Season 4

I'd like to reiterate that the blog you link to offers absolutely no evidence of any kind.
lol. We obviously have different opinions on what constitutes evidence...

I read the analysis. Interestingly enough, that circular saw use in the late 18th century (i.e. late 1700's) is consistent with the time of the money pit (as the pit builders were not likely native to North America). I didn't see anything in the analysis (where it had been suggested that the wood could be from a searcher shaft) that said that Chappell or any other searcher put 7" thick slabs of concrete on top of horizontal tunnels or how anyone could put a concrete slab on top of a tunnel (unless he wanted it to cost twice as much and be more likely to cave in.

The loop at the top for a chain, leather strip, etc. to hang the cross is not how they were done. This one is soldered/brazed on...

It could have been added later I suppose...but if a true artifact passed down through family, not likely anyone would modify it...and essentially ruin it.


I think it is important to realize that lots of stuff passed down through families has been modified through the years, including furniture and particularly thinks like the cross. It is entirely conceivable that the loop could have been added to make it into a pendant. I'm not saying this is the case, but it wouldn't be the first time that happened. For me, the dating must come from the cross itself.

lol. We obviously have different opinions on what constitutes evidence...

There are numerous examples from around this world of ours that support the veracity of oral traditions. We here in the West have this tendency to dismiss the spoken word passed down as somehow unreliable. If it ain't physical, it ain't real apparently. That is simply not the case however and I thank you for posting the link to the Blockhouse Investigations site. Granted, things can get added to stories passed down, but that primarily happens with fables and morality tales and things spiritual - not so much with family traditions.

lol. We obviously have different opinions on what constitutes evidence...



1. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

The Blockhouse blog that you linked to simply restates what the author was told by Ms McInnis (that the cross was 600 years old, was not poured or moulded, etc...), without providing any facts or evidence indicating whether that statement is true or valid.

I think it is important to realize that lots of stuff passed down through families has been modified through the years, including furniture and particularly thinks like the cross. It is entirely conceivable that the loop could have been added to make it into a pendant. I'm not saying this is the case, but it wouldn't be the first time that happened. For me, the dating must come from the cross itself.

The cross has been dated. I really wish it wasnt this easy, they could have at least made something true to period but they didnt. They have stated the cross was not poured or molded and that is was pounded.

It actually appears to be "arc" welded and bridged 18 gauge gold wire. I have one of these machines. You can watch how the process is done here. He is using a lower setting to not vaporize the small gold links, you can turn it up to weld larger gauge and flow the gold.

It obviously not hammered sponge gold and the repetitive pattern shows how it was bent and welded. They just said hammered because that sounds old and they have no idea what it means. Hammered gold examples dont have have lace intricate repeating structure. Isnt this obvious?

Jeff, it's to the point that nothing is happening,

Some of the worst detective work that should have been done long before the first shovel hit the dirt. Just more proof that the brothers are loony, spending their money hand over foot, and now the tax payer's, on something they are clueless on finding.

They are being paid by the show's producers. There is nothing there, other than the artifacts left by previous diggers . . . and I might surmise, those things planted to make it interesting. THIS IS A TV SHOW PRODUCTION, NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS.

they are going to claim they found a shipwreck in the swamp tonight :laughing7:

of course it's Guaranteed We'll never see it,
or even the Deck



1. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

The Blockhouse blog that you linked to simply restates what the author was told by Ms McInnis (that the cross was 600 years old, was not poured or moulded, etc...), without providing any facts or evidence indicating whether that statement is true or valid.
I was reffering to the additional support of treasure being found by the boys. Not the cross specifically. There was significant additonal evidence that treasure was found offered by the auther of the blog.

I am not saying this is true but i am saying it is worth further investigation before being dismiised as without merit

LOL They dug a Railroad Spike tonight & called it a Ships Nail.


Now I don't know, Perhaps they used RR Spikes for ships Also.
I don't know. But I Do know, If I dug it,
I would think it came from a Railroad or Mine
or someones Souvenir.

either way, a spike doesn't mean anything else is there,
but I'd be checking if there as a rail used somewhere on the island at one time

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I am going with Captain Kidd for 400.00, Alex.

Though I agree Kidd & or other Pirates may have used the Island,
I still do not believe they would have Buried anything over 8 Feet Deep.
& even 6 Feet is Pushing it.

Metal Detectors didn't exist back then & I doubt they Believed in X-ray Vision Also :tongue3:

Pirates also Believed in Democracy, So having Slaves to dig for them would
probably also be a Fantasy.
add to that , They would need to Kill them all after (allot of Bullets)
and considering Guns back then were Black Powder
allot of Fast reloading unless the slaves were Morons & helped them Reload :laughing7:

then don't forget, they would have expected to come back at some point
and do whatever, all over again.

so I say no deeper then the average grave, but probably half that,
as they probably would have dug it alone, in a hurry.

which also means, not real heavy, so they could carry it wherever without prying eyes

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There were a few searcher made rail/cart tracks laid down around the island at times for ease of moving dirt and hauling supplies etc... At any point someone could have tossed one in the swamp, or maybe there is more to it....

That looks like a Roman ship's nail to me, did a lot of roaming before it was put there

I was reffering to the additional support of treasure being found by the boys. Not the cross specifically. There was significant additonal evidence that treasure was found offered by the auther of the blog.

I am not saying this is true but i am saying it is worth further investigation before being dismiised as without merit

I don't know, gazzahk. Claims of a treasure map ... lost in a fire. Claims of old coins ... also lost in a fire. Story of an old trunk with 25 heavy bags of gold in it ... mysteriously disappearing. Yet nothing there to actually verify any of these claims.

If it is a ships nail, shouldn't there be a lot more of them? Right there in the same area? I think they knew it was a spike, and sold it as a nail for the weeks gold looks like a better episode.[emoji106]

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