South Carolina sheriff refuses to lower flag in honor of Nelson Mandela

And saying that will get you fired from every Fortune 500 company in the country. As will calling our president a racist.

They've got rules and policies that protect people from harassment and hate messages. The end result of learning that lesson in courtroom after courtroom where the Judge and Jury tells them to get their checkbook out.

Wel Luckily In Grade school, I wasnt working for any Fortune 500 companies...I was just a simple boy growing up in the slums of East Fort Myers


We were all only kids, for the most part, back in the day when we went into the service. Having graduated HS a year early, I went in at 17, but as you said, we all grew up fast from that point on. Four years later, when I got out, I was amazed at how much my father, a retired Army Col., had learned in those four years!! LOL!

While I respect your opinion regarding your belief that your military experience does not put you in a position to stand judgement of anyone, I also can and do understand and respect those of us who served and feel somewhat differently than you do in that regard, especially regarding the use of our flag. Granted, the flag itself is a piece of cloth, but it's symbolism when dyed with those stars and stripes becomes something tremendously greater than a mere piece of cloth. It becomes the embodiment of everything our country used to stand for that was good and in which we have a great deal of pride. I say "used to" because in my opinion, our present POTUS has lowered our country's standing in the world and turned on our allies in a disgraceful way. Many feel as I do, as you know.

Lowering the flag to half staff due to Nelson Mandela's death, in itself, would not be a disgrace to me personally if it didn't seem to be just a political ploy on Obammy's part to appease blacks and had Obammy shown the same respect for some of our own heros. In his own right, Mandela was quite a man, who was able to bring a racially torn country back together, while discarding his own understandable bitterness for the manner in which he was treated by the white gov't of that country. There is no question that Mandela had a positive impact on his country that will remain for years to come. He was however a devout Communist, as are Desmond TuTu and others who were in the black part of that gov't. with Mandela.

Based on this precident, does this mean to many that when Putin dies or any other Communist leader dies, it will be OK to lower the US flag to half staff ? And if not, why not and why only just for Mandela? That is the disrepect that many see with this action regarding Mandela's death. Many such as I do, feel as though the Communists are our enemies and that won't change.

I give Mandela all his just due, and will agree that in his time he was a great leader, BUT he was a COMMUNIST leader all the same. I don't think our flag should be lowered for ANY communist leader when they pass away, no matter who they were. Again, to me this just smacks of complete political showmanship, period!

NF I also enlisted at 17 during those same "South East Asia War Games". Air Force for me because I had some odd idea that learning to work on aircraft would help me get a real job after my service. But that's not the point. My family has a long history of protecting the Constitution going back to g,g,g,g,g,grandpa, Seth Brooks, who was one of these fine men BEFORE the Constitution was even written. My cousin has his Brown Bess musket hanging over his fireplace... roster IsaacDavisTrail I have had direct descendants who have fought in every single war the US has been involved in ever since including FOUR who fought in the Revolutionary War. I take this stuff seriously. A slice of my DNA stood on that bridge in Lexington so long ago. Sorry if that offends some of the less patriotic members here.

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Sorry if that offends some of the less patriotic members here.

Theres a word for them NHBandit,now what is it,lets see:icon_scratch:,ohhhh yes TRAITORS.:laughing7:

Theres a word for them NHBandit,now what is it,lets see:icon_scratch:,ohhhh yes TRAITORS.:laughing7:
RJC we're going to have to agree to dissagree on that one because they do have the right to their own beliefs whether you & I agree or not. Buttt.. I do feel that alot of them have been blinded by lies and parlor tricks played on them by an expert snake oil salesman. And their undying loyalty to the "party" dosn't allow them to see behind the curtain. They refuse to even consider that we might just be right.... I have what some might see as "funny" requirements for MY President. I think they need to have a track record of doing the right thing in a long established political capacity. I think that before they send our sons, daughters and grand children into battle they should have experienced the horrors of battle. Being an expert at simply talking a good story like the current President just makes for a good liar as we are now finding out...

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One easy way of seeing it,is to recognize,where their loyalties lay.:icon_thumleft:

UB, NH, I don't agree with desecrating the flag. Which i believe was OB's point.

Understandably you are proud of your service. I'm not saying I'm not proud of mine. Only that it was what it was. I didn't sign up under some patriotic fervor. I wanted to fly and the Army was my ticket. I knew that it was going to be dangerous, but which one of us knew how bad it really was? We were idiot kids!!! Clueless!!!

I don't believe my service gives me any special standing to call anyone patriotic. Most Americans don't serve. Yet, As i watched a sold out baseball stadium full of people cheering, crying, and hugging each other as the loud speakers announced the death of Osama bin Laden I realized that we are one people. People who dream the same dreams and feel the same pain. We are a nation. Of course that it was Arch rival Phillies and Mets fans, people who truly do not like one another, really made that point stand out. Through our differences we are one.

I don't view Obama's trip to Mandela's funeral in any other light than him honoring a person the world views as one of the greats of our time. No more than i view him shaking hands with Castro as no more than a friendly gesture. None of this, imo, has any credence beyond the act that it is.

And, not to pick the scab, I was disappointed and honestly, surprised that we didn't lower our flags for thatcher. I wish we had. i liked that lady. But that we didn't ,again, not a racial snub.

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To look at race and nothing else and then draw a conclusion - there's a name for that.

~ The Old Bookaroo

Yes, there is a word...Its called REALITY!

Just because something isnt PC, doesnt make it NOT true

So would you say the hoards of African American voters based their vote to elect Obama in because they aggredd with his politics?...half of the voters probally dont know what Politics even are


USAF 63-67!

