Everyone...as for it making BANNER...a couple of you suggested taking pics of the coin clean. It IS clean in two of the pics. I took 2 scans dirty....and 2 scans after rinsing it off with water.
The coin IS what it is...a pretty decent coin with fully readable date AND D mint mark....but I'm not going to polish it or rub it.
Surely the moderators don't expect me to CLEAN or rub the coin any further?? If I do so...I have been told it will ruin the grading/authentication process.
I was told to just rinse it in warm water and do no further cleaning..so that's exactly what i did.
I took 2 full scans of it after rinsing it...and it's the same thing I have done for all my finds here for the last few years.
What do you all think I should do?

...please let me know