Spanish Galleons

Thanks Darrell and Jason,
You guys are saying exactly what I'm saying. We'll see what develops. Jason, you are exactly the guy I had in mind when I said that we could miss out on a potentially great associate! Even that person may not realize how valuable he/she can be...

Darren and Jason are right and have changed my way of thinking, to a degree! Thanks for the needed wisdom guys!

You can always count on us for our 2 cents worth, eh Darren? ;-) I don't disagree with all of your sentiments Sabre, if a person shows themselves to be combative or disagreeable to the plan early on, you'll probably be better off without them in the long run. We got pretty lucky when forming ARRG and we all generally get along incredibly well. I suspect you guys will have the same luck.

Some solid research and a 26 foot center console with a Humminbird side imaging sonar and a few good divers will take you a long ways in the beginning. If you have access to a mag and some one who knows how to use it, even better. That's all you need to find a target and start working on a lease. Once you have a target located and a valid lease, the money for dig boats and salaries is a lot easier to come by. In this thread I've seen all these things offered by competent people, so in effect you are already there. It's just a matter of logistics and strategy at this point, I think you guys are going to do very well.


Jason's story about how he got started says it all. Good luck, Aquanut, and everybody else who gets involved in this project. Like Darren, I will be following events with great interest from the Pacific North West.


Mariner, It's good to hear from you. Too bad you're so far away.

Hey Dell, what a coincidence, I plan to go to Utah in September. Let me know when you know.

Jason, thanks for you continued interest and support. You too Darren...


Hi to all. I just got off of the phone with Aquanut. We had a few laughs and discussed the menu for his BBQ. After we hung up it dawned on me that some of you might feel uncomfortable in coming because you don't know anyone. If that's the case, forget it A stranger is only a stranger until you meet them. We're going to be having some fun and we're all TREASURE HUNTERS so we all have a common bond. It doesn't matter if you're a hobbyest, do it as a avocation or a vocation. It doesn't even matter if you just want a chance to get involved. This is your chance to find out if you want to take that next step into Treasure Hunting.

As for me, I'll be the little, timid, non-confrontasional, quite, shy guy over by the grills cooking away so Aquanut can mingle. The two young Lady's that I hope will help me out will be Deb and Crissy (I really kind of like her but am to shy to say anything). I know it doesn't sound fair that we're doing all of the work but we are used to being abused by Aquanut so it's OK. Oh yea, my Avatar always gives my identity away too.

This post isn't about me though. I thought that knowing a little about Aquanut might help some of you decide to come over and at least see first hand what a great chance this could be to form a group and find some real treasure and not the armchair variety. Aquanut brings a lot of knowledge and experience to the table. He's a great diver and I ought to know because I taught him. Other then me, he's the only diver that I ever allowed my son to dive with and once he even shoved the kid under a reef ledge and kept himself between him and the power boat props that went overhead in 5 feet of water when the idiots ran through our divers flags. Aside from the shark incident he has already mentioned, he and I made a 75 yard swim from the beach out to our boat, through murky water with a big Lemon Shark deciding if he wanted lunch or not cruising us (don't believe for a second that two guys can't both get out of the water on a little swim ladder at the same time). I tell you this just to give an idea of what kind of person he is.

I've been a Digger for many years, treasure hunted over a large part of North and South America, worked with a lot of great people and Aquanut is by far one of the best (and yea, I'm kinda choosy who I work with). He's an avid researcher and has volumes of information stored in his head. Once he commits to a quest, he rides it out, good times and bad, until the project is completed. We don't always work together but we always seem to sooner or later get drawn into another project together.

He's a good man to have with you in the good times and when things go bad. You never have to wonder if he is watching your back, he always is. We've hacked our way through Mangroves and Palmettos, been eaten alive by mosquito's and no seeums (those invisible little things that have teeth three inches long), walked an untold number of miles on treasure beaches (ask him about the guy we met one night and the Pyramids if you want a good laugh. He still says he owes me for that, fried in summer heat and froze in winter cold. He always measured up and never once backed out.

This is the kind of guy that is wanting to put this thing together. Now don't get me wrong, HE IS NOT A SAINT but because I'm a bit timid and non-confrontasional I dare not go into his bad traits less I end up on the menu at the BBQ....LOL

I guess that's about it. Come on down and have some fun. Meet the people and then decide for yourself if you want to be a part of it. At the least the food will be great as he is not allowed near the grills (lousy


What the hell can I say... Deepsix made the mistake of teaching me how to Dive...By the way, Brad (Deepsix) is not little, nor is he timid, nor is he non-confrontational. He's an Ex-Marine Recon Jarhead that thinks he's still (at age 61) invincible! I on the otherhand am a simple Ex-Submariner. They do a head check on you before they allow you to deal with nuclear weapons on a Nuke Sub. Unlike
Jarheads, who they simply point and say...KILL!

aquanut said:
What the hell can I say... Deepsix made the mistake of teaching me how to Dive...By the way, Brad (Deepsix) is not little, nor is he timid, nor is he non-confrontational. He's an Ex-Marine Recon Jarhead that thinks he's still (at age 61) invincible! I on the otherhand am a simple Ex-Submariner. They do a head check on you before they allow you to deal with nuclear weapons on a Nuke Sub. Unlike
Jarheads, who they simply point and say...KILL!

