St. Louis road trip to a POUNDED park gave me a $1000 dime. A shocker 1916D Merc

Re: St. Louis road trip to a POUNDED park gave me a $1000 dime. A shocker 1916D

Neil in West Jersey said:
Very nice!!!
Thanks Neil

DD-777 said:
The "FREAK" strikes again! Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. Major congratulations are in order for you Bryce! :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright:
Thanks DoubleD. I hope you have been finding some deepies. :thumbsup:

artzstuff1 said:
It would not seem right for a fellow il. hunter not to respond to such a great find!!! .What a fantastic rare find!!!

Thats what it is all about dude ,, you deserve it!!! BANNER!!!

Thanks my IL friend. Good luck on your next hunt Arthur

bluefin1959 said:
My friend that is awesome!!!!!
Remember everything in life happens for a reason.
And, this is karma paying you back for everything
that you have done to help people.
I for one could not be happier if it had happened to me.
For the coin do not do anything else to it.
to me it's a slider between AG-Good. So, it is easy a $1,200 coin.
Do not let anyone talk you into cleaning the coin in any way.
You did right by what you did.
Can you tell us what coil you had on for this once in a life time find?
Once again, my friend "way to go" :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
You got my vote for Banner!!!!!
HH Dan
Thanks a bunch Dan. I appreciate what you said. As for the coil...I had on my 10 x 12 SEF on. I have been going back and forth between it and the pro coil....but the 10 x 12 SEF seems to be a little more stable for me.

John Deere Digger said:
Super dig Bryce. Glad I took a quick break this morning to check out the finds. Congrats on a sweet dime.
Thanks JDD. Let me know when things slow down for you

djabend said:
Awesome Merc!
I can take some great close up photos if you need them (but you will have to mail it :D )

How I take close up photos

Hi Donny. I sincerely appreciate it..but the photos I have been posting on here for the last few years have never been a problem. I just viewed my post again...and the pics clearly show exactly how the coin looks...and exactly what it I'm not sure what the problem is. It even shows the D mintmark as clear as it gets ??? We'll see what happens...but I hope the mods can figure something out for me.

Kimsdad said:
silverfreak said:
Nick yelled out as loud as he could..."That's why they call him the freak" ;D

Serious congrats, buddy!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :icon_king: :icon_king: :icon_king:

What a great post! :icon_thumleft: You've got my banner vote!

..and definitely :angel7: !!!
Thanks brother. He is a blast to hunt with.

KylePA said:
Awesome 1916-D Mercury dime, Bryce! That is a find of a lifetime and a banner find indeed. I have nominated it for banner! Outstanding dig, buddy!

there you go !!!!!!! awesome :icon_thumleft:

civilman1 said:
Thanks Civ

BuckleBoy said:
silverfreak said: for it making BANNER...a couple of you suggested taking pics of the coin clean. It IS clean in two of the pics. I took 2 scans dirty....and 2 scans after rinsing it off with water.

The coin IS what it is...a pretty decent coin with fully readable date AND D mint mark....but I'm not going to polish it or rub it.

Surely the moderators don't expect me to CLEAN or rub the coin any further?? If I do so...I have been told it will ruin the grading/authentication process.

I was told to just rinse it in warm water and do no further that's exactly what i did.

I took 2 full scans of it after rinsing it...and it's the same thing I have done for all my finds here for the last few years.

What do you all think I should do? :wink:...please let me know :hello:

If the coin has been rinsed, then the coin IS clean. Do NOT clean it any further--you're right about that. What I suggested was that you take Better photos of the coin for the banner. :wink:

GREAT find there. :hello2:
OK...thanks Buckles. I tried all afternoon with a friend's digital camera...and also took about 10 more scans. Other than getting a closer pic of the D mintmark...these pics are the best I'm capable of coming up with.

Bartman said:
Awesome find! That is one we all dream about. I certainly agree that it is a banner find. Are you going to get it slabbed?
Thanks Bart. Yes....when i can find a coin dealer I'll send it off.

itbeepsidig said:
C'MON guys. The pictures are very good and clear and the coin is as clean as to be expected.
This is the find of a lifetime and I have seen many other banner finds that are not in as nice condition as his photos show.
Whatever you do silverfreak do NOT let anyone talk you into rubbing the coin or cleaning it any further.
This dime is worth at least $1000 in the condition your photos show.

