real cool find 

Thanks Hogge. I hope it makes the banner. I know it nearly caused me to need a change of shortshogge said:CONGRATULATIONS BRYCE! I'm glad your hunt with " The Godfather" turned out so well. I know you hunt very hard, and now the reward, with a rare coin, IS YOURS. I can't think of anyone more deserving than you. My BANNER vote is in. The mods better give you this! Your T-Net Friend........ Hogge![]()
Thanks Allenallen said:congrats on that beauty !!!!!![]()
Thanks Dan.gibsondan said:You are a true metal detecting celebrity. Awesome post! Congrats on the rare Mercury dime.
dfx willy said:man bryce you sure have a thing for mercs! maby we sould call you merc master now. willy.
Thanks Stoney. You're right...but if I offer to buy dinner...then I miss out on his "sammies"stoney56 said:WTG silverfreak! Looks like the hunt was worth the trip!![]()
Hey Nick, tell silverfreak no more sammies, he owes you dinner @ Acero's!![]()
Thanks SC. When Nick handed me the phone...and you told me what it was worth....I literally had to crouch down to keep from passing outSC_hunter said:Totally fantastic Bryce. I almost had a heart attack for you when Nick called me....You are DA MAN..and Congratulations..most awesome find. Gotta be a banner for sure.
Thanks whitesPAwhitesPA said:real cool find![]()
Thanks Epsilon. You are 100% correct. The friends and fun are worth more than the finds made. Seeing the Yeti eating berries was worth the price of admission aloneEpsilonMinus said:Awesome story, man! Like you seem to be implying, the adventure and time spent with your friends made the trip as worthwhile as the cool finds themselves. Thanks for sharing this, great stuff!