Gold Member
Re: Sim's Ely's "The Lost Dutchman Mine" - inaccuracies
It might be a good idea to reread Bark's account of the Joe Deering story. I am not sure that he was searching "based on the two Soldiers story". Could be wrong about that, but I will look at Bark's Notes when I get home tonight.
I can relate to the memory thingie.
Joe Ribaudo
rfjj said:R
Reference Barry Storm creating the Soldiers Story:
What year did John Chuning die? Wasnt it around 1919 or 1920? That was some years before B Storm was in the mountains. John chuning based most of his search for the mine on info he received from Joe
Deering if Im remembering correctly, and Joe Deering looked for the mine based on the Two Soldiers story, and according to him {Joe Deering} found it. If this is correct, and Im going off memory here,{not to good anymore}
It might be a good idea to reread Bark's account of the Joe Deering story. I am not sure that he was searching "based on the two Soldiers story". Could be wrong about that, but I will look at Bark's Notes when I get home tonight.
I can relate to the memory thingie.

Joe Ribaudo