Let's put it at the top where it belongs. :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft:
Thanks Mr. beep...or Mrs. Beep? I hope it makes it too.


Great hunt...SPECTACULAR MERC!! The odds of your finding the Queen Mother of all Mercs is about the same as being hit by falling meteorite!!!! BRAVO, MY LUCKY FRIEND!!!!!! :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:


A while back a guy found a C.S.A. plate and it took a while for it to make the banner.I believe it was something about the pics that he had posted.Maybe you should check into it. This is one that should be on the banner.


Wow! great find. My husband found 3 but no D's. How sad is that? ???

You Da Man!!!!!
Congratulations! It really couldn't happen to a more deserving guy!
Reading your post I got excited, and laughed my butt off too. "Yeti"?, What a great nickname.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again,"You are an artist with the Explorer."

I've not been on for a few days over the Memorial Day weekend. Came on to catch up a little, and post my weekend finds.
Seeing this post was the most welcome thing. I am truly happy for you. I think your mom is up there having a smile. You know she pointed you toward another special merc!

Best Wishes!


BANNER. BANNER. BANNERway to go. You finally it the big one.

Congrats on the banner!

That is a find of a lifetime!!!! Congratulations, you are one lucky ***

Bryce, that is really awesome. Congratulations on a banner find!!!!!!


Re: St. Louis road trip to a POUNDED park gave me a $1000 dime. A shocker 1916D

Way to go!!!!!!! Congrats on the great find! :icon_thumright:

Congrats on the well-deserved banner slot, buddy! I hope you submit it to the "Best of 2009" Western and Eastern Treasures magazine. :icon_thumright:


Awesome find Bryce!! :thumbsup: Sounds like that was a fun weekend. I would NOT do any cleaning on it. The pics look fine. Once again, congrats on the sweet 16D merc.

Big E

I must say I enjoy reading each and every one of your stories. This one puts the icing on the cake. WTG on the well deserved BANNER. :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft:

Captn_SE said:
Wow, Bryce, I haven't been on the forum in about a week and I log in today to see your post!! :headbang: :headbang:

Awesome find, buddy!! I'm still waiting for my '16 D merc after digging over 1250 silver coins in the past two and a half years.

Although your areas have been hammered to death, you still find a way to make great finds!!

Major Congrats! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


I agree with the rest....a '16 D merc deserves the banner!! I'd rather see your coin up on the banner than that 14 kt plated 50 peso repro, Bryce!!
Thanks Dan. It was the first time all year that I've gotten to actuallly road trip and hunt 2 full days.
Now it's back to the reality of hunting my beat up podunk small town parks ;D
Might be quite some time before I get to hunt like that again. My brother stayed with my dad all off I went.

fortbball9 said:
RPG said:
I've only one thing to say...BANNER.
Thanks RPG

Another one word to say AWESOME
No matter what get it slabbed :thumbsup:
Congrats on finding the king of the mercs

Thanks buddy. I plan on doing just that

jgas said:
Now that's what I am talking about Bryce. Wat to go Buddy. You deserve that great find my friend. And what a day to find it, with good buddies along the way. Maybe more road trips are in your future. I hope Pops is doing okay as well. That would surely bring your spirit up high. Nice going again and I say this is a BANNER find all the way!!!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: jgas
Thanks Jgas...and thanks for the kind words of my dad.

shaun7 said:
congrats on your rare coin silverfreak :thumbsup:
Thanks shaun

crazyjarhead said:
Outstanding find........... and I'll put my BANNER VOTE in too :headbang: :laughing9:
Thanks CJH

Kimsdad said:
Come on Mods!!!!

The Holy Grail of Mercs, within all of our grasps and worth over a grand!

This find speaks to us all!!!

Please get this up on the[size=48pt] BANNER where it belongs!!! [/size]

Bryce, if you don't get the banner for this, then the banner means nothing! :wink:
Thanks brother....and thanks for that "dual" pic you made of Nick and I :thumbsup: ;D

vpone said:
huge congratulations my friend - that's the way you do it !!!!!
very happy for you !

Thanks Hoss :thumbsup:

Holy Moly Batman!!!!! YEEEE HAAAA FOR YOU MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!
That is awesome! I am very happy for you bro! :hello2: :headbang: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :thumbsup:

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