Spain has got its underwater cultural heritage back

Alexandre, what do you think of Peru's claim?

at least 76% of the cargo was the "private property" of spanish citizens who were shipping their own money on the vessel according to the historical manifest * -- what do you think of spain "stealing" the money from its own citizen 's ? --once the full amount of coins listed as belonging "the crown / state" are handed over to the "state / crown" of spain -- so Spain has everything that was listed as royal / state property back -- what rightful claim does the state have to keep the remaining money of "private citizens" - the remaining coins ? --is it not "theft' to take something that you know belongs to another person that you have not "paid" for * (and because of the historical manifest they do know exactly who had what onboard the vessel - legal ownership wize speaking at the time of sinking )-- theft of any type even if it is govt "approved' theft , its still theft.

why doesn't spain address why it says it has the 'right" to steal the 76% of the cargo coins from their known and lawful owners (the heirs of those that shipped the coins according to the manifest) ? because it is not legally defensible thats why.

Spain should its "lawful" 24% share --the kings cut / state owned 24 % amount listed in the ships manifest to use for measums and such * --however the "remaining' recovered amount should be paid out on a % basis of whats left to the heirs of those that shipped the money -- say if guy A had 10% of all the coins manifested as being onboard --once the govt of spain got all it was entitled to "full recovery" of its 24% of the cargo -- GUY A's heirs should get 10% of the remaining coins * Spain should not just "rob" the lawful owner's heirs of what by legal rights should be their property

if it was folks in my family line that shipped the money , you bet I'd get a lawyer --what spain has done by legal right of inheritance laws can not be legal.

I guess there wont be any comments back about the latin american heritage of the new world.

To all who hunt for riches in the sea I hope you learn from this... find it , recover it, preserve it, sell it or add it to your collection and keep your mouth shut. This is the way UNESCO want's it to be.
ZDD :BangHead:

bluehunter1973 said:
I guess there wont be any comments back about the latin american heritage of the new world.
The Latin American history is also Spanish history, that's where the Latin comes from.
What are you asking ? That all conquered nations should ask for repatriation??? Every nation and civilization has been conquered
over history. So where to do you want to start, BC or AD ?

bluehunter1973 said:
I guess there wont be any comments back about the latin american heritage of the new world.
The Latin American history is also Spanish history, that's where the Latin comes from.
What are you asking ? That all conquered nations should ask for repatriation??? Every nation and civilization has been conquered
over history. So where to do you want to start, BC or AD ?
Maybe about 1648? when the Dutch claimed Australia?

Trez for the first time in four years I can say you are wrong, I will give you my 1652 Cob, you know which one, if that happens.

Ossy, don't forget your promise to me on THAT coin.....Just reminding ya....Stan

gord said:
bluehunter1973 said:
I guess there wont be any comments back about the latin american heritage of the new world.
The Latin American history is also Spanish history, that's where the Latin comes from.
What are you asking ? That all conquered nations should ask for repatriation??? Every nation and civilization has been conquered
over history. So where to do you want to start, BC or AD ?
Maybe about 1648? when the Dutch claimed Australia?
Australia has its own indigenous population, most were wiped out by the English ! Where would you like to start

DiveWrecks said:
Trez for the first time in four years I can say you are wrong, I will give you my 1652 Cob, you know which one, if that happens.

Ossy, don't forget your promise to me on THAT coin.....Just reminding ya....Stan
Gday Stan, See that's how confident I am :D Trez would love to get his hands on it ;D
Maybe I should give it to a Museum :wink:

Why not ask it thats how spain got its treasure back. The ship was sunk by the british so therefore it was conquered. I used Latin America as the term that we call South America and Central America. If the silver was originally theirs how can spain claim it as their heritage? Claiming you own something that never belong to you in the first place is stealing. Unless Spain is exempt from this somehow. Salvaging I dont consider theft. I think its lazy as hell they watch them work out their for weeks and said or did nothing. Until they actually found silver and gold. Why do the work if you can just step in and steal it a second time. You can answer however you like you do understand my point you also know your government will sell the treasure. Their is a lot of spanish coins being found over here by metal detecting. Will you be wanting your underground heritage now. Your more than welcome to send the Spanish air force to come and get mine. If this is the way that Spain conducts itself I am glad that my Grandfather left.

bluehunter1973 said:
Why not ask it thats how spain got its treasure back. The ship was sunk by the british so therefore it was conquered. I used Latin America as the term that we call South America and Central America. If the silver was originally theirs how can spain claim it as their heritage? Claiming you own something that never belong to you in the first place is stealing. Unless Spain is exempt from this somehow. Salvaging I dont consider theft. I think its lazy as hell they watch them work out their for weeks and said or did nothing. Until they actually found silver and gold. Why do the work if you can just step in and steal it a second time. You can answer however you like you do understand my point you also know your government will sell the treasure. Their is a lot of spanish coins being found over here by metal detecting. Will you be wanting your underground heritage now. Your more than welcome to send the Spanish air force to come and get mine. If this is the way that Spain conducts itself I am glad that my Grandfather left.
It's a bit sad your grandfather left, you may have learn something about your heritage.

bahamamike said:
Alexandre, what do you think of Peru's claim?

Didn't read.

But, what could they be claiming? In 1804, there was no country called Peru, only the Spanish Empire.

Could Spain and Portugal claim back from the Greek, the Phoenician and the Romans all the tons of gold, silver, lead and mercury that went away from the Iberian Pyrite Belt for more than a thousand years? I think not.

Could Portugal reclaim from France all the treasures that were looted in 1809 and sent to Napoleonic France? We could, but why?

History has already happened - sometimes you lose, sometimes you win. Towns get thorn down to the ground and they will eventually get back up again... or be abandone for gooda and join the archaeological record.

Portugal created Brazil with slaves that the former tribe leaders of Angola sold to Portuguese, British, American, Spanish, French, Danish and Swedish slavers - and now, 200 years later, every public company in our [former colonial] power is being bought by oil dollars from Angola and Brazil.

Nations rise (remember Rule Britannia?) and then fall, Empires are created and then dwindle down.

You cannot hold a claim against History - unless, of course, you reclaim your war ship. :)

I say we go to war with spain.Teach em a lesson and sink all their ships

bluehunter1973 said:
I guess there wont be any comments back about the latin american heritage of the new world.
The Latin American history is also Spanish history, that's where the Latin comes from.
What are you asking ? That all conquered nations should ask for repatriation??? Every nation and civilization has been conquered
over history. So where to do you want to start, BC or AD ?

The Spaniards did not Conquer the New to Them World. They Decimated it.

Robbed, Raped, Infected it with Syphilis and the Pocs.

The only thing they left of value was the Horse.

A most Sorry Bunch they were.

It will be interesting to see how much of their new found wealth the Spanish gov't will dedicate to underwater archeology of their 'heritage'. Probably an insulting pittance, I warrant....

now we will see how 'fair and upright" the country of Spain really is ... 76 % of the funds carried upon the vessel according to the ships historical manifest records were --"private funds" belonging to private persons --only 24% was "royal money" -- will spain once it gets the full amount of the royal money that "the crown" is entitled to -- split up the balance of whats left over on a % of the total coin cargo carried on record basis with the heirs of those that shipped the money upon the vessel ? -- or will they simply "rob' them of whats rightfully and legally theirs. --- waiting to see if "justice' is honestly served or not money is on NOT. :tongue3:

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