The Atocha is a good example, the Spanish kept very accurate records, period.
Mexican(Spanish) history, not LDM stories, reflect hundreds of years in these
parts, many 'encounters' with the Apache(and others). The Peralta stones are
in Spanish, the Ruth clues are Spanish. Ruth did not take the risk(age, health,
time of year, alone) based off of LDM clues-these were always available.
The Ruth 'Spanish' clue concerning the trail and symbols is as told. A narrow S to
N flowing wash and a brushy wash coming in from the E. There is a hill between
the junction. The Mule trail crosses over the hill. At he top of the hill are 4 symbols,
one is a circle with a dot in the middle. The circle has a line pointing S(trail). These
are 100 ft. N of the trail. S of the trail, 20 ft., is a Spanish Trail marker(including Lichen).
The trail goes S after crossing the hill to the base of the funnel(pit).
There are several more symbols and trail markers along the way.
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