Hal Croves
Silver Member
We aren't talking about Spaniards here. We (at least I) are talking about Jesuits. Jesuits were from MANY different countries. Catholics from Germany used the same symbolism as Catholics from Spain. Catholics in general and Jesuits in particular were firm believers in the notion that their service to God and The Pope FAR outweighed any agreements they had with the Kings of any countries. If Jesuits had made the Stone Maps (as I believe they did), they would not have used symbols in a way that Spaniards would have understood, because what they hid, they were hiding FROM THE SPANISH!
We are close. Polzer didn't have the training nor knowledge to tell the difference between hand sanded stones and machine sanded stones. From the days of old, the best way to sand a large surface flat and smooth was to take a more or less flat stone, put some fine sand between it and something harder underneath, move the stone back and forth LITERALLY sanding the surface smooth.
I have played with Dremels and sandstone. I have never made line jumps like that. Those mostly happened when I was scraping grooves with a sharp blade.
You also can't just ignore the evidence of what Travis Tumlinson did with the Stone Maps in the twelve years he owned them. HE MADE SEVERAL TRIPS INTO THE SUPERS TRYING TO SOLVE THEM. HE NEVER TRIED TO SELL THEM. HE NEVER TRIED TO GET THEM INTO ANY NEWSPAPERS OR MAGAZINES. One of the most telling things to me was from the interview Bert Love (Dick Peck's Investigator) did with a long time friend of Travis'. He said that Travis would take the stones out from time to time, and the two of them would sit and try to figure them out. He said that Travis would sit there staring at the stones, stick his finger into the big hole in the lower trail map and say "If I could only figure out where that was, I'd be a millionaire!"
Absolutely not. I am convinced that they were believed to be real, as in historically important. Because Travis believed it doesn't make them any more real. Just like the tucson artifacts or the stone crosses, ultimately the victims were the people involved in the discovery.
Traditional Lithography still uses the same grinding method.