South Carolina sheriff refuses to lower flag in honor of Nelson Mandela

I feel our flag and what it represents belongs to ALL Americans. I worked for the federal government and every time a congessman or senator would pass away, we were instructed to fly the flags at our installations at half mast. Thing is, when just the run-of-the-mill federal employee dies, the flag cannot be lowered, even at just the location the employee was employed at. Many of these employees were also vets that served in combat and then continued service to this country through civilian employment but, if they died, the flag could not be lowered. Mandela wasn't even a citizen. Besides that, I don't believe o-bama has the authority over any flags that are not located on federal installations. He can pretend he has the authority, as he often does, but, he doesn't.


Here is the president's executive order. Are you doubting his authority to issue such an order?
"As a mark of respect for the memory of Nelson Mandela, by the authority vested in me as President of the United States by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, I hereby order that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset, December 9, 2013. I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same length of time at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations."

I don't doubt his ability to issue executive orders at all. Lord knows he has issued many of them just for gun control. I'm saying I don't think he has the authority to issue executive orders concerning state or county flags. By "all public buildings and grounds" I'm presuming he means like the post office, social secuity office, national parks buildings and grounds and other federal installations. I could be wrong. I KNOW FOR A FACT he can't tell me what to do with mine. :)

This is a copy-paste from a North Carolina site in reference to flag authority:
The President of the United States has authority over all flags at all​
federal buildings, grounds and naval vessels throughout the United States and its territories or possessions. The Governor has authority​
over all flags at North Carolina facilities.
The Governor has authority over all flags at North Carolina facilities. In this capacity, the Governor may order the flags at state facilities to be flown at half-staff.

Here's another
While the Code empowers the President of the United States to alter, modify, repeal or prescribe additional rules regarding the Flag, no federal agency has the authority to issue 'official' rulings legally binding on civilians or civilian groups.

This one seems to spell it out clearly. President has authority over federal flags only.
Traditionally, the President then issues a proclamation "officially" informing the people of the United States, directs all Federal flags to be flown at half-staff over Federal facilities, and designates a "National Day of Mourning," as a mark of respect and remembrance for the former President. President Bush has designated this Friday, June 11, 2004, the day of President Reagan's funeral, as the National Day of Mourning for President Reagan. As far as flags generally, the President directs the manner of their display over Federal facilities only -- he does not direct their display over non-Federal facilities. Individuals, other levels of government, and private concerns are simply encouraged to follow these observances. (Emphasis added)

I don't doubt his ability to issue executive orders at all. Lord knows he has issued many of them just for gun control. I'm saying I don't think he has the authority to issue executive orders concerning state or county flags. By "all public buildings and grounds" I'm presuming he means like the post office, social secuity office, national parks buildings and grounds and other federal installations. I could be wrong. I KNOW FOR A FACT he can't tell me what to do with mine. :)

Pack, that's a good point.

Makes one wonder how the media got wind of one sheriff in small town?

Maybe the whole thing was a manufactured event?

True enough NF, I'm sure it was brought to the forefront to promote the agenda of one side or the other. Hard telling what benefits would be realized by either side for spotlighting this sheriff.

Yes pip, it is all just a matter of respect. I'm simply pointing out that, just because o-bama or the US government in general wants to lower our flag to show, or pretend to show, respect for someone, non-federal agencies do not HAVE to follow suit.

it is all a matter of respect...a lost art in todays world.
Sir you are surely joking.... You have the audacity to post here about respect for the flag of this great country when only yesterday you made a comment that our founding fathers were all traitors ? You followed that up by insulting the members of the DAR & the Sons of the American Revolution, 2 organizations that have been around since 1876. YOUR words. What a vile, hypocritical thing to say. Do you even know what you stand for or are you just here to argue and create drama ? You have NO respect for this country or our traditions yet you post this drivel about the flag ? Get real man. Better yet GET OUT if you hate this country so much !

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