it has a 17" draw and a pull of about 11-12 lbs. Its range is from 2 yds. all the way out to about 5 yds.

Hey viking,it just might be easier to run the deer down,jump on it and stab it to death with the arrow:laughing9:

Yeh,,Two of them are sitting down!! I do not like the angle the arrow hits the deer, from the tree stand.

Well, Red...Guitar repair comes to mind! So, I guy I grew up with learns I have ford truck parts to sell/trade. Whatcha got? I ask him He says, I have a guitar, I will never learn to play, take it home see what you think. OK. I remove the strings, clean the fingerboard and the nut falls off! Hmmmm. So I investigate further and discover the fingerboard is separating!:BangHead: So I will GENTLY widen the gap just enough to get a 25 gauge plastic needle under the board, inject tight bond glue, clamp with a Luthier clamp. I do not want to pry anymore then necessary, because if the fingerboard separates anymore it will have to come off! Then a

Had to use a 16 gauge needle, I did not want to thin the glue. Clamped!!
The body. Surprisingly none of the tips are chipped or broken off. DSCN5064.webp

Every hour or so turn the truss rod i/4 turn to the left... then an hour later..1/4 turn to the right. You do not want the truss rod glued, and not adjustable!

It was a success!! After applying fingerboard cleaner & prep, then a deep conditioning oil, and a quick fret polish...BOO YAH!!

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It was a success!! After applying fingerboard cleaner & prep, then a deep conditioning oil, and a quick fret polish...BOO YAH!!

I cleaned mine after not really touching it for about 8 or so years:laughing9:I dont have a cord so I dont know if it still works

Well, I dated it, 1958!
I'm going to leave it alone. DSCN5067.webp

They ain't bending at the waist.Well, maybe a little. South paw weight on his right foot has arm about right.

Post #723. Top 2 photos are correct. Those 2 have their pulling arm horizontal with their bow arm as they did when they sighted in on level ground. Top pic shows angle put in leaning to the left not dropping bow arm. Maybe a 25-30 yd. shot.

Middle pic shows him putting angle into shot using his safety strap leaning away from tree trunk. Appears to be doing it right. Appears to be using southpaw leg for stability against tree trunk.

I think the bottom photo person could be in trouble. Appears to be dropping their bow arm to adjust for angle instead of moving body. All 3 are using releases also. And if your use a rope release there is some forgiveness when shooting down.

Putting the "angle" into the shot from above using the bow arm is like moving the sights. Long ago I did some test work for an old Company called "Pro-Line" out of Hasting MI. area concerning some new sight ideas. It was a pendulum sight idea somebody had so all somebody had to do is just drop their bow arm and the sight moved accordingly. It kind of worked but other factors kicked in also. After awhile and many shots later it was just easier to bend/lean and keep the original "sight in form". Many people just "learned" to adjust their aim from a tree at a given distance. But unless this is practiced its hard to do when the time comes on 1st shot.

My tree stands averaged about 15 ft. We had 15 stands around this big wooded area and marsh in St. Joseph Co. MI. Shot many deer directly below me all the way out to 45 yds. But most were 15 to 20 yds.

First two pics of shooters looks painful if any wait occurs. I,ll concede to not bending enough if shots are out a ways. Two directly under a stand I felt folded in half.
Pro-line ,oh yes. They sold a lot of bows and that pendulum sight saw lots of advertising. Tree stand site. Folks from Hastings at work bought equipment from them out of loyalty to local business in their community, sales were good in Mi.. Darton bought them out.

Oregon whitetail are fairly small targets. and.......
I had a thought, but lost it!! Three storage unit sales 'bout a mile away!! I will be lookin' for bows...Coors light signs/posters.
And junk my wife says don't need another one of those...But babe, I don't even know what it is!:laughing7:

First two pics of shooters looks painful if any wait occurs. I,ll concede to not bending enough if shots are out a ways. Two directly under a stand I felt folded in half.
Pro-line ,oh yes. They sold a lot of bows and that pendulum sight saw lots of advertising. Tree stand site. Folks from Hastings at work bought equipment from them out of loyalty to local business in their community, sales were good in Mi.. Darton bought them out.