I think the word is RESPECT and over the past 50 years or so in this country, the meaning of that word, with regard to our flag, has changed for many. I was taught as a child to respect those who served, fought, and died in WWII and Korea. That uniform and ESPECIALLY our flag were respected, without exception! Unfortunately, in today's society that is not the case and Obammy is a centerpiece of that opposition thinking!

Yes, there is a word...Its called REALITY!

Just because something isnt PC, doesnt make it NOT true

So would you say the hoards of African American voters based their vote to elect Obama in because they aggredd with his politics?...half of the voters probally dont know what Politics even are

Easily offset by those who voted against him because of his race. That's regardless of his politics.

There was a study done of the 2012 race that showed the disparity in the voting of white voters state by state. Most telling you can't win New England without getting a lot of white voters to vote for you. Obama did this. Proportionately, six times more white Vermont voters voted for Obama than did white voters in Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, or Louisiana. The number drops to 3 to 1 for South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Kentucky. Coming in at about 2 to 1 was Florida.

Go figure!

UB, NH, I don't agree with desecrating the flag. Which i believe was OB's point.

Understandably you are proud of your service. I'm not saying I'm not proud of mine. Only that it was what it was. I didn't sign up under some patriotic fervor. I wanted to fly and the Army was my ticket. I knew that it was going to be dangerous, but which one of us knew how bad it really was? We were idiot kids!!! Clueless!!!

I don't believe my service gives me any special standing to call anyone patriotic. Most Americans don't serve. Yet, As i watched a sold out baseball stadium full of people cheering, crying, and hugging each other as the loud speakers announced the death of Osama bin Laden I realized that we are one people. People who dream the same dreams and feel the same pain. We are a nation. Of course that it was Arch rival Phillies and Mets fans, people who truly do not like one another, really made that point stand out. Through our differences we are one.

I don't view Obama's trip to Mandela's funeral in any other light than him honoring a person the world views as one of the greats of our time. No more than i view him shaking hands with Castro as no more than a friendly gesture. None of this, imo, has any credence beyond the act that it is.

And, not to pick the scab, I was disappointed and honestly, surprised that we didn't lower our flags for thatcher. I wish we had. i liked that lady. But that we didn't ,again, not a racial snub.


And damn if there weren't a bunch of us idiot kids at first and we were all clueless, at first!!! LMBO!

I have no problem with Obammy going to Mandela's funeral since Mandela was a former and well known, head of state. As far as his hand shake with Castro, it was what it was, and I'm not going to waste anymore of my time discussing it.

Lowering our flag for Mandela just goes beyond what I can agree with though, for the reasons previously stated. Possibly lowering our flag for Margaret Thatcher and Golda Miere would have certainly been much more tolerable and right to me than for a devout and proud Communist like Mandela. Just my opinion though and there are certainly those who don't agree. That's not any kind of a racist statement either, btw.

Easily offset by those who voted against him because of his race. That's regardless of his politics.

There was a study done of the 2012 race that showed the disparity in the voting of white voters state by state. Most telling you can't win New England without getting a lot of white voters to vote for you. Obama did this. Proportionately, six times more white Vermont voters voted for Obama than did white voters in Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, or Louisiana. The number drops to 3 to 1 for South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Kentucky. Coming in at about 2 to 1 was Florida.

Go figure!
NF polls are usefull if you look at the entire picture. Check & see what percentage of Black folks voted for someone other than Obama and get back to me... :thumbsup:

Uncle Buck I went in the AF in the early 70s. Nothing unusually patriotic about my decision. My girlfriend was pregnant and I had no clue how I was going to pay for it and I chose the Air Force because I wanted to learn a trade. C130 mechanic. You know what I found out when I got out ? There's not alot of demand for Turboprop mechanics in commercial aviation.. lol I would have had to almost start over from scratch so I got into wrenching on cars, trucks & heavy equipment instead.

Easily offset by those who voted against him because of his race. That's regardless of his politics.

There was a study done of the 2012 race that showed the disparity in the voting of white voters state by state. Most telling you can't win New England without getting a lot of white voters to vote for you. Obama did this. Proportionately, six times more white Vermont voters voted for Obama than did white voters in Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, or Louisiana. The number drops to 3 to 1 for South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Kentucky. Coming in at about 2 to 1 was Florida.

Go figure!


The numbers you REALLY need to look at are the percentages of BLACKS that didn't vote for Obama. See, there is ABSOLUTELY no way to accurately figure the numbers of whites that didn't vote for him because of his race.............. and I can tell you that whatever that number TRULY is, wouldn't "be easily offset" as you claim, from the number of blacks that voted for Obama because of his race. Not in the same realm of creation.

Simple deductive reasoning will tell you that because Obama was the first (kind of) Black Presidential Candidate in the history of the United States that actually had a chance of winning, that almost every black that could vote voted for him (as many times as they could get away with). I don't hold that against them either. If the roles were reversed, and Bush was the first "electable" White Presidential Candidate ever, then just to make history, every white would have voted him into office.

What kills me is that after the first four years, and seeing how he has insulted and demeaned our allies (Taiwan, England, Israel, etc), Snuggled up to those that hate us (China, Russia, Iran, etc), blacks and white liberals still overwhelmingly voted him back into office.

About lowering the flag for a dead Navy SeAL, there aren't enough days in the year to lower the flag for every dead servicemember. Now, if that servicemember posthumously won any medal, Silver Star or above, then (schedule permitting) the President should attend that servicemember's funeral, and YES have all flags flown at half mast for the day of the funeral.

...... and yes, I spent almost fourteen years in both the US Navy and the US Army.

Best - Mike

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