Season 4

" Just drill holes every 5ft or so apart down to say 40 foot near Smiths cove in between that and the beach. If you hit water you have found the flood tunnel....."

That exact thing was tried back in the 1800's by one of the search groups...5 holes, number 3 flooded and they tried to block it, to no effect, and then tried blowing it up to collapse it (I believe this was the same group, but I won't swear on it, should be easy to find the info though for those interested, some pc problems here so I am not going to look it up) This still didn't change the water flow...

Maybe this is what you were referring to

The Cave-in Pit
In 1893 a man named Fred Blair along with a group called The Oak Island Treasure Company began their search. Their first task was to investigate the "Cave-in Pit". Discovered in 1878 about 350 feet east of the Money Pit, the cave-in pit appears to have been a shaft dug out by the designers of the Money Pit perhaps as a ventilation shaft for the digging of the flood tunnel. It apparently intersected or closely passed the flood tunnel. While it was being cleared by the Treasure Company it started to flood at a depth of 55 feet and was abandoned.

Over the next several years The Oak Island Treasure Company would dig more shafts, pump more water, and still get nowhere. In 1897 they did manage to clear out the Money Pit down to 111 feet where they actually saw the entrance of the flood tunnel temporarily stopped up with rocks. However, the water worked its way through again and filled the pit.

The treasure company then decided that they would attempt to seal off the flow of water from Smith's Cove by dynamiting the flood tunnel. Five charges were set off in holes drilled near the flood tunnel. They didn't work. The water flowed into the Money Pit as rapidly as ever.

Treasure: Oak Island: The Story of Oak Island

One thing that I don't think has been mentioned much, or thoroughly checked out....Two disturbances were observed in the sea off the side of the large amounts of air/water being released under water, churning the surface in a circular pattern, etc. Both within site of each other a few hundred feet apart and a 100 or so feet offshore.... No one has ever explained why this wasn't looked into...other that it would not fit the narrative of the flood tunnel from Smith's Cove theory...That area should be dived on to see what's there IMO....
I have not seen this... So would be interested in taking a look if you find some online source I can read/see..

This is also on the side of the side of the island that the Windsor formation (which is tilted under the island) is at it's highest point, made of limestone it is subject to erosion, fissures, natural caverns and vaults...and could explain the water entry in volume into these shafts...
I also believe that the side of the island not the pit side is a different type of land under the ground (They referred to this in earlier episode when they were drilling for treasure from the satellite map that showed tunnels everywhere) so I do not know if the Engineers comments are relevant to that side.

There is also the curiosity of the ice holes of Smiths cove


Do ice holes on Oak Island's south shore hint at flood traps?

The Blockhouse Blog - The Oak Island Compendium

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"Some people wont accept the most obvious and simplist fact."

And that is the backbone of the whole show and treasure story....

People would rather believe the most far out wacked theory, with no proof at all, as believe a common sense, logical and obvious reason for why the wacked theory is wrong...If this was anyplace else in the world with no treasure tale attached ALL of the things claimed for Oak Island would be accepted as normal with no questions asked...

Wasn't the island mined for pyrite prior to that date. With extensive tunnels and tracks and carts throughout the interier of the island.

I have no doubt in hidden chambers filled with water. Some fresh. Some salt and some brackish. Which is a natrual geological process and can also be known as aquaferes.

Just like this image. As sea level rises the lower chambers fill up.
I do not know. That may be the explanation. This is the point really. If we eliminate the flood tunnels what natural explanation is there for the water at 100 ft. The brothers should be getting some expert opinions on this.... As the flood tunnel theory just seems pretty full of holes and not supported by any actual factual evidence

I do not remember seeing anything that refers to mining on the island for anything.

Some people wont accept the most obvious and simplist fact.
C1 is the same. 10x the same. The other c4? The same. All natrual underground caverns. All filed with tidal flow water.
Yep the cavens at 170 ft are very different source of water than the 100ft source. I agree 100% these are natural and filled from ocean. The question is the water in the 100ft glacial till not the water under/in the bedrock.

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Bones would be more likely found to be from a dog, cat, chickens, cattle that were raised on the island, or any kind of farm or wild creature, since the island has been inhabited from at least the mid 1700's...

Than anything or one related to a treasure...
Or if human they will be some poor sucker that listened to the story and dived down there, got stuck and died or someone else dumped a body down 10X..

Yes gazzahk...

The ice holes side is it, I believe there is another picture on the net of them churnin the water before they were froze over.....

I think it was long trapped air pockets that were released from erosion of the sea floor by tidal current or wave action, a long fissure that several holes had eroded into and let the trapped air out, or that some other disturbance released.

Didn't Dan B have pics of the ice holes in one episode when they were out on a boat with Tony? He was at least telling the story.

Did they ever say or test the water at different points/levels to say they were fresh or salt? I would be curious to know as it would help figure where the water comes from. I, like a few others here, do not believe in "flood tunnels" but the logical explanation of natural features underground. Sure with all the tunnels dug over the years they would look like dug tunnels not natural features. Wouldn't the huge hole Dunfield dug, then back filled, pretty much eliminate anything in that 100 x 150' area?

Also, can we get better sonar in these holes to get a better idea of man made or natural?


The only two real mysteries left...

