St. Louis road trip to a POUNDED park gave me a $1000 dime. A shocker 1916D Merc

C'MON guys. The pictures are very good and clear and the coin is as clean as to be expected.
This is the find of a lifetime and I have seen many other banner finds that are not in as nice condition as his photos show.
Whatever you do silverfreak do NOT let anyone talk you into rubbing the coin or cleaning it any further.
This dime is worth at least $1000 in the condition your photos show.

Let's put it at the top where it belongs. :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft:

ziphius said:

That only could happen to the 'silverfreak'! :thumbsup: Great story, throwing a '16-D merc back and forth... :tard: Even better that you had a couple of buddies with you!

Thanks Jim. The buddies made it all that much better :icon_thumleft:

Argentium said:
Bryce , There is the silver lining to the fact that you have hunted to death all your local parks, causing you to go

on frequent road trips out of area , allowing you to score the merc of all mercs, and the choice silver rings and

other coins . Isn't it amazing what life surprises us with when we least expect it ? Great story ! Nice to see you

getting stoked up again my friend . BANNER !!! Argentium.
Thanks brother. I'm definitely stoked up again...but I was lucky my brother was able to stay with dad a couple of days. That allowed me to get away for 2 full days. It might be forever before that happens again. I'll be right back to my same old beat up parks again...but you never know what will pop out. That's why I love this hobby

Aday said:
Grats man :thumbsup:...but comon leave some silver for us newbies ;D
;D ThanksAday

dave in iowa said:
great find bryce , ive found 3 1916 mercs but no mint/
Thanks Dave

TnMountains said:
Great story. Congratulations on your holy grail. That is what I call a good hunt.
Thanks TN

Detectingfreak said:
That definatly deserves a banner! :thumbsup:
Thanks D.F.

Awesome find! That is one we all dream about. I certainly agree that it is a banner find. Are you going to get it slabbed?

silverfreak said: for it making BANNER...a couple of you suggested taking pics of the coin clean. It IS clean in two of the pics. I took 2 scans dirty....and 2 scans after rinsing it off with water.

The coin IS what it is...a pretty decent coin with fully readable date AND D mint mark....but I'm not going to polish it or rub it.

Surely the moderators don't expect me to CLEAN or rub the coin any further?? If I do so...I have been told it will ruin the grading/authentication process.

I was told to just rinse it in warm water and do no further that's exactly what i did.

I took 2 full scans of it after rinsing it...and it's the same thing I have done for all my finds here for the last few years.

What do you all think I should do? :wink:...please let me know :hello:

If the coin has been rinsed, then the coin IS clean. Do NOT clean it any further--you're right about that. What I suggested was that you take Better photos of the coin for the banner. :wink:

GREAT find there. :hello2:

fender346 said:
hmmmm.. 9" down? :icon_scratch:
...damn I gotta get rid of this ace250 ;D
congrats man !
;D Now that's funny buddy. Seriously though...that ACE 250 is a SWEEt machine.

Narthoniel said:
Wow man, that is one hell of a nice coin. I dont care how worn it is, its gorgeous. I absolutly loved your story, thank you for such a nice long descriptive post. After reading about your hunts, I am in awe of the patience and persistence you exhibit. If I am ever in your neck of the woods, I would love the opportunity to follow you for a day just to watch you work and listen to those iffy signals. I feel like you have mastered your machine, and I stand in awe of your skill and results. Congratulations on an outstanding hunt and a suberb find.
Anthony...thanks a lot buddy. If I wasn't so stubborn and persistent...I'd go home with an empty pouch. ;D It's getting tough around i have been going to St.Louis to hunt. It's no easier there...but there are a ton more parks there. Take care buddy and thanks for responding.

Merf said:
Congrats on that fantastik find Bryce. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I am thinking maybe more than $1000.
Thanks Merf. I hope so...but I just hunt for the fun anyway. A sweet coin like this one is just a bonus. Take care buddy...and good luck on you upcoming hunts. I'll watch for your posts

Natman said:
WTG Bryce :thumbsup: Congrats on finding the most elusive of all Mercs! It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy! I vote banner too!

Thanks Nat. I appreciate it buddy

ldablo said:
Man, this was a good weekend. :)


Thanls LD

plains digger said:
Great story. Sounds like that dime is the cherry on top of a wonderful weekend. The kind of wekend we all deserve now and then.
Thanks P.D. Good luck on your next hunt


Nick Pappagiorgio said:
Bryce ...

I apologize for not getting to this earlier, It's been a long Memorial Day with family & friends.

I mean this with all sincerity ~ It could not have happened to a nicer guy ... :thumbsup:

I wish I would have had my movie camera to show you your reactions ... It was like the Yeti & I had to beat you over the head to get you to believe what we were telling you AND yet you were seeing it with your own eyes ... :tard:

Forum folks I mean this when I say this ... Bryce is a true professional in every sense ... His heart and soul go into every hunt AND it is my pleasure to call him friend ...

