St. Louis road trip to a POUNDED park gave me a $1000 dime. A shocker 1916D Merc

Fantastic find!!. Great story, kept my attention 100%. I'll vote banner for your elusive find. You thoroughly deserve it.

Bryce that is super sweet congrats HH

After the story of the clanking against the predator and rubbing against the clad, promise to treat the next one you find with more respect. :wink:

Incredible find. This should go BANNER easily (but the moderators will likely want a better photo of the coin for it to be placed up top).

Cheers! And the next time you hunt with Nicky, sounds like you're bringing the sammies. ;D

Best Wishes,


WOW wow WOW wow WOW wow WOW wow WOW wow WOW wow WOW!!! That is so SWEET!!! CONGRAT'S!!!

A. Starting to dread looking at your posts, especially with the monsoon rains we've been having in Denver not allowing us to hunt. B. Banner, as long as you promise to not stop in Denver any time soon. You are like the guys in my college math class that screwed the grade curve for the rest of us. Fully convinced that you can actually smell the scent of silver in the ground. And, C. Frankly, you deserve a banner for that coin. You are starting to haunt my dreams. D. Keep it up.

Well S.F. ya did it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

I'm happy for and proud of ya man !!!

This is BANNER acton right here man !!!!!

WTG Brotha !!


I had to look again. ;D
Come on BANNER!!!!
Congrats on a superior find Bryce.

I was in a similar situation about 3 years ago. Out popped a merc. I thought I could see 1916 with a mintmark. My heart started beating harder. I searched the grounds until I found a puddle and proceeded to gently clean it off. Definitely 1916 with a mintmark but mine was an S. That's a shame because otherwise the dime was in great shape. I'm happy that you found it Bryce. If anyone deserves it it's you. You are the silver dime king. :icon_king:

Hey Bryce, I think the only thing holding this one back is better pics. Ya gotta update with the clean coin. :headbang: :thumbsup: EVERYONE SAYS BANNER!

silverfreak said:
Nick yelled out as loud as he could..."That's why they call him the freak" ;D

Serious congrats, buddy!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :icon_king: :icon_king: :icon_king:

What a great post! :icon_thumleft: You've got my banner vote!

..and definitely :angel7: !!!

Awesome Merc!
I can take some great close up photos if you need them (but you will have to mail it :D )

How I take close up photos


Super dig Bryce. Glad I took a quick break this morning to check out the finds. Congrats on a sweet dime.
JDD for it making BANNER...a couple of you suggested taking pics of the coin clean. It IS clean in two of the pics. I took 2 scans dirty....and 2 scans after rinsing it off with water.

The coin IS what it is...a pretty decent coin with fully readable date AND D mint mark....but I'm not going to polish it or rub it.

Surely the moderators don't expect me to CLEAN or rub the coin any further?? If I do so...I have been told it will ruin the grading/authentication process.

I was told to just rinse it in warm water and do no further that's exactly what i did.

I took 2 full scans of it after rinsing it...and it's the same thing I have done for all my finds here for the last few years.

What do you all think I should do? :wink:...please let me know :hello:

My friend that is awesome!!!!!
Remember everything in life happens for a reason.
And, this is karma paying you back for everything
that you have done to help people.
I for one could not be happier if it had happened to me.
For the coin do not do anything else to it.
to me it's a slider between AG-Good. So, it is easy a $1,200 coin.
Do not let anyone talk you into cleaning the coin in any way.
You did right by what you did.
Can you tell us what coil you had on for this once in a life time find?
Once again, my friend "way to go" :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
You got my vote for Banner!!!!!
HH Dan

It would not seem right for a fellow il. hunter not to respond to such a great find!!! .What a fantastic rare find!!!

Thats what it is all about dude ,, you deserve it!!! BANNER!!!


Re: St. Louis road trip to a POUNDED park gave me a $1000 dime. A shocker 1916D

Very nice!!!

silverfreak said: for it making BANNER...a couple of you suggested taking pics of the coin clean. It IS clean in two of the pics. I took 2 scans dirty....and 2 scans after rinsing it off with water.

The coin IS what it is...a pretty decent coin with fully readable date AND D mint mark....but I'm not going to polish it or rub it.

Surely the moderators don't expect me to CLEAN or rub the coin any further?? If I do so...I have been told it will ruin the grading/authentication process.

I was told to just rinse it in warm water and do no further that's exactly what i did.

I took 2 full scans of it after rinsing it...and it's the same thing I have done for all my finds here for the last few years.

What do you all think I should do? :wink:...please let me know :hello:


As BuckleBoy said, in order for it to make the banner, a better picture will probably be needed. No further cleaning is needed.


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