Spanish Galleons

Thank you aquanut for the invite .I would like to be somewhat part of the team,i was looking over darrens list and lets just say i didnt see a spot that fits me in the key leaders..I guess i can be a (treasure sniffer)Im a in the field type of person and a hands on guy .I love to discover artifacts and have a very good understanding of where the history took place in the old days to where the treasure is now.... I study old maps all the time ,and look at the changes over the years to coastal areas.....I dont want to be a chief but an indian in the field searching for artifacts,i have 20 years exp. with metal detectors.I have a 14 year old daughter and its hard for me now to just up and move or anything like that,but in 3-4 more years when she is off to college i will be a full time treasure hunter.. With this said maybe there is some place for me on the team...I would love to come to the cook out and meet everyone,i once lived in orlando near turkey lake road :D :-\ ( #7. Is very tight-lipped beyond the leadership - the crew and divers don't need to know everything)... Everyone on the team should know just where the company stands no matter if its good or bad news.If you have something bad happen and is about to sink the project someone else on the team maybe able to help solve it, if they only knew.. I guess i can see your point if it were a huge company with a management team and laborers....

Good points, RD. #7 is not intended to keep others in the dark regarding the status of a project or company. It primarily refers to sensitive research, being on the bridge (gps coords), and proprietary info. Being generous with years of research isn't smart on any level. Keeping everyone informed on the "state of the union" and getting input from all is very smart.

You definitely have a place with us! See you here!
Darren thanks for the advice and the guidelines. I'll definitely include them in the plan. Sorry you can't be here!
Relicdude, I'm looking forward to hearing about your research and making plans for the future during your visit.
Sabre15, you're counted.

It looks like Relicdude and I will be driving down together. The interesting piece of this is that the cookout will be the day before my 40th birthday :icon_jokercolor:. Might have to check out some of those "Gentlemens Clubs" I saw down there when we took the kids to Disney back in Feb. ;D

Looking forward to meeting all of you down there!!!


Fantastic! Now I assume you also know that you have to be a Gentleman to get into those clubs... I guess that's why they never invite me anymore... and I thought it was because I was a Treasure Hunter!

Sabre15, Sounds good, one less thing to prepare. Deepsix is coming over from St. Pete to lend a hand. Those of you that made the picnic he threw at Sebastion know what kind of food that man prepares! I pity those who miss it!


Hey Buddy:

You know I'll be there. I'll come in Friday and help you get all set up. This is a great idea!!!! Will talk to you again soon.


Well it looks like we have to keep up with the rest of the treasure hunters and start makeing videos ,i found a great song, now we just have to figure out how in the hell to put us and the artifacts in it ???

Don't try to keep up with us, try to PASS us! :)

For what it's worth, the most important thing I've learned down here in the DR is that working with what you have is infinitely more important than having what you need. It's a simple process really, IF you have the order right. Research is first, find your most viable target and focus solely on it. Then you locate, mag, mag, mag. THEN you get a boat full of divers to find out which pile of iron is the one that you were looking for. And finally, you build a dig boat to go get it. You won't be successful blowing holes on the Cabin wreck, you need a new wreck...but permitting, digging tools, divers, and all the other stuff are secondary to deciding on a well researched target, and locating it.

If you have that target located and well documented, there are 40 dig boats up and down the coast that would gladly come blow holes on your wreck. There are just as many investors who would gladly pay your dock fees and fuel bills for a piece of the action. Do it in the wrong order, and your finished before you get started.

My 2 cents worth....


Don't give up too easily Relic, with the recent rule changes in florida, some things got better, and some got worse. But the truth is, permits are more available now than they have been in the last 15 years. What they want is for you to prove that you have the tools, knowledge, and MONEY to finish a wreck CORRECTLY before they let you start. I can't really bash them much for that, it is there job to make sure things are handled in a proper manner.

Most of your historically significant wrecks will be handed over to universities, but to be honest most historically significant wrecks weren't carrying much treasure. Ivan may also have some success with his wreck with a new approach, his wreck will tell quite a story for a fleet that has already privately salvaged. Go in as a group, with the original finder on your team, and show that you have the funds and know-how to do it, and it might work.

Best of luck, permitting in Florida is the reason I now reside in the DR. :)


Yes i really like ivans wreck (1st choice queens jewels) and the whole area ,with 2 spanish missions and trade post in the area should have many targets ....Im not the brains of the bunch just a indian, and i have such a hard time at are local building permit office i could choke them all .........

All your posts with their great advice are taken seriously here. Thanks for the interest. Like you say, there is an order to things and we'll try not to get ahead of ourselves.

Relicdude, have you got a videocamera? I've never gotten around to using one...



Count me and my crew in as well.We have plenty of equipment and boats.

Great to hear from you! I'm looking forward to meeting you in person after our long talk on the phone that one night, I thought my ear was still glued to it even after I hung up. Get back to me on how many of you guys will be coming. I want to make sure I have more than enough food and drink to go around. Looks like I'll have to get more Beer!

No aquanut,i just have my digital camera....I bet pcolaboy has one ,he has under water video machine and a nice boat that may work good just to find and dive the targets.

Hey, get ahold of limobob and see if he will look at some targets.

I have several underwater cameras in houseings.35mm film cams,16mm film movie cams,plus have digital 8mm video cams in housings and have a seaview drop camera.Plus have a number of other b/w and color ccd cams that can be put on anything or in any houseing.Plus have a way for a b/w cctv camera to see in 0 vis water.

You guys realize your going to have to wait for Fisheye to disconnect the cameras from all the different angles in his bedroom and shower. So ive been told! :wink: :thumbsup:


Only 4 cams running here at the house,and they are outside cams.

Check it chat too.

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