bird is eight feet tall. It looks much larger than that at first glance, I figured closer to 12 to 15 feet tall. If only eight feet tall however, that is not so large as to require a crane or scaffolding, and the rocks on top may only weigh a few hundred pounds. Totally manageable by a few men working together with ropes.

However, many times we are presented with photos people claim are of HUGE man made monuments that are obviously just works of nature. No tool marks are present, no piles of chips nearby, no signs of human habitation nearby, and often in such remote locations they would have required huge amounts of supplies to be brought in just to feed the workforce required to create them. Not something one would engage in if trying to keep a location secret!

Of course they may be used as landmarks, but its highly dubious they were created by men, but simply may have been made use of BY men who found them in significant locations. Like along trails to important locations, near water or good campsites, or near mines or caches.

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I have the feathers, who has the hot tar??

Relax Bob, none of us are perfect (I am extremely close though :laughing7: ) I have had to change some points in the search for
Tayopa several times as new data surfaces.

Coffee ? :coffee2::coffee2:

Matt and SDCFIA,

There are absolutely man made monuments.
Those are two monuments in one particular canyon that led to a sealed mineshaft in SoCal. I know it was Spanish because of a rotten leather sack of gold and silver coins I found inside.


Of course there are man-made monuments - they are primarily rock cairns, blazed trees, rock carvings, etc. and are obviously not naturally occurring. They were created for a dozen different reasons by explorers, trappers, hunters, pioneers, ranchers, hikers, miners, surveyors, sheepherders, soldiers, hippies, homesteaders, pranksters and who knows who else. They were created to be seen, ie easily found - not subtle. A very small percentage of the monuments you may find - very small - may even be associated with something hidden. If so, their meanings will not be obvious.

Your two monuments are obviously man-made - stacked rocks and a carved arrow. That's why you found them. Whether or not they led to Spanish gold ... well, that's your story, but for the purpose of the question, irrelevant here. What is relevant is that a man-made monument will show obvious evidence of being created by people for a specific purpose.

Now, carved objects. As Matt says, if you find something you think was shaped by humans to resemble something else, you'd better also find evidence of human work on it, otherwise it's just an interesting rock. There are thousands if not millions of them out there - especially faces (pareidolia). Below are two examples.

Here is a rock that looks like Richard Nixon from this angle. It sits directly above a site that is well-known for its "treasure carvings". (Coincidentally, the site also registers perfectly with other landmarks on one of the "Peralta Stone Maps".) Did somebody carve this thing to alert others? No, it's totally natural - no evidence of tool marks, non-patina surfaces, etc. Could someone use the facial profile as a landmark? Sure, if you find the proper angle it might be something to look for.


Below is another "treasure carving" site associated with the first one above, but several miles away. The balanced rock looks remarkably like a long-eared dog from the trail in the bottom of the canyon. The dog is looking directly at some hard-to-get-to petroglyphs on the top surface of the flat-topped rock to his right - impossible to see without climbing up to them. Did somebody carve this dog to alert others? In this case, it's quite likely. The fractured rock surface to the right of the dog's ear appears to have been chiseled or spalled away, leaving a fresher darkened surface exposed, forming the ear and eye socket. Then his eye was easily formed, again with evidence that part of the original rock was chiseled or spalled away. The rest of the original rock seems untouched. The last picture shows the petroglyphs.



Near balanced rock 1.webp

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But I don't see a "balanced rock" in that photo, just a large boulder sitting on a stone outcropping. As well, you can see the fault lines that are shared by the rock on top and the rock it is sitting on. They are lined up perfectly in the photo. Natural weathering and erosion forces cause such things all over the earth. I can post many, many photos of situations where those forces have produced interesting formations, but they are not "balanced" by humans, but merely left in those positions by natural forces.

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So lets not pretend that nature can't produce most of the things people are claiming are man made monuments. Yes, they are beautiful and interesting, but not treasure markers, and not man made. And yes, man may have decided to use them as landmarks on maps or to remember nearby locations, may have place artificial markings on them for various reasons, but that does not mean man had anything to do with their creation.

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