We gotta make one more hunt in the fall Bro ...

Congratulations on a SUPERIOR find ...

~ Nick ~
Thanks brother. It was definitely a fun day...and we need to make sure we get in one more sometime this year.
I rarely get to share any hunts with my friends because of my hectic schedule...but my brother was able to stay with my dad for the weekend.

I can't wait to do it again...and hopefully you'll forget it's about my time to provide lunch...and you can hook me up with another sweet "sammie" ;D :thumbsup:

McEtrak said:
Congratulations silverfreak..........So far this year I have found 4 1916 mercs, 2 plains & 2 s mm.........No D mm ,but all 4 were heart stoppers..........Good to see you got the money maker....Happy for you man
Thanks buddy. I appreciate it. I have had a few of those heart stoppers over the years..and it's still fun...until you turn the dime over...and there's nothing there ;D I don't have that problem anymore 'cause I can't even read the date without my glasses :D

huge congratulations my friend - that's the way you do it !!!!!
very happy for you !


Come on Mods!!!!

The Holy Grail of Mercs, within all of our grasps and worth over a grand!

This find speaks to us all!!!

Please get this up on the[size=48pt] BANNER where it belongs!!! [/size]

Bryce, if you don't get the banner for this, then the banner means nothing! :wink:

congrats on your rare coin silverfreak :thumbsup:

Now that's what I am talking about Bryce. Wat to go Buddy. You deserve that great find my friend. And what a day to find it, with good buddies along the way. Maybe more road trips are in your future. I hope Pops is doing okay as well. That would surely bring your spirit up high. Nice going again and I say this is a BANNER find all the way!!!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: jgas

RPG said:
I've only one thing to say...BANNER.
Another one word to say AWESOME
No matter what get it slabbed :thumbsup:
Congrats on finding the king of the mercs


Wow, Bryce, I haven't been on the forum in about a week and I log in today to see your post!! :headbang: :headbang:

Awesome find, buddy!! I'm still waiting for my '16 D merc after digging over 1250 silver coins in the past two and a half years.

Although your areas have been hammered to death, you still find a way to make great finds!!

Major Congrats! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


I agree with the rest....a '16 D merc deserves the banner!! I'd rather see your coin up on the banner than that 14 kt plated 50 peso repro, Bryce!!

BIG STORY FOR A BIG FIND :headbang: congrats on the big one :notworthy: I say BANNER :thumbsup:

going down the hall and doing " the silver freak dance " .....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.



BuckleBoy said:
silverfreak said: for it making BANNER...a couple of you suggested taking pics of the coin clean. It IS clean in two of the pics. I took 2 scans dirty....and 2 scans after rinsing it off with water.

The coin IS what it is...a pretty decent coin with fully readable date AND D mint mark....but I'm not going to polish it or rub it.

Surely the moderators don't expect me to CLEAN or rub the coin any further?? If I do so...I have been told it will ruin the grading/authentication process.

I was told to just rinse it in warm water and do no further that's exactly what i did.

I took 2 full scans of it after rinsing it...and it's the same thing I have done for all my finds here for the last few years.

What do you all think I should do? :wink:...please let me know :hello:

If the coin has been rinsed, then the coin IS clean. Do NOT clean it any further--you're right about that. What I suggested was that you take Better photos of the coin for the banner. :wink:

GREAT find there. :hello2:
What I sudjest is that you send it to me, I'll take the photos send them back and keep the coin :laughing9:

bryce i didnt post banner before because i didnt think my vote would be needed ill do it right now and get right on it. congrtats again you must be stoked. willy.

hogge said:
Hey Bryce, I think the only thing holding this one back is better pics. Ya gotta update with the clean coin. :headbang: :thumbsup: EVERYONE SAYS BANNER!
The coin in most of those pics is the clean coin brother ;D
I took a scan of the front dirty...then rinsed it with warm water. That's as clean as it's gonna' get bro :wink:

texjim said:
awesome job.....
Thanks Jim

Colonial Copper Zeus said:
I was in a similar situation about 3 years ago. Out popped a merc. I thought I could see 1916 with a mintmark. My heart started beating harder. I searched the grounds until I found a puddle and proceeded to gently clean it off. Definitely 1916 with a mintmark but mine was an S. That's a shame because otherwise the dime was in great shape. I'm happy that you found it Bryce. If anyone deserves it it's you. You are the silver dime king. :icon_king:
Thanks Chris. Mine "aint" to purty...but should go between AG-3 to G-4.
It was a thrill I'll never forget

ModernMiner said:
I had to look again. ;D
Come on BANNER!!!!
Congrats on a superior find Bryce.
Keep on hopin' am I

Derek752 said:
Well S.F. ya did it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

I'm happy for and proud of ya man !!!

This is BANNER acton right here man !!!!!

WTG Brotha !!

Thanks Derek. :headbang:

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