Spanish Galleons

Im the same way aquanut,and ivan types all kinds of jacked up words :wink: :D

wif outta doubt , I murder some vocabulary .---spelling 's never been my strong suit -- but I still have a sharp mind and interesting wit at least thats what I been told after buying several rounds of rum and cokes.

This researcher is hanging back from the feast, but will contribute what ever I have that may be worthwhile to the cause.

You all just have to get your ducks in a row and decide what you want to explore first. Definitely need more than 1 boat though. Even if it is a small boat when exploring a new site first. A couple of divers here, a couple of divers there, and you can explore more than one site at a time to determine which one you really want to work.


Sabre 15 I agree with you. This is not a treasure expo!

I'd like to be kept in the loop if you don't mind but not sure if i can make it to Orlando for the meet/greet/discussion. I can offer diving, research, permitting and political assistance. I've walked the halls of Tallahassee for quite some time and am very familiar with procedures, lobbying, etc. Otherwise, don't have much archaeological/salvage experience, but willing to learn. Let me know what you'd like me to contribute.


sabre15 said:
Hey, there should be some sort of mention here to all that are just tire kickers and dead beats that talk a lot of smack but really are not either sincere or dedicated to what we are trying to accomplish here. Don't show up! I don't want this to be another get together with a bunch wannabees or has beens that just want to talk about doing stuff that they know they never will do or have the balls to do. I want doer's not duds! Don't drive a couple hundred miles just for a BBQ unless you clear it with Aquanut first! Of course it's his shindig, but I hope everyone is on the same channel! Of course this is only intended at certain people, others that can only do research or other type of offhand jobs are not being targeted, this is for the obvious person who is just going to waste our time and efforts. And it is only my opinion,
So SWR, stay clear!
Understand that it is not that I disagree with the intent of your post. It's more that I question the way you expressed it. So, that being said, my questions are simple. Who are you to tell anyone ....Don't show up....? Who are you to decide who is a ....wannabe or a has been....? Who are you to decide if someone ....has the do something or not? Last but far from least, who are you to tell anyone (SWR or anyone else for that matter) to ....stay clear....?

Personally, if it were me, I'd show up if for nothing else, because you told me not to. That of course is up to SWR. SWR, should you decide to come over, you'll be able to find me easy as I'll be doing most of the cooking. Anyone, feel free to step right up and introduce yourself.

Aquanut has invited ANYONE interested to show up for this little get together and no one should feel bullied into not coming. I really would like to keep this thread clean for Aquanut so should you feel you need to reply to this, please do it in a PM to me and I will be happy to do the same in return. I just kind of feel that this post needed to be answered for what it is.

Aquanut, I do apologize if you should feel this post is not proper and feel free to delete it if you want but you know after all of these years how I feel about this kind of thing and I just had to answer it.

All of that being said. I personally am looking forward to a great time and a very productive get together.


Thank you so much for this post. I personally would like to see kindness and courtesy among everyone, even If I am not involved.
Being a land treasure hunter who does a lot of research to maximize my own success, I often find "areas" of interest to divers. (for instance, like some chests just sitting there on the bottom of the ocean). However, I have been hesitant to contact or share leads with anyone for fear of "diver politics" which I have read has been a recurring issue starting with the original Kip Wagner group and moving forward among others. Then there is the "all boys" club that women treasure hunters can run across. Many TH's are "loners" so to speak, and I can imagine some of that exists among divers. If you are not a very social person that is fine, but if you are going to work in a group as a group there has to be mutual submission and teamwork, or this thing will never get off the ground, have stabilty, and you will undermine your own success and maximum acquistion of treasure for the group.

I can understand someone wanting to make sure there is serious interest and participation in the group. Some people wanting to come however, may want to see how things are going to be set up before they make a commitment as they have had prior experiences with politics or failed salvage teams. Nothing like getting your hopes up to have them dashed to the ground again.

So some people may want to feel things out. It doesn't mean they aren't serious IF things get off the ground okay.

There are a lot of talented people who hunt the Treasure Coast both in water and on land, who can contribute much in the way of information, help, or support.

A salvage group is also going to need all the positive word of mouth and advertising they can get.

Believe me, there are plenty of ships out there (found a list of not so well known ones tonight), and while this may be a smaller less complicated salvaging group, you just might find so much treasure that a new more complexed subgroup develops to take the group to higher levels. Then again, you may just obtain a few more "Jupiter" remnants. Where do you really want to go with this ?

I think a simple friendly uncomplicated group is good to get started. Then if things go well, you can always develop the PR and notoriety of Mel Fisher.

Postiive minded, open communication, and good cheer. Needs to be a fun group that knows when to work and when to feast !


deepsix47 said:
sabre15 said:
Hey, there should be some sort of mention here to all that are just tire kickers and dead beats that talk a lot of smack but really are not either sincere or dedicated to what we are trying to accomplish here. Don't show up! I don't want this to be another get together with a bunch wannabees or has beens that just want to talk about doing stuff that they know they never will do or have the balls to do. I want doer's not duds! Don't drive a couple hundred miles just for a BBQ unless you clear it with Aquanut first! Of course it's his shindig, but I hope everyone is on the same channel! Of course this is only intended at certain people, others that can only do research or other type of offhand jobs are not being targeted, this is for the obvious person who is just going to waste our time and efforts. And it is only my opinion,
So SWR, stay clear!
Understand that it is not that I disagree with the intent of your post. It's more that I question the way you expressed it. So, that being said, my questions are simple. Who are you to tell anyone ....Don't show up....? Who are you to decide who is a ....wannabe or a has been....? Who are you to decide if someone ....has the do something or not? Last but far from least, who are you to tell anyone (SWR or anyone else for that matter) to ....stay clear....?