Didn't know that Darton bought them out. They sent several bows over to the Kalamazoo Starlight shop for me to set up and shoot and then report on. They said "You can keep the bow... just let us know how it works". I always felt kind of guilty because I really didn't have anything good to say about them. But I had a collection of Pro-lines for awhile. Then they made there "First target bow" and I forget the name of it. They wanted me to set it up... shoot... report and "Would I take it to the next Vegas Shoot?". I tried and tried to make it work. The best scores I could pull from it were 300's with 45-48 spots out of 60. With scores like that I'd never quality for the finals (top 50).

Anyone seen Nitric? Fellow patriot has not posted in a while...

Anyone seen Nitric? Fellow patriot has not posted in a while...

Good question. I pmed him so maybe we will hear, I think he had a fairly big job he was trying to do?

View attachment 1052814
Robin hood!!:laughing7::laughing7:
It is resized. It does not look like it is, but... Click on it, click again.....scroll.
Next time you do something like this, take it to a pro, have them make it poster size,and laminate it, make about 10 copies in case you join a forum someday, and would like to distribute copies!

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View attachment 1052814
Robin hood!!:laughing7::laughing7:
It is resized. It does not look like it is, but... Click on it, click again.....scroll.
Next time you do something like this, take it to a pro, have them make it poster size,and laminate it, make about 10 copies in case you join a forum someday, and would like to distribute copies!

Those days are long gone buddy.... But I did make my way out to an old shed to see what I still had yesterday and was surprised. All total 8 bows, 300-400 arrow shafts including carbon, aluminum, xx75's, ACC's and others, bunch of release aids, broad heads and boxes of trophies stacked up. First time I've seen this stuff in about 15 years. I gave away a lot of medals and trophies to a kids archery program when I first moved down here. Those kids thought they'd won the Olympics receiving the recycled awards... It was fun.

To late now Viking... but last year I sold ($150.00) a beautiful split-limb Hoyt hunting bow that they sent me around 1996 to "play with". It was a MONSTER at the time... state-of-art hunting bow. I set up carbon arrows, overdraw, 70 lbs. and D-looped for release. Rang up 335 FPS. But the draw wouldn't adjust down enough and was to long for me on the one they sent and hard for me to handle. I sold it to my son-in-law who couldn't stand seeing it sit in the corner of my office. He doesn't even shoot and just hung it in the hallway. It probably didn't even have 50-100 shots on it and looked brand new. I could probably get it back.... :dontknow:

Those days are long gone buddy.... But I did make my way out to an old shed to see what I still had yesterday and was surprised. All total 8 bows, 300-400 arrow shafts including carbon, aluminum, xx75's, ACC's and others, bunch of release aids, broad heads and boxes of trophies stacked up. First time I've seen this stuff in about 15 years. I gave away a lot of medals and trophies to a kids archery program when I first moved down here. Those kids thought they'd won the Olympics receiving the recycled awards... It was fun.

To late now Viking... but last year I sold ($150.00) a beautiful split-limb Hoyt hunting bow that they sent me around 1996 to "play with". It was a MONSTER at the time... state-of-art hunting bow. I set up carbon arrows, overdraw, 70 lbs. and D-looped for release. Rang up 335 FPS. But the draw wouldn't adjust down enough and was to long for me on the one they sent and hard for me to handle. I sold it to my son-in-law who couldn't stand seeing it sit in the corner of my office. He doesn't even shoot and just hung it in the hallway. It probably didn't even have 50-100 shots on it and looked brand new. I could probably get it back.... :dontknow:

Hung it in the hallway......Pictures get hung, bows get shot!! That statement could get twisted a bit.:laughing7:
335 FPS in '96? Wicked.
I have decided to go hunting in Sixes for wild boar. ummmmmmm
If I use a release I'm guessing my 30-31 inch draw would change.

If you want to sell any of them thar arrow shafts buddy let me know.Prices here are ridiculous for arrows,75 bucks for 6.

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