Spain has got its underwater cultural heritage back

I was hoping the plane would crash and the coins returned to the bottom of the Atlantic. I wonder what sort of inside deal was made with those involved in the decision to return the coins to a country that thrived on thievery and murder for hundreds of years. I'm sure someone in our justice system is getting heavily greased for this. Just another prime example of the crooked justice system in this country. Hock Pugh!

Au_Dreamers said:
"Quote from: Alexandre on Yesterday at 08:47:36 pm
And no politician will mess this up."

You mean like the cultural heritage flag waving of the Portuguese about the Azores...... until big money cruise ship tourism waved some money under their noses and out went all their articles and laws of conservation of heritage!

You are wrong. Like in the US and elsewhere, we have our quota of petty politicians. Luckily, by having signed the UNESCO convention - which is, legally speaking, slightly below the Portuguese Constitution but is above all other common laws - common stupidity can be prevented.

The cruise ship pier is not going ahead.

Sorry, but there is no prevention nor cure for stupidity - it is self-perpetuating.

"by having signed the UNESCO convention - which is, legally speaking, slightly below the Portuguese Constitution but is above all other common laws"

Alexandre, what court would prosecute the Portuguese government if they decided to breach any of the conditions of the UNESCO convention ?.

I was always under the impression it was not actually legally binding on any of the signatories.

VOC said:
"by having signed the UNESCO convention - which is, legally speaking, slightly below the Portuguese Constitution but is above all other common laws"

Alexandre, what court would prosecute the Portuguese government if they decided to breach any of the conditions of the UNESCO convention ?.

I was always under the impression it was not actually legally binding on any of the signatories.

Oh, but it is. It was transcribed and translated into our own laws:

So, it is our law - and a bit more, since it supersedes the,. We can prosecute (for instance, a Portuguese citizen that is doing treasure hunting abroad) and sue under it. And, since the judicial power is separated from the government, I can sue the Government. And can then appeal all the way to the European Supreme Court of Rights.

The UCPUCH is more than a string of letters...

bluehunter1973 said:
Only thing I have learned Spain is still greedy and none of their boats could float.
:laughing9: How did they discover America? On a Jet ski :laughing7: You may need to expand your knowledge on the world

Subject: Senior moment

Several days ago as I left a meeting at our church,
I desperately gave myself a personal TSA pat down.
I was looking for my keys.
They were not in my pockets.
A quick search in the meeting room revealed nothing.
Suddenly I realized, I must have left them in the car.
Frantically, I headed for the parking lot.

My wife, Diane, has scolded me many times for leaving
the keys in the ignition.
My theory is the ignition is the best place not to lose them.
Her theory is that the car will be stolen.
As I burst through the doors of the church, I came to
a terrifying conclusion. Her theory was right.
The parking lot was empty.
I immediately call the police.
I gave them my location, confessed that I had left my
keys in the car, and that it had been stolen.
Then I made the most difficult call of all,
“Honey,” I stammered.
I always call her “honey” in times like these.
“I left my keys in the car, and it has been stolen.”
There was a period of silence.
I thought the call had been dropped, but then I heard
Diane’s voice.
“Ken” she barked, “I dropped you off!”
Now it was my time to be silent.
Embarrassed, I said, “Well, come and get me.”
Diane retorted,
“I will, as soon as I convince this policeman
I have not stolen your car.

OOOPS Wrong Subject.

Spain Sucks!


These were Ill gotten gains by the Spanish Pirates Raping the New To them World.


Spain Was to dang lazy to to find what they knew they lost by themselves in the Deep.


Some damn Corrupt Judge here in the USA, was paid off returning the Pirate Booty to the Thieves.


Spain is nothing more then a Bunch of Vultures!


Spain is calling it there Heritage while it really belongs to Peru and other South American Countries it was Robbed From.


Spain has Proven they Were Pirates and Still are!

Fact! I have NO RESPECT for Spain.

Fact! When they Fold under the UE, I hope it all is used to Pay back there Debits!

Fact! I'm NOT sorry for telling the Truth as I see it.


Yes, Spain has it "back"

May they give thanks and pay to those that made it possible....the sea does not play politics, neither does it relinquish it's bounty, whether natural or man-made, without cost

homefires said:
Subject: Senior moment

Several days ago as I left a meeting at our church,
I desperately gave myself a personal TSA pat down.
I was looking for my keys.
They were not in my pockets.
A quick search in the meeting room revealed nothing.
Suddenly I realized, I must have left them in the car.
Frantically, I headed for the parking lot.