Well. at least you told the truth about one thing, you're simple (you have to be to like playing with nuclear weapons) :o Marines are really misunderstood. They are extensively trained in only one thing, "precision diplomacy". It's very sad for me to see that even now, in this age of enlightenment, that Marines are still only understood by two types of people, another Marine and the enemy.

Do ya see what happens when you say nice things about a duck. They come right back and tell all kinds of lies about you (I told you he was no Saint). Well, I have to finally go and get some sleep. I have a Powwow to go to today and I can't allow the disappointment of my friends words to deter me.


ah bubblehead and snake eater --- fun combo --- no wonder you guys get along so well === and no wonder hes the cook --once you learn to make snake and bugs taste good --coolkng anything else is a breeze.

Yea, Ivan, he cooks the snake and bugs and tells me it's chicken and chips. After all these years he thinks he can still get away with it. But don't worry everyone, he may be cooking it, but I'm supplying it.

Well Guys,
It's getting close now. I'd like to start getting a list together of all those that will positively attend and those that may attend.
Could you post now whether you are coming for sure, maybe coming or can't make it so I can make sure I have more than enough to go around. At this point, I can only guess. I've had a lot of Private Messages from some who don't like to post on a public forum who, at this point may attend. If you don't want to post on the thread, let me know on a PM. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you and I'm sure, whether you join this group or not, you will benefit from coming! If you are coming with a crew or guest let me know. All I really need at this point is a head count. It can be modified right up to the day before the cookout, so if you have doubts, hold off before begging off. I won't need a final count until Thursday the 21st.

aquanut said:
Well Guys,
It's getting close now. I'd like to start getting a list together of all those that will positively attend and those that may attend.
Could you post now whether you are coming for sure, maybe coming or can't make it so I can make sure I have more than enough to go around. At this point, I can only guess. I've had a lot of Private Messages from some who don't like to post on a public forum who, at this point may attend. If you don't want to post on the thread, let me know on a PM. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you and I'm sure, whether you join this group or not, you will benefit from coming! If you are coming with a crew or guest let me know. All I really need at this point is a head count. It can be modified right up to the day before the cookout, so if you have doubts, hold off before begging off. I won't need a final count until Thursday the 21st.
Well geeeeeeeeeeeeee, I guess I'll be there as long as I get two promises. First, only Deb and Crissy can go shopping with me (we both know what happens when Deb sends you out with a shopping list. Second, you won't try to light a furnace (your nuclear weapons experience aside) we all know what happened the last time you tried to lite up a simple furnace....lmao.


John, I have a feeling this will be one of those cookouts talked about by many of you for a long time. Have a great time and keep us posted.

Deepsix, That was your furnace that burnt my eyelashes off. My furnace would never had done that.
Anyway it's 11pm and I've just gotten off the phone with a couple of guys that reminded me that I'm putting this together over memorial day weekend. It seems they can't make it because of commitments for that weekend. Plus there are a couple of others that I would like to attend that can't make it that weekend. I would like to ask you and all those out there following this thread who are planning on coming if we would be better off postponing the cookout for one week and holding it on June 6th.
Please let me know as soon as possible!

Which date is better?... May 30th or June 6th? I need to know today!


I just PM'd you, but a thought would be to keep the date while the interest and energy is high. My plans have changed so that i can make May 30. I should be able to make June as well but my schedule changes a lot when the summer months roll in.


You'll be hard pressed to get everyone there at any given time, maybe have the BBQ as scheduled, and leave an open invitation for anyone wanting to return or who couldn't make the first one for the next weekend. You'll have several impromtu meetings before you have everything in me. LOL We used to meet at centrally located restaurants on a specific date that didn't change...if you could make it, you did, if not you read about it on TNET and added your 2 cents worth after the fact. Worked out pretty well for us, maybe you guys could do a similar setup. You'll also find out who really has the time and drive to be a part of things that way. Lot's of people wanted to join us, but not all of them could really dedicate the resources needed. Start it almost like a club, and see who your "regulars" are...there's your team.

Hey, with all my two cents worth...I've got to be getting close a dollar now....does that make me an investor? :D

Best of luck guys...don't give up and don't run out of money.


ScubaFinder, We'll never run out of money as long as you keep putting in your two cents! It may seem like a small investment, but your support is worth a fortune!
The response I've gotten so far (all PM's) favor June 6th as the new date. All the guys who couldn't make it on the memorial day weekend favor the new date and so far, it looks like it's not too inconvenient for the other guys who had committed to accept the change.
I intend to let this run its course until the early evening and see what everyone has to say...

i'd like to clarify my comments if i may - brainfart moment. You're only pushing it back one week, not one month like i thought - i should learn to look at a calendar. Also, i didn't realize that the original date was Memorial Day weekend. If you push it back to June 6, that free's one heck of a weekend for boating, beachin' and babes. you have my full support for June 6.

Aye aye Captin'........keep'r on course. I'll head back to the galley fer some more rum.

I think June 6th might work for me. My son is coming home from the army on May 22 for 14 days, until June 8th and I hope to go on out to the Polly L this week and work until he gets home, stay a few days with him when he arrives and go back to work for a little while and then come back home before he leaves.


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