Ship Bell Found

Would bronze have that much encrustation? Did they ever use copper for bells?

First ... Bronze is basically copper... with tin.

Environmental conditions are main factor... in other words... location, location, location.

Generally ... in standard marine environment the longer its sits... generally the more encrustations... but the TYPE of marine environment plays a huge factor on "amount and type".

In a shallow marine environment the water will be rich in oxygen and carbon dioxide... unlike deep environment.

More favorable for life. :)

Just clean if off already!!!

Curious. I am the diver who found this artifact and wonder how, as a 'friend' we have never met, or even chatted? Is this post made up of a borrowed photograph from Instagram, Salvor6?

We have a mutual friend. Did you get it cleaned? Can you post more pictures of it?

I like the ID on the Palmetto pattern, which I came up with in my own research. On the other side of the bell are the letters R......L and then the symbol made up of a capital A and two horizontal lines and a circle above. Yes, I have been advised not to remove the encrustation. That said, I believe that a CT scan may be possible, and this is being arranged. The bell's top is missing at this time, although, I do plan to make a more complete search for it in the future.
The picture of the bell shown in this thread was originally posted briefly on Instagram, which is how Slavor6 came by the picture. I do not personally know him, other than through this site, nor does my associate; although we do appreciate his, and any other serious input, into the bell's possible identification or possible ship association.
It is an interesting little mystery, at the moment, with some potential.

Where is the ID mentioned that you came up with on the Palmetto pattern?

Who advised you not to remove the encrustation?
I would definitely get another opinion on that. Quite a few of us who have posted on this have extensive experience on restoration and conservation of artefacts. It looks like we all agree on removal of the encrustations and corrosion, and how to restore the artefact.

An example of CT scan before removal of encrustation

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Any other picture(s) available for you to post ? or were taken ?

Preferably something better ? clearer ?

I like the ID on the Palmetto pattern, which I came up with in my own research. On the other side of the bell are the letters R......L and then the symbol made up of a capital A and two horizontal lines and a circle above. Yes, I have been advised not to remove the encrustation. That said, I believe that a CT scan may be possible, and this is being arranged. The bell's top is missing at this time, although, I do plan to make a more complete search for it in the future.
The picture of the bell shown in this thread was originally posted briefly on Instagram, which is how Slavor6 came by the picture. I do not personally know him, other than through this site, nor does my associate; although we do appreciate his, and any other serious input, into the bell's possible identification or possible ship association.
It is an interesting little mystery, at the moment, with some potential.

Are those letters IN THAT order ? if not which way ? are you stating they "read off" in that order ?

And please elaborate on the "capital A and two horizontal lines and a circle above "... I am not picturing what you mean... err well I have something in mind that I have seen before that SOUNDS LIKE what you are describing.. sort of anyway.

PS... Oh yes... "spacing" ... the letters that is... any and all spacing on those other letters ? or are they together ?

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The suggestion of the Palmetto pattern came from another post earlier in this thread


After painstakingly scrutinizing your bell and your drawing (which is great - thank you)...

You have in my opinion... Something REALLY special... And I do not say this "generally" speaking.

I have a formed several opinions... which at this time have decided to refrain from stating here... due to my uncertainty in them.

BUT... I will state the following concerning your beyond stellar find...

IMO you have found a piece that could cause a "frenzy" amongst certain circles.... and perhaps beyond.

FOR... I have seen those exact details you have pictured... but cannot seem to remember where.

I will continue to research and try to pin it down and post my results IF and when I have solidified them...

PLEASE continue to post information and updates... For I am truly transfixed on this.

Advice - Do not remove anything from this bell without expertise... AND keep this submerged.

Very Interesting and amazing find. My initial thought is French but we know how skewed initial thoughts could be. Haven’t been able to find much on 20 missing British merchants in the Caribbean.

AARC thank you for those encouraging words; I can only hope it turns out to be more than a banana boat going nowhere. As to the A with horizontal lines/0, I could be persuaded that it means 'in or about' followed by a year, which cannot be seen yet. Either way, it is a nice bit of mystery. Please, continue to research, as do it, into the background of this artifact. You can private message me anytime. There are other elements to this story, which continue to unfold.

My friend found this ship bell on a small island in the Caribbean. I can't say exactly where. There is a large ballast mound at the site. Can anyone identify the markings at the top of the bell?

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He found the voice of that ship. Very cool!

AARC thank you for those encouraging words; I can only hope it turns out to be more than a banana boat going nowhere. As to the A with horizontal lines/0, I could be persuaded that it means 'in or about' followed by a year, which cannot be seen yet. Either way, it is a nice bit of mystery. Please, continue to research, as do it, into the background of this artifact. You can private message me anytime. There are other elements to this story, which continue to unfold.

You used words that bring me full circle in my mind... the words "mystery" and "story"... IMO they are in this case... "hand in hand". heh

Anyway... point being... the mystery... ah yes...this is... BUT... SO IS THE story...

So... SINCE we know NOTHING about this said "story"... lets have it please. :) IF ya don't mind... a BIT of info would really be nice just for the sake of it... LIKE... how the heck and where etc.

No exact location or ... but the story... like you were spearfishing and looked down and there was the magnificent bell staring at you and it was being rude for staring so you brought it home. :P

Bah you know what I am getting at.

Perhaps you were hunting FOR something like this bell... I mean... "who" "what" "where" ,,,and who cares when but if you want to add that... fine I will take that was well.

Sorry about the babble but hey I am tired and on my way out so... :)

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That's is freaking to see it restored

Not just at the moment; I still need to play my cards close to my chest until I have a better idea of the back story.

Thank you for the input. Once we have results from a scan, I'll have another opinion of what to do, clean up wise.

Ok... well I was going to wait... but will post a "theory" / "opinion"... thus far anyway... perhaps even I should just call my opinion "a possibility" to consider...

Originally upon seeing the bell... myself and others looked for a "name"... like playing a game of "Wheel Of Fortune" we tried to put the letters we could make out into some sort of sensible type of possible ships name...the strange combo not really making a "word"... AND I could not put an even a remotely close combo to a known recorded vessel name in any attempted researches.

NOW... without going too far off the deep end... I stated earlier that the motif around top seemed "familiar" to me... and it still does... THEN It finally dawned on me...

The remote possibility that this is NOT the ships "name"... but a "date"... or something in Latin.

WHICH IF TRUE... would um... make this a friggin MAJOR find... and would date this bell to the 1500's.

Now... this is what I have been "kicking around"... this "possibility".

So... you may now ask "now what" ?

Well.............. We wait and see what it says to know if my theory is a reality.

This is all I got... hope I can say that I was part of the solve on this one.. only time and the OP can fill in the blanks from here.

I will throw you all something to "chew on"...

Here is a close example picture of where I am going on this... thought some here may enjoy this.


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