My wife, Diane, has scolded me many times for leaving
the keys in the ignition.
My theory is the ignition is the best place not to lose them.
Her theory is that the car will be stolen.
As I burst through the doors of the church, I came to
a terrifying conclusion. Her theory was right.
The parking lot was empty.
I immediately call the police.
I gave them my location, confessed that I had left my
keys in the car, and that it had been stolen.
Then I made the most difficult call of all,
“Honey,” I stammered.
I always call her “honey” in times like these.
“I left my keys in the car, and it has been stolen.”
There was a period of silence.
I thought the call had been dropped, but then I heard
Diane’s voice.
“Ken” she barked, “I dropped you off!”
Now it was my time to be silent.
Embarrassed, I said, “Well, come and get me.”
Diane retorted,
“I will, as soon as I convince this policeman
I have not stolen your car.

OOOPS Wrong Subject.

Spain Sucks!


These were Ill gotten gains by the Spanish Pirates Raping the New To them World.


Spain Was to dang lazy to to find what they knew they lost by themselves in the Deep.


Some damn Corrupt Judge here in the USA, was paid off returning the Pirate Booty to the Thieves.


Spain is nothing more then a Bunch of Vultures!


Spain is calling it there Heritage while it really belongs to Peru and other South American Countries it was Robbed From.


Spain has Proven they Were Pirates and Still are!

Fact! I have NO RESPECT for Spain.

Fact! When they Fold under the UE, I hope it all is used to Pay back there Debits!

Fact! I'm NOT sorry for telling the Truth as I see it.

The votes are in :o

Oh brother! :violent1: So because some schmucks on a leftist liberal website says so... it must be true. :tard: ::) Some people can't see the forest because of the trees. Wake up.
:laughing9: How did they discover America? On a Jet ski :laughing7: You may need to expand your knowledge on the world
You can't "discover" something that already exists. Truth be told the main objective of Spanish explorers was to win the favors of their rulers by expanding their "empire" to have more control of the world and by relishing them with gifts of gold and silver. In doing so they continuously pillaged, raped and murdered countless thousands of indigenous peoples from the lands they inhabited for thousands of years. Spain has a lot of "cultural heritage" to be proud of... yeah right. Common thieves, always have been always will be, a zebra doesn't change his stripes. "Conquistador", the word itself says it all.

diggummup said:
:laughing9: How did they discover America? On a Jet ski :laughing7: You may need to expand your knowledge on the world
You can't "discover" something that already exists. Truth be told the main objective of Spanish explorers was to win the favors of their rulers by expanding their "empire" to have more control of the world and by relishing them with gifts of gold and silver. In doing so they continuously pillaged, raped and murdered countless thousands of indigenous peoples from the lands they inhabited for thousands of years. Spain has a lot of "cultural heritage" to be proud of... yeah right. Common thieves, always have been always will be, a zebra doesn't change his stripes. "Conquistador", the word itself says it all.

Alexandre said:
They did it for two reasons, VOC:

1) for national pride (the stupid stuff that sometimes will get a people to fight anoter nation's people but that sometimes causes a behaviour and a finantial expense that seems at first to be irrational);

2) as predecent. Spain wanted to send the message that anyone that messes with their flag ships will only loose time and money.

They have won so far in both accounts.

Spain is a country. They have a national budget. Somewhere along the line, even with the finantial crisis and bla, bla, bla, somebody will decide that it will be better to allocate the budget of two kms of highway to this coin issue than to actually have the highway built. It's a question of national pride: the people, be it on the left or on the right, supports this all the way. And no politician will mess this up.

Conquistadors are alive and well.........

You can't "discover" something that already exists. Truth be told the main objective of Spanish explorers was to win the favors of their rulers by expanding their "empire" to have more control of the world and by relishing them with gifts of gold and silver. In doing so they continuously pillaged, raped and murdered countless thousands of indigenous peoples from the lands they inhabited for thousands of years. Spain has a lot of "cultural heritage" to be proud of... yeah right. Common thieves, always have been always will be, a zebra doesn't change his stripes. "Conquistador", the word itself says it all.

Isn't it time that we stopped this kind of Xenophobic rant on TNet??

It's one thing to have an opinion on the Odyssey saga, quite another to express "hate" opinions like this.