1. Who built the artificial beach at Smiths cove and why?

Hello, I ran across this article that says the beach may be part of a salt works. Sorry if this link has been posted before...take it easy on the noob!:unhappysmiley:

I got hooked on this stupid show this season, and can't figure out if I love to hate it, or hate to love it.

Shows what you know. Go read the detailed Oak Island treasure trove act. Signed by the brothers. Which states any artifacts found will belong to the province. Why do you think they have dropped most of the other theorys amd have started to push towards a 1700 date. Do some ****ing homework

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Wait a second..... first you say they cant find anything. That they cant bring it out and they know whats there and that it predates 1700's and if they bring it up the Canadian Government will seize it.

This would mean to most posters here that you believe there is treasure there and that they have it in their grasp. Then in the next couple of posts down you agree that nothing is on the Island.

Obviously you are confused and need to do your homework on this subject...;)

Wait a second..... first you say they cant find anything. That they cant bring it out and they know whats there and that it predates 1700's and if they bring it up the Canadian Government will seize it.

This would mean to most posters here that you believe there is treasure there and that they have it in their grasp. Then in the next couple of posts down you agree that nothing is on the Island.

Obviously you are confused and need to do your homework on this subject...;)
Dude you missed a big If in my comments just after.

My stance is - No i dont beleive anything of value is on Oak Island.

But if it was. That would be the result.

I would be happy if they found something but the way this show has dragged out. How tired and over it the brothers seem. Its pretty obvious. All they are trying to do now is drag the show along to try and bring back some of their $10m investment

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[quote name="lokiblossom" post=5259304]Correction/ 1100's to 1400's.<br />
<br />
Cheers, Loki[/QUOTE]<br />
And where is it now? Where is the spanish coin? <br />
Do you really homestly think that if they found a large ancient treasure. The ark. Pirates. Shakesper. Or the chubacabra. They would be allowed to keep it. The Oak Island treasure trove act is in place to stop any further destruction to the island. Which the dunfields caused. The brothers get to keep anything that would not be classes as an artifact. But use your brains here. On Oak Island. What would not be classed as an artifact.????<br />
Artifacts belong to the state. The island belongs to the state. The brothers legally only own a few feet under the ground. The rest the state ownes. Same as it is at my place. And most likely at yours <br />
<br />
Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

[quote name="lokiblossom" post=5259304]Correction/ 1100's to 1400's.<br />
<br />
Cheers, Loki
<br />
And where is it now? Where is the spanish coin? <br />
Do you really homestly think that if they found a large ancient treasure. The ark. Pirates. Shakesper. Or the chubacabra. They would be allowed to keep it. The Oak Island treasure trove act is in place to stop any further destruction to the island. Which the dunfields caused. The brothers get to keep anything that would not be classes as an artifact. But use your brains here. On Oak Island. What would not be classed as an artifact.????<br />
Artifacts belong to the state. The island belongs to the state. The brothers legally only own a few feet under the ground. The rest the state ownes. Same as it is at my place. And most likely at yours <br />
<br />
Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

I should explain, that I was referring to your statement on the dating of the coconut fibre, and btw, there is still some in the museum.
Cheers, Loki

Or if human they will be some poor sucker that listened to the story and dived down there, got stuck and died or someone else dumped a body down 10X..

The only bones dan blankenship saw while diving 10x were the ones in the visions he was having from staying down too long....

I'm hoping for his peace of mind that they do find a human bone, and to prove to all the nay-sayers that he saw what he says he saw..

<br />
And where is it now? Where is the spanish coin? <br />
Do you really homestly think that if they found a large ancient treasure. The ark. Pirates. Shakesper. Or the chubacabra. They would be allowed to keep it. The Oak Island treasure trove act is in place to stop any further destruction to the island. Which the dunfields caused. The brothers get to keep anything that would not be classes as an artifact. But use your brains here. On Oak Island. What would not be classed as an artifact.????<br />
Artifacts belong to the state. The island belongs to the state. The brothers legally only own a few feet under the ground. The rest the state ownes. Same as it is at my place. And most likely at yours <br />
<br />
Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

I should explain, that I was referring to your statement on the dating of the coconut fibre, and btw, there is still some in the museum.
Cheers, Loki[/QUOTE]
All good loki. Wasnt having a go at you mate. Just wanted to point out the key word (IF) in my comments for the other guy

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

Hello, I ran across this article that says the beach may be part of a salt works. Sorry if this link has been posted before...take it easy on the noob!:unhappysmiley:

I got hooked on this stupid show this season, and can't figure out if I love to hate it, or hate to love it.

Dunfield put the flood tunnels myth to rest.

The people who have the wild theories about Oak Island just pretend the reports from a geologist who actually excavated and inspected the site don't exist.

I have read this article before and can't remember if it also included links to Dunfield's reports or not but the reports and photos are out there somewhere.

FWIW I also somewhat enjoy the show even though I don't think anything is or ever was there in the way of treasure but have fallen a couple episodes behind.The way they recap week after week every 3rd episode or so is enough to stay caught up on what they are currently doing.

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Hello, I ran across this article that says the beach may be part of a salt works. Sorry if this link has been posted before...take it easy on the noob!:unhappysmiley:

I got hooked on this stupid show this season, and can't figure out if I love to hate it, or hate to love it.
Hi Meyer.. Welcome to the forum and the discussion. The salt theory has been discussed and the facts of the beach do not support this theory. Take a look at my post on this and you can read others opinions around the discussion in that thread.

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What facts of the beach don't support this theory?

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