Personally, if it were me, I'd show up if for nothing else, because you told me not to. That of course is up to SWR. SWR, should you decide to come over, you'll be able to find me easy as I'll be doing most of the cooking. Anyone, feel free to step right up and introduce yourself.

Aquanut has invited ANYONE interested to show up for this little get together and no one should feel bullied into not coming. I really would like to keep this thread clean for Aquanut so should you feel you need to reply to this, please do it in a PM to me and I will be happy to do the same in return. I just kind of feel that this post needed to be answered for what it is.

Aquanut, I do apologize if you should feel this post is not proper and feel free to delete it if you want but you know after all of these years how I feel about this kind of thing and I just had to answer it.

All of that being said. I personally am looking forward to a great time and a very productive get together.


sabre15 said:
Hey, there should be some sort of mention here to all that are just tire kickers and dead beats that talk a lot of smack but really are not either sincere or dedicated to what we are trying to accomplish here. Don't show up! I don't want this to be another get together with a bunch wannabees or has beens that just want to talk about doing stuff that they know they never will do or have the balls to do. I want doer's not duds! Don't drive a couple hundred miles just for a BBQ unless you clear it with Aquanut first! Of course it's his shindig, but I hope everyone is on the same channel! Of course this is only intended at certain people, others that can only do research or other type of offhand jobs are not being targeted, this is for the obvious person who is just going to waste our time and efforts. And it is only my opinion,
So SWR, stay clear!

IF This is what it's about Let me know

& I Will stop this whole thing from being
discussed here Now.

TreasureNet does not condone Elitism.

Please Weigh in with Your intentions (Opinions) aquanut 8)


Or try a personal attack, it’s still unacceptable.

Honestly,.I'd seen here in this forum personal attack among both parties, moderator and user. I believe we had lost some moral values among us. I don't blame or accuse somebody, I believe the society is getting ruins, just look the TV news everyday. Apologize if somebody feel offended for this word, I just like to share my point of view.


Wow! There sure has been a lot of Talk since I last looked! Let's set the record straight! I said in the beginning that this is a cookout for treasure hunters and ANYONE INTERESTED IN TREASURE HUNTING! The purpose of the cookout is so we can get together, meet each other, see what assets we can put together and formulate a plan to successfully find and salvage treasure. I want this to be fun. It is up to each person to determine whether he/she wants to participate.

By the way itmaiden, I'm sorry you won't be coming. It would be good to have a representative female treasure hunter. Your overall post was thoughtful and appreciated.

Dell, see if you can make it anyway!

Sabre15, I understand you're serious about this, but please realize, at this point it can be nothing more than it is... a fun, fact finding cookout. Some hobbiests may even discount themselves, because they think they're not serious treasure hunters. It would be a shame...What if their research could open a door for us? No one is excluded! If you have a personal problem with SWR, take it up with him on a PM. O.K.? But he is still welcome to come if he wants.

Deepsix, You and I go way back, so it's not hard for you pretty much say what you know I feel. I'm neither vindictive, prejudiced nor an elitist. New friends are always welcome!

Skull, sorry you can't make it, but like Pcolaboy, "you'll be in the loop"!

Any Questions?


Then why not set up a chatroom at a specified time to discuss this with whomever may be serious and then have a BBQ for the ones that just want to talk or just want to continue to be naysayer(s). I used one person for example, it was not only targeted at SWR, although he does come to mind first. Sorry to hijack the thread Aquanut but I didn't think I was the only one who felt this way. I just love how the moderators feel they can dictate everything we talk about, they deleted my post. Some of them are hippocrates as well, talk about elitist. Sorry if anyone other than SWR was offended even though nobody was mentioned. Get some thick skin!
Again, sorry to Aquanut

sabre15, your post was deleted for violations of the forum rules. I strongly suggest that you re-read the rules that you agreed too when you became a member of TreasureNet. Any further violations will result in immediate banning.

aquanut said:
Skull, sorry you can't make it, but like Pcolaboy, "you'll be in the loop"!

There's a chance i can make it. Just have some person stuff that came up that i need to take care of. If i can get it off my plate in time i'll be there. Thanks again for the invite and i'll let you know as soon as possible if i can make it.

Aquanut, I have been reading this with great interest. I pray you guys will have an awesome time and make many new friends. Sabre, I actually agree with you that people should make commitments, but that reveals itself after everyone gets together. As you can see, commitment can't be commanded over a forum post. I'll be looking forward to hearing how this venture develops over time.

All the best to you,

3 years ago, I was a "tire-kicker" at a simliar outing. Now I'm working in one of the largest and most interesting territories in the world. I wasn't a great researcher, I didn't know what a magnetometer was...and the extent of my underwater metal detecting experience was helping my uncle find his lost tackle box in a lake in Texas. My metal detector was a gift from a guy who I helped clean out his garage. I found TNET by searching for metal detecting tips, and now everything I know about shipwreck hunting I learned from people I met here.

Moral? Don't discount anyone before you give them a matter how inexperienced or un-dedicated they appear at first. The only things I brought to the table at our first outing were good intentions and a desire to learn. If you think you want to be involved, SHOW UP and see where it goes from there. It took me from a computer in a cubicle in Texas to diving for a living in the Dominican Republic. I highly recommend it. ;-)

Best of luck Aquanut, I'm rooting for you down here...make it happen!


Oh, don't remind me about cubicles ! Alas, the freedom of the open sky, ever reaching oceans and the feel of sand on a beautiful day !


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