Xenophobia is defined as "an unreasonable fear of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange."[1] It comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "stranger," "foreigner" and φόβος (phobos), meaning "fear."[2]

LOL! Unreasonable?

If George down the road Bonked you on the head and took your stuff a few times, wouldn't you tell your friends about George?

Is it Unreasonable to Dislike a bunch that Has a Reputation and History of Forcefully taking Others stuff?


If our government weren't a bunch of euro-socialist butt-kissers Odyssey would have at least been paid for their effort. The least Spain could do is say, "Thank you!"


Spanish Law re Metal Detecting

We all know of detectorists going to Spain who take their metal detectors with them, to "do" the beaches. Most of them don't seem to have any problems, but they could!

If you consult with the Spanish Tourist Office in London their general information sheet states "The use of metal detectors is not allowed unless an import license for the detector has previously been issued. Further enquiries should be made to the Spanish Commercial Office. The Commercial Office in turn will provide the following info (in brief):

Because the use of metal detectors inherantly involves the finding of national heritage/archaeological/treasure trove items anything found by this method of recovery could be covered by the relevant law (Historical Heritage) of 25/06/1985 & Royal Decree of 10/01/1986. It would then be necessary to comply with the complex proceedures outlined in these enactments, making it highly unlikely that any item discovered could be removed from Spain. The consent if given can take several months and if of historical/artistic interest it would be unlikely.

Basically they are saying anything found should in theory go through the appropriate assessment, even current coinage!

There is further legislation unrelated to the historical /cultural aspect which could cause a detectorist problems. The metal detector being used may not comply with radiation safeguard legislation.

Finally if this hasn't put you off. There have be complaints from local Naval authorities that use of Metal Detectors interferes with electronic communications.

These problems relate to both land and beach detecting in Spain.

The official advise therefore, is that is preferable NOT to use metal detectors in Spain.

For those of you looking to detect in the Murcia region of Spain the following link to may be of interest. There is a group of detectorists who have set up their own group in this area.

I used a kit-built metal detector all over southern Spain back in the early '60's, but then the place wasn't run by Euro-Socialists back then... :laughing7:

Alexandre said:
Au_Dreamers said:
"Quote from: Alexandre on Yesterday at 08:47:36 pm
And no politician will mess this up."

You mean like the cultural heritage flag waving of the Portuguese about the Azores...... until big money cruise ship tourism waved some money under their noses and out went all their articles and laws of conservation of heritage!

You are wrong. Like in the US and elsewhere, we have our quota of petty politicians. Luckily, by having signed the UNESCO convention - which is, legally speaking, slightly below the Portuguese Constitution but is above all other common laws - common stupidity can be prevented.

The cruise ship pier is not going ahead.

Alexandre said:
VOC said:
What were you doing stealing from and desecrating the wreck of H.M.S. Pallas ?, don’t you know that is a Sovereign Vessel of the UK Government. ! :D

Nice French gun though !

It was either excavate it and remove the cannons out of the way or have a fishing boat pier on top of it... ;)

Oh so you're saying that you didn't have to desecrate some other countries' cultural heritage? :icon_pirat:

mariner said:
You can't "discover" something that already exists. Truth be told the main objective of Spanish explorers was to win the favors of their rulers by expanding their "empire" to have more control of the world and by relishing them with gifts of gold and silver. In doing so they continuously pillaged, raped and murdered countless thousands of indigenous peoples from the lands they inhabited for thousands of years. Spain has a lot of "cultural heritage" to be proud of... yeah right. Common thieves, always have been always will be, a zebra doesn't change his stripes. "Conquistador", the word itself says it all.

Isn't it time that we stopped this kind of Xenophobic rant on TNet??

It's one thing to have an opinion on the Odyssey saga, quite another to express "hate" opinions like this.


[/quote] Xenophobic? Hate? Please! Nothing I have stated is even remotely unreasonable nor unwarranted. Learn your history as it pertains to Spanish explorers. I didn't even mention the thousands of people they killed by disease and pestilence. This is the country that started the slave trade in the "New World" for christ sake. Opinion is one thing, the reply you expressed is such an example. Fact is another (that'd be mine). Have a great day. :icon_sunny:

Conch1 said:
I used a kit-built metal detector all over southern Spain back in the early '60's, but then the place wasn't run by Euro-Socialists back then... :laughing7:
No it was run by an authoritarian dictator.

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