St. Louis road trip to a POUNDED park gave me a $1000 dime. A shocker 1916D Merc

Nick Pappagiorgio said:
BANNER ... Yeah Baby ... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Rock On Bryce ... :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Nick...who woulda' thought brother...that after driving through the park traffic jam for 45 minutes...we'd end up finding the spot we were looking for...and all this would have came about :hello:

BIG61AL said:
That is a find of a lifetime!!!! Congratulations, you are one lucky ***
Thanks buddy

Wallhangers said:
Congrats on the banner!
Thanks Mark

fortbball9 said:
Congrats it made it

Thanks friend

jimbob450 said:
BANNER. BANNER. BANNERway to go. You finally it the big one.
Thanks jimbob

mpostma said:
You Da Man!!!!!
Congratulations! It really couldn't happen to a more deserving guy!
Reading your post I got excited, and laughed my butt off too. "Yeti"?, What a great nickname.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again,"You are an artist with the Explorer."

I've not been on for a few days over the Memorial Day weekend. Came on to catch up a little, and post my weekend finds.
Seeing this post was the most welcome thing. I am truly happy for you. I think your mom is up there having a smile. You know she pointed you toward another special merc!

Best Wishes!

Thanks for all your kind words Mark. Mom is with me always.
If you are ever fortunate enough to meet the Yeti...or unfortunate enough I guess ;D'll figure out in about 5 seconds exactly why I named him that.

the gambler said:
Wow! great find. My husband found 3 but no D's. How sad is that? ???
Alll the 1916's I've ever found had no D's either...until now.
That's what makes this hobby so great.

Indianhead Jones said:

Great hunt...SPECTACULAR MERC!! The odds of your finding the Queen Mother of all Mercs is about the same as being hit by falling meteorite!!!! BRAVO, MY LUCKY FRIEND!!!!!! :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

Thanks Larry. I hope the metorite doesn't find it's way to me ;D

titan said:
KylePA said:
Awesome 1916-D Mercury dime, Bryce! That is a find of a lifetime and a banner find indeed. I have nominated it for banner! Outstanding dig, buddy!

there you go !!!!!!! awesome :icon_thumleft:
Thanks Titan

dfx willy said:
bryce i didnt post banner before because i didnt think my vote would be needed ill do it right now and get right on it. congrtats again you must be stoked. willy.
Thanks Willy. Stoked I AM :thumbsup:

Jaw Jah Danny said:
going down the hall and doing " the silver freak dance " .....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.


Thanks Danny

Wheresthegoodstuff said:
Great play by play
Thanks WTGS

Silver Searcher said:
BIG STORY FOR A BIG FIND :headbang: congrats on the big one :notworthy: I say BANNER :thumbsup:
Thanks Double S

Are you down from the clouds yet?

Congrats on that magnificent find...

Congrats on the Banner... All 1916d Merc's deserve the Banner...

Mike from MI said:
Holy Moly Batman!!!!! YEEEE HAAAA FOR YOU MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!
That is awesome! I am very happy for you bro! :hello2: :headbang: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :thumbsup:
Thanks brother :angel7:

72cheyenne said:
I must say I enjoy reading each and every one of your stories. This one puts the icing on the cake. WTG on the well deserved BANNER. :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft:
Thanks a lot friend. That means a lot to me. I always try to put into words exactly how things happen :thumbsup:

Big E said:
Awesome find Bryce!! :thumbsup: Sounds like that was a fun weekend. I would NOT do any cleaning on it. The pics look fine. Once again, congrats on the sweet 16D merc.

Big E
Thanks BigE. No cleanin' way. I'm leavin' it alone. :thumbsup:

Kimsdad said:
Congrats on making the banner, Bryce!!! :wink:
Thanks my friend

KylePA said:
Congrats on the well-deserved banner slot, buddy! I hope you submit it to the "Best of 2009" Western and Eastern Treasures magazine. :icon_thumright:

Thanks Kyle. I'll try and find the link or info on that/ I know I saw it here on the site somewhere?

TXTim said:
Thanks Tim

history hunter said:
Way to go!!!!!!! Congrats on the great find! :icon_thumright:
Thanks DoubleH

time4me said:
Bryce, that is really awesome. Congratulations on a banner find!!!!!!

Thanks Jim

Nick Pappagiorgio said:
silverfreak said:
Nick Pappagiorgio said:
BANNER ... Yeah Baby ... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Rock On Bryce ... :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Nick...who woulda' thought brother...that after driving through the park traffic jam for 45 minutes...we'd end up finding the spot we were looking for...and all this would have came about :hello:

I blame the YETI ... ;D ... The Damn Paparazzi & gaulkers ... They never seen a YETI ... :o

I am just happy to say I held this righteous coin in my hands ...

Do you still have the napkin I gave you to wrap it in ... ???

Mail it back to me ... I wanna put it on EBAY ... :tongue3:

Nutin But Luv Bro ~ Nick
;D :hello2: :wave:
I'm glad you got to hold it your hands too bro...otherwise I might have clanked it off the shovel or threw it again ;D
Thanks goodness you held were the only freakin' dude who could READ THE DATE :laughing7:
My eyes are bad...and the Yeti's...well ...I need say no more :D

The napkin... I do still have it...but it can't be on the bay. It will be kept as a momento of the special day :hello2: :thumbsup:
Gotta' get some sleep now bro. Have a good one

AWESOME JOB BRO!!!! I am doin a happy dance over here with you!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Re: St. Louis road trip to a POUNDED park gave me a $1000 dime. A shocker 1916D

Wow what a great lot of finds, well done!

What a outstanding find. Love to read your post,gets me really hyped up to go dig some holes(and fill ).


Congrats on making banner and an outstanding find. You deserve it. :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft:

Congrats on your banner Bryce! Well deserved buddy! :icon_thumright:


Beautiful dime and story. Congratulations.

Awesome find! Congrats on Banner! If I had found it, it would have just gone in with all the others- I need to learn a bit about key dates...

That was one great story and I almost felt like I was there with you. Thanks for the hunt! Very good finds too! I have been on a few good outings like that with my hunting buds but never scored so good. Great hunt! Monty

Bryce, Congrats on the awesome finds buddy! I think i've dug 5 1916 mercs, but never the "D".
Sounds like you guys had a great time. Its always a blast with good friends. 8)

Re: St. Louis road trip to a POUNDED park gave me a $1000 dime. A shocker 1916D

Congrats on the Banner, my friend! I voted for you all the way.


Oh my Gawd!!! Nice freaking find. You earned it brother!!! You have inspired me to not give up on learning this Explorer. I wish I could hear that warble you are talking about. I definitely need to start digging more deep signals and discovering what this thing is telling me sometime.

Enough about me though..........Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! :icon_thumright: :hello2: :icon_thumleft:


Wow Bryce,digging the most valuable Merc on the planet and getting the chance to swing with Nick all at the same time...doesn't get any better'n that bro. Congratulations on a well deserved banner find!!

Great story and fantastic find. Congrats.


Really nice silver. You, and the rest of us, will look for more, because they're out there... right around the